提交 c0b52655 编写于 作者: A Alex Dima

Fixes #23183: Cannot use mocha --run anymore

上级 fc722329
.\scripts\test.bat --run **\*.integrationTest.js -g integration %*
.\scripts\test.bat --runGlob **\*.integrationTest.js -g integration %*
./scripts/test.sh --run **/*.integrationTest.js -g integration "$@"
\ No newline at end of file
./scripts/test.sh --runGlob **/*.integrationTest.js -g integration "$@"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ function main() {
var coveragePath = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), '.build', 'coverage');
var reportTypes = [];
if (argv.run) {
if (argv.run || argv.runGlob) {
// single file running
coveragePath += '-single';
reportTypes = ['lcovonly'];
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function main() {
var loadFunc = null;
if (argv.run) {
if (argv.runGlob) {
loadFunc = cb => {
const doRun = tests => {
const modulesToLoad = tests.map(test => {
......@@ -191,11 +191,15 @@ function main() {
define(modulesToLoad, () => cb(null), cb);
if (typeof argv.run === 'string') {
glob(argv.run, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { doRun(files); });
} else {
glob(argv.runGlob, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { doRun(files); });
} else if (argv.run) {
var tests = (typeof argv.run === 'string') ? [argv.run] : argv.run;
var modulesToLoad = tests.map(function(test) {
return path.relative(src, path.resolve(test)).replace(/(\.js)|(\.d\.ts)|(\.js\.map)$/, '');
loadFunc = cb => {
define(modulesToLoad, () => cb(null), cb);
} else if (argv['only-monaco-editor']) {
loadFunc = function(cb) {
......@@ -238,7 +242,7 @@ function main() {
process.stderr.write = write;
if (!argv.run) {
if (!argv.run && !argv.runGlob) {
// set up last test
suite('Loader', function () {
test('should not explode while loading', function () {
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