editor.ts 16.5 KB
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 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';

import {TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import {EventEmitter} from 'vs/base/common/eventEmitter';
import types = require('vs/base/common/types');
import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import objects = require('vs/base/common/objects');
import {IEditor, IEditorViewState, IRange} from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon';
import {IEditorInput, IEditorModel, IEditorOptions, IResourceInput} from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
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 * A simple bag for input related status that can be shown in the UI
export interface IInputStatus {

	 * An identifier of the state that can be used e.g. as CSS class when displaying the input.
	state?: string;

	 * A label to display describing the current input status.
	displayText?: string;

	 * A longer description giving more detail about the current input status.
	description?: string;

	 * Preferably a short label to append to the input name to indicate the input status.
	decoration?: string;

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export enum ConfirmResult {

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 * Editor inputs are lightweight objects that can be passed to the workbench API to open inside the editor part.
 * Each editor input is mapped to an editor that is capable of opening it through the Platform facade.
export abstract class EditorInput extends EventEmitter implements IEditorInput {
	private disposed: boolean;

	 * Returns the unique id of this input.
	public abstract getId(): string;

	 * Returns the name of this input that can be shown to the user. Examples include showing the name of the input
	 * above the editor area when the input is shown.
	public getName(): string {
		return null;

	 * Returns the description of this input that can be shown to the user. Examples include showing the description of
	 * the input above the editor area to the side of the name of the input.
	 * @param verbose controls if the description should be short or can contain additional details.
	public getDescription(verbose?: boolean): string {
		return null;

	 * Returns status information about this input that can be shown to the user. Examples include showing the status
	 * of the input when hovering over the name of the input.
	public getStatus(): IInputStatus {
		return null;

	 * Returns the preferred editor for this input. A list of candidate editors is passed in that whee registered
	 * for the input. This allows subclasses to decide late which editor to use for the input on a case by case basis.
	public getPreferredEditorId(candidates: string[]): string {
		if (candidates && candidates.length > 0) {
			return candidates[0];

		return null;

	 * Returns true if this input is identical to the otherInput.
	public matches(otherInput: any): boolean {
		return this === otherInput;

	 * Returns a type of EditorModel that represents the resolved input. Subclasses should
	 * override to provide a meaningful model. The optional second argument allows to specify
	 * if the EditorModel should be refreshed before returning it. Depending on the implementation
	 * this could mean to refresh the editor model contents with the version from disk.
	public abstract resolve(refresh?: boolean): TPromise<EditorModel>;

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	 * An editor that is dirty will be asked to be saved once it closes.
	public isDirty(): boolean {
		return false;

	 * Subclasses should bring up a proper dialog for the user if the editor is dirty and return the result.
	public confirmSave(): ConfirmResult {
		return ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE;

	 * Saves the editor if it is dirty. Subclasses return a promise with a boolean indicating the success of the operation.
	public save(): TPromise<boolean> {
		return TPromise.as(true);

	 * Reverts the editor if it is dirty. Subclasses return a promise with a boolean indicating the success of the operation.
	public revert(): TPromise<boolean> {
		return TPromise.as(true);

	 * Called when the editor is closed. Subclasses can free resources as needed.
	public close(): void {

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	 * Called when an editor input is no longer needed. Allows to free up any resources taken by
	 * resolving the editor input.
	public dispose(): void {
		this.disposed = true;


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	 * Returns whether this input was disposed or not.
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	public isDisposed(): boolean {
		return this.disposed;

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export enum EncodingMode {

	 * Instructs the encoding support to encode the current input with the provided encoding

	 * Instructs the encoding support to decode the current input with the provided encoding

export interface IEncodingSupport {

	 * Gets the encoding of the input if known.
	getEncoding(): string;

	 * Sets the encoding for the input for saving.
	setEncoding(encoding: string, mode: EncodingMode): void;

 * This is a tagging interface to declare an editor input being capable of dealing with files. It is only used in the editor registry
 * to register this kind of input to the platform.
export interface IFileEditorInput extends IEditorInput, IEncodingSupport {
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	 * Gets the mime type of the file this input is about.
	getMime(): string;

	 * Sets the mime type of the file this input is about.
	setMime(mime: string): void;

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	 * Gets the absolute file resource URI this input is about.
	getResource(): URI;

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	 * Sets the absolute file resource URI this input is about.
	setResource(resource: URI): void;

 * The base class of untitled editor inputs in the workbench.
export abstract class UntitledEditorInput extends EditorInput implements IEncodingSupport {
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	abstract getResource(): URI;

	abstract isDirty(): boolean;

	abstract suggestFileName(): string;

	abstract getMime(): string;

	abstract getEncoding(): string;

	abstract setEncoding(encoding: string, mode: EncodingMode): void;

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 * The base class of editor inputs that have an original and modified side.
export abstract class BaseDiffEditorInput extends EditorInput {
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	private _originalInput: EditorInput;
	private _modifiedInput: EditorInput;

	constructor(originalInput: EditorInput, modifiedInput: EditorInput) {

		this._originalInput = originalInput;
		this._modifiedInput = modifiedInput;

	public get originalInput(): EditorInput {
		return this._originalInput;

	public get modifiedInput(): EditorInput {
		return this._modifiedInput;

	public getOriginalInput(): EditorInput {
		return this.originalInput;

	public getModifiedInput(): EditorInput {
		return this.modifiedInput;
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	public isDirty(): boolean {
		return this._modifiedInput.isDirty();

	public confirmSave(): ConfirmResult {
		return this._modifiedInput.confirmSave();

	public save(): TPromise<boolean> {
		return this._modifiedInput.save();

	public revert(): TPromise<boolean> {
		return this._modifiedInput.revert();

	public close(): void {
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 * The editor model is the heavyweight counterpart of editor input. Depending on the editor input, it
 * connects to the disk to retrieve content and may allow for saving it back or reverting it. Editor models
 * are typically cached for some while because they are expensive to construct.
export class EditorModel extends EventEmitter implements IEditorModel {

	 * Causes this model to load returning a promise when loading is completed.
	public load(): TPromise<EditorModel> {
		return TPromise.as(this);

	 * Returns whether this model was loaded or not.
	public isResolved(): boolean {
		return true;

	 * Subclasses should implement to free resources that have been claimed through loading.
	public dispose(): void {


 * The editor options is the base class of options that can be passed in when opening an editor.
export class EditorOptions implements IEditorOptions {

	 * Helper to create EditorOptions inline.
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	public static create(settings: {
		preserveFocus?: boolean;
		forceOpen?: boolean;
		pinned?: boolean,
		index?: number
	}): EditorOptions {
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		let options = new EditorOptions();
		options.preserveFocus = settings.preserveFocus;
		options.forceOpen = settings.forceOpen;
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		options.pinned = settings.pinned;
		options.index = settings.index;
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		return options;

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	 * Inherit all options from other EditorOptions instance.
	public mixin(other: EditorOptions): void {
		this.preserveFocus = other.preserveFocus;
		this.forceOpen = other.forceOpen;
		this.pinned = other.pinned;
		this.index = other.index;

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	 * Tells the editor to not receive keyboard focus when the editor is being opened. By default,
	 * the editor will receive keyboard focus on open.
	public preserveFocus: boolean;

	 * Tells the editor to replace the editor input in the editor even if it is identical to the one
	 * already showing. By default, the editor will not replace the input if it is identical to the
	 * one showing.
	public forceOpen: boolean;

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	 * An editor that is pinned remains in the editor stack even when another editor is being opened.
	 * An editor that is not pinned will always get replaced by another editor that is not pinned.
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	public pinned: boolean;
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	 * The index in the document stack where to insert the editor into when opening.
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	public index: number;

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	 * Returns true if this options is identical to the otherOptions.
	public matches(otherOptions: any): boolean {
		return this === otherOptions;

 * Base Text Editor Options.
export class TextEditorOptions extends EditorOptions {
	private startLineNumber: number;
	private startColumn: number;
	private endLineNumber: number;
	private endColumn: number;
	private editorViewState: IEditorViewState;

	public static from(input: IResourceInput): TextEditorOptions {
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		let options: TextEditorOptions = null;
		if (input && input.options) {
			if (input.options.selection || input.options.forceOpen || input.options.preserveFocus || input.options.pinned || typeof input.options.index === 'number') {
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				options = new TextEditorOptions();

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			if (input.options.selection) {
				let selection = input.options.selection;
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				options.selection(selection.startLineNumber, selection.startColumn, selection.endLineNumber, selection.endColumn);

			if (input.options.forceOpen) {
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				options.forceOpen = true;

			if (input.options.preserveFocus) {
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				options.preserveFocus = true;
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			if (input.options.pinned) {
				options.pinned = true;

			if (typeof input.options.index === 'number') {
				options.index = input.options.index;
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		return options;

	 * Helper to create TextEditorOptions inline.
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	public static create(settings: {
		preserveFocus?: boolean;
		forceOpen?: boolean;
		pinned?: boolean;
		index?: number;
		selection?: IRange
	}): TextEditorOptions {
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		let options = new TextEditorOptions();
		options.preserveFocus = settings.preserveFocus;
		options.forceOpen = settings.forceOpen;
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		options.pinned = settings.pinned;
		options.index = settings.index;
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		if (settings.selection) {
			options.startLineNumber = settings.selection.startLineNumber;
			options.startColumn = settings.selection.startColumn;
			options.endLineNumber = settings.selection.endLineNumber || settings.selection.startLineNumber;
			options.endColumn = settings.selection.endColumn || settings.selection.startColumn;

		return options;

	 * Returns if this options object has objects defined for the editor.
	public hasOptionsDefined(): boolean {
		return !!this.editorViewState || (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.startLineNumber) && !types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.startColumn));

	 * Tells the editor to set show the given selection when the editor is being opened.
	public selection(startLineNumber: number, startColumn: number, endLineNumber: number = startLineNumber, endColumn: number = startColumn): EditorOptions {
		this.startLineNumber = startLineNumber;
		this.startColumn = startColumn;
		this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber;
		this.endColumn = endColumn;

		return this;

	 * Sets the view state to be used when the editor is opening.
	public viewState(viewState: IEditorViewState): void {
		this.editorViewState = viewState;

	 * Apply the view state or selection to the given editor.
	 * @return if something was applied
	public apply(textEditor: IEditor): boolean {
		let gotApplied = false;

		// First try viewstate
		if (this.editorViewState) {
			gotApplied = true;

		// Otherwise check for selection
		else if (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.startLineNumber) && !types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.startColumn)) {

			// Select
			if (!types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.endLineNumber) && !types.isUndefinedOrNull(this.endColumn)) {
				let range = {
					startLineNumber: this.startLineNumber,
					startColumn: this.startColumn,
					endLineNumber: this.endLineNumber,
					endColumn: this.endColumn

			// Reveal
			else {
				let pos = {
					lineNumber: this.startLineNumber,
					column: this.startColumn

			gotApplied = true;

		return gotApplied;

	public matches(otherOptions: any): boolean {
		if (super.matches(otherOptions) === true) {
			return true;

		if (otherOptions) {
			return otherOptions instanceof TextEditorOptions &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).startLineNumber === this.startLineNumber &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).startColumn === this.startColumn &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).endLineNumber === this.endLineNumber &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).endColumn === this.endColumn &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).preserveFocus === this.preserveFocus &&
				(<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).forceOpen === this.forceOpen &&
				objects.equals((<TextEditorOptions>otherOptions).editorViewState, this.editorViewState);

		return false;

 * Base Text Diff Editor Options.
export class TextDiffEditorOptions extends TextEditorOptions {

	 * Helper to create TextDiffEditorOptions inline.
	public static create(settings: { autoRevealFirstChange?: boolean; preserveFocus?: boolean; forceOpen?: boolean; }): TextDiffEditorOptions {
		let options = new TextDiffEditorOptions();
		options.autoRevealFirstChange = settings.autoRevealFirstChange;
		options.preserveFocus = settings.preserveFocus;
		options.forceOpen = settings.forceOpen;

		return options;

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	 * Whether to auto reveal the first change when the text editor is opened or not. By default
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	 * the first change will not be revealed.
	public autoRevealFirstChange: boolean;

 * Given an input, tries to get the associated URI for it (either file or untitled scheme).
export function getUntitledOrFileResource(input: IEditorInput, supportDiff?: boolean): URI {
	if (!input) {
		return null;

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	// Untitled
	if (input instanceof UntitledEditorInput) {
		return input.getResource();
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	// File
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	let fileInput = asFileEditorInput(input, supportDiff);
	return fileInput && fileInput.getResource();

 * Returns the object as IFileEditorInput only if it matches the signature.
export function asFileEditorInput(obj: any, supportDiff?: boolean): IFileEditorInput {
	if (!obj) {
		return null;

	// Check for diff if we are asked to
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	if (supportDiff && types.isFunction((<BaseDiffEditorInput>obj).getModifiedInput)) {
		obj = (<BaseDiffEditorInput>obj).getModifiedInput();
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	let i = <IFileEditorInput>obj;

	return i instanceof EditorInput && types.areFunctions(i.setResource, i.setMime, i.setEncoding, i.getEncoding, i.getResource, i.getMime) ? i : null;
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export function isInputRelated(sourceInput: EditorInput, targetInput: EditorInput): boolean {
	if (!sourceInput || !targetInput) {
		return false;

	if (sourceInput.matches(targetInput)) {
		return true;

	if (sourceInput instanceof BaseDiffEditorInput) {
		let modifiedInput = (<BaseDiffEditorInput>sourceInput).getModifiedInput();
		if (modifiedInput && modifiedInput.matches(targetInput)) {
			return true;

	return false;
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