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Add new document of protocol in en. (#898)

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...@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ...@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
* [Plugin development guide](en/Plugin-Development-Guide.md) * [Plugin development guide](en/Plugin-Development-Guide.md)
* Protocol * Protocol
* [Cross Process Propagation Headers Protocol, v1.0](en/Skywalking-Cross-Process-Propagation-Headers-Protocol-v1.md) * [Cross Process Propagation Headers Protocol, v1.0](en/Skywalking-Cross-Process-Propagation-Headers-Protocol-v1.md)
* [SkyWalking Trace Data Protocol](en/Trace-Data-Protocol.md)
* [Roadmap](ROADMAP.md) * [Roadmap](ROADMAP.md)
* Resources provided by community * Resources provided by community
* [Public speakings](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/Community#public-speakings) * [Public speakings](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/Community#public-speakings)
...@@ -40,11 +40,8 @@ JSON数组,数组的每个元素,为一个有效的gRPC服务地址。 ...@@ -40,11 +40,8 @@ JSON数组,数组的每个元素,为一个有效的gRPC服务地址。
### 协议内容 ### 协议内容
[gRPC service define](../..apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/ApplicationRegisterService.proto) [gRPC service define](../..apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/ApplicationRegisterService.proto)
- 首次调用时,applicationCode为客户端设置的应用名(显示在拓扑图和应用列表上的名字)。之后随着追踪过程,会上报此应用相关的周边服务的`ip:port`地址列表 - applicationCode为客户端设置的应用名.
- KeyWithIntegerValue 返回,key为上报的applicationCode或ip:port地址,value为对应的id。applicationCode对应的返回id,在后续协议中,被称为applicationId。 - applicationCode对应的返回id,在后续协议中,被称为applicationId。
- 此服务按需调用,本地无法找到ip:port对应的id时,可异步发起调用。
- 获取applicationId的操作是必选。后续追踪数据依赖此id
- 获取ip:port对应的id是可选,使用id,会有效提高collector处理效率,降低网络消耗。
## 应用实例发现服务 ## 应用实例发现服务
### 简介 ### 简介
# Trace Data Protocol
Trace Data Protocol describes the data format between SkyWalking agent/sniffer and backend.
## Abstract
This protocol includes the downstream and upstream data format. Other languages agents/SDKs can use this protocol to
uplink data to the SkyWalking backend.
- Discovery service provided by HTTP only
- Other services, includes Register, Trace, etc., provided by HTTP/JSON and gRPC both.
### Version
#### gRPC proto files
[gRPC proto files](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto)
## Collector discovery service
### Abstract
**Collector discovery service should be the first service after agent started**
Through this service, get the gRPC service list. The agent can choose any one of them for uplink data. Recommend to
acquire the list periodically.
- Input
- Output
JSON Array. Each element in the array ia a valid gRPC service address.
["ip address1:port1","ip address2:port2","ip address3:port3"]
## Application Register Service
### Abstract
Register Application Code to the backend, and receive an integer represents the application.
[gRPC service define](../..apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/ApplicationRegisterService.proto)
- applicationCode is the config in your `agent.config`.
- The return id is **ApplicationId** as the value in `KeyWithIntegerValue`, which will be used in further data uplink.
## Discovery Service
### Register Instance Service
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/DiscoveryService.proto#L11-L12)
- agentUUID generated by agent, should be unique. Stay same before reboot, at least.
- **ApplicationInstanceId** will be used in further data uplink.
### Heart beat service
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/DiscoveryService.proto#L14-L15)
- Recommend to report heart beat every 20-60 seconds.
- Java agent don't use this, because JVM metrics upstream replace the capabilities of this.
## Service Name Discovery Service
### Abstract
Replace the literal String service(operation) name by an id(integer)
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/DiscoveryService.proto#L53-L74)
- Optional service, reduce the network cost but use more memory as a buffer mapping.
## Network Address Register Service
### Abstract
Network Address includes all remove service address, includes ip, port, hostname, etc., which used in RPC framework, MQ, DB, etc.
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/NetworkAddressRegisterService.proto)
- Optional service, reduce the network cost but use more memory as a buffer mapping.
## JVM Metrics Service
### Abstract
Uplink the JVM metrics, including PermSize, HeapSize, CPU, Memory, etc., every second.
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/JVMMetricsService.proto)
## Trace Segment Service
[gRPC service define](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/TraceSegmentService.proto)
- UniqueId represents segmentId and globalTraceId. It have 3 parts(Longs), 1) applicationInstanceId, 2) ThreadId, 3) Timestamp + 10000 + seq(seq is in [0, 100000) )
- Span data please refs to [Plugin Development Guide](Plugin-Development-Guide.md)
- Id and name both exist, please use id if possible.
- operationNameId/operationName
- networkAddress/networkAddressId
- entryServiceName/entryServiceId
- parentServiceName/parentServiceId
- peerId/peer
- componentIds are defined in backend, [here](../../apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/java/org/apache/skywalking/apm/network/trace/component/ComponentsDefine.java)
# HTTP JSON Services
All HTTP Services match the gRPC services, just adjust use short keys.
## Instance Register Service
- http://ip:port/instance/register(default: localhost:12800)
ai: x, #applicationId
au: "", #agentUUID
rt: x, #registerTime
oi: "", #osinfo
ai: x, #applicationId
ii: x, #applicationInstanceId
## Heart beat service
- http://ip:port/instance/heartbeat(default: localhost:12800)
"ii": x, #applicationInstanceId
"ht": x #heartbeatTime, java timestamp format
Output: empty
## Service Name Discovery
- http://ip:port/servicename/discovery(default: localhost:12800)
ai: x, #applicationId
sn: "", #serviceName
st: x, #srcSpanType
si: x, #osinfo
el: { #element
ai: x, #applicationId
sn: "", #serviceName
st: x, #srcSpanType
## Trace Segment Service
"gt": [[230150, 185809, 24040000]],
"sg": { //TraceSegmentObject
"ts": [137150, 185809, 48780000],
"ai": 2, //applicationId
"ii": 3, //applicationInstanceId
"ss": [ //SpanObject
"si": 0, //spanId
"tv": 0, //SpanType
"lv": 2, //SpanLayer
"ps": -1, //parentSpanId
"st": 1501858094726, //startTime
"et": 1501858096804, //endTime
"ci": 3, //componentId
"cn": "", //component
"oi": 0, //operationNameId
"on": "org.skywaking.apm.testcase.dubbo.services.GreetService.doBusiness()", //operationName
"pi": 0, //peerId
"pn": "", //peer
"ie": false, //isError
"rs": [ //TraceSegmentReference
"pts": [230150, 185809, 24040000], //parentTraceSegmentId
"pii": 2, //parentApplicationInstanceId
"psp": 1, //parentSpanId
"psi": 0, //parentServiceId
"psn": "/dubbox-case/case/dubbox-rest", //parentServiceName
"ni": 0, //networkAddressId
"nn": "", //networkAddress
"eii": 2, //entryApplicationInstanceId
"esi": 0, //entryServiceId
"esn": "/dubbox-case/case/dubbox-rest", //entryServiceName
"rn": 0 //RefType
"to": [ //KeyWithStringValue
"k": "url", //key
"v": "rest://" //value
"k": "http.method",
"v": "GET"
"lo": { //LogMessage
"t": 1501858094726,
"d": [
"k": "NullPointException",
"v": "Error Stack"
"si": 1,
"tv": 1,
"lv": 1,
"ps": 0,
"st": 1501858094726,
"et": 1501858095804,
"ci": 9,
"cn": "",
"oi": 0,
"on": "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]",
"pi": 0,
"pn": "localhost:27017",
"ie": false,
"to": [],
"lo": []
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