提交 24eb3639 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner 提交者: Joao Moreno

Build with TS 2.7 (#45348)

* Pick up TS 2.7

* Fix formatter in build script

* Fix build error for ts 2.7

* Pick up new ts format and tslint versions

* Update lock

* use 2.7.2 for build

* Formatting
上级 b481b00b
......@@ -171,9 +171,7 @@ function format(text) {
function getRuleProvider(options) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
var ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
return ts.formatting.getFormatContext(options);
function applyEdits(text, edits) {
// Apply edits in reverse on the existing text
......@@ -196,9 +196,7 @@ function format(text: string): string {
function getRuleProvider(options: ts.FormatCodeSettings) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
let ruleProvider = new (<any>ts).formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
return (ts as any).formatting.getFormatContext(options);
function applyEdits(text: string, edits: ts.TextChange[]): string {
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"documentdb": "1.13.0",
"mime": "^1.3.4",
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"typescript": "2.6.1",
"typescript": "2.7.2",
"xml2js": "^0.4.17"
"scripts": {
......@@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ tweetnacl@^0.14.3, tweetnacl@~0.14.0:
version "0.14.5"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/tweetnacl/-/tweetnacl-0.14.5.tgz#5ae68177f192d4456269d108afa93ff8743f4f64"
version "2.6.1"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/typescript/-/typescript-2.6.1.tgz#ef39cdea27abac0b500242d6726ab90e0c846631"
version "2.7.2"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/typescript/-/typescript-2.7.2.tgz#2d615a1ef4aee4f574425cdff7026edf81919836"
underscore@1.8.3, underscore@~1.8.3:
version "1.8.3"
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ declare module 'gc-signals' {
* value is stored for later consumption.
export const GCSignal: {
new (id: number): GCSignal;
new(id: number): GCSignal;
* Consume ids of garbage collected signals.
......@@ -5,44 +5,44 @@
declare module 'keytar' {
* Get the stored password for the service and account.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @returns A promise for the password string.
export function getPassword(service: string, account: string): Promise<string | null>;
* Get the stored password for the service and account.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @returns A promise for the password string.
export function getPassword(service: string, account: string): Promise<string | null>;
* Add the password for the service and account to the keychain.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @param password The string password.
* @returns A promise for the set password completion.
export function setPassword(service: string, account: string, password: string): Promise<void>;
* Add the password for the service and account to the keychain.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @param password The string password.
* @returns A promise for the set password completion.
export function setPassword(service: string, account: string, password: string): Promise<void>;
* Delete the stored password for the service and account.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @returns A promise for the deletion status. True on success.
export function deletePassword(service: string, account: string): Promise<boolean>;
* Delete the stored password for the service and account.
* @param service The string service name.
* @param account The string account name.
* @returns A promise for the deletion status. True on success.
export function deletePassword(service: string, account: string): Promise<boolean>;
* Find a password for the service in the keychain.
* @param service The string service name.
* @returns A promise for the password string.
export function findPassword(service: string): Promise<string | null>;
* Find a password for the service in the keychain.
* @param service The string service name.
* @returns A promise for the password string.
export function findPassword(service: string): Promise<string | null>;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,72 +7,72 @@
// CHECK WITH http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/#ie11
interface Map<K, V> {
clear(): void;
delete(key: K): boolean;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: K, map: Map<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
get(key: K): V;
has(key: K): boolean;
set(key: K, value?: V): Map<K, V>;
readonly size: number;
// not supported on IE11:
// entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
// keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
// values(): IterableIterator<V>;
// [Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<[K,V]>;
// [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
clear(): void;
delete(key: K): boolean;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: K, map: Map<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
get(key: K): V;
has(key: K): boolean;
set(key: K, value?: V): Map<K, V>;
readonly size: number;
// not supported on IE11:
// entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
// keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
// values(): IterableIterator<V>;
// [Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<[K,V]>;
// [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
interface MapConstructor {
new <K, V>(): Map<K, V>;
prototype: Map<any, any>;
new <K, V>(): Map<K, V>;
prototype: Map<any, any>;
// not supported on IE11:
// new <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<[K, V]>): Map<K, V>;
// not supported on IE11:
// new <K, V>(iterable: Iterable<[K, V]>): Map<K, V>;
declare var Map: MapConstructor;
interface Set<T> {
add(value: T): Set<T>;
clear(): void;
delete(value: T): boolean;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: T, set: Set<T>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
has(value: T): boolean;
readonly size: number;
// not supported on IE11:
// entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>;
// keys(): IterableIterator<T>;
// values(): IterableIterator<T>;
// [Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<T>;
// [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
add(value: T): Set<T>;
clear(): void;
delete(value: T): boolean;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: T, set: Set<T>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
has(value: T): boolean;
readonly size: number;
// not supported on IE11:
// entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>;
// keys(): IterableIterator<T>;
// values(): IterableIterator<T>;
// [Symbol.iterator]():IterableIterator<T>;
// [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
interface SetConstructor {
new <T>(): Set<T>;
prototype: Set<any>;
new <T>(): Set<T>;
prototype: Set<any>;
// not supported on IE11:
// new <T>(iterable: Iterable<T>): Set<T>;
// not supported on IE11:
// new <T>(iterable: Iterable<T>): Set<T>;
declare var Set: SetConstructor;
interface WeakMap<K, V> {
delete(key: K): boolean;
get(key: K): V | undefined;
has(key: K): boolean;
// IE11 doesn't return this
// set(key: K, value?: V): this;
set(key: K, value?: V): undefined;
delete(key: K): boolean;
get(key: K): V | undefined;
has(key: K): boolean;
// IE11 doesn't return this
// set(key: K, value?: V): this;
set(key: K, value?: V): undefined;
interface WeakMapConstructor {
new (): WeakMap<any, any>;
new <K, V>(): WeakMap<K, V>;
// new <K, V>(entries?: [K, V][]): WeakMap<K, V>;
readonly prototype: WeakMap<any, any>;
new(): WeakMap<any, any>;
new <K, V>(): WeakMap<K, V>;
// new <K, V>(entries?: [K, V][]): WeakMap<K, V>;
readonly prototype: WeakMap<any, any>;
declare var WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor;
......@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
interface MochaSetupOptions {
//milliseconds to wait before considering a test slow
slow?: number;
//milliseconds to wait before considering a test slow
slow?: number;
// timeout in milliseconds
timeout?: number;
// timeout in milliseconds
timeout?: number;
// ui name "bdd", "tdd", "exports" etc
ui?: string;
// ui name "bdd", "tdd", "exports" etc
ui?: string;
//array of accepted globals
globals?: any[];
//array of accepted globals
globals?: any[];
// reporter instance (function or string), defaults to `mocha.reporters.Spec`
reporter?: any;
// reporter instance (function or string), defaults to `mocha.reporters.Spec`
reporter?: any;
// bail on the first test failure
bail?: boolean;
// bail on the first test failure
bail?: boolean;
// ignore global leaks
ignoreLeaks?: boolean;
// ignore global leaks
ignoreLeaks?: boolean;
// grep string or regexp to filter tests with
grep?: any;
// grep string or regexp to filter tests with
grep?: any;
declare var mocha: Mocha;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ declare var specify: Mocha.ITestDefinition;
declare function run(): void;
interface MochaDone {
(error?: any): any;
(error?: any): any;
declare function setup(callback: (this: Mocha.IBeforeAndAfterContext, done: MochaDone) => any): void;
......@@ -63,172 +63,172 @@ declare function afterEach(callback: (this: Mocha.IBeforeAndAfterContext, done:
declare function afterEach(description: string, callback: (this: Mocha.IBeforeAndAfterContext, done: MochaDone) => any): void;
declare class Mocha {
currentTest: Mocha.ITestDefinition;
constructor(options?: {
grep?: RegExp;
ui?: string;
reporter?: string;
timeout?: number;
reporterOptions?: any;
slow?: number;
bail?: boolean;
/** Setup mocha with the given options. */
setup(options: MochaSetupOptions): Mocha;
bail(value?: boolean): Mocha;
addFile(file: string): Mocha;
/** Sets reporter by name, defaults to "spec". */
reporter(name: string): Mocha;
/** Sets reporter constructor, defaults to mocha.reporters.Spec. */
reporter(reporter: (runner: Mocha.IRunner, options: any) => any): Mocha;
ui(value: string): Mocha;
grep(value: string): Mocha;
grep(value: RegExp): Mocha;
invert(): Mocha;
ignoreLeaks(value: boolean): Mocha;
checkLeaks(): Mocha;
currentTest: Mocha.ITestDefinition;
constructor(options?: {
grep?: RegExp;
ui?: string;
reporter?: string;
timeout?: number;
reporterOptions?: any;
slow?: number;
bail?: boolean;
/** Setup mocha with the given options. */
setup(options: MochaSetupOptions): Mocha;
bail(value?: boolean): Mocha;
addFile(file: string): Mocha;
/** Sets reporter by name, defaults to "spec". */
reporter(name: string): Mocha;
/** Sets reporter constructor, defaults to mocha.reporters.Spec. */
reporter(reporter: (runner: Mocha.IRunner, options: any) => any): Mocha;
ui(value: string): Mocha;
grep(value: string): Mocha;
grep(value: RegExp): Mocha;
invert(): Mocha;
ignoreLeaks(value: boolean): Mocha;
checkLeaks(): Mocha;
* Function to allow assertion libraries to throw errors directly into mocha.
* This is useful when running tests in a browser because window.onerror will
* only receive the 'message' attribute of the Error.
throwError(error: Error): void;
/** Enables growl support. */
growl(): Mocha;
globals(value: string): Mocha;
globals(values: string[]): Mocha;
useColors(value: boolean): Mocha;
useInlineDiffs(value: boolean): Mocha;
timeout(value: number): Mocha;
slow(value: number): Mocha;
enableTimeouts(value: boolean): Mocha;
asyncOnly(value: boolean): Mocha;
noHighlighting(value: boolean): Mocha;
/** Runs tests and invokes `onComplete()` when finished. */
run(onComplete?: (failures: number) => void): Mocha.IRunner;
throwError(error: Error): void;
/** Enables growl support. */
growl(): Mocha;
globals(value: string): Mocha;
globals(values: string[]): Mocha;
useColors(value: boolean): Mocha;
useInlineDiffs(value: boolean): Mocha;
timeout(value: number): Mocha;
slow(value: number): Mocha;
enableTimeouts(value: boolean): Mocha;
asyncOnly(value: boolean): Mocha;
noHighlighting(value: boolean): Mocha;
/** Runs tests and invokes `onComplete()` when finished. */
run(onComplete?: (failures: number) => void): Mocha.IRunner;
// merge the Mocha class declaration with a module
declare namespace Mocha {
interface ISuiteCallbackContext {
timeout(ms: number): this;
retries(n: number): this;
slow(ms: number): this;
interface IHookCallbackContext {
skip(): this;
timeout(ms: number): this;
[index: string]: any;
interface ITestCallbackContext {
skip(): this;
timeout(ms: number): this;
retries(n: number): this;
slow(ms: number): this;
[index: string]: any;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Runnable` class. */
interface IRunnable {
title: string;
fn: Function;
async: boolean;
sync: boolean;
timedOut: boolean;
timeout(n: number): this;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Suite` class. */
interface ISuite {
parent: ISuite;
title: string;
fullTitle(): string;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Test` class. */
interface ITest extends IRunnable {
parent: ISuite;
pending: boolean;
state: 'failed'|'passed'|undefined;
fullTitle(): string;
interface IBeforeAndAfterContext extends IHookCallbackContext {
currentTest: ITest;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Runner` class. */
interface IRunner { }
interface IContextDefinition {
(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): ISuite;
only(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): ISuite;
skip(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
interface ITestDefinition {
(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): ITest;
only(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): ITest;
skip(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
state: "failed" | "passed";
export module reporters {
export class Base {
stats: {
suites: number;
tests: number;
passes: number;
pending: number;
failures: number;
constructor(runner: IRunner);
export class Doc extends Base { }
export class Dot extends Base { }
export class HTML extends Base { }
export class HTMLCov extends Base { }
export class JSON extends Base { }
export class JSONCov extends Base { }
export class JSONStream extends Base { }
export class Landing extends Base { }
export class List extends Base { }
export class Markdown extends Base { }
export class Min extends Base { }
export class Nyan extends Base { }
export class Progress extends Base {
interface ISuiteCallbackContext {
timeout(ms: number): this;
retries(n: number): this;
slow(ms: number): this;
interface IHookCallbackContext {
skip(): this;
timeout(ms: number): this;
[index: string]: any;
interface ITestCallbackContext {
skip(): this;
timeout(ms: number): this;
retries(n: number): this;
slow(ms: number): this;
[index: string]: any;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Runnable` class. */
interface IRunnable {
title: string;
fn: Function;
async: boolean;
sync: boolean;
timedOut: boolean;
timeout(n: number): this;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Suite` class. */
interface ISuite {
parent: ISuite;
title: string;
fullTitle(): string;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Test` class. */
interface ITest extends IRunnable {
parent: ISuite;
pending: boolean;
state: 'failed' | 'passed' | undefined;
fullTitle(): string;
interface IBeforeAndAfterContext extends IHookCallbackContext {
currentTest: ITest;
/** Partial interface for Mocha's `Runner` class. */
interface IRunner { }
interface IContextDefinition {
(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): ISuite;
only(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): ISuite;
skip(description: string, callback: (this: ISuiteCallbackContext) => void): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
interface ITestDefinition {
(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): ITest;
only(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): ITest;
skip(expectation: string, callback?: (this: ITestCallbackContext, done: MochaDone) => any): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
state: "failed" | "passed";
export module reporters {
export class Base {
stats: {
suites: number;
tests: number;
passes: number;
pending: number;
failures: number;
constructor(runner: IRunner);
export class Doc extends Base { }
export class Dot extends Base { }
export class HTML extends Base { }
export class HTMLCov extends Base { }
export class JSON extends Base { }
export class JSONCov extends Base { }
export class JSONStream extends Base { }
export class Landing extends Base { }
export class List extends Base { }
export class Markdown extends Base { }
export class Min extends Base { }
export class Nyan extends Base { }
export class Progress extends Base {
* @param options.open String used to indicate the start of the progress bar.
* @param options.complete String used to indicate a complete test on the progress bar.
* @param options.incomplete String used to indicate an incomplete test on the progress bar.
* @param options.close String used to indicate the end of the progress bar.
constructor(runner: IRunner, options?: {
open?: string;
complete?: string;
incomplete?: string;
close?: string;
export class Spec extends Base { }
export class TAP extends Base { }
export class XUnit extends Base {
constructor(runner: IRunner, options?: any);
constructor(runner: IRunner, options?: {
open?: string;
complete?: string;
incomplete?: string;
close?: string;
export class Spec extends Base { }
export class TAP extends Base { }
export class XUnit extends Base {
constructor(runner: IRunner, options?: any);
declare module "mocha" {
export = Mocha;
export = Mocha;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -214,23 +214,23 @@ declare module 'vscode-xterm' {
export interface IEventEmitter {
on(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
off(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
emit(type: string, data?: any): void;
addDisposableListener(type: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): IDisposable;
on(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
off(type: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
emit(type: string, data?: any): void;
addDisposableListener(type: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): IDisposable;
* An object that can be disposed via a dispose function.
export interface IDisposable {
dispose(): void;
dispose(): void;
export interface ILocalizableStrings {
blankLine: string;
promptLabel: string;
tooMuchOutput: string;
blankLine: string;
promptLabel: string;
tooMuchOutput: string;
......@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ declare module 'vscode-xterm' {
* @param type The type of the event.
* @param listener The listener.
on(type: 'refresh', listener: (data?: {start: number, end: number}) => void): void;
on(type: 'refresh', listener: (data?: { start: number, end: number }) => void): void;
* Registers an event listener.
* @param type The type of the event.
* @param listener The listener.
on(type: 'resize', listener: (data?: {cols: number, rows: number}) => void): void;
on(type: 'resize', listener: (data?: { cols: number, rows: number }) => void): void;
* Registers an event listener.
* @param type The type of the event.
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export interface MarkedStatic {
export interface Renderer {
prototype: MarkedRenderer;
new (): MarkedRenderer;
new(): MarkedRenderer;
export interface MarkedRenderer {
......@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ suite('IPC performance', () => {
assert.strictEqual(hits, batches);
assert.strictEqual(count, batches * size);
}, err => assert.fail(err),
batch => {
count += batch.length;
batch => {
count += batch.length;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class ActiveWindowManager implements IDisposable {
private disposables: IDisposable[] = [];
private _activeWindowId: number;
constructor( @IWindowsService windowsService: IWindowsService) {
constructor(@IWindowsService windowsService: IWindowsService) {
windowsService.onWindowOpen(this.setActiveWindow, this, this.disposables);
windowsService.onWindowFocus(this.setActiveWindow, this, this.disposables);
......@@ -144,15 +144,15 @@ class Main {
return this.extensionManagementService.installFromGallery(extension)
() => console.log(localize('successInstall', "Extension '{0}' v{1} was successfully installed!", id, extension.version)),
error => {
if (isPromiseCanceledError(error)) {
console.log(localize('cancelVsixInstall', "Cancelled installing Extension '{0}'.", id));
return null;
} else {
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
() => console.log(localize('successInstall', "Extension '{0}' v{1} was successfully installed!", id, extension.version)),
error => {
if (isPromiseCanceledError(error)) {
console.log(localize('cancelVsixInstall', "Cancelled installing Extension '{0}'.", id));
return null;
} else {
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export class CodeEditorServiceImpl extends AbstractCodeEditorService {
private _decorationOptionProviders: { [key: string]: IModelDecorationOptionsProvider };
private _themeService: IThemeService;
constructor( @IThemeService themeService: IThemeService, styleSheet = dom.createStyleSheet()) {
constructor(@IThemeService themeService: IThemeService, styleSheet = dom.createStyleSheet()) {
this._styleSheet = styleSheet;
this._decorationOptionProviders = Object.create(null);
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class TokenSelectionSupport {
private _modelService: IModelService;
constructor( @IModelService modelService: IModelService) {
constructor(@IModelService modelService: IModelService) {
this._modelService = modelService;
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ export class ContextKeyService extends AbstractContextKeyService implements ICon
private _toDispose: IDisposable[] = [];
constructor( @IConfigurationService configurationService: IConfigurationService) {
constructor(@IConfigurationService configurationService: IConfigurationService) {
this._lastContextId = 0;
this._contexts = Object.create(null);
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export interface IDialogChannel extends IChannel {
export class DialogChannel implements IDialogChannel {
constructor( @IDialogService private dialogService: IDialogService) {
constructor(@IDialogService private dialogService: IDialogService) {
call(command: string, args?: any[]): TPromise<any> {
......@@ -149,25 +149,25 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
const identifier = { id: getLocalExtensionIdFromManifest(manifest) };
return this.unsetUninstalledAndRemove(identifier.id)
() => this.checkOutdated(manifest)
.then(validated => {
if (validated) {
this.logService.info('Installing the extension:', identifier.id);
this._onInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath });
return this.getMetadata(getGalleryExtensionId(manifest.publisher, manifest.name))
metadata => this.installFromZipPath(identifier, zipPath, metadata, manifest),
error => this.installFromZipPath(identifier, zipPath, null, manifest))
local => { this.logService.info('Successfully installed the extension:', identifier.id); return local; },
e => {
this.logService.error('Failed to install the extension:', identifier.id, e.message);
return TPromise.wrapError(e);
return null;
e => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('restartCode', "Please restart Code before reinstalling {0}.", manifest.displayName || manifest.name))));
() => this.checkOutdated(manifest)
.then(validated => {
if (validated) {
this.logService.info('Installing the extension:', identifier.id);
this._onInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath });
return this.getMetadata(getGalleryExtensionId(manifest.publisher, manifest.name))
metadata => this.installFromZipPath(identifier, zipPath, metadata, manifest),
error => this.installFromZipPath(identifier, zipPath, null, manifest))
local => { this.logService.info('Successfully installed the extension:', identifier.id); return local; },
e => {
this.logService.error('Failed to install the extension:', identifier.id, e.message);
return TPromise.wrapError(e);
return null;
e => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('restartCode', "Please restart Code before reinstalling {0}.", manifest.displayName || manifest.name))));
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return local;
local => { this._onDidInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath, local }); return local; },
error => { this._onDidInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath, error }); return TPromise.wrapError(error); }
local => { this._onDidInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath, local }); return local; },
error => { this._onDidInstallExtension.fire({ identifier, zipPath, error }); return TPromise.wrapError(error); }
......@@ -231,17 +231,17 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.collectExtensionsToInstall(extension)
extensionsToInstall => {
if (extensionsToInstall.length > 1) {
return this.downloadAndInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall)
locals => this.onDidInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall, locals, [])
.then(() => locals.filter(l => areSameExtensions({ id: getGalleryExtensionIdFromLocal(l), uuid: l.identifier.uuid }, extension.identifier)[0])),
errors => this.onDidInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall, [], errors));
error => this.onDidInstallExtensions([extension], [], [error]));
extensionsToInstall => {
if (extensionsToInstall.length > 1) {
return this.downloadAndInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall)
locals => this.onDidInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall, locals, [])
.then(() => locals.filter(l => areSameExtensions({ id: getGalleryExtensionIdFromLocal(l), uuid: l.identifier.uuid }, extension.identifier)[0])),
errors => this.onDidInstallExtensions(extensionsToInstall, [], errors));
error => this.onDidInstallExtensions([extension], [], [error]));
reinstall(extension: ILocalExtension): TPromise<ILocalExtension> {
......@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.uninstallExtension(extension)
.then(() => this.removeUninstalledExtension(extension)
() => this.installFromGallery(galleryExtension),
e => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('removeError', "Error while removing the extension: {0}. Please Quit and Start VS Code before trying again.", toErrorMessage(e))))));
() => this.installFromGallery(galleryExtension),
e => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('removeError', "Error while removing the extension: {0}. Please Quit and Start VS Code before trying again.", toErrorMessage(e))))));
return TPromise.wrapError(new Error(nls.localize('Not a Marketplace extension', "Only Marketplace Extensions can be reinstalled")));
......@@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.getDependenciesToInstall(compatible.properties.dependencies)
dependenciesToInstall => ([compatible, ...dependenciesToInstall.filter(d => d.identifier.uuid !== compatible.identifier.uuid)]),
error => TPromise.wrapError<IGalleryExtension[]>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
dependenciesToInstall => ([compatible, ...dependenciesToInstall.filter(d => d.identifier.uuid !== compatible.identifier.uuid)]),
error => TPromise.wrapError<IGalleryExtension[]>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
error => TPromise.wrapError<IGalleryExtension[]>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
error => TPromise.wrapError<IGalleryExtension[]>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
private downloadAndInstallExtensions(extensions: IGalleryExtension[]): TPromise<ILocalExtension[]> {
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
.then(extension => this.downloadInstallableExtension(extension))
.then(installableExtension => this.installExtension(installableExtension))
local => { this.installingExtensions.delete(extension.identifier.id); return local; },
e => { this.installingExtensions.delete(extension.identifier.id); return TPromise.wrapError(e); }
local => { this.installingExtensions.delete(extension.identifier.id); return local; },
e => { this.installingExtensions.delete(extension.identifier.id); return TPromise.wrapError(e); }
this.installingExtensions.set(extension.identifier.id, installingExtension);
......@@ -312,25 +312,25 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.galleryService.loadCompatibleVersion(extension)
compatible => {
if (compatible) {
this.logService.trace('Started downloading extension:', extension.name);
return this.galleryService.download(extension)
zipPath => {
this.logService.info('Downloaded extension:', extension.name);
return validateLocalExtension(zipPath)
manifest => (<InstallableExtension>{ zipPath, id: getLocalExtensionIdFromManifest(manifest), metadata }),
error => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_VALIDATING))
error => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_DOWNLOADING)));
} else {
return TPromise.wrapError<InstallableExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('notFoundCompatibleDependency', "Unable to install because, the depending extension '{0}' compatible with current version '{1}' of VS Code is not found.", extension.identifier.id, pkg.version), INSTALL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE));
error => TPromise.wrapError<InstallableExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
compatible => {
if (compatible) {
this.logService.trace('Started downloading extension:', extension.name);
return this.galleryService.download(extension)
zipPath => {
this.logService.info('Downloaded extension:', extension.name);
return validateLocalExtension(zipPath)
manifest => (<InstallableExtension>{ zipPath, id: getLocalExtensionIdFromManifest(manifest), metadata }),
error => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_VALIDATING))
error => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_DOWNLOADING)));
} else {
return TPromise.wrapError<InstallableExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('notFoundCompatibleDependency', "Unable to install because, the depending extension '{0}' compatible with current version '{1}' of VS Code is not found.", extension.identifier.id, pkg.version), INSTALL_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE));
error => TPromise.wrapError<InstallableExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(error).message, INSTALL_ERROR_GALLERY)));
private onInstallExtensions(extensions: IGalleryExtension[]): void {
......@@ -379,18 +379,18 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
private installExtension(installableExtension: InstallableExtension): TPromise<ILocalExtension> {
return this.unsetUninstalledAndGetLocal(installableExtension.id)
local => {
if (local) {
return local;
return this.extractAndInstall(installableExtension);
e => {
if (isMacintosh) {
return TPromise.wrapError<ILocalExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('quitCode', "Unable to install the extension. Please Quit and Start VS Code before reinstalling."), INSTALL_ERROR_UNSET_UNINSTALLED));
return TPromise.wrapError<ILocalExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('exitCode', "Unable to install the extension. Please Exit and Start VS Code before reinstalling."), INSTALL_ERROR_UNSET_UNINSTALLED));
local => {
if (local) {
return local;
return this.extractAndInstall(installableExtension);
e => {
if (isMacintosh) {
return TPromise.wrapError<ILocalExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('quitCode', "Unable to install the extension. Please Quit and Start VS Code before reinstalling."), INSTALL_ERROR_UNSET_UNINSTALLED));
return TPromise.wrapError<ILocalExtension>(new ExtensionManagementError(nls.localize('exitCode', "Unable to install the extension. Please Exit and Start VS Code before reinstalling."), INSTALL_ERROR_UNSET_UNINSTALLED));
private unsetUninstalledAndGetLocal(id: string): TPromise<ILocalExtension> {
......@@ -428,23 +428,23 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
this.logService.trace(`Started extracting the extension from ${zipPath} to ${extractPath}`);
return pfs.rimraf(extractPath)
() => extract(zipPath, extractPath, options)
() => this.logService.info(`Extracted extension to ${extractPath}:`, id),
e => always(pfs.rimraf(extractPath), () => null)
.then(() => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(e.message, INSTALL_ERROR_EXTRACTING)))),
e => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(e).message, INSTALL_ERROR_DELETING)));
() => extract(zipPath, extractPath, options)
() => this.logService.info(`Extracted extension to ${extractPath}:`, id),
e => always(pfs.rimraf(extractPath), () => null)
.then(() => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(e.message, INSTALL_ERROR_EXTRACTING)))),
e => TPromise.wrapError(new ExtensionManagementError(this.joinErrors(e).message, INSTALL_ERROR_DELETING)));
private completeInstall(id: string, extractPath: string): TPromise<void> {
return this.renameWithRetry(id, extractPath)
() => this.logService.info('Installation compelted.', id),
e => {
this.logService.info('Deleting the extracted extension', id);
return always(pfs.rimraf(extractPath), () => null)
.then(() => TPromise.wrapError(e));
() => this.logService.info('Installation compelted.', id),
e => {
this.logService.info('Deleting the extracted extension', id);
return always(pfs.rimraf(extractPath), () => null)
.then(() => TPromise.wrapError(e));
private renameWithRetry(id: string, extractPath: string): TPromise<void> {
......@@ -540,10 +540,10 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.preUninstallExtension(extension)
.then(() => this.hasDependencies(extension, installed) ? this.promptForDependenciesAndUninstall(extension, installed, force) : this.promptAndUninstall(extension, installed, force))
.then(() => this.postUninstallExtension(extension),
error => {
this.postUninstallExtension(extension, INSTALL_ERROR_LOCAL);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
error => {
this.postUninstallExtension(extension, INSTALL_ERROR_LOCAL);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
private hasDependencies(extension: ILocalExtension, installed: ILocalExtension[]): boolean {
......@@ -660,10 +660,10 @@ export class ExtensionManagementService extends Disposable implements IExtension
return this.preUninstallExtension(extension)
.then(() => this.uninstallExtension(extension))
.then(() => this.postUninstallExtension(extension),
error => {
this.postUninstallExtension(extension, INSTALL_ERROR_LOCAL);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
error => {
this.postUninstallExtension(extension, INSTALL_ERROR_LOCAL);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
private preUninstallExtension(extension: ILocalExtension): TPromise<void> {
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ interface IDependentService {
class DependentService implements IDependentService {
_serviceBrand: any;
constructor( @IService1 service: IService1) {
constructor(@IService1 service: IService1) {
assert.equal(service.c, 1);
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DependentService implements IDependentService {
class Service1Consumer {
constructor( @IService1 service1: IService1) {
constructor(@IService1 service1: IService1) {
assert.equal(service1.c, 1);
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Service1Consumer {
class Target2Dep {
constructor( @IService1 service1: IService1, @IService2 service2) {
constructor(@IService1 service1: IService1, @IService2 service2) {
assert.ok(service1 instanceof Service1);
assert.ok(service2 instanceof Service2);
......@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ class TargetWithStaticParam {
class TargetNotOptional {
constructor( @IService1 service1: IService1, @IService2 service2: IService2) {
constructor(@IService1 service1: IService1, @IService2 service2: IService2) {
class TargetOptional {
constructor( @IService1 service1: IService1, @optional(IService2) service2: IService2) {
constructor(@IService1 service1: IService1, @optional(IService2) service2: IService2) {
assert.equal(service1.c, 1);
assert.ok(service2 === void 0);
......@@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ class TargetOptional {
class DependentServiceTarget {
constructor( @IDependentService d) {
constructor(@IDependentService d) {
assert.equal(d.name, 'farboo');
class DependentServiceTarget2 {
constructor( @IDependentService d: IDependentService, @IService1 s: IService1) {
constructor(@IDependentService d: IDependentService, @IService1 s: IService1) {
assert.equal(d.name, 'farboo');
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class ServiceLoop1 implements IService1 {
_serviceBrand: any;
c = 1;
constructor( @IService2 s: IService2) {
constructor(@IService2 s: IService2) {
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class ServiceLoop2 implements IService2 {
_serviceBrand: any;
d = true;
constructor( @IService1 s: IService1) {
constructor(@IService1 s: IService1) {
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export class ListService implements IListService {
return this._lastFocusedWidget;
constructor( @IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService) { }
constructor(@IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService) { }
register(widget: ListWidget, extraContextKeys?: (IContextKey<boolean>)[]): IDisposable {
if (this.lists.some(l => l.widget === widget)) {
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export class StateService implements IStateService {
private fileStorage: FileStorage;
constructor( @IEnvironmentService environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @ILogService logService: ILogService) {
constructor(@IEnvironmentService environmentService: IEnvironmentService, @ILogService logService: ILogService) {
this.fileStorage = new FileStorage(path.join(environmentService.userDataPath, 'storage.json'), error => logService.error(error));
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ registry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(ChangeEncodingAction,
export class QuickOpenActionContributor extends ActionBarContributor {
private openToSideActionInstance: OpenToSideAction;
constructor( @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export class RangeHighlightDecorations implements IDisposable {
private _onHighlightRemoved: Emitter<void> = new Emitter<void>();
public readonly onHighlghtRemoved: Event<void> = this._onHighlightRemoved.event;
constructor( @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService) {
constructor(@IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService) {
public removeHighlightRange() {
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export class NotificationsList extends Themable {
const renderer = this.instantiationService.createInstance(NotificationRenderer, actionRunner);
// List
this.list = this.instantiationService.createInstance(
this.list = <WorkbenchList<INotificationViewItem>>this.instantiationService.createInstance(
new NotificationsListDelegate(this.listContainer),
......@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ class CallStackRenderer implements IRenderer {
class CallstackAccessibilityProvider implements IAccessibilityProvider {
constructor( @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
constructor(@IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
// noop
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export class Renderer implements IRenderer {
private static readonly EXTENSION_TEMPLATE_ID = 'extension-template';
private static readonly UNKNOWN_EXTENSION_TEMPLATE_ID = 'unknown-extension-template';
constructor( @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
public getHeight(tree: ITree, element: IExtensionDependencies): number {
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class OpenExtensionAction extends Action {
private _extensionDependencies: IExtensionDependencies;
constructor( @IExtensionsWorkbenchService private extensionsWorkdbenchService: IExtensionsWorkbenchService) {
constructor(@IExtensionsWorkbenchService private extensionsWorkdbenchService: IExtensionsWorkbenchService) {
super('extensions.action.openDependency', '');
......@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ export abstract class AbstractConfigureRecommendedExtensionsAction extends Actio
error => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(localize('OpenExtensionsFile.failed', "Unable to create 'extensions.json' file inside the '.vscode' folder ({0}).", error))));
error => TPromise.wrapError(new Error(localize('OpenExtensionsFile.failed', "Unable to create 'extensions.json' file inside the '.vscode' folder ({0}).", error))));
protected openWorkspaceConfigurationFile(workspaceConfigurationFile: URI): TPromise<any> {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export class ExtensionsHandler extends QuickOpenHandler {
public static readonly ID = 'workbench.picker.extensions';
constructor( @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService) {
constructor(@IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService) {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export class Model {
private _roots: FileStat[];
private _listener: IDisposable;
constructor( @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
constructor(@IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
const setRoots = () => this._roots = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders.map(folder => {
const root = new FileStat(folder.uri, undefined);
root.name = folder.name;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export class SwitchOutputAction extends Action {
public static readonly ID = 'workbench.output.action.switchBetweenOutputs';
constructor( @IOutputService private outputService: IOutputService) {
constructor(@IOutputService private outputService: IOutputService) {
super(SwitchOutputAction.ID, nls.localize('switchToOutput.label', "Switch to Output"));
this.class = 'output-action switch-to-output';
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export class KeybindingsEditorInput extends EditorInput {
public static readonly ID: string = 'workbench.input.keybindings';
public readonly keybindingsModel: KeybindingsEditorModel;
constructor( @IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
this.keybindingsModel = instantiationService.createInstance(KeybindingsEditorModel, OS);
......@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ export class KeybindingsEditor extends BaseEditor implements IKeybindingsEditor
this.reportKeybindingAction(KEYBINDINGS_EDITOR_COMMAND_REMOVE, keybindingEntry.keybindingItem.command, keybindingEntry.keybindingItem.keybinding);
return this.keybindingEditingService.removeKeybinding(keybindingEntry.keybindingItem.keybindingItem)
.then(() => this.focus(),
error => {
error => {
return TPromise.as(null);
......@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ export class KeybindingsEditor extends BaseEditor implements IKeybindingsEditor
error => {
error => {
copyKeybinding(keybinding: IKeybindingItemEntry): TPromise<any> {
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ export class GotoLineHandler extends QuickOpenHandler {
private rangeHighlightDecorationId: IEditorLineDecoration;
private lastKnownEditorViewState: IEditorViewState;
constructor( @IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService) {
constructor(@IWorkbenchEditorService private editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService) {
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export class HelpHandler extends QuickOpenHandler {
public static readonly ID = 'workbench.picker.help';
constructor( @IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService) {
constructor(@IQuickOpenService private quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService) {
......@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ export class RepositoryPanel extends ViewletPanel {
class InstallAdditionalSCMProvidersAction extends Action {
constructor( @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService) {
constructor(@IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService) {
super('scm.installAdditionalSCMProviders', localize('installAdditionalSCMProviders', "Install Additional SCM Providers..."), '', true);
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ export class OpenSymbolHandler extends QuickOpenHandler {
private delayer: ThrottledDelayer<QuickOpenEntry[]>;
private options: IOpenSymbolOptions;
constructor( @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
this.delayer = new ThrottledDelayer<QuickOpenEntry[]>(OpenSymbolHandler.SEARCH_DELAY);
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export class SearchDataSource implements IDataSource {
private includeFolderMatch: boolean;
private listener: IDisposable;
constructor( @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
constructor(@IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
this.listener = this.contextService.onDidChangeWorkbenchState(() => this.updateIncludeFolderMatch());
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ export class SearchRenderer extends Disposable implements IRenderer {
export class SearchAccessibilityProvider implements IAccessibilityProvider {
constructor( @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
constructor(@IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService) {
public getAriaLabel(tree: ITree, element: FileMatchOrMatch): string {
......@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ export class SearchModel extends Disposable {
private currentRequest: PPromise<ISearchComplete, ISearchProgressItem>;
constructor( @ISearchService private searchService: ISearchService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@ISearchService private searchService: ISearchService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
this._searchResult = this.instantiationService.createInstance(SearchResult, this);
......@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ export class SearchWorkbenchService implements ISearchWorkbenchService {
_serviceBrand: any;
private _searchModel: SearchModel;
constructor( @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
constructor(@IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
get searchModel(): SearchModel {
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ export class QuickOpenActionContributor extends ActionBarContributor {
private action: CustomizeTaskAction;
constructor( @ITaskService taskService: ITaskService, @IQuickOpenService quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService) {
constructor(@ITaskService taskService: ITaskService, @IQuickOpenService quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService) {
this.action = new CustomizeTaskAction(taskService, quickOpenService);
......@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ export class SelectColorThemeAction extends Action {
return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder, autoFocus: { autoFocusIndex } })
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme || currentTheme, true), 0),
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme, false))
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme || currentTheme, true), 0),
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme, false))
......@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ class SelectIconThemeAction extends Action {
return this.quickOpenService.pick(picks, { placeHolder, autoFocus: { autoFocusIndex } })
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme || currentTheme, true), 0),
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme, false))
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme || currentTheme, true), 0),
theme => delayer.trigger(() => selectTheme(theme, false))
......@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ Registry.as<IEditorRegistry>(EditorExtensions.Editors)
localize('walkThrough.editor.label', "Interactive Playground"),
[new SyncDescriptor(WalkThroughInput)]);
[new SyncDescriptor(WalkThroughInput)]);
new SyncActionDescriptor(EditorWalkThroughAction, EditorWalkThroughAction.ID, EditorWalkThroughAction.LABEL),
'Help: Interactive Playground', localize('help', "Help"));
new SyncActionDescriptor(EditorWalkThroughAction, EditorWalkThroughAction.ID, EditorWalkThroughAction.LABEL),
'Help: Interactive Playground', localize('help', "Help"));
Registry.as<IEditorInputFactoryRegistry>(EditorInputExtensions.EditorInputFactories).registerEditorInputFactory(EditorWalkThroughInputFactory.ID, EditorWalkThroughInputFactory);
......@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ export class ConfigurationEditingService {
const operation = this.getConfigurationEditOperation(target, value, options.scopes || {});
return this.queue.queue(() => this.doWriteConfiguration(operation, options) // queue up writes to prevent race conditions
.then(() => null,
error => {
if (!options.donotNotifyError) {
this.onError(error, operation, options.scopes);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
error => {
if (!options.donotNotifyError) {
this.onError(error, operation, options.scopes);
return TPromise.wrapError(error);
private doWriteConfiguration(operation: IConfigurationEditOperation, options: ConfigurationEditingOptions): TPromise<void> {
......@@ -141,34 +141,34 @@ suite('ConfigurationEditingService', function () {
test('errors cases - invalid key', () => {
return testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE, { key: 'unknown.key', value: 'value' })
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY));
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_UNKNOWN_KEY));
test('errors cases - invalid target', () => {
return testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.USER, { key: 'tasks.something', value: 'value' })
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_INVALID_TARGET'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_USER_TARGET));
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_USER_TARGET));
test('errors cases - no workspace', () => {
return setUpServices(true)
.then(() => testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE, { key: 'configurationEditing.service.testSetting', value: 'value' }))
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_NO_WORKSPACE_OPENED'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_NO_WORKSPACE_OPENED));
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_NO_WORKSPACE_OPENED));
test('errors cases - invalid configuration', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(globalSettingsFile, ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,');
return testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.USER, { key: 'configurationEditing.service.testSetting', value: 'value' })
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION));
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION));
test('errors cases - dirty', () => {
instantiationService.stub(ITextFileService, 'isDirty', true);
return testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.USER, { key: 'configurationEditing.service.testSetting', value: 'value' })
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY error.'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY));
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY));
test('dirty error is not thrown if not asked to save', () => {
......@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ suite('ConfigurationEditingService', function () {
instantiationService.stub(INotificationService, <INotificationService>{ prompt: target, _serviceBrand: null, notify: null, error: null, info: null, warn: null });
return testObject.writeConfiguration(ConfigurationTarget.USER, { key: 'configurationEditing.service.testSetting', value: 'value' }, { donotNotifyError: true })
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY error.'),
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => {
assert.equal(false, target.calledOnce);
assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY);
(error: ConfigurationEditingError) => {
assert.equal(false, target.calledOnce);
assert.equal(error.code, ConfigurationEditingErrorCode.ERROR_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DIRTY);
test('write one setting - empty file', () => {
......@@ -109,28 +109,28 @@ suite('Keybindings Editing', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,');
return testObject.editKeybinding('alt+c', aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }))
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors'),
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.'));
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.'));
test('errors cases - parse errors 2', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, '[{"key": }]');
return testObject.editKeybinding('alt+c', aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }))
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with parse errors'),
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.'));
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. Please open it to correct errors/warnings in the file and try again.'));
test('errors cases - dirty', () => {
instantiationService.stub(ITextFileService, 'isDirty', true);
return testObject.editKeybinding('alt+c', aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }))
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with dirty error'),
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write because the keybindings configuration file is dirty. Please save it first and then try again.'));
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write because the keybindings configuration file is dirty. Please save it first and then try again.'));
test('errors cases - did not find an array', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(keybindingsFile, '{"key": "alt+c", "command": "hello"}');
return testObject.editKeybinding('alt+c', aResolvedKeybindingItem({ firstPart: { keyCode: KeyCode.Escape } }))
.then(() => assert.fail('Should fail with dirty error'),
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. It has an object which is not of type Array. Please open the file to clean up and try again.'));
error => assert.equal(error.message, 'Unable to write to the keybindings configuration file. It has an object which is not of type Array. Please open the file to clean up and try again.'));
test('edit a default keybinding to an empty file', () => {
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export class SCMService implements ISCMService {
private _onDidRemoveProvider = new Emitter<ISCMRepository>();
get onDidRemoveRepository(): Event<ISCMRepository> { return this._onDidRemoveProvider.event; }
constructor( @ILogService private logService: ILogService) { }
constructor(@ILogService private logService: ILogService) { }
registerSCMProvider(provider: ISCMProvider): ISCMRepository {
......@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ export class SaveSequentializer {
class DefaultSaveErrorHandler implements ISaveErrorHandler {
constructor( @INotificationService private notificationService: INotificationService) { }
constructor(@INotificationService private notificationService: INotificationService) { }
public onSaveError(error: any, model: TextFileEditorModel): void {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('genericSaveError', "Failed to save '{0}': {1}", paths.basename(model.getResource().fsPath), toErrorMessage(error, false)));
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
import { timeout } from 'vs/base/common/async';
class ServiceAccessor {
constructor( @ITextFileService public textFileService: TestTextFileService, @IModelService public modelService: IModelService, @IFileService public fileService: TestFileService) {
constructor(@ITextFileService public textFileService: TestTextFileService, @IModelService public modelService: IModelService, @IFileService public fileService: TestFileService) {
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export class ColorThemeStore {
public get onDidChange(): Event<ColorThemeData[]> { return this.onDidChangeEmitter.event; }
constructor( @IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService, defaultTheme: ColorThemeData) {
constructor(@IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService, defaultTheme: ColorThemeData) {
this.extensionsColorThemes = [defaultTheme];
this.onDidChangeEmitter = new Emitter<ColorThemeData[]>();
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export class FileIconThemeStore {
public get onDidChange(): Event<FileIconThemeData[]> { return this.onDidChangeEmitter.event; }
constructor( @IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService) {
constructor(@IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService) {
this.knownIconThemes = [];
this.onDidChangeEmitter = new Emitter<FileIconThemeData[]>();
......@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ colorThemeSchema.register();
class ConfigurationWriter {
constructor( @IConfigurationService private configurationService: IConfigurationService) {
constructor(@IConfigurationService private configurationService: IConfigurationService) {
public writeConfiguration(key: string, value: any, settingsTarget: ConfigurationTarget): TPromise<void> {
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let EditorInputRegistry: IEditorInputFactoryRegistry = Platform.Registry.as(Edit
export class MyEditor extends BaseEditor {
constructor( @ITelemetryService telemetryService: ITelemetryService) {
constructor(@ITelemetryService telemetryService: ITelemetryService) {
super('MyEditor', NullTelemetryService, NullThemeService);
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export class MyEditor extends BaseEditor {
export class MyOtherEditor extends BaseEditor {
constructor( @ITelemetryService telemetryService: ITelemetryService) {
constructor(@ITelemetryService telemetryService: ITelemetryService) {
super('myOtherEditor', NullTelemetryService, NullThemeService);
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { workbenchInstantiationService } from 'vs/workbench/test/workbenchTestSe
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
class ServiceAccessor {
constructor( @IUntitledEditorService public untitledEditorService: UntitledEditorService) {
constructor(@IUntitledEditorService public untitledEditorService: UntitledEditorService) {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { TextFileEditorModelManager } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/commo
import { snapshotToString } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
class ServiceAccessor {
constructor( @ITextFileService public textFileService: TestTextFileService, @IModelService public modelService: IModelService) {
constructor(@ITextFileService public textFileService: TestTextFileService, @IModelService public modelService: IModelService) {
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