未验证 提交 507ce72a 编写于 作者: S Sandeep Somavarapu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #126577 from microsoft/sandy081/recovery/fix125970

Improve migrating old editorAssociations setting format
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { registerSingleton } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions';
import { IStorageService, StorageScope, StorageTarget } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { IExtensionService } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensions';
import { IHostService } from 'vs/workbench/services/host/browser/host';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
interface IContributedEditorInput extends IEditorInput {
viewType?: string;
......@@ -56,7 +58,9 @@ export class EditorOverrideService extends Disposable implements IEditorOverride
@INotificationService private readonly notificationService: INotificationService,
@ITelemetryService private readonly telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
@IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService,
@IExtensionService private readonly extensionService: IExtensionService
@IExtensionService private readonly extensionService: IExtensionService,
@IHostService private readonly hostService: IHostService,
@ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService,
) {
// Read in the cache on statup
......@@ -75,8 +79,10 @@ export class EditorOverrideService extends Disposable implements IEditorOverride
// When the setting changes we want to ensure that it is properly converted
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration((e) => {
if (e.affectsConfiguration(editorsAssociationsSettingId)) {
......@@ -177,23 +183,42 @@ export class EditorOverrideService extends Disposable implements IEditorOverride
private convertOldAssociationFormat(): void {
const rawAssociations = this.configurationService.getValue<EditorAssociations | { [fileNamePattern: string]: string }>(editorsAssociationsSettingId) || [];
// If it's not an array, then it's the new format
if (!Array.isArray(rawAssociations)) {
let newSettingObject = Object.create(null);
// Make the correctly formatted object from the array and then set that object
for (const association of rawAssociations) {
if (association.filenamePattern) {
newSettingObject[association.filenamePattern] = association.viewType;
this.hostService.hadLastFocus().then(hadLastFocus => {
if (!hadLastFocus) {
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, newSettingObject);
const rawAssociations = this.configurationService.getValue<EditorAssociations | { [fileNamePattern: string]: string }>(editorsAssociationsSettingId) || {};
// If it's not an array, then it's the new format
if (!Array.isArray(rawAssociations)) {
let newSettingObject = Object.create(null);
// Make the correctly formatted object from the array and then set that object
for (const association of rawAssociations) {
if (association.filenamePattern) {
newSettingObject[association.filenamePattern] = association.viewType;
this.logService.info(`Migrating ${editorsAssociationsSettingId}`);
this.configurationService.updateValue(editorsAssociationsSettingId, newSettingObject);
private getAllUserAssociations(): EditorAssociations {
const rawAssociations = this.configurationService.getValue<{ [fileNamePattern: string]: string }>(editorsAssociationsSettingId) || [];
let rawAssociations = this.configurationService.getValue<EditorAssociations | { [fileNamePattern: string]: string }>(editorsAssociationsSettingId) || {};
// If it's an array then it is old format
if (Array.isArray(rawAssociations)) {
// Make the correctly formatted object
const newValue = Object.create(null);
for (const association of rawAssociations) {
if (association.filenamePattern) {
newValue[association.filenamePattern] = association.viewType;
rawAssociations = newValue;
let associations = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rawAssociations)) {
const association: EditorAssociation = {
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