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# Scopes and Fields
By using Aggregation Function, the requests will group by time and **Group Key(s)** in each scope.

### SCOPE `All`

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
8 9
| name  | Represent the service name of each request.  |   | string |
| serviceInstanceName  | Represent the name of the service instance id referred.  |   | string |
10 11 12 13
| endpoint  | Represent the endpoint path of each request.  |   | string |
| latency  | Represent how much time of each request. |   |  int(in ms)  |
| status  | Represent whether success or fail of the request.  |   | bool(true for success)  |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. e.g. 200, 404, 302| | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |
15 16 17

### SCOPE `Service`

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the service. 
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service | yes | int |
| name | Represent the name of the service | | string |
| serviceInstanceName | Represent the name of the service instance id referred | | string |
| endpointName | Represent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URI | | string |
| latency | Represent how much time of each request. | | int |
| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request. | | bool(true for success)  |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call | | int|
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |

### SCOPE `ServiceInstance`

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the service instance. 
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service instance, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name |  Represent the name of the service instance. Such as `ip:port@Service Name`.  **Notice**: current native agent uses `processId@Service name` as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation. | | string|
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| endpointName | Represent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URI. | | string|
| latency | Represent how much time of each request. | | int |
| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request. | | bool(true for success) |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. | | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |

#### Secondary scopes of `ServiceInstance` 

Calculate the metrics data if the service instance is a JVM and collected by javaagent.
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

1. SCOPE `ServiceInstanceJVMCPU`

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service instance, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name |  Represent the name of the service instance. Such as `ip:port@Service Name`.  **Notice**: current native agent uses `processId@Service name` as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation. | | string|
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| usePercent | Represent how much percent of cpu time cost| | double|

2. SCOPE `ServiceInstanceJVMMemory`

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service instance, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name |  Represent the name of the service instance. Such as `ip:port@Service Name`.  **Notice**: current native agent uses `processId@Service name` as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation. | | string|
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| heapStatus | Represent this value the memory metrics values are heap or not | | bool |
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
| init | See JVM document | | long |
| max | See JVM document | | long |
| used | See JVM document | | long |
| committed | See JVM document | | long |

3. SCOPE `ServiceInstanceJVMMemoryPool`

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service instance, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name |  Represent the name of the service instance. Such as `ip:port@Service Name`.  **Notice**: current native agent uses `processId@Service name` as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation. | | string|
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| init | See JVM document | | long |
| max | See JVM document | | long |
| used | See JVM document | | long |
| committed | See JVM document | | long |

4. SCOPE `ServiceInstanceJVMGC`

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the service instance, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name |  Represent the name of the service instance. Such as `ip:port@Service Name`.  **Notice**: current native agent uses `processId@Service name` as instance name, which is useless when you want to setup a filter in aggregation. | | string|
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| phrase | Include NEW and OLD | | Enum |
| time | GC time cost | | long |
| count | Count of GC op | | long |

### SCOPE `Endpoint`

Calculate the metrics data from each request of the endpoint in the service. 
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| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| id | Represent the unique id of the endpoint, usually a number. | yes | int |
| name | Represent the name of the endpoint, such a full path of HTTP URI. | | string |
| serviceName | Represent the name of the service. | | string |
| serviceInstanceName | Represent the name of the service instance id referred. | | string |
| latency | Represent how much time of each request. | | int |
| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request.| | bool(true for success) |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. | | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |

### SCOPE `ServiceRelation`

Calculate the metrics data from each request between one service and the other service
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| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| sourceServiceId | Represent the id of the source service. | yes | int |
| sourceServiceName | Represent the name of the source service. | | string |
| sourceServiceInstanceName | Represent the name of the source service instance. | | string |
| destServiceId | Represent the id of the destination service. | yes | string |
| destServiceName | Represent the name of the destination service. | | string |
| destServiceInstanceName | Represent the name of the destination service instance.| | string|
| endpoint | Represent the endpoint used in this call. | | string
| componentId | Represent the id of component used in this call. | yes | string
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| latency | Represent how much time of each request. | | int |
| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request.| | bool(true for success) |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. | | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |
| detectPoint | Represent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy. | yes | enum|

### SCOPE `ServiceInstanceRelation`

Calculate the metrics data from each request between one service instance and the other service instance
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| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| sourceServiceInstanceId | Represent the id of the source service instance. | yes | int|
| sourceServiceName | Represent the name of the source service. | | string |
| sourceServiceInstanceName | Represent the name of the source service instance. | | string |
| destServiceName | Represent the name of the destination service. | | |
| destServiceInstanceId | Represent the id of the destination service instance. | yes | int| 
| destServiceInstanceName | Represent the name of the destination service instance. | | string |
| endpoint | Represent the endpoint used in this call. | | string
| componentId | Represent the id of component used in this call. | yes | string
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| latency | Represent how much time of each request. | | int |
| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request.| | bool(true for success) |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. | | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |
| detectPoint | Represent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy. | yes | enum|

### SCOPE `EndpointRelation`

Calculate the metrics data of the dependency between one endpoint and the other endpoint. 
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This relation is hard to detect, also depends on tracing lib to propagate the prev endpoint. 
So `EndpointRelation` scope aggregation effects only in service under tracing by SkyWalking native agents, 
including auto instrument agents(like Java, .NET), OpenCensus SkyWalking exporter implementation or others propagate tracing context in SkyWalking spec.

| Name | Remarks | Group Key | Type | 
| endpointId | Represent the id of the endpoint as parent in the dependency. | yes | int |
| endpoint | Represent the endpoint as parent in the dependency.| | string| 
| childEndpointId | Represent the id of the endpoint being used by the parent endpoint in row(1) | yes | int| 
| childEndpoint| Represent the endpoint being used by the parent endpoint in row(2) | | string |
| rpcLatency | Represent the latency of the RPC from some codes in the endpoint to the childEndpoint. Exclude the latency caused by the endpoint(1) itself.
| componentId | Represent the id of component used in this call. | yes | string
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| status | Represent whether success or fail of the request.| | bool(true for success) |
| responseCode | Represent the response code of HTTP response, if this request is the HTTP call. | | int |
| type | Represent the type of each request. Such as: Database, HTTP, RPC, gRPC. | | enum |
| detectPoint | Represent where is the relation detected. Values: client, server, proxy. | yes | enum|