提交 606b3a5f 编写于 作者: C Chuck Lantz

Dev container cache image generation

上级 5813311b
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Next: **[Try it out!](#try-it)**
## Quick start - GitHub Codespaces
> **IMPORTANT:** The current user beta for GitHub Codespaces uses a "Basic" sized codespace which is too small to run a full build of VS Code. You'll soon be able to use a "Standard" sized codespace (4-core, 8GB) that will be better suited for this purpose.
> **IMPORTANT:** The current free user beta for GitHub Codespaces uses a "Basic" sized codespace which does not have enough RAM to run a full build of VS Code and will be considerably slower during codespace start and running VS Code. You'll soon be able to use a "Standard" sized codespace (4-core, 8GB) that will be better suited for this purpose (along with even larger sizes should you need it).
1. From the [microsoft/vscode GitHub repository](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode), click on the **Code** dropdown, select **Open with Codespaces**, and the **New codespace**
......@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ To start working with Code - OSS, follow these steps:
bash scripts/code.sh
2. After the build is complete, open a web browser and go to [http://localhost:6080](http://localhost:6080) or use a [VNC Viewer](https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/viewer/) to connect to `localhost:5901` and enter `vscode` as the password.
Note that a previous run of `yarn install` will already be cached, so this step should simply pick up any recent differences.
2. After the build is complete, open a web browser or a [VNC Viewer](https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/viewer/) to the desktop environnement as described in the quick start and enter `vscode` as the password.
3. You should now see Code - OSS!
# This file establishes a basline for the reposuitory before any steps in the "prepare.sh"
# are run. Its just a find command that filters out a few things we don't need to watch.
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname $0)" && pwd)"
echo "[$(date)] Generating ""before"" manifest..."
find -L . -not -path "*/.git/*" -and -not -path "${SCRIPT_PATH}/*.manifest" -type f > "${SCRIPT_PATH}/before.manifest"
echo "[$(date)] Done!"
# This file simply wraps the dockeer build command used to build the image with the
# cached result of the commands from "prepare.sh" and pushes it to the specified
# container image registry.
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname $0)" && pwd)"
if [ "${CONTAINER_IMAGE_REPOSITORY}" = "" ]; then
echo "Container repository not specified!"
exit 1
echo "[$(date)] ${BRANCH} => ${TAG}"
cd "${SCRIPT_PATH}/../.."
echo "[$(date)] Starting image build..."
docker build -t ${CONTAINER_IMAGE_REPOSITORY}:"${TAG}" -f "${SCRIPT_PATH}/cache.Dockerfile" .
echo "[$(date)] Image build complete."
echo "[$(date)] Pushing image..."
echo "[$(date)] Done!"
# This file is used to archive off a copy of any differences in the source tree into another location
# in the image. Once the codespace is up, this will be restored into its proper location (which is
# quick and happens parallel to other startup activities)
set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname $0)" && pwd)"
echo "[$(date)] Starting cache operation..."
echo "[$(date)] Determining diffs..."
find -L . -not -path "*/.git/*" -and -not -path "${SCRIPT_PATH}/*.manifest" -type f > "${SCRIPT_PATH}/after.manifest"
grep -Fxvf "${SCRIPT_PATH}/before.manifest" "${SCRIPT_PATH}/after.manifest" > "${SCRIPT_PATH}/cache.manifest"
echo "[$(date)] Archiving diffs..."
mkdir -p "${CACHE_FOLDER}"
tar -cf "${CACHE_FOLDER}/cache.tar" --totals --files-from "${SCRIPT_PATH}/cache.manifest"
echo "[$(date)] Done! $(du -h "${CACHE_FOLDER}/cache.tar")"
# This dockerfile is used to build up from a base image to create an image with cached results of running "prepare.sh".
# Other image contents: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/blob/master/repository-containers/images/github.com/microsoft/vscode/.devcontainer/base.Dockerfile
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/repos/microsoft/vscode:dev
COPY --chown=${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} . /repo-source-tmp/
RUN mkdir /usr/local/etc/devcontainer-cache \
&& chown ${USERNAME} /usr/local/etc/devcontainer-cache /repo-source-tmp \
&& su ${USERNAME} -c "\
cd /repo-source-tmp \
&& .devcontainer/cache/before-cache.sh \
&& .devcontainer/prepare.sh \
&& .devcontainer/cache/cache-diff.sh" \
&& rm -rf /repo-source-tmp
# This file restores the results of the "prepare.sh" into their proper locations
# once the container has been created. It runs as a postCreateCommand which
# in GitHub Codespaces occurs parallel to other startup activities and does not
# really add to the overal startup time given how quick the operation ends up being.
set -e
SOURCE_FOLDER="$(cd "${1:-"."}" && pwd)"
if [ ! -d "${CACHE_FOLDER}" ]; then
echo "No cache folder found."
exit 0
echo "[$(date)] Expanding $(du -h "${CACHE_FOLDER}/cache.tar") file to ${SOURCE_FOLDER}..."
tar -xf "${CACHE_FOLDER}/cache.tar"
rm -f "${CACHE_FOLDER}/cache.tar"
echo "[$(date)] Done!"
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Code - OSS",
// Image contents: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/blob/master/repository-containers/images/github.com/microsoft/vscode/.devcontainer/base.Dockerfile
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/repos/microsoft/vscode:dev",
"image": "mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/repos/microsoft/vscode:master",
"workspaceMount": "source=${localWorkspaceFolder},target=/home/node/workspace/vscode,type=bind,consistency=cached",
"workspaceFolder": "/home/node/workspace/vscode",
......@@ -25,5 +25,8 @@
// Optionally loads a cached yarn install for the repo
"postCreateCommand": ".devcontainer/cache/restore-diff.sh",
"remoteUser": "node"
# This file contains the steps that should be run when creating the intermediary image that contains
# contents for that should be in the image by default. It will be used to build up from the base image
# to create an image that speeds up first time use of the dev container by "caching" the results
# of these commands. Developers can still run these commands without an issue once the container is
# up, but only differences will be processed which also speeds up the first time these operations occur.
yarn install
yarn electron
name: VS Code Repo Dev Container Cache Image Generation
# Currently doing this for master, but could be done for PRs as well
- 'master'
# Only updates to these files result in changes to installed packages, so skip otherwise
- '**/package.json'
- '**/package-lock.json'
- '**/yarn.lock'
name: Generate cache image
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
id: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Azure CLI login
id: az_login
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZ_ACR_CREDS }}
- name: Build and push
id: build_and_push
run: |
set -e
ACR_REGISTRY_NAME=$(echo ${{ secrets.CONTAINER_IMAGE_REGISTRY }} | grep -oP '(.+)(?=\.azurecr\.io)')
az acr login --name $ACR_REGISTRY_NAME
GIT_BRANCH=$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | grep -oP 'refs/(heads|tags)/\K(.+)')
if [ "$GIT_BRANCH" == "" ]; then GIT_BRANCH=master; fi
.devcontainer/cache/build-cache-image.sh "${{ secrets.CONTAINER_IMAGE_REGISTRY }}/public/vscode/devcontainers/repos/microsoft/vscode" "master"
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