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Jason Park 已提交
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# Contributing

> #### Table of Contents
> - [Running Locally](#running-locally)
> - [Creating a Pull Request](#creating-a-pull-request)

## Running Locally

1. Fork the main repo.

2. Clone your forked repo to your machine.

    git clone<your-username>/algorithm-visualizer.git    

3. Install [Docker](, if not already installed.

4. Install dependencies, and run the server.

    cd algorithm-visualizer

    npm install
    npm run dev
5. Open [`http://localhost:8080/`](http://localhost:8080/) in a web browser.

## Creating a Pull Request
6. Create a branch addressing the issue/improvement you'd like to tackle.

    git checkout -b my-problem-fixer-branch

7. Write some awesome code.

8. Commit the changes, and push them to `my-problem-fixer-branch` branch on your forked repo.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Explain my awesome changes"

    git push origin my-problem-fixer-branch

9. Create a pull request from `my-problem-fixer-branch` branch on your forked repo to `master` branch on the main repo.