未验证 提交 7db1a2b8 编写于 作者: R Robo 提交者: GitHub

revert changes to User agent header (#138556)

Co-authored-by: NSandeep Somavarapu <sasomava@microsoft.com>
上级 95809981
......@@ -1035,8 +1035,7 @@ export async function resolveMarketplaceHeaders(version: string, productService:
} | undefined): Promise<{ [key: string]: string; }> {
const headers: IHeaders = {
'X-Market-Client-Id': `VSCode ${version}`,
'X-Market-Client-Version': version,
'User-Agent': `VSCode (${productService.nameShort})`,
'User-Agent': `VSCode ${version}`
const uuid = await getServiceMachineId(environmentService, fileService, storageService);
if (supportsTelemetry(productService, environmentService) && getTelemetryLevel(configurationService) === TelemetryLevel.USAGE) {
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