未验证 提交 fda726df 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #18371 from taosdata/fix/liao_cov

refactor: do some internal refactor.
......@@ -1084,8 +1084,6 @@ int32_t dataBlockCompar_rv(const void* p1, const void* p2, const void* param) {
return 0;
int32_t varColSort(SColumnInfoData* pColumnInfoData, SBlockOrderInfo* pOrder) { return 0; }
int32_t blockDataSort_rv(SSDataBlock* pDataBlock, SArray* pOrderInfo, bool nullFirst) {
// Allocate the additional buffer.
int64_t p0 = taosGetTimestampUs();
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ aux_source_directory(src EXECUTOR_SRC)
#add_library(executor ${EXECUTOR_SRC})
add_library(executor STATIC ${EXECUTOR_SRC})
#set_target_properties(executor PROPERTIES
# )
PRIVATE os util common function parser planner qcom vnode scalar nodes index stream
......@@ -235,16 +235,6 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct SSourceDataInfo {
int32_t index;
SRetrieveTableRsp* pRsp;
uint64_t totalRows;
int64_t startTime;
int32_t code;
const char* taskId;
} SSourceDataInfo;
typedef struct SLoadRemoteDataInfo {
uint64_t totalSize; // total load bytes from remote
uint64_t totalRows; // total number of rows
......@@ -371,23 +361,8 @@ typedef struct STagScanInfo {
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
int32_t curPos;
SReadHandle readHandle;
STableListInfo* pTableList;
} STagScanInfo;
typedef struct SLastrowScanInfo {
SSDataBlock* pRes;
SReadHandle readHandle;
void* pLastrowReader;
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
int32_t* pSlotIds;
SExprSupp pseudoExprSup;
int32_t retrieveType;
int32_t currentGroupIndex;
SSDataBlock* pBufferredRes;
SArray* pUidList;
int32_t indexOfBufferedRes;
} SLastrowScanInfo;
typedef enum EStreamScanMode {
......@@ -504,40 +479,6 @@ typedef struct {
SSnapContext* sContext;
} SStreamRawScanInfo;
typedef struct SSysTableIndex {
int8_t init;
SArray* uids;
int32_t lastIdx;
} SSysTableIndex;
typedef struct SSysTableScanInfo {
SRetrieveMetaTableRsp* pRsp;
SRetrieveTableReq req;
SEpSet epSet;
tsem_t ready;
SReadHandle readHandle;
int32_t accountId;
const char* pUser;
bool sysInfo;
bool showRewrite;
SNode* pCondition; // db_name filter condition, to discard data that are not in current database
SMTbCursor* pCur; // cursor for iterate the local table meta store.
SSysTableIndex* pIdx; // idx for local table meta
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
SName name;
SSDataBlock* pRes;
int64_t numOfBlocks; // extract basic running information.
SLoadRemoteDataInfo loadInfo;
} SSysTableScanInfo;
typedef struct SBlockDistInfo {
SSDataBlock* pResBlock;
STsdbReader* pHandle;
SReadHandle readHandle;
uint64_t uid; // table uid
} SBlockDistInfo;
// todo remove this
typedef struct SOptrBasicInfo {
SResultRowInfo resultRowInfo;
SSDataBlock* pRes;
......@@ -603,24 +544,6 @@ typedef struct SAggOperatorInfo {
SExprSupp scalarExprSup;
} SAggOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SProjectOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pPseudoColInfo;
SLimitInfo limitInfo;
bool mergeDataBlocks;
SSDataBlock* pFinalRes;
} SProjectOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SIndefOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pPseudoColInfo;
SExprSupp scalarSup;
uint64_t groupId;
SSDataBlock* pNextGroupRes;
} SIndefOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SFillOperatorInfo {
struct SFillInfo* pFillInfo;
SSDataBlock* pRes;
......@@ -638,42 +561,12 @@ typedef struct SFillOperatorInfo {
SExprSupp noFillExprSupp;
} SFillOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SGroupbyOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pGroupCols; // group by columns, SArray<SColumn>
SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray<SGroupKeys>
bool isInit; // denote if current val is initialized or not
char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash
int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width
SGroupResInfo groupResInfo;
SExprSupp scalarSup;
} SGroupbyOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SDataGroupInfo {
uint64_t groupId;
int64_t numOfRows;
SArray* pPageList;
} SDataGroupInfo;
// The sort in partition may be needed later.
typedef struct SPartitionOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SArray* pGroupCols;
SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray<SGroupKeys>
char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash
int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width
SHashObj* pGroupSet; // quick locate the window object for each result
SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file
int32_t rowCapacity; // maximum number of rows for each buffer page
int32_t* columnOffset; // start position for each column data
SArray* sortedGroupArray; // SDataGroupInfo sorted by group id
int32_t groupIndex; // group index
int32_t pageIndex; // page index of current group
SExprSupp scalarSup;
} SPartitionOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SWindowRowsSup {
STimeWindow win;
TSKEY prevTs;
......@@ -817,33 +710,6 @@ typedef struct SStateWindowOperatorInfo {
STimeWindowAggSupp twAggSup;
} SStateWindowOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SSortOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort
SArray* pSortInfo;
SSortHandle* pSortHandle;
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
int32_t bufPageSize;
int64_t startTs; // sort start time
uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included.
SLimitInfo limitInfo;
} SSortOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SJoinOperatorInfo {
SSDataBlock* pRes;
int32_t joinType;
int32_t inputOrder;
SSDataBlock* pLeft;
int32_t leftPos;
SColumnInfo leftCol;
SSDataBlock* pRight;
int32_t rightPos;
SColumnInfo rightCol;
SNode* pCondAfterMerge;
} SJoinOperatorInfo;
#define OPTR_IS_OPENED(_optr) (((_optr)->status & OP_OPENED) == OP_OPENED)
#define OPTR_SET_OPENED(_optr) ((_optr)->status |= OP_OPENED)
......@@ -867,7 +733,6 @@ void doBuildStreamResBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SOptrBasicInfo* pbInfo, SGr
void doBuildResultDatablock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SOptrBasicInfo* pbInfo, SGroupResInfo* pGroupResInfo,
SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf);
int32_t handleLimitOffset(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock, bool holdDataInBuf);
bool hasLimitOffsetInfo(SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo);
void initLimitInfo(const SNode* pLimit, const SNode* pSLimit, SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo);
void applyLimitOffset(SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
......@@ -897,9 +762,6 @@ void cleanupAggSup(SAggSupporter* pAggSup);
void appendOneRowToDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STupleHandle* pTupleHandle);
void setTbNameColData(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData, int32_t functionId, const char* name);
int32_t doPrepareScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, uint64_t uid, int64_t ts);
int32_t doGetScanStatus(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, uint64_t* uid, int64_t* ts);
SSDataBlock* loadNextDataBlock(void* param);
void setResultRowInitCtx(SResultRow* pResult, SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, int32_t numOfOutput, int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset);
......@@ -982,9 +844,8 @@ void setInputDataBlock(SExprSupp* pExprSupp, SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t order,
bool isTaskKilled(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
int32_t checkForQueryBuf(size_t numOfTables);
void setTaskKilled(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void setTaskKilled(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void doDestroyTask(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void destroyOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
int32_t getMaximumIdleDurationSec();
......@@ -1012,9 +873,6 @@ int32_t createExecTaskInfoImpl(SSubplan* pPlan, SExecTaskInfo** pTaskInfo, SRead
int32_t createDataSinkParam(SDataSinkNode* pNode, void** pParam, qTaskInfo_t* pTaskInfo, SReadHandle* readHandle);
int32_t getOperatorExplainExecInfo(SOperatorInfo* operatorInfo, SArray* pExecInfoList);
int32_t aggDecodeResultRow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char* result);
int32_t aggEncodeResultRow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char** result, int32_t* length);
STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf, SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo, int64_t ts, SInterval* pInterval,
int32_t order);
int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SDataBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo, TSKEY* pPrimaryColumn, int32_t startPos, TSKEY ekey,
......@@ -25,6 +25,20 @@
#include "thash.h"
#include "ttypes.h"
typedef struct SCacheRowsScanInfo {
SSDataBlock* pRes;
SReadHandle readHandle;
void* pLastrowReader;
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
int32_t* pSlotIds;
SExprSupp pseudoExprSup;
int32_t retrieveType;
int32_t currentGroupIndex;
SSDataBlock* pBufferredRes;
SArray* pUidList;
int32_t indexOfBufferedRes;
} SCacheRowsScanInfo;
static SSDataBlock* doScanCache(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static void destroyCacheScanOperator(void* param);
static int32_t extractCacheScanSlotId(const SArray* pColMatchInfo, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo, int32_t** pSlotIds);
......@@ -33,7 +47,7 @@ static int32_t removeRedundantTsCol(SLastRowScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, SColM
SOperatorInfo* createCacherowsScanOperator(SLastRowScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, SReadHandle* readHandle,
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
SLastrowScanInfo* pInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SLastrowScanInfo));
SCacheRowsScanInfo* pInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SCacheRowsScanInfo));
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorInfo));
if (pInfo == NULL || pOperator == NULL) {
......@@ -114,7 +128,7 @@ SSDataBlock* doScanCache(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
return NULL;
SLastrowScanInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
SCacheRowsScanInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
STableListInfo* pTableList = pTaskInfo->pTableInfoList;
......@@ -240,7 +254,7 @@ SSDataBlock* doScanCache(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
void destroyCacheScanOperator(void* param) {
SLastrowScanInfo* pInfo = (SLastrowScanInfo*)param;
SCacheRowsScanInfo* pInfo = (SCacheRowsScanInfo*)param;
......@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ typedef struct SFetchRspHandleWrapper {
int32_t sourceIndex;
} SFetchRspHandleWrapper;
typedef struct SSourceDataInfo {
int32_t index;
SRetrieveTableRsp* pRsp;
uint64_t totalRows;
int64_t startTime;
int32_t code;
const char* taskId;
} SSourceDataInfo;
static void destroyExchangeOperatorInfo(void* param);
static void freeBlock(void* pParam);
static void freeSourceDataInfo(void* param);
......@@ -52,6 +62,7 @@ static int32_t getCompletedSources(const SArray* pArray);
static int32_t prepareConcurrentlyLoad(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t seqLoadRemoteData(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t prepareLoadRemoteData(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t handleLimitOffset(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock, bool holdDataInBuf);
static void concurrentlyLoadRemoteDataImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SExchangeInfo* pExchangeInfo,
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
......@@ -647,3 +658,80 @@ int32_t prepareLoadRemoteData(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
pOperator->cost.openCost = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
int32_t handleLimitOffset(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock, bool holdDataInBuf) {
if (pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset > 0) {
if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId == 0) { // it is the first group
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
} else if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != pBlock->info.groupId) {
// now it is the data from a new group
pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset -= 1;
// ignore data block in current group
if (pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset > 0) {
// set current group id of the project operator
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
// here check for a new group data, we need to handle the data of the previous group.
if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != 0 && pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != pBlock->info.groupId) {
pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups += 1;
if ((pLimitInfo->slimit.limit > 0) && (pLimitInfo->slimit.limit <= pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups)) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
// reset the value for a new group data
pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows = 0;
pLimitInfo->remainOffset = pLimitInfo->limit.offset;
// existing rows that belongs to previous group.
if (pBlock->info.rows > 0) {
// here we reach the start position, according to the limit/offset requirements.
// set current group id
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
if (pLimitInfo->remainOffset >= pBlock->info.rows) {
pLimitInfo->remainOffset -= pBlock->info.rows;
} else if (pLimitInfo->remainOffset < pBlock->info.rows && pLimitInfo->remainOffset > 0) {
blockDataTrimFirstNRows(pBlock, pLimitInfo->remainOffset);
pLimitInfo->remainOffset = 0;
// check for the limitation in each group
if (pLimitInfo->limit.limit >= 0 && pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows + pBlock->info.rows >= pLimitInfo->limit.limit) {
int32_t keepRows = (int32_t)(pLimitInfo->limit.limit - pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows);
blockDataKeepFirstNRows(pBlock, keepRows);
if (pLimitInfo->slimit.limit > 0 && pLimitInfo->slimit.limit <= pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
// todo optimize performance
// If there are slimit/soffset value exists, multi-round result can not be packed into one group, since the
// they may not belong to the same group the limit/offset value is not valid in this case.
if ((!holdDataInBuf) || (pBlock->info.rows >= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) || pLimitInfo->slimit.offset != -1 ||
pLimitInfo->slimit.limit != -1) {
} else { // not full enough, continue to accumulate the output data in the buffer.
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include "tdatablock.h"
#include "tglobal.h"
#include "tmsg.h"
#include "tsort.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "executorimpl.h"
......@@ -297,8 +296,6 @@ void initExecTimeWindowInfo(SColumnInfoData* pColData, STimeWindow* pQueryWindow
colDataAppendInt64(pColData, 4, &pQueryWindow->ekey);
void cleanupExecTimeWindowInfo(SColumnInfoData* pColData) { colDataDestroy(pColData); }
typedef struct {
bool hasAgg;
int32_t numOfRows;
......@@ -1347,42 +1344,6 @@ void queryCostStatis(SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
// static void updateOffsetVal(STaskRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataBlockInfo *pBlockInfo) {
// STaskAttr *pQueryAttr = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr;
// STableQueryInfo* pTableQueryInfo = pRuntimeEnv->current;
// int32_t step = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQueryAttr->order.order);
// if (pQueryAttr->limit.offset == pBlockInfo->rows) { // current block will ignore completed
// pTableQueryInfo->lastKey = QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQueryAttr) ? pBlockInfo->window.ekey + step :
// pBlockInfo->window.skey + step; pQueryAttr->limit.offset = 0; return;
// }
// if (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQueryAttr)) {
// pQueryAttr->pos = (int32_t)pQueryAttr->limit.offset;
// } else {
// pQueryAttr->pos = pBlockInfo->rows - (int32_t)pQueryAttr->limit.offset - 1;
// }
// assert(pQueryAttr->pos >= 0 && pQueryAttr->pos <= pBlockInfo->rows - 1);
// SArray * pDataBlock = tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(pRuntimeEnv->pTsdbReadHandle, NULL);
// SColumnInfoData *pColInfoData = taosArrayGet(pDataBlock, 0);
// // update the pQueryAttr->limit.offset value, and pQueryAttr->pos value
// TSKEY *keys = (TSKEY *) pColInfoData->pData;
// // update the offset value
// pTableQueryInfo->lastKey = keys[pQueryAttr->pos];
// pQueryAttr->limit.offset = 0;
// int32_t numOfRes = tableApplyFunctionsOnBlock(pRuntimeEnv, pBlockInfo, NULL, binarySearchForKey, pDataBlock);
// //qDebug("QInfo:0x%"PRIx64" check data block, brange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", numBlocksOfStep:%d, numOfRes:%d,
// lastKey:%"PRId64, GET_TASKID(pRuntimeEnv),
// pBlockInfo->window.skey, pBlockInfo->window.ekey, pBlockInfo->rows, numOfRes, pQuery->current->lastKey);
// }
// void skipBlocks(STaskRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
// STaskAttr *pQueryAttr = pRuntimeEnv->pQueryAttr;
......@@ -1723,159 +1684,6 @@ static SSDataBlock* getAggregateResult(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
return (rows == 0) ? NULL : pInfo->pRes;
int32_t aggEncodeResultRow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, char** result, int32_t* length) {
if (result == NULL || length == NULL) {
SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo = (SOptrBasicInfo*)(pOperator->info);
SAggSupporter* pSup = (SAggSupporter*)POINTER_SHIFT(pOperator->info, sizeof(SOptrBasicInfo));
int32_t size = tSimpleHashGetSize(pSup->pResultRowHashTable);
size_t keyLen = sizeof(uint64_t) * 2; // estimate the key length
int32_t totalSize =
sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + size * (sizeof(int32_t) + keyLen + sizeof(int32_t) + pSup->resultRowSize);
// no result
if (getTotalBufSize(pSup->pResultBuf) == 0) {
*result = NULL;
*length = 0;
*result = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, totalSize);
if (*result == NULL) {
int32_t offset = sizeof(int32_t);
*(int32_t*)(*result + offset) = size;
offset += sizeof(int32_t);
// prepare memory
SResultRowPosition* pos = &pInfo->resultRowInfo.cur;
void* pPage = getBufPage(pSup->pResultBuf, pos->pageId);
SResultRow* pRow = (SResultRow*)((char*)pPage + pos->offset);
setBufPageDirty(pPage, true);
releaseBufPage(pSup->pResultBuf, pPage);
int32_t iter = 0;
void* pIter = NULL;
while ((pIter = tSimpleHashIterate(pSup->pResultRowHashTable, pIter, &iter))) {
void* key = tSimpleHashGetKey(pIter, &keyLen);
SResultRowPosition* p1 = (SResultRowPosition*)pIter;
pPage = (SFilePage*)getBufPage(pSup->pResultBuf, p1->pageId);
pRow = (SResultRow*)((char*)pPage + p1->offset);
setBufPageDirty(pPage, true);
releaseBufPage(pSup->pResultBuf, pPage);
// recalculate the result size
int32_t realTotalSize = offset + sizeof(int32_t) + keyLen + sizeof(int32_t) + pSup->resultRowSize;
if (realTotalSize > totalSize) {
char* tmp = (char*)taosMemoryRealloc(*result, realTotalSize);
if (tmp == NULL) {
*result = NULL;
} else {
*result = tmp;
// save key
*(int32_t*)(*result + offset) = keyLen;
offset += sizeof(int32_t);
memcpy(*result + offset, key, keyLen);
offset += keyLen;
// save value
*(int32_t*)(*result + offset) = pSup->resultRowSize;
offset += sizeof(int32_t);
memcpy(*result + offset, pRow, pSup->resultRowSize);
offset += pSup->resultRowSize;
*(int32_t*)(*result) = offset;
*length = offset;
int32_t handleLimitOffset(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SLimitInfo* pLimitInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock, bool holdDataInBuf) {
if (pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset > 0) {
if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId == 0) { // it is the first group
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
} else if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != pBlock->info.groupId) {
// now it is the data from a new group
pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset -= 1;
// ignore data block in current group
if (pLimitInfo->remainGroupOffset > 0) {
// set current group id of the project operator
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
// here check for a new group data, we need to handle the data of the previous group.
if (pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != 0 && pLimitInfo->currentGroupId != pBlock->info.groupId) {
pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups += 1;
if ((pLimitInfo->slimit.limit > 0) && (pLimitInfo->slimit.limit <= pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups)) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
// reset the value for a new group data
pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows = 0;
pLimitInfo->remainOffset = pLimitInfo->limit.offset;
// existing rows that belongs to previous group.
if (pBlock->info.rows > 0) {
// here we reach the start position, according to the limit/offset requirements.
// set current group id
pLimitInfo->currentGroupId = pBlock->info.groupId;
if (pLimitInfo->remainOffset >= pBlock->info.rows) {
pLimitInfo->remainOffset -= pBlock->info.rows;
} else if (pLimitInfo->remainOffset < pBlock->info.rows && pLimitInfo->remainOffset > 0) {
blockDataTrimFirstNRows(pBlock, pLimitInfo->remainOffset);
pLimitInfo->remainOffset = 0;
// check for the limitation in each group
if (pLimitInfo->limit.limit >= 0 && pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows + pBlock->info.rows >= pLimitInfo->limit.limit) {
int32_t keepRows = (int32_t)(pLimitInfo->limit.limit - pLimitInfo->numOfOutputRows);
blockDataKeepFirstNRows(pBlock, keepRows);
if (pLimitInfo->slimit.limit > 0 && pLimitInfo->slimit.limit <= pLimitInfo->numOfOutputGroups) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
// todo optimize performance
// If there are slimit/soffset value exists, multi-round result can not be packed into one group, since the
// they may not belong to the same group the limit/offset value is not valid in this case.
if ((!holdDataInBuf) || (pBlock->info.rows >= pOperator->resultInfo.threshold) || pLimitInfo->slimit.offset != -1 ||
pLimitInfo->slimit.limit != -1) {
} else { // not full enough, continue to accumulate the output data in the buffer.
static void doApplyScalarCalculation(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t order, int32_t scanFlag);
static void doHandleRemainBlockForNewGroupImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SFillOperatorInfo* pInfo,
SResultInfo* pResultInfo, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
......@@ -27,6 +27,36 @@
#include "thash.h"
#include "ttypes.h"
typedef struct SGroupbyOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pGroupCols; // group by columns, SArray<SColumn>
SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray<SGroupKeys>
bool isInit; // denote if current val is initialized or not
char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash
int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width
SGroupResInfo groupResInfo;
SExprSupp scalarSup;
} SGroupbyOperatorInfo;
// The sort in partition may be needed later.
typedef struct SPartitionOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SArray* pGroupCols;
SArray* pGroupColVals; // current group column values, SArray<SGroupKeys>
char* keyBuf; // group by keys for hash
int32_t groupKeyLen; // total group by column width
SHashObj* pGroupSet; // quick locate the window object for each result
SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file
int32_t rowCapacity; // maximum number of rows for each buffer page
int32_t* columnOffset; // start position for each column data
SArray* sortedGroupArray; // SDataGroupInfo sorted by group id
int32_t groupIndex; // group index
int32_t pageIndex; // page index of current group
SExprSupp scalarSup;
} SPartitionOperatorInfo;
static void* getCurrentDataGroupInfo(const SPartitionOperatorInfo* pInfo, SDataGroupInfo** pGroupInfo, int32_t len);
static int32_t* setupColumnOffset(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t rowCapacity);
static int32_t setGroupResultOutputBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SOptrBasicInfo* binfo, int32_t numOfCols, char* pData,
......@@ -24,6 +24,21 @@
#include "tmsg.h"
#include "ttypes.h"
typedef struct SJoinOperatorInfo {
SSDataBlock* pRes;
int32_t joinType;
int32_t inputOrder;
SSDataBlock* pLeft;
int32_t leftPos;
SColumnInfo leftCol;
SSDataBlock* pRight;
int32_t rightPos;
SColumnInfo rightCol;
SNode* pCondAfterMerge;
} SJoinOperatorInfo;
static void setJoinColumnInfo(SColumnInfo* pColumn, const SColumnNode* pColumnNode);
static SSDataBlock* doMergeJoin(struct SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static void destroyMergeJoinOperator(void* param);
......@@ -17,6 +17,24 @@
#include "executorimpl.h"
#include "functionMgt.h"
typedef struct SProjectOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pPseudoColInfo;
SLimitInfo limitInfo;
bool mergeDataBlocks;
SSDataBlock* pFinalRes;
} SProjectOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SIndefOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
SAggSupporter aggSup;
SArray* pPseudoColInfo;
SExprSupp scalarSup;
uint64_t groupId;
SSDataBlock* pNextGroupRes;
} SIndefOperatorInfo;
static SSDataBlock* doGenerateSourceData(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static SSDataBlock* doProjectOperation(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static SSDataBlock* doApplyIndefinitFunction(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
......@@ -17,6 +17,18 @@
#include "executorimpl.h"
#include "tdatablock.h"
typedef struct SSortOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort
SArray* pSortInfo;
SSortHandle* pSortHandle;
SColMatchInfo matchInfo;
int32_t bufPageSize;
int64_t startTs; // sort start time
uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included.
SLimitInfo limitInfo;
} SSortOperatorInfo;
static SSDataBlock* doSort(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t doOpenSortOperator(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t getExplainExecInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOptr, void** pOptrExplain, uint32_t* len);
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