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# Spring Cloud Documentation

Table of Contents

* [1. About the Documentation](#documentation-about)
* [2. Getting Help](#documentation-getting-help)

This section provides a brief overview of Spring Cloud reference documentation. It serves
as a map for the rest of the document.

## [](#documentation-about)[1. About the Documentation](#documentation-about)

The Spring Cloud reference guide is available as

* [Multi-page HTML](

* [Single-page HTML](

* [PDF](

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others,
provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each
copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

## [](#documentation-getting-help)[2. Getting Help](#documentation-getting-help)

If you have trouble with Spring Cloud, we would like to help.

* Learn the Spring Cloud basics. If you are
  starting out with Spring Cloud, try one of the [guides](

* Ask a question. We monitor []( for questions
  tagged with [`spring-cloud`](

* Chat with us at [Spring Cloud Gitter](

|   |All of Spring Cloud is open source, including the documentation. If you find<br/>problems with the docs or if you want to improve them, please get involved.|

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