提交 911eabf3 编写于 作者: B Benjamin Pasero

debt - properly type network.ts

上级 385bf0f0
......@@ -56,38 +56,30 @@ export namespace Schemas {
class RemoteAuthoritiesImpl {
private readonly _hosts: { [authority: string]: string; };
private readonly _ports: { [authority: string]: number; };
private readonly _connectionTokens: { [authority: string]: string; };
private _preferredWebSchema: 'http' | 'https';
private _delegate: ((uri: URI) => URI) | null;
constructor() {
this._hosts = Object.create(null);
this._ports = Object.create(null);
this._connectionTokens = Object.create(null);
this._preferredWebSchema = 'http';
this._delegate = null;
private readonly _hosts: { [authority: string]: string | undefined; } = Object.create(null);
private readonly _ports: { [authority: string]: number | undefined; } = Object.create(null);
private readonly _connectionTokens: { [authority: string]: string | undefined; } = Object.create(null);
private _preferredWebSchema: 'http' | 'https' = 'http';
private _delegate: ((uri: URI) => URI) | null = null;
public setPreferredWebSchema(schema: 'http' | 'https') {
setPreferredWebSchema(schema: 'http' | 'https') {
this._preferredWebSchema = schema;
public setDelegate(delegate: (uri: URI) => URI): void {
setDelegate(delegate: (uri: URI) => URI): void {
this._delegate = delegate;
public set(authority: string, host: string, port: number): void {
set(authority: string, host: string, port: number): void {
this._hosts[authority] = host;
this._ports[authority] = port;
public setConnectionToken(authority: string, connectionToken: string): void {
setConnectionToken(authority: string, connectionToken: string): void {
this._connectionTokens[authority] = connectionToken;
public rewrite(uri: URI): URI {
rewrite(uri: URI): URI {
if (this._delegate) {
return this._delegate(uri);
......@@ -98,11 +90,15 @@ class RemoteAuthoritiesImpl {
const port = this._ports[authority];
const connectionToken = this._connectionTokens[authority];
let query = `path=${encodeURIComponent(uri.path)}`;
if (typeof connectionToken === 'string') {
query += `&tkn=${encodeURIComponent(connectionToken)}`;
return URI.from({
scheme: platform.isWeb ? this._preferredWebSchema : Schemas.vscodeRemoteResource,
authority: `${host}:${port}`,
path: `/vscode-remote-resource`,
query: `path=${encodeURIComponent(uri.path)}&tkn=${encodeURIComponent(connectionToken)}`
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