Prompt users to update TS versions before reporting issues

Fixes #129131
上级 76885d75
......@@ -634,10 +634,25 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
this._isPromptingAfterCrash = false;
if (item === reportIssueItem) {
const args = previousState.type === ServerState.Type.Errored && previousState.error instanceof TypeScriptServerError
? getReportIssueArgsForError(previousState.error, previousState.tsServerLogFile)
: undefined;
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openIssueReporter', args);
const minModernTsVersion = this.versionProvider.bundledVersion.apiVersion;
if (minModernTsVersion && {
localize('usingOldTsVersion.title', 'Please update your TypeScript version'),
modal: true,
detail: localize(
'The workspace is using an old version of TypeScript ({0}).\n\nBefore reporting an issue, please update the workspace to use the latest stable TypeScript release to make sure the bug has not already been fixed.',
previousState.type === ServerState.Type.Errored && previousState.error instanceof TypeScriptServerError ? previousState.error.version.apiVersion?.displayName : undefined),
useCustom: true
} else {
const args = previousState.type === ServerState.Type.Errored && previousState.error instanceof TypeScriptServerError
? getReportIssueArgsForError(previousState.error, previousState.tsServerLogFile)
: undefined;
vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.openIssueReporter', args);
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