GLOBAL_VARIABLES CREATE VIEW `GLOBAL_VARIABLES` AS SELECT `variable_name` as VARIABLE_NAME, `value` as VARIABLE_VALUE FROM oceanbase.__tenant_virtual_global_variable utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CREATE VIEW `KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS (select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' as CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, c.database_name as CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, 'PRIMARY' as CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, c.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, a.table_name as TABLE_NAME, b.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, b.rowkey_position as ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL as POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, NULL as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column b on a.table_id = b.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database c on a.database_id = c.database_id where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.in_recyclebin = 0 and c.database_name != '__recyclebin' and b.rowkey_position > 0 and b.column_id >= 16 and a.table_type != 5 and b.column_flags & (0x1 << 8) = 0) union (select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' as CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, d.database_name as CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, substr(a.table_name, 2 + length(substring_index(a.table_name,'_',4))) as CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, d.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, c.table_name as TABLE_NAME, b.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, b.index_position as ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL as POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, NULL as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column b on a.table_id = b.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_table c on a.data_table_id = c.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database d on c.database_id = d.database_id where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.in_recyclebin = 0 and d.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.database_name != '__recyclebin' and a.table_type = 5 and a.index_type in (2, 4, 8) and b.index_position > 0) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CREATE VIEW `KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` AS (select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' as CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, c.database_name as CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, 'PRIMARY' as CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, c.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, a.table_name as TABLE_NAME, b.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, b.rowkey_position as ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL as POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, NULL as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column b on a.table_id = b.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database c on a.database_id = c.database_id where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.in_recyclebin = 0 and c.database_name != '__recyclebin' and b.rowkey_position > 0 and b.column_id >= 16 and a.table_type != 5 and b.column_flags & (0x1 << 8) = 0) union all (select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' as CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, d.database_name as CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, substr(a.table_name, 2 + length(substring_index(a.table_name,'_',4))) as CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, d.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, c.table_name as TABLE_NAME, b.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, b.index_position as ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL as POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, NULL as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, NULL as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column b on a.table_id = b.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_table c on a.data_table_id = c.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database d on c.database_id = d.database_id where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.in_recyclebin = 0 and d.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.database_name != '__recyclebin' and a.table_type = 5 and a.index_type in (2, 4, 8) and b.index_position > 0) union all (select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' as CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, d.database_name as CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, f.foreign_key_name as CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, d.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, t.table_name as TABLE_NAME, c.column_name as COLUMN_NAME, fc.position as ORDINAL_POSITION, NULL as POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, /* POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT is not supported now */ d2.database_name as REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, t2.table_name as REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, c2.column_name as REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from oceanbase.__all_virtual_foreign_key f inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_table t on f.child_table_id = t.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database d on t.database_id = d.database_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_foreign_key_column fc on f.foreign_key_id = fc.foreign_key_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column c on fc.child_column_id = c.column_id and t.table_id = c.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_table t2 on f.parent_table_id = t2.table_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database d2 on t2.database_id = d2.database_id inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_column c2 on fc.parent_column_id = c2.column_id and t2.table_id = c2.table_id where f.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and fc.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and t.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and t2.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d2.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and c2.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id()) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
SCHEMATA CREATE VIEW `SCHEMATA` AS SELECT 'def' AS CATALOG_NAME, DATABASE_NAME AS SCHEMA_NAME, 'utf8mb4' AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, 'utf8mb4_general_ci' AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME, NULL AS SQL_PATH FROM oceanbase.__all_virtual_database a WHERE a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and in_recyclebin = 0 and database_name != '__recyclebin' utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
SCHEMATA CREATE VIEW `SCHEMATA` AS SELECT 'def' AS CATALOG_NAME, DATABASE_NAME AS SCHEMA_NAME, 'utf8mb4' AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, 'utf8mb4_general_ci' AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME, NULL AS SQL_PATH, 'NO' as DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION FROM oceanbase.__all_virtual_database a WHERE a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and in_recyclebin = 0 and database_name != '__recyclebin' utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
TABLES CREATE VIEW `TABLES` AS select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK), use_merge(b, c, d, e)*/ 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, b.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, a.table_name as TABLE_NAME, case when a.database_id & 0xFFFFFFFFFF = 2 then 'SYSTEM VIEW' when (a.table_type = 1 or a.table_type = 4) then 'VIEW' when a.table_type = 2 then 'SYSTEM TABLE' when a.table_type = 1 then 'INDEX' else 'BASE TABLE' end as TABLE_TYPE, NULL as ENGINE, NULL as VERSION, NULL as ROW_FORMAT, sum(c.row_count) as TABLE_ROWS, case when sum(c.row_count) = 0 then 0 else sum(c.data_size)/sum(c.row_count) end as AVG_ROW_LENGTH, sum(c.data_size) as DATA_LENGTH, NULL as MAX_DATA_LENGTH, NULL as INDEX_LENGTH, NULL as DATA_FREE, NULL as AUTO_INCREMENT, a.gmt_create as CREATE_TIME, a.gmt_modified as UPDATE_TIME, NULL as CHECK_TIME, d.collation as TABLE_COLLATION, cast(NULL as unsigned) as CHECKSUM, NULL as CREATE_OPTIONS, a.comment as TABLE_COMMENT from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database b on a.database_id = b.database_id left join oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_partition_meta_table c on a.table_id = c.table_id and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and a.tenant_id = c.tenant_id and c.role = 1 inner join oceanbase.__all_collation d on a.collation_type = where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and a.table_type != 5 and b.database_name != '__recyclebin' and b.in_recyclebin = 0 group by a.table_id, b.database_name, a.table_name, a.table_type, a.gmt_create, a.gmt_modified, d.collation, a.comment utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
TABLES CREATE VIEW `TABLES` AS select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK), use_merge(b, c, d, e)*/ 'def' as TABLE_CATALOG, b.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, a.table_name as TABLE_NAME, case when a.database_id & 0xFFFFFFFFFF = 2 then 'SYSTEM VIEW' when (a.table_type = 1 or a.table_type = 4) then 'VIEW' when a.table_type = 2 then 'SYSTEM TABLE' when a.table_type = 1 then 'INDEX' else 'BASE TABLE' end as TABLE_TYPE, 'OceanBase' as ENGINE, NULL as VERSION, NULL as ROW_FORMAT, sum(c.row_count) as TABLE_ROWS, case when sum(c.row_count) = 0 then 0 else sum(c.data_size)/sum(c.row_count) end as AVG_ROW_LENGTH, sum(c.data_size) as DATA_LENGTH, NULL as MAX_DATA_LENGTH, NULL as INDEX_LENGTH, NULL as DATA_FREE, NULL as AUTO_INCREMENT, a.gmt_create as CREATE_TIME, a.gmt_modified as UPDATE_TIME, NULL as CHECK_TIME, d.collation as TABLE_COLLATION, cast(NULL as unsigned) as CHECKSUM, NULL as CREATE_OPTIONS, a.comment as TABLE_COMMENT from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table a inner join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database b on a.database_id = b.database_id left join oceanbase.__all_virtual_tenant_partition_meta_table c on a.table_id = c.table_id and c.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and a.tenant_id = c.tenant_id and c.role = 1 inner join oceanbase.__all_collation d on a.collation_type = where a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and b.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and a.table_type != 5 and b.database_name != '__recyclebin' and b.in_recyclebin = 0 and 0 = sys_privilege_check('table_acc', effective_tenant_id(), b.database_name, a.table_name) group by a.table_id, b.database_name, a.table_name, a.table_type, a.gmt_create, a.gmt_modified, d.collation, a.comment utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
VIEWS CREATE VIEW `VIEWS` AS select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' AS TABLE_CATALOG, d.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, t.table_name as TABLE_NAME, t.view_definition as VIEW_DEFINITION, 'NONE' as CHECK_OPTION, case t.view_is_updatable when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end as IS_UPDATABLE, 'NONE' as DEFINER, 'NONE' AS SECURITY_TYPE, case t.collation_type when 45 then 'utf8mb4' else 'NONE' end AS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT, case t.collation_type when 45 then 'utf8mb4_general_ci' else 'NONE' end AS COLLATION_CONNECTION from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table as t join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database as d on t.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and t.database_id = d.database_id where (t.table_type = 1 or t.table_type = 4) and d.in_recyclebin = 0 and d.database_name != '__recyclebin' and d.database_name != 'information_schema' and d.database_name != 'oceanbase' utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
VIEWS CREATE VIEW `VIEWS` AS select /*+ READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ 'def' AS TABLE_CATALOG, d.database_name as TABLE_SCHEMA, t.table_name as TABLE_NAME, t.view_definition as VIEW_DEFINITION, 'NONE' as CHECK_OPTION, case t.view_is_updatable when 1 then 'YES' else 'NO' end as IS_UPDATABLE, 'NONE' as DEFINER, 'NONE' AS SECURITY_TYPE, case t.collation_type when 45 then 'utf8mb4' else 'NONE' end AS CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT, case t.collation_type when 45 then 'utf8mb4_general_ci' else 'NONE' end AS COLLATION_CONNECTION from oceanbase.__all_virtual_table as t join oceanbase.__all_virtual_database as d on t.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and d.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and t.database_id = d.database_id where (t.table_type = 1 or t.table_type = 4) and d.in_recyclebin = 0 and d.database_name != '__recyclebin' and d.database_name != 'information_schema' and d.database_name != 'oceanbase' and 0 = sys_privilege_check('table_acc', effective_tenant_id(), d.database_name, t.table_name) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
SCHEMATA CREATE VIEW `SCHEMATA` AS SELECT 'def' AS CATALOG_NAME, DATABASE_NAME AS SCHEMA_NAME, 'utf8mb4' AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, 'utf8mb4_general_ci' AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME, NULL AS SQL_PATH FROM oceanbase.__all_virtual_database a WHERE a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and in_recyclebin = 0 and database_name != '__recyclebin' utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
SCHEMATA CREATE VIEW `SCHEMATA` AS SELECT 'def' AS CATALOG_NAME, DATABASE_NAME AS SCHEMA_NAME, 'utf8mb4' AS DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME, 'utf8mb4_general_ci' AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME, NULL AS SQL_PATH, 'NO' as DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION FROM oceanbase.__all_virtual_database a WHERE a.tenant_id = effective_tenant_id() and in_recyclebin = 0 and database_name != '__recyclebin' utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
select !w, !!w, !(!w), ! !w, not w, not not w, w is true, w is not false, (not w) is false, not(w is false), if(w,'true','false'), !1+1, !'a', !false, !isnull('a'), !!isnull('a') from (select 0 w union select 1) w;
Catalog Database Table Table_alias Column Column_alias Type Length Max length Is_null Flags Decimals Charsetnr
def !w !w 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def !!w !!w 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def !(!w) !(!w) 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def ! !w ! !w 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def not w not w 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def not not w not not w 8 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def !w !w 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def !!w !!w 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def !(!w) !(!w) 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def ! !w ! !w 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def not w not w 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def not not w not not w 8 1 1 Y 32896 0 63
def w is true w is true 3 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def w is not false w is not false 3 1 1 N 32897 0 63
def (not w) is false (not w) is false 3 1 1 N 32897 0 63
create view v1 as select /*+ leading(c, b , a ) use_hash(b a) */ a.c1 as a_c1, a.c2 as a_c2, a.c3 as a_c3, b.d1, b.d2, b.d3, c.c1 as c_c1, c.c2 as c_c2, c.c3 as c_c3 from nn1 a join nn2 b on a.c1 = b.d2 join nn1 c on b.d1 = c.c1 where a.c2 < 5;
v1 CREATE VIEW `v1` AS select /*+ LEADING(c b a) USE_HASH((b) (a)) */`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1`))) where (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
v1 CREATE VIEW `v1` AS select /*+ LEADING(c b a) USE_HASH((b) (a)) */`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`a`.`c1` = `b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`b`.`d1` = `c`.`c1`))) where (`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
create view v2 as select /*+ leading(c, (b , a)) */ a.c1 as a_c1, a.c2 as a_c2, a.c3 as a_c3, b.d1, b.d2, b.d3, c.c1 as c_c1, c.c2 as c_c2, c.c3 as c_c3 from nn1 a join nn2 b on a.c1 = b.d2 join nn1 c on b.d1 = c.c1 where a.c2 < 5 ;
v2 CREATE VIEW `v2` AS select /*+ LEADING(c (b a)) */`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1`))) where (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
v2 CREATE VIEW `v2` AS select /*+ LEADING(c (b a)) */`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`a`.`c1` = `b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`b`.`d1` = `c`.`c1`))) where (`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
create view v3 as select /*+ leading(c, (d, (a,b))) */ a.c1 as a_c1, a.c2 as a_c2, a.c3 as a_c3, b.d1, b.d2, b.d3, c.c1 as c_c1, c.c2 as c_c2, c.c3 as c_c3 from nn1 a join nn2 b
on a.c1 = b.d2
join nn1 c on b.d1 = c.c1 join nn1 d on d.c2 = c.c2 where a.c2 < 5 ;
v3 CREATE VIEW `v3` AS select /*+ LEADING(c (d (a b))) */`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from (((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`b`.`d1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c1`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `d` on ((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`d`.`c2` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`c`.`c2`))) where (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
v3 CREATE VIEW `v3` AS select /*+ LEADING(c (d (a b))) */`a`.`c1` AS `a_c1`,`a`.`c2` AS `a_c2`,`a`.`c3` AS `a_c3`,`b`.`d1` AS `d1`,`b`.`d2` AS `d2`,`b`.`d3` AS `d3`,`c`.`c1` AS `c_c1`,`c`.`c2` AS `c_c2`,`c`.`c3` AS `c_c3` from (((`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `a` join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn2` `b` on ((`a`.`c1` = `b`.`d2`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `c` on ((`b`.`d1` = `c`.`c1`))) join `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `d` on ((`d`.`c2` = `c`.`c2`))) where (`a`.`c2` < 5) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
v4 CREATE VIEW `v4` AS select /*+ LEADING(t2 (t1 t3) (t7 (t8 t9)) (t4 t5 t6)) */`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t1`.`c1` AS `x`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t3`.`c2` AS `y`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t5`.`c2` AS `z` from `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t4`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t5`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t6`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t7`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t8`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t9` where (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t1`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t2`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t1`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t3`.`c2`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t2`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t3`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t3`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t4`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t4`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t5`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t5`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t6`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t6`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t7`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t7`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t8`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t8`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t9`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t8`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t2`.`c1`) and (`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t1`.`c1` = `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`t9`.`c1`) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci
v4 CREATE VIEW `v4` AS select /*+ LEADING(t2 (t1 t3) (t7 (t8 t9)) (t4 t5 t6)) */`t1`.`c1` AS `x`,`t3`.`c2` AS `y`,`t5`.`c2` AS `z` from `bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t1`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t2`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t3`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t4`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t5`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t6`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t7`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t8`,`bushy_leading_hint_db`.`nn1` `t9` where (`t1`.`c1` = `t2`.`c1`) and (`t1`.`c1` = `t3`.`c2`) and (`t2`.`c1` = `t3`.`c1`) and (`t3`.`c1` = `t4`.`c1`) and (`t4`.`c1` = `t5`.`c1`) and (`t5`.`c1` = `t6`.`c1`) and (`t6`.`c1` = `t7`.`c1`) and (`t7`.`c1` = `t8`.`c1`) and (`t8`.`c1` = `t9`.`c1`) and (`t8`.`c1` = `t2`.`c1`) and (`t1`.`c1` = `t9`.`c1`) utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci