未验证 提交 7f6ab548 编写于 作者: A Alex Ross 提交者: GitHub

Fix tunnel remote host (#133584)

Fixes microsoft/vscode-remote-release#5613
上级 d02c71b8
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class NodeRemoteTunnel extends Disposable implements RemoteTunnel {
this._server.on('error', this._errorListener);
this.tunnelRemotePort = tunnelRemotePort;
this.tunnelRemoteHost = (isLocalhost(tunnelRemoteHost) || isAllInterfaces(tunnelRemoteHost)) ? 'localhost' : tunnelRemoteHost;
this.tunnelRemoteHost = tunnelRemoteHost;
public override async dispose(): Promise<void> {
......@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ class NodeRemoteTunnel extends Disposable implements RemoteTunnel {
// pause reading on the socket until we have a chance to forward its data
const protocol = await connectRemoteAgentTunnel(this._options, this.tunnelRemoteHost, this.tunnelRemotePort);
const tunnelRemoteHost = (isLocalhost(this.tunnelRemoteHost) || isAllInterfaces(this.tunnelRemoteHost)) ? 'localhost' : this.tunnelRemoteHost;
const protocol = await connectRemoteAgentTunnel(this._options, tunnelRemoteHost, this.tunnelRemotePort);
const remoteSocket = (<NodeSocket>protocol.getSocket()).socket;
const dataChunk = protocol.readEntireBuffer();
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