提交 e762d392 编写于 作者: I Ian Luo

simplify README, redirect to dubbo.io

上级 8f20e3a6
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Dubbo is a distributed, high performance RPC framework which empowers applications with service import/export capabilities.
It contains three key parts, which include:
* **Remoting**: a network communication framework providing sync-over-async and request-response messaging.
* **Clustering**: a remote procedure call abstraction with load-balancing/failover/clustering capabilities.
* **Registration**: a service directory framework for service registration and service event publish/subscription
For more details, please refer to [dubbo.io](http://dubbo.io).
## Documentation
* [User's Guide](http://dubbo.io/user-guide/)
* [Developer's Guide](http://dubbo.io/developer-guide/)
* [Admin's Guide](http://dubbo.io/admin-guide/)
## Quick Start
This guide gets you started with dubbo with a simple working example.
#### Download the sources(examples)
You’ll need a local copy of the example code to work through this quickstart. Download the demo code from our [Github repository](https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo) (the following command clones the entire repository, but you just need the `dubbo-demo` for this quickstart and other tutorials):
$ cd ~
$ # Clone the repository to get the source code.
$ git clone https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo.git dubbo
$ git checkout master
$ # or: git checkout -b dubbo-2.4.x
#### Build & Run
1. Build the whole sources use the following maven command
$ cd ~/dubbo
$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip
$ # The demo code for this quickstart all stay in the `dubbo-demo` folder
$ cd ./dubbo-demo
$ ls
2. Run demo-provider. Start the provider and export service
$ # Navigate to the provider part
$ cd ~/dubbo/dubbo-demo/dubbo-demo-provider/target
$ # unpack
$ tar zxvf dubbo-demo-provider-2.5.4-SNAPSHOT-assembly.tar.gz
$ cd dubbo-demo-provider-2.5.4-SNAPSHOT/bin
$ ls
$ # Start the provider
$ ./start.sh
3. Run demo-consumer. Start the consumer and consume service provided by _the provider_ above
$ # Navigate to the consumer part
$ cd ~/dubbo/dubbo-demo/dubbo-demo-consumer/target
$ # unpack
$ tar zxvf dubbo-demo-consumer-2.5.4-SNAPSHOT-assembly.tar.gz
$ cd dubbo-demo-consumer-2.5.4-SNAPSHOT/bin
$ ls
$ ./start.sh
For a more detailed tutorial of this demo, click [here](http://dubbo.io/#quickstart)
## Getting Help
* Community
* Releases
* Contributors
* Q&A
Pls. visit [dubbo.io](http://dubbo.io) for more information.
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