提交 bb0386ed 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

eng - update Marked.js to 0.6.2

上级 3af586c9
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"git": {
"name": "marked",
"repositoryUrl": "https://github.com/markedjs/marked",
"commitHash": "78c977bc3a47f9e2fb146477d1ca3dad0cb134e6"
"commitHash": "529a8d4e185a8aa561e4d8d2891f8556b5717cd4"
"license": "MIT",
"version": "0.5.0"
"version": "0.6.2"
"version": 1
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var block = {
heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) *([^\n]+?) *(?:#+ *)?(?:\n+|$)/,
nptable: noop,
blockquote: /^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\n]*)(?:\n|$))+/,
list: /^( *)(bull) [\s\S]+?(?:hr|def|\n{2,}(?! )(?!\1bull )\n*|\s*$)/,
list: /^( {0,3})(bull) [\s\S]+?(?:hr|def|\n{2,}(?! )(?!\1bull )\n*|\s*$)/,
html: '^ {0,3}(?:' // optional indentation
+ '<(script|pre|style)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:</\\1>[^\\n]*\\n+|$)' // (1)
+ '|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)' // (2)
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ var block = {
+ '|<![A-Z][\\s\\S]*?>\\n*' // (4)
+ '|<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>\\n*' // (5)
+ '|</?(tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)' // (6)
+ '|<(?!script|pre|style)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=\\h*\\n)[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) open tag
+ '|</(?!script|pre|style)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=\\h*\\n)[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) closing tag
+ '|<(?!script|pre|style)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) open tag
+ '|</(?!script|pre|style)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\n{2,}|$)' // (7) closing tag
+ ')',
def: /^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *\n? *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?:(?: +\n? *| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/,
table: noop,
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ block.def = edit(block.def)
.replace('title', block._title)
block.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)/;
block.item = /^( *)(bull) [^\n]*(?:\n(?!\1bull )[^\n]*)*/;
block.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}\.)/;
block.item = /^( *)(bull) ?[^\n]*(?:\n(?!\1bull ?)[^\n]*)*/;
block.item = edit(block.item, 'gm')
.replace(/bull/g, block.bullet)
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ block.normal = merge({}, block);
block.gfm = merge({}, block.normal, {
fences: /^ *(`{3,}|~{3,})[ \.]*(\S+)? *\n([\s\S]*?)\n? *\1 *(?:\n+|$)/,
fences: /^ {0,3}(`{3,}|~{3,})([^`\n]*)\n(?:|([\s\S]*?)\n)(?: {0,3}\1[~`]* *(?:\n+|$)|$)/,
paragraph: /^/,
heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) +([^\n]+?) *#* *(?:\n+|$)/
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Lexer.prototype.token = function(src, top) {
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
type: 'code',
lang: cap[2],
lang: cap[2] ? cap[2].trim() : cap[2],
text: cap[3] || ''
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Lexer.prototype.token = function(src, top) {
// table no leading pipe (gfm)
if (top && (cap = this.rules.nptable.exec(src))) {
if (cap = this.rules.nptable.exec(src)) {
item = {
type: 'table',
header: splitCells(cap[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, '')),
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Lexer.prototype.token = function(src, top) {
// Remove the list item's bullet
// so it is seen as the next token.
space = item.length;
item = item.replace(/^ *([*+-]|\d+\.) +/, '');
item = item.replace(/^ *([*+-]|\d+\.) */, '');
// Outdent whatever the
// list item contains. Hacky.
......@@ -359,9 +359,10 @@ Lexer.prototype.token = function(src, top) {
// Determine whether the next list item belongs here.
// Backpedal if it does not belong in this list.
if (this.options.smartLists && i !== l - 1) {
if (i !== l - 1) {
b = block.bullet.exec(cap[i + 1])[0];
if (bull !== b && !(bull.length > 1 && b.length > 1)) {
if (bull.length > 1 ? b.length === 1
: (b.length > 1 || (this.options.smartLists && b !== bull))) {
src = cap.slice(i + 1).join('\n') + src;
i = l - 1;
......@@ -450,12 +451,12 @@ Lexer.prototype.token = function(src, top) {
// table (gfm)
if (top && (cap = this.rules.table.exec(src))) {
if (cap = this.rules.table.exec(src)) {
item = {
type: 'table',
header: splitCells(cap[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, '')),
align: cap[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, '').split(/ *\| */),
cells: cap[3] ? cap[3].replace(/(?: *\| *)?\n$/, '').split('\n') : []
cells: cap[3] ? cap[3].replace(/\n$/, '').split('\n') : []
if (item.header.length === item.align.length) {
......@@ -544,14 +545,19 @@ var inline = {
link: /^!?\[(label)\]\(href(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/,
reflink: /^!?\[(label)\]\[(?!\s*\])((?:\\[\[\]]?|[^\[\]\\])+)\]/,
nolink: /^!?\[(?!\s*\])((?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|\\[\[\]]|[^\[\]])*)\](?:\[\])?/,
strong: /^__([^\s])__(?!_)|^\*\*([^\s])\*\*(?!\*)|^__([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s])__(?!_)|^\*\*([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s])\*\*(?!\*)/,
em: /^_([^\s_])_(?!_)|^\*([^\s*"<\[])\*(?!\*)|^_([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s_])_(?!_)|^_([^\s_][\s\S]*?[^\s])_(?!_)|^\*([^\s"<\[][\s\S]*?[^\s*])\*(?!\*)|^\*([^\s*"<\[][\s\S]*?[^\s])\*(?!\*)/,
code: /^(`+)\s*([\s\S]*?[^`]?)\s*\1(?!`)/,
strong: /^__([^\s_])__(?!_)|^\*\*([^\s*])\*\*(?!\*)|^__([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s])__(?!_)|^\*\*([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s])\*\*(?!\*)/,
em: /^_([^\s_])_(?!_)|^\*([^\s*"<\[])\*(?!\*)|^_([^\s][\s\S]*?[^\s_])_(?!_|[^\spunctuation])|^_([^\s_][\s\S]*?[^\s])_(?!_|[^\spunctuation])|^\*([^\s"<\[][\s\S]*?[^\s*])\*(?!\*)|^\*([^\s*"<\[][\s\S]*?[^\s])\*(?!\*)/,
code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/,
br: /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/,
del: noop,
text: /^[\s\S]+?(?=[\\<!\[`*]|\b_| {2,}\n|$)/
text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n))|(?= {2,}\n))/
// list of punctuation marks from common mark spec
// without ` and ] to workaround Rule 17 (inline code blocks/links)
inline._punctuation = '!"#$%&\'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@\\[^_{|}~';
inline.em = edit(inline.em).replace(/punctuation/g, inline._punctuation).getRegex();
inline._escapes = /\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/g;
inline._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/;
......@@ -568,8 +574,8 @@ inline.tag = edit(inline.tag)
.replace('attribute', inline._attribute)
inline._label = /(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|\\[\[\]]?|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\])*?/;
inline._href = /\s*(<(?:\\[<>]?|[^\s<>\\])*>|(?:\\[()]?|\([^\s\x00-\x1f\\]*\)|[^\s\x00-\x1f()\\])*?)/;
inline._label = /(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|\\[\[\]]?|`[^`]*`|`(?!`)|[^\[\]\\`])*?/;
inline._href = /\s*(<(?:\\[<>]?|[^\s<>\\])*>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*)/;
inline._title = /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/;
inline.link = edit(inline.link)
......@@ -609,24 +615,23 @@ inline.pedantic = merge({}, inline.normal, {
inline.gfm = merge({}, inline.normal, {
escape: edit(inline.escape).replace('])', '~|])').getRegex(),
url: edit(/^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/)
.replace('email', inline._email)
_extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/,
url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/,
_backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_~)]+(?!$))+/,
del: /^~+(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)~+/,
text: edit(inline.text)
.replace(']|', '~]|')
.replace('|', '|https?://|ftp://|www\\.|[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{\\|}~-]+@|')
text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@))|(?= {2,}\n|[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@))/
inline.gfm.url = edit(inline.gfm.url, 'i')
.replace('email', inline.gfm._extended_email)
* GFM + Line Breaks Inline Grammar
inline.breaks = merge({}, inline.gfm, {
br: edit(inline.br).replace('{2,}', '*').getRegex(),
text: edit(inline.gfm.text).replace('{2,}', '*').getRegex()
text: edit(inline.gfm.text).replace(/\{2,\}/g, '*').getRegex()
......@@ -687,43 +692,7 @@ InlineLexer.prototype.output = function(src) {
// escape
if (cap = this.rules.escape.exec(src)) {
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
out += cap[1];
// autolink
if (cap = this.rules.autolink.exec(src)) {
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
if (cap[2] === '@') {
text = escape(this.mangle(cap[1]));
href = 'mailto:' + text;
} else {
text = escape(cap[1]);
href = text;
out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);
// url (gfm)
if (!this.inLink && (cap = this.rules.url.exec(src))) {
do {
prevCapZero = cap[0];
cap[0] = this.rules._backpedal.exec(cap[0])[0];
} while (prevCapZero !== cap[0]);
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
if (cap[2] === '@') {
text = escape(cap[0]);
href = 'mailto:' + text;
} else {
text = escape(cap[0]);
if (cap[1] === 'www.') {
href = 'http://' + text;
} else {
href = text;
out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);
out += escape(cap[1]);
......@@ -734,17 +703,30 @@ InlineLexer.prototype.output = function(src) {
} else if (this.inLink && /^<\/a>/i.test(cap[0])) {
this.inLink = false;
if (!this.inRawBlock && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {
this.inRawBlock = true;
} else if (this.inRawBlock && /^<\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {
this.inRawBlock = false;
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
out += this.options.sanitize
? this.options.sanitizer
? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0])
: escape(cap[0])
: cap[0]
: cap[0];
// link
if (cap = this.rules.link.exec(src)) {
var lastParenIndex = findClosingBracket(cap[2], '()');
if (lastParenIndex > -1) {
var linkLen = cap[0].length - (cap[2].length - lastParenIndex) - (cap[3] || '').length;
cap[2] = cap[2].substring(0, lastParenIndex);
cap[0] = cap[0].substring(0, linkLen).trim();
cap[3] = '';
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
this.inLink = true;
href = cap[2];
......@@ -821,10 +803,51 @@ InlineLexer.prototype.output = function(src) {
// autolink
if (cap = this.rules.autolink.exec(src)) {
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
if (cap[2] === '@') {
text = escape(this.mangle(cap[1]));
href = 'mailto:' + text;
} else {
text = escape(cap[1]);
href = text;
out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);
// url (gfm)
if (!this.inLink && (cap = this.rules.url.exec(src))) {
if (cap[2] === '@') {
text = escape(cap[0]);
href = 'mailto:' + text;
} else {
// do extended autolink path validation
do {
prevCapZero = cap[0];
cap[0] = this.rules._backpedal.exec(cap[0])[0];
} while (prevCapZero !== cap[0]);
text = escape(cap[0]);
if (cap[1] === 'www.') {
href = 'http://' + text;
} else {
href = text;
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
out += this.renderer.link(href, null, text);
// text
if (cap = this.rules.text.exec(src)) {
src = src.substring(cap[0].length);
out += this.renderer.text(escape(this.smartypants(cap[0])));
if (this.inRawBlock) {
out += this.renderer.text(cap[0]);
} else {
out += this.renderer.text(escape(this.smartypants(cap[0])));
......@@ -838,7 +861,7 @@ InlineLexer.prototype.output = function(src) {
InlineLexer.escapes = function(text) {
return text ? text.replace(InlineLexer.rules._escapes, '$1') : text;
* Compile Link
......@@ -906,7 +929,8 @@ function Renderer(options) {
this.options = options || marked.defaults;
Renderer.prototype.code = function(code, lang, escaped) {
Renderer.prototype.code = function(code, infostring, escaped) {
var lang = (infostring || '').match(/\S*/)[0];
if (this.options.highlight) {
var out = this.options.highlight(code, lang);
if (out != null && out !== code) {
......@@ -937,13 +961,13 @@ Renderer.prototype.html = function(html) {
return html;
Renderer.prototype.heading = function(text, level, raw) {
Renderer.prototype.heading = function(text, level, raw, slugger) {
if (this.options.headerIds) {
return '<h'
+ level
+ ' id="'
+ this.options.headerPrefix
+ raw.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-')
+ slugger.slug(raw)
+ '">'
+ text
+ '</h'
......@@ -974,7 +998,7 @@ Renderer.prototype.checkbox = function(checked) {
+ 'disabled="" type="checkbox"'
+ (this.options.xhtml ? ' /' : '')
+ '> ';
Renderer.prototype.paragraph = function(text) {
return '<p>' + text + '</p>\n';
......@@ -1025,24 +1049,8 @@ Renderer.prototype.del = function(text) {
Renderer.prototype.link = function(href, title, text) {
if (this.options.sanitize) {
try {
var prot = decodeURIComponent(unescape(href))
.replace(/[^\w:]/g, '')
} catch (e) {
return text;
if (prot.indexOf('javascript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('vbscript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
return text;
if (this.options.baseUrl && !originIndependentUrl.test(href)) {
href = resolveUrl(this.options.baseUrl, href);
try {
href = encodeURI(href).replace(/%25/g, '%');
} catch (e) {
href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);
if (href === null) {
return text;
var out = '<a href="' + escape(href) + '"';
......@@ -1054,9 +1062,11 @@ Renderer.prototype.link = function(href, title, text) {
Renderer.prototype.image = function(href, title, text) {
if (this.options.baseUrl && !originIndependentUrl.test(href)) {
href = resolveUrl(this.options.baseUrl, href);
href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);
if (href === null) {
return text;
var out = '<img src="' + href + '" alt="' + text + '"';
if (title) {
out += ' title="' + title + '"';
......@@ -1084,16 +1094,16 @@ TextRenderer.prototype.codespan =
TextRenderer.prototype.del =
TextRenderer.prototype.text = function (text) {
return text;
TextRenderer.prototype.link =
TextRenderer.prototype.image = function(href, title, text) {
return '' + text;
TextRenderer.prototype.br = function() {
return '';
* Parsing & Compiling
......@@ -1106,6 +1116,7 @@ function Parser(options) {
this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer();
this.renderer = this.options.renderer;
this.renderer.options = this.options;
this.slugger = new Slugger();
......@@ -1184,7 +1195,8 @@ Parser.prototype.tok = function() {
return this.renderer.heading(
case 'code': {
return this.renderer.code(this.token.text,
......@@ -1247,9 +1259,11 @@ Parser.prototype.tok = function() {
case 'list_item_start': {
body = '';
var loose = this.token.loose;
var checked = this.token.checked;
var task = this.token.task;
if (this.token.task) {
body += this.renderer.checkbox(this.token.checked);
body += this.renderer.checkbox(checked);
while (this.next().type !== 'list_item_end') {
......@@ -1257,8 +1271,7 @@ Parser.prototype.tok = function() {
? this.parseText()
: this.tok();
return this.renderer.listitem(body);
return this.renderer.listitem(body, task, checked);
case 'html': {
// TODO parse inline content if parameter markdown=1
......@@ -1270,22 +1283,79 @@ Parser.prototype.tok = function() {
case 'text': {
return this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseText());
default: {
var errMsg = 'Token with "' + this.token.type + '" type was not found.';
if (this.options.silent) {
} else {
throw new Error(errMsg);
* Slugger generates header id
function Slugger () {
this.seen = {};
* Convert string to unique id
Slugger.prototype.slug = function (value) {
var slug = value
.replace(/[\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~]/g, '')
.replace(/\s/g, '-');
if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug)) {
var originalSlug = slug;
do {
slug = originalSlug + '-' + this.seen[originalSlug];
} while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug));
this.seen[slug] = 0;
return slug;
* Helpers
function escape(html, encode) {
return html
.replace(!encode ? /&(?!#?\w+;)/g : /&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;');
if (encode) {
if (escape.escapeTest.test(html)) {
return html.replace(escape.escapeReplace, function (ch) { return escape.replacements[ch]; });
} else {
if (escape.escapeTestNoEncode.test(html)) {
return html.replace(escape.escapeReplaceNoEncode, function (ch) { return escape.replacements[ch]; });
return html;
escape.escapeTest = /[&<>"']/;
escape.escapeReplace = /[&<>"']/g;
escape.replacements = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#39;'
escape.escapeTestNoEncode = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/;
escape.escapeReplaceNoEncode = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/g;
function unescape(html) {
// explicitly match decimal, hex, and named HTML entities
return html.replace(/&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/ig, function(_, n) {
......@@ -1316,6 +1386,30 @@ function edit(regex, opt) {
function cleanUrl(sanitize, base, href) {
if (sanitize) {
try {
var prot = decodeURIComponent(unescape(href))
.replace(/[^\w:]/g, '')
} catch (e) {
return null;
if (prot.indexOf('javascript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('vbscript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
return null;
if (base && !originIndependentUrl.test(href)) {
href = resolveUrl(base, href);
try {
href = encodeURI(href).replace(/%25/g, '%');
} catch (e) {
return null;
return href;
function resolveUrl(base, href) {
if (!baseUrls[' ' + base]) {
// we can ignore everything in base after the last slash of its path component,
......@@ -1418,6 +1512,26 @@ function rtrim(str, c, invert) {
return str.substr(0, str.length - suffLen);
function findClosingBracket(str, b) {
if (str.indexOf(b[1]) === -1) {
return -1;
var level = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] === '\\') {
} else if (str[i] === b[0]) {
} else if (str[i] === b[1]) {
if (level < 0) {
return i;
return -1;
* Marked
......@@ -1446,7 +1560,7 @@ function marked(src, opt, callback) {
i = 0;
try {
tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt)
tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
......@@ -1545,7 +1659,7 @@ marked.getDefaults = function () {
tables: true,
xhtml: false
marked.defaults = marked.getDefaults();
......@@ -1565,6 +1679,8 @@ marked.lexer = Lexer.lex;
marked.InlineLexer = InlineLexer;
marked.inlineLexer = InlineLexer.output;
marked.Slugger = Slugger;
marked.parse = marked;
......@@ -1582,7 +1698,7 @@ __marked_exports = marked;
// ESM-comment-begin
define(function() { return __marked_exports; });
// ESM-comment-end
// ESM-uncomment-begin
// export var marked = __marked_exports;
// export var Parser = __marked_exports.Parser;
Markdown is supported
0% .
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