提交 6aa6f0d3 编写于 作者: R Ramya Achutha Rao

Remove the onEnter rules from html in php as they will never get applied in a php block #39142

上级 7d45b64c
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import PHPHoverProvider from './features/hoverProvider';
import PHPSignatureHelpProvider from './features/signatureHelpProvider';
import PHPValidationProvider from './features/validationProvider';
const EMPTY_ELEMENTS: string[] = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr'];
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): any {
let validator = new PHPValidationProvider(context.workspaceState);
......@@ -54,15 +52,6 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): any {
// e.g. *-----*/|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*[^/]*\*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None, removeText: 1 }
beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))([_:\\w][_:\\w-.\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
afterText: /^<\/([_:\w][_:\w-.\d]*)\s*>/i,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.IndentOutdent }
beforeText: new RegExp(`<(?!(?:${EMPTY_ELEMENTS.join('|')}))(\\w[\\w\\d]*)([^/>]*(?!/)>)[^<]*$`, 'i'),
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.Indent }
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