提交 f808c228 编写于 作者: R Rob Lourens

EH search - add tests for non-file: schemes

上级 c64d97d9
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { dispose } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { isPromiseCanceledError } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { Range } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostTypes';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
let rpcProtocol: TestRPCProtocol;
let extHostSearch: ExtHostSearch;
......@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ class MockMainThreadSearch implements MainThreadSearchShape {
let mockExtfs: Partial<typeof extfs>;
suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
async function registerTestSearchProvider(provider: vscode.SearchProvider): TPromise<void> {
disposables.push(extHostSearch.registerSearchProvider('file', provider));
async function registerTestSearchProvider(provider: vscode.SearchProvider, scheme = 'file'): TPromise<void> {
disposables.push(extHostSearch.registerSearchProvider(scheme, provider));
await rpcProtocol.sync();
......@@ -121,12 +122,8 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
const rootFolderA = URI.file('/foo/bar1');
const rootFolderB = URI.file('/foo/bar2');
// const rootFolderC = URI.file('/foo/bar3');
function makeAbsoluteURI(root: URI, relativePath: string): URI {
return URI.file(
path.join(root.fsPath, relativePath));
const fancyScheme = 'fancy';
const fancySchemeFolderA = URI.from({ scheme: fancyScheme, path: '/project/folder1' });
suite('File:', () => {
......@@ -162,9 +159,9 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
test('simple results', async () => {
const reportedResults = [
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts')
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts')
await registerTestSearchProvider({
......@@ -383,7 +380,7 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts')
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts')
......@@ -443,20 +440,20 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'folder/fileA.scss'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'folder/file2.css'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'folder/fileA.scss'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'folder/file2.css'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderB, 'fileB.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderB, 'fileB.js'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderB, 'file3.js'),
joinPath(rootFolderB, 'fileB.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderB, 'fileB.js'),
joinPath(rootFolderB, 'file3.js'),
test('max results = 1', async () => {
const reportedResults = [
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
let wasCanceled = false;
......@@ -490,9 +487,9 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
test('max results = 2', async () => {
const reportedResults = [
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
let wasCanceled = false;
......@@ -567,9 +564,9 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
test('respects filePattern', async () => {
const reportedResults = [
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
joinPath(rootFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
await registerTestSearchProvider({
......@@ -596,6 +593,35 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
compareURIs(results, reportedResults.slice(2));
test('works with non-file schemes', async () => {
const reportedResults = [
joinPath(fancySchemeFolderA, 'file1.ts'),
joinPath(fancySchemeFolderA, 'file2.ts'),
joinPath(fancySchemeFolderA, 'file3.ts'),
await registerTestSearchProvider({
provideFileSearchResults(options: vscode.FileSearchOptions, progress: vscode.Progress<string>, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<void> {
reportedResults.forEach(r => progress.report(path.basename(r.fsPath)));
return TPromise.wrap(null);
}, fancyScheme);
const query: ISearchQuery = {
type: QueryType.File,
filePattern: '',
folderQueries: [
folder: fancySchemeFolderA
const results = await runFileSearch(query);
compareURIs(results, reportedResults);
// Mock fs?
// test('Returns result for absolute path', async () => {
// const queriedFile = makeFileResult(rootFolderA, 'file2.ts');
......@@ -653,11 +679,11 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
function assertResults(actual: IFileMatch[], expected: vscode.TextSearchResult[]) {
function assertResults(actual: IFileMatch[], expected: vscode.TextSearchResult[], folder = rootFolderA) {
const actualTextSearchResults: vscode.TextSearchResult[] = [];
for (let fileMatch of actual) {
// Make relative
const relativePath = fileMatch.resource.fsPath.substr(rootFolderA.fsPath.length + 1);
const relativePath = fileMatch.resource.toString().substr(folder.toString().length + 1);
for (let lineMatch of fileMatch.lineMatches) {
for (let [offset, length] of lineMatch.offsetAndLengths) {
......@@ -884,7 +910,7 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
test('multiroot sibling clause', async () => {
mockExtfs.readdir = (_path: string, callback: (error: Error, files: string[]) => void) => {
if (_path === makeAbsoluteURI(rootFolderA, 'folder').fsPath) {
if (_path === joinPath(rootFolderA, 'folder').fsPath) {
callback(null, [
......@@ -1080,5 +1106,31 @@ suite('ExtHostSearch', () => {
assert.equal(results.length, 2);
assert.equal(cancels, 2);
test('works with non-file schemes', async () => {
const providedResults: vscode.TextSearchResult[] = [
await registerTestSearchProvider({
provideTextSearchResults(query: vscode.TextSearchQuery, options: vscode.TextSearchOptions, progress: vscode.Progress<vscode.TextSearchResult>, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<void> {
providedResults.forEach(r => progress.report(r));
return TPromise.wrap(null);
}, fancyScheme);
const query: ISearchQuery = {
type: QueryType.Text,
folderQueries: [
{ folder: fancySchemeFolderA }
const results = await runTextSearch(getPattern('foo'), query);
assertResults(results, providedResults, fancySchemeFolderA);
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