提交 826cace1 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken

remove extension assistant, fixes #4403

上级 dd52cb34
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import nls = require('vs/nls');
import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity';
import {onUnexpectedError} from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import platform = require('vs/base/common/platform');
import { forEach } from 'vs/base/common/collections';
import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { IInstantiationService, ServicesAccessor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { IMessageService } from 'vs/platform/message/common/message';
import { InstallAction } from 'vs/workbench/parts/extensions/electron-browser/extensionsActions';
import { IExtensionsService, IGalleryService } from 'vs/workbench/parts/extensions/common/extensions';
import { IEventService } from 'vs/platform/event/common/event';
import { IStorageService, StorageScope } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { EventType, EditorEvent } from 'vs/workbench/common/events';
import { getUntitledOrFileResource } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { IDebugService, ServiceEvents } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug';
import { match } from 'vs/base/common/glob';
// --- check for extensions we don't bundle by default anymore but the user might expect
interface LegacyExtensionChecker {
(accessor: ServicesAccessor, callback: Function): any;
function omnisharpChecker(accessor, callback) {
const subscription = accessor.get(IEventService).addListener2(EventType.EDITOR_INPUT_CHANGED, (e: EditorEvent) => {
if (!e.editor || !e.editor.input) {
const uri = getUntitledOrFileResource(e.editor.input);
if (!uri) {
if (match('{**/*.cs,**/project.json,**/global.json,**/*.csproj,**/*.sln}', uri.fsPath)) {
function monoDebugChecker(accessor, callback) {
const debugService = (<IDebugService>accessor.get(IDebugService));
const subscription = debugService.addListener2(ServiceEvents.TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED, (type: string) => {
// mono debugging is not supported on windows, so do not offer an extension install if on windows
if (type === 'mono' && !platform.isWindows) {
const extensionChecker: { [id: string]: LegacyExtensionChecker } = Object.create(null);
extensionChecker['ms-vscode.csharp'] = omnisharpChecker;
extensionChecker['ms-vscode.mono-debug'] = monoDebugChecker;
export function checkForLegacyExtensionNeeds(accessor: ServicesAccessor): void {
const instantiationService = accessor.get(IInstantiationService);
const extensionService = accessor.get(IExtensionsService);
const storageService = accessor.get(IStorageService);
const messageService = accessor.get(IMessageService);
const availableExtensions = accessor.get(IGalleryService).query();
extensionService.getInstalled().then(extensions => {
// in case of manual installation
for (let ext of extensions) {
delete extensionChecker[`${ext.publisher}.${ext.name}`];
forEach(extensionChecker, entry => {
// check if we asked already once
const key = `extensionsAssistant/legacy/${entry.key}`;
const value = storageService.get(key, StorageScope.GLOBAL);
if (value) {
instantiationService.invokeFunction(entry.value, () => {
availableExtensions.then(extensions => {
for (let ext of extensions) {
if (`${ext.publisher}.${ext.name}` === entry.key) {
return ext;
}).then(extension => {
if (!extension) {
let message = nls.localize('hint', "'{0}' is now an extension. Would you like to install it?", extension.displayName);
let actions = [
new Action('ext.later', nls.localize('later', "Later"), undefined, true, () => TPromise.as(true)),
new Action('ext.no', nls.localize('no', "No"), undefined, true, () => {
storageService.store(key, 'OK', StorageScope.GLOBAL);
return TPromise.as(true);
new Action('ext.install', nls.localize('yes', "Yes"), undefined, undefined, () => {
let actualInstall = instantiationService.createInstance(InstallAction, nls.localize('yes', "Yes"));
return TPromise.as(true).then(() => {
messageService.show(Severity.Info, nls.localize('extensionsInstalled', "Extension '{0}' is being installed...", extension.displayName));
// inform user and remember
messageService.show(Severity.Info, { message, actions });
}, onUnexpectedError);
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import { SyncActionDescriptor } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import { ListExtensionsAction, InstallExtensionAction, ListOutdatedExtensionsAction, ListSuggestedExtensionsAction } from './extensionsActions';
import { ExtensionTipsService } from './extensionTipsService';
import { IQuickOpenRegistry, Extensions, QuickOpenHandlerDescriptor } from 'vs/workbench/browser/quickopen';
import { checkForLegacyExtensionNeeds } from './extensionsAssistant';
import {ipcRenderer as ipc} from 'electron';
interface IInstallExtensionsRequest {
......@@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ export class ExtensionsWorkbenchExtension implements IWorkbenchContribution {
if (galleryService.isEnabled()) {
actionRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(InstallExtensionAction, InstallExtensionAction.ID, InstallExtensionAction.LABEL), ExtensionsLabel);
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