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Jerome Etienne 已提交
# 1.5.1
Jerome Etienne 已提交

Jerome Etienne 已提交
## aframe-ar.js
Jerome Etienne 已提交
4 5
- aframe-ar.js - added link into
- aframe-ar.js - change debugUIEnabled default from false to true.
- FIX: in aframe-ar.js object3d stayed visible when marker goes out of screen
Jerome Etienne 已提交

Jerome Etienne 已提交
## babylon-ar.js
Jerome Etienne 已提交
9 10
- AR.js now work with babylon.js [source](
- It is early but it is working!
Jerome Etienne 已提交
11 12

## Demos
Jerome Etienne 已提交
13 14
- drafting a demo for - [tweet]( - [source](
- Magic door bridging AR and VR [tweet](
Jerome Etienne 已提交
  - nice reuseable components available
Jerome Etienne 已提交
16 17
- made demos to celebrate firefox 55 - [post]( - [source](
- made demo for mapbox - [tweet]( - [source](
Jerome Etienne 已提交
18 19
- vr-camera-controls - or how to walk in VR with AR.js - [tweet](

Jerome Etienne 已提交
20 21
# 1.4.10

Jerome Etienne 已提交
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- support for markers-area 
  - Efficient user friendly area scanning
  - More Versatile than single marker tracking 0 larger areas than single markers
  - More Robust than single marker tracking - even if only one sub marker is visible it is still tracking
  - More Stable than single marker tracking - position is averaged based on visible markers
- Support for multiple tracking
- single api for all tracking
- tango support
- support for aruco WIP - all included but need to fix pose estimation

# 1.3.0

**Totally incomplete**

- added smoothedControls - everything tunable via parameters
  - it applies LERP for position/quaternion/scale on sub-controls
  - if display controls object3d when sub-controls has been visible for minVisibleDelay
  - if display controls object3d when sub-controls has been unvisible for minUnvisibleDelay
- did THREEx.ArMarkerHelper to help visualize marker
- AR-Code generator - see [AR-Code Generator](
- liquid markers are in!
  [water tweet]( -
  [boing tweet](
- marker invisible cloak are in! with tweening and all :)
  [first tweet]( -
  [video tweet](
- minimal.html just got a little bit cleaner
  - aka the simplest way to do AR on the web
  - or webar in less than 10 lines of html! on codepen
- finished hole-in-the-wall demo - 
  [duck on my desk tweet](
- support preset in a-frame a-marker - preset = ["hiro" | "kanji"]
- experiementation in dead-reckoning ... not conclusive
- early work about videoInWebgl - a important componant of phone-in-hmd usecase
  [first tweet](
- better handling of .baseUrl in aframe default parameters
- fixed artoolkit projection matrix to be more webgl - [projection matrix](
  - it was looking to positive-z and y was upside down compared to the usual webgl one
- Change marker axis - now positive-y is normal to the marker
- Added logo by @tentone - [AR.js logo](
Nice and slick! thanks @tentone
- Added a-frame logo in AR - [aframe-logo.html](
- added a profile discovery. It helps choose the performance tradeoff which fit your case - [profile](

# 1.0.0 - AR.js has landed

- Fixed the resize issue in a-frame!
- Performance improvement of image copy time by 40%!!!
  - massive improvement in the pose detection time
  - so maxDetectionRate can go way up
- Improved documentations

# 0.9.0 - Initial Release

I worked a lot on WebAR.
But i recently reached [60fps on mobile phones](
so i think WebAR is now ready to be released :)

I will keep the usual branch model

- stable release on master branch
- current release on dev branch
- features in progress on their own branch