提交 e4950d10 编写于 作者: R Rob Lourens 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #22354 from Nais777/master

Update PHP snippets
"Class Variable": {
"prefix": "doc_v",
"class …": {
"prefix": "class",
"body": [
"class ${1:ClassName} ${2:extends ${3:AnotherClass}} ${4:implements ${5:Interface}}",
"description": "Class definition"
"PHPDoc class …": {
"prefix": "doc_class",
"body": [
" * ${1:undocumented class variable}",
" *",
" * @var ${2:string}",
" **/",
"${3:var} $$2;$0"
" * ${6:undocumented class}",
" */",
"class ${1:ClassName} ${2:extends ${3:AnotherClass}} ${4:implements ${5:Interface}}",
"description": "Documented Class Variable"
"description": "Documented Class Declaration"
"function __construct": {
"prefix": "con",
"body": [
"function __construct(${1:$${2:foo} ${3:= ${4:null}}}) {",
"\t${2:$this->$0 = $$0;}",
"${1:public} function __construct(${2:${3:Type} $${4:var}${5: = ${6:null}}}) {",
"\t\\$this->${4:var} = $${4:var};$0",
"class …": {
"prefix": "class",
"PHPDoc property": {
"prefix": "doc_v",
"body": [
" * $1",
" */",
"class ${2:ClassName} ${3:extends ${4:AnotherClass}}",
"\tfunction ${6:__construct}(${7:argument})",
"\t\t${0:# code...}",
"/** @var ${1:Type} $${2:var} ${3:description} */",
"${4:protected} $${2:var}${5: = ${6:null}};$0"
"description": "Class definition"
"description": "Documented Class Variable"
"PHPDoc function …": {
"prefix": "doc_f",
"body": [
" * ${6:undocumented function summary}",
" * ${1:undocumented function summary}",
" *",
" * ${7:Undocumented function long description}",
" * ${2:Undocumented function long description}",
" *",
" * @param ${8:type} ${9:var} ${10:Description}",
"${3: * @param ${4:Type} $${5:var} ${6:Description}}",
"${7: * @return ${8:type}}",
"${9: * @throws ${10:conditon}}",
" **/",
"${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3:$${4:value}${5:=''}})",
"${11:public }function ${12:FunctionName}(${13:${14:${4:Type} }$${5:var}${15: = ${16:null}}})",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "Documented function"
"PHPDoc param …": {
"prefix": "param",
"body": [
"* @param ${1:Type} ${2:var} ${3:Description}$0"
"description": "Paramater documentation"
"function …": {
"prefix": "fun",
"body": [
"${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3:$${4:value}${5:=''}})",
"${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3:${4:${5:Type} }$${6:var}${7: = ${8:null}}})",
"\t${0:# code...}",
......@@ -72,10 +84,7 @@
" */",
"trait ${2:TraitName}",
"\tfunction ${3:functionName}(${4:argument})",
"\t\t${5:# code...}",
......@@ -94,21 +103,18 @@
"body": [
"do {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"} while (${1:${2:$a} <= ${3:10}});"
"} while (${1:$${2:a} <= ${3:10}});"
"description": "Do-While loop"
"if … else …": {
"prefix": "ifelse",
"while …": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2:# code...}",
"} else {",
"\t${3:# code...}",
"while (${1:$${2:a} <= ${3:10}}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "If Else block"
"description": "While-loop"
"if …": {
"prefix": "if",
......@@ -119,6 +125,18 @@
"description": "If block"
"if … else …": {
"prefix": "ifelse",
"body": [
"if (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2:# code...}",
"} else {",
"\t${3:# code...}",
"description": "If Else block"
"$… = ( … ) ? … : …": {
"prefix": "if?",
"body": "$${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b} ;",
......@@ -178,7 +196,7 @@
"switch …": {
"prefix": "switch",
"body": [
"switch (${1:variable}) {",
"switch (\\$${1:variable}) {",
"\tcase '${2:value}':",
"\t\t${3:# code...}",
......@@ -193,7 +211,7 @@
"case …": {
"prefix": "case",
"body": [
"case '${1:variable}':",
"case '${1:value}':",
"\t${0:# code...}",
......@@ -201,12 +219,12 @@
"$this->…": {
"prefix": "this",
"body": "$this->$0",
"body": "\\$this->$0;",
"description": "$this->..."
"echo $this->…": {
"prefix": "ethis",
"body": "echo $this->$0",
"body": "echo \\$this->$0;",
"description": "Echo this"
"Throw Exception": {
......@@ -216,14 +234,5 @@
"description": "Throw exception"
"while …": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"while (${1:$a <= 10}) {",
"\t${0:# code...}",
"description": "While-loop"
\ No newline at end of file
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