提交 add9eedf 编写于 作者: A Alex Dima

Fixes #2868: tabMovesFocus is a global concept

上级 16fa38f6
......@@ -160,7 +160,14 @@ export abstract class CommonCodeEditor extends EventEmitter implements IActionPr
this._lifetimeDispose.push(this._configuration.onDidChange((e) => this.emit(editorCommon.EventType.ConfigurationChanged, e)));
this._lifetimeDispose.push(this._configuration.onDidChange((e) => {
if (this._configuration.editor.tabFocusMode) {
} else {
this.emit(editorCommon.EventType.ConfigurationChanged, e);
this._telemetryService = telemetryService;
this._instantiationService = instantiationService.createChild(new ServiceCollection([IKeybindingService, this._keybindingService]));
......@@ -215,11 +222,6 @@ export abstract class CommonCodeEditor extends EventEmitter implements IActionPr
public updateOptions(newOptions:editorCommon.IEditorOptions): void {
if (this._configuration.editor.tabFocusMode) {
} else {
......@@ -55,6 +55,38 @@ export const EditorZoom: IEditorZoom = new class {
* Control what pressing Tab does.
* If it is false, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will be handled by the editor.
* If it is true, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will move the browser focus.
* Defaults to false.
export interface ITabFocus {
getTabFocusMode(): boolean;
setTabFocusMode(tabFocusMode:boolean): void;
export const TabFocus: ITabFocus = new class {
private _tabFocus: boolean = false;
private _onDidChangeTabFocus: Emitter<boolean> = new Emitter<boolean>();
public onDidChangeTabFocus:Event<boolean> = this._onDidChangeTabFocus.event;
public getTabFocusMode(): boolean {
return this._tabFocus;
public setTabFocusMode(tabFocusMode:boolean): void {
if (this._tabFocus === tabFocusMode) {
this._tabFocus = tabFocusMode;
* Experimental screen reader support toggle
......@@ -188,7 +220,7 @@ class InternalEditorOptionsHelper {
let readOnly = toBoolean(opts.readOnly);
let tabFocusMode = toBoolean(opts.tabFocusMode);
let tabFocusMode = TabFocus.getTabFocusMode();
if (readOnly) {
tabFocusMode = true;
......@@ -390,6 +422,7 @@ export abstract class CommonEditorConfiguration extends Disposable implements ed
this.editor = this._computeInternalOptions();
this.editorClone = this.editor.clone();
this._register(EditorZoom.onDidChangeZoomLevel(_ => this._recomputeOptions()));
this._register(TabFocus.onDidChangeTabFocus(_ => this._recomputeOptions()));
public dispose(): void {
......@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ class ConfigClass implements IConfiguration {
wordWrapBreakBeforeCharacters: '([{‘“〈《「『【〔([{「£¥$£¥++',
wordWrapBreakAfterCharacters: ' \t})]?|&,;¢°′″‰℃、。。、¢,.:;?!%・・ゝゞヽヾーァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎゕゖㇰㇱㇲㇳㇴㇵㇶㇷㇸㇹㇺㇻㇼㇽㇾㇿ々〻ァィゥェォャュョッー’”〉》」』】〕)]}」',
wordWrapBreakObtrusiveCharacters: '.',
tabFocusMode: false,
// Features
hover: true,
......@@ -328,14 +328,6 @@ export interface IEditorOptions {
wordWrapBreakObtrusiveCharacters?: string;
* Control what pressing Tab does.
* If it is false, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will be handled by the editor.
* If it is true, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will move the browser focus.
* Defaults to false.
* Performance guard: Stop rendering a line after x characters.
* Defaults to 10000 if wrappingColumn is -1. Defaults to -1 if wrappingColumn is >= 0.
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import {TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import {EditorAction} from 'vs/editor/common/editorAction';
import {Behaviour} from 'vs/editor/common/editorActionEnablement';
import {ICommonCodeEditor, IEditorActionDescriptorData} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon';
import {CommonEditorRegistry, ContextKey, EditorActionDescriptor} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommonExtensions';
import {CommonEditorRegistry, EditorActionDescriptor} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommonExtensions';
import {TabFocus} from 'vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig';
import {KeybindingsRegistry} from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybindingsRegistry';
export class ToggleTabFocusModeAction extends EditorAction {
......@@ -22,11 +24,8 @@ export class ToggleTabFocusModeAction extends EditorAction {
public run():TPromise<boolean> {
if(this.editor.getConfiguration().tabFocusMode) {
this.editor.updateOptions({tabFocusMode: false});
} else {
this.editor.updateOptions({tabFocusMode: true});
let oldValue = TabFocus.getTabFocusMode();
return TPromise.as(true);
......@@ -34,7 +33,14 @@ export class ToggleTabFocusModeAction extends EditorAction {
// register actions
CommonEditorRegistry.registerEditorAction(new EditorActionDescriptor(ToggleTabFocusModeAction, ToggleTabFocusModeAction.ID, nls.localize('toggle.tabfocusmode', "Toggle Use of Tab Key for Setting Focus"), {
context: ContextKey.EditorTextFocus,
primary: null,
context: null
}, 'Toggle Use of Tab Key for Setting Focus'));
id: ToggleTabFocusModeAction.ID,
weight: KeybindingsRegistry.WEIGHT.editorContrib(),
when: null,
primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KEY_M,
mac: { primary: KeyMod.WinCtrl | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.KEY_M }
}, 'Toggle Use of Tab Key for Setting Focus'));
......@@ -1181,13 +1181,6 @@ declare module monaco.editor {
* Defaults to '.'.
wordWrapBreakObtrusiveCharacters?: string;
* Control what pressing Tab does.
* If it is false, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will be handled by the editor.
* If it is true, pressing Tab or Shift-Tab will move the browser focus.
* Defaults to false.
tabFocusMode?: boolean;
* Performance guard: Stop rendering a line after x characters.
* Defaults to 10000 if wrappingColumn is -1. Defaults to -1 if wrappingColumn is >= 0.
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import {UntitledEditorInput} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/untitledEditorInpu
import {IFileEditorInput, EncodingMode, IEncodingSupport, asFileEditorInput, getUntitledOrFileResource} from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import {IDisposable, combinedDisposable, dispose} from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import {IMessageService, Severity} from 'vs/platform/message/common/message';
import {ICommonCodeEditor, IConfigurationChangedEvent, IModelContentChangedEvent, IModelOptionsChangedEvent, IModelModeChangedEvent, ICursorPositionChangedEvent} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon';
import {ICommonCodeEditor, IModelContentChangedEvent, IModelOptionsChangedEvent, IModelModeChangedEvent, ICursorPositionChangedEvent} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon';
import {OpenGlobalSettingsAction} from 'vs/workbench/browser/actions/openSettings';
import {ICodeEditor, IDiffEditor} from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import {TrimTrailingWhitespaceAction} from 'vs/editor/contrib/linesOperations/common/linesOperations';
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import {IModeService} from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import {StyleMutator} from 'vs/base/browser/styleMutator';
import {Selection} from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection';
import {IEditorGroupService} from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService';
import {TabFocus} from 'vs/editor/common/config/commonEditorConfig';
function getCodeEditor(editorWidget: IEditor): ICommonCodeEditor {
if (editorWidget) {
......@@ -295,7 +296,8 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
this.editorGroupService.onEditorsChanged(() => this.onEditorsChanged()),
this.eventService.addListener2(EventType.RESOURCE_ENCODING_CHANGED, (e: ResourceEvent) => this.onResourceEncodingChange(e.resource))
this.eventService.addListener2(EventType.RESOURCE_ENCODING_CHANGED, (e: ResourceEvent) => this.onResourceEncodingChange(e.resource)),
TabFocus.onDidChangeTabFocus((e) => this.onTabFocusModeChange())
return combinedDisposable(this.toDispose);
......@@ -428,10 +430,7 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
private onTabFocusModeClick(): void {
let activeEditor = this.editorService.getActiveEditor();
if (activeEditor instanceof BaseTextEditor && isCodeEditorWithTabFocusMode(activeEditor)) {
(<ICodeEditor>activeEditor.getControl()).updateOptions({ tabFocusMode: false });
private onEditorsChanged(): void {
......@@ -446,7 +445,6 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
// Dispose old active editor listeners
......@@ -475,11 +473,6 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeModelOptions((event: IModelOptionsChangedEvent) => {
// Hook Listener for options changes
this.activeEditorListeners.push(control.onDidChangeConfiguration((event: IConfigurationChangedEvent) => {
......@@ -605,13 +598,8 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
private onTabFocusModeChange(e: IBaseEditor): void {
let info: StateDelta = { tabFocusMode: false };
// We only support text based editors
if (e instanceof BaseTextEditor && isCodeEditorWithTabFocusMode(e)) {
info = { tabFocusMode: true };
private onTabFocusModeChange(): void {
let info: StateDelta = { tabFocusMode: TabFocus.getTabFocusMode() };
......@@ -623,19 +611,6 @@ export class EditorStatus implements IStatusbarItem {
function isCodeEditorWithTabFocusMode(e: BaseTextEditor): boolean {
let editorWidget = e.getControl();
if (editorWidget.getEditorType() === EditorType.IDiffEditor) {
editorWidget = (<IDiffEditor>editorWidget).getModifiedEditor();
if (editorWidget.getEditorType() !== EditorType.ICodeEditor) {
return false;
let editorConfig = (<ICodeEditor>editorWidget).getConfiguration();
return editorConfig.tabFocusMode && !editorConfig.readOnly;
function isWritableCodeEditor(e: BaseTextEditor): boolean {
let editorWidget = e.getControl();
if (editorWidget.getEditorType() === EditorType.IDiffEditor) {
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