提交 f05512d8 编写于 作者: R rebornix

statusbar suite.

上级 5c063c5f
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ suite('Notebook API tests', function () {
assert.strictEqual(selectionRedo[0].end, 2);
test('editor editing event 2', async function () {
test('editor editing event', async function () {
// const notebook = await openRandomNotebookDocument();
// await vscode.window.showNotebookDocument(notebook);
const resource = await createRandomNotebookFile();
......@@ -422,9 +422,6 @@ suite('Notebook API tests', function () {
await vscode.window.showNotebookDocument(notebook);
assert.strictEqual(count, 0);
// });
// suite('notebook workflow', () => {
test('notebook open', async function () {
const notebook = await openRandomNotebookDocument();
......@@ -1134,74 +1131,31 @@ suite('Notebook API tests', function () {
assert.strictEqual(cell.executionSummary?.timing?.endTime, 20);
suite('statusbar', () => {
const emitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.NotebookCell>();
const onDidCallProvide = emitter.event;
suiteSetup(() => {
vscode.notebooks.registerNotebookCellStatusBarItemProvider('notebookCoreTest', {
async provideCellStatusBarItems(cell: vscode.NotebookCell, _token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<vscode.NotebookCellStatusBarItem[]> {
return [];
test('provideCellStatusBarItems called on metadata change', async function () {
const provideCalled = asPromise(onDidCallProvide);
const resource = await createRandomNotebookFile();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
await provideCalled;
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
edit.replaceNotebookCellMetadata(resource, 0, { inputCollapsed: true });
await provideCalled;
suite('statusbar', () => {
const emitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.NotebookCell>();
const onDidCallProvide = emitter.event;
suiteSetup(() => {
vscode.notebooks.registerNotebookCellStatusBarItemProvider('notebookCoreTest', {
async provideCellStatusBarItems(cell: vscode.NotebookCell, _token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<vscode.NotebookCellStatusBarItem[]> {
return [];
// });
// suite('webview', () => {
// for web, `asWebUri` gets `https`?
// test('asWebviewUri', async function () {
// if (vscode.env.uiKind === vscode.UIKind.Web) {
// return;
// }
// const resource = await createRandomNotebookFile();
// await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
// assert.strictEqual(vscode.window.activeNotebookEditor !== undefined, true, 'notebook first');
// const uri = vscode.window.activeNotebookEditor!.asWebviewUri(vscode.Uri.file('./hello.png'));
// assert.strictEqual(uri.scheme, 'vscode-webview-resource');
// await closeAllEditors();
// });
// 404 on web
// test('custom renderer message', async function () {
// if (vscode.env.uiKind === vscode.UIKind.Web) {
// return;
// }
// const resource = vscode.Uri.file(join(vscode.workspace.rootPath || '', './customRenderer.vsctestnb'));
// await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
// const editor = vscode.window.activeNotebookEditor;
// const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
// const messageEmitter = editor?.onDidReceiveMessage(e => {
// if (e.type === 'custom_renderer_initialize') {
// resolve();
// messageEmitter?.dispose();
// }
// });
// });
test('provideCellStatusBarItems called on metadata change', async function () {
const provideCalled = asPromise(onDidCallProvide);
const resource = await createRandomNotebookFile();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
await provideCalled;
// await vscode.commands.executeCommand('notebook.cell.execute');
// await promise;
// await closeAllEditors();
// });
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
edit.replaceNotebookCellMetadata(resource, 0, { inputCollapsed: true });
await provideCalled;
suite('Notebook API tests (metadata)', function () {
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