未验证 提交 fd53afd7 编写于 作者: sangshuduo's avatar sangshuduo 提交者: GitHub

fix: add installation folder to system path (#17943)

* fix: add installation folder to system path

* fix: add c:\tdengine in env path to issc setup
上级 222c25d9
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if not exist %work_dir%\debug\ver-%2-x86 (
md %work_dir%\debug\ver-%2-x86
cd %work_dir%\debug\ver-%2-x64
call vcvarsall.bat x64
rem #call vcvarsall.bat x64
cmake --build .
rd /s /Q C:\TDengine
@echo off
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"
goto %1
......@@ -11,60 +14,94 @@ set binary_dir=%3
set binary_dir=%binary_dir:/=\\%
set osType=%4
set verNumber=%5
set tagert_dir=C:\\TDengine
set target_dir=C:\\TDengine
if not exist %tagert_dir% (
mkdir %tagert_dir%
if not exist %target_dir% (
mkdir %target_dir%
if not exist %tagert_dir%\\cfg (
mkdir %tagert_dir%\\cfg
if not exist %target_dir%\\cfg (
mkdir %target_dir%\\cfg
if not exist %tagert_dir%\\include (
mkdir %tagert_dir%\\include
if not exist %target_dir%\\include (
mkdir %target_dir%\\include
if not exist %tagert_dir%\\driver (
mkdir %tagert_dir%\\driver
if not exist %target_dir%\\driver (
mkdir %target_dir%\\driver
if not exist C:\\TDengine\\cfg\\taos.cfg (
copy %source_dir%\\packaging\\cfg\\taos.cfg %tagert_dir%\\cfg\\taos.cfg > nul
copy %source_dir%\\packaging\\cfg\\taos.cfg %target_dir%\\cfg\\taos.cfg > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\test\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml (
if not exist %tagert_dir%\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml (
copy %binary_dir%\\test\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml %tagert_dir%\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml > nul
if not exist %target_dir%\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml (
copy %binary_dir%\\test\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml %target_dir%\\cfg\\taosadapter.toml > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\client\\taos.h %tagert_dir%\\include > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\util\\taoserror.h %tagert_dir%\\include > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\libs\\function\\taosudf.h %tagert_dir%\\include > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos.lib %tagert_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos_static.lib %tagert_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos.dll %tagert_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taos.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosd.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\udfd.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\client\\taos.h %target_dir%\\include > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\util\\taoserror.h %target_dir%\\include > nul
copy %source_dir%\\include\\libs\\function\\taosudf.h %target_dir%\\include > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos.lib %target_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos_static.lib %target_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taos.dll %target_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taos.exe %target_dir% > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosBenchmark.exe (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosBenchmark.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosBenchmark.exe %target_dir% > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll.lib (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll.lib %tagert_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll.lib %target_dir%\\driver > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll %tagert_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %source_dir%\\tools\\taosws-rs\\target\\release\\taosws.h %tagert_dir%\\include > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\lib\\taosws.dll %target_dir%\\driver > nul
copy %source_dir%\\tools\\taosws-rs\\target\\release\\taosws.h %target_dir%\\include > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosdump.exe (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosdump.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosdump.exe %target_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosd.exe %target_dir% > nul
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\udfd.exe %target_dir% > nul
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosadapter.exe (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosadapter.exe %target_dir% > nul
mshta vbscript:createobject("shell.application").shellexecute("%~s0",":hasAdmin","","runas",1)(window.close)
echo Please manually remove C:\TDengine from your system PATH environment after you remove TDengine software
echo To start/stop TDengine with administrator privileges: %ESC%[92msc start/stop taosd %ESC%[0m
if exist %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosadapter.exe (
copy %binary_dir%\\build\\bin\\taosadapter.exe %tagert_dir% > nul
echo To start/stop taosAdapter with administrator privileges: %ESC%[92msc start/stop taosadapter %ESC%[0m
mshta vbscript:createobject("shell.application").shellexecute("%~s0",":hasAdmin","","runas",1)(window.close)&& echo To start/stop TDengine with administrator privileges: sc start/stop taosd &goto :eof
goto :eof
sc query "taosd" && sc stop taosd && sc delete taosd
sc query "taosadapter" && sc stop taosadapter && sc delete taosd
copy /y C:\\TDengine\\driver\\taos.dll C:\\Windows\\System32 > nul
if exist C:\\TDengine\\driver\\taosws.dll (
copy /y C:\\TDengine\\driver\\taosws.dll C:\\Windows\\System32 > nul
sc query "taosd" >nul || sc create "taosd" binPath= "C:\\TDengine\\taosd.exe --win_service" start= DEMAND
sc query "taosadapter" >nul || sc create "taosadapter" binPath= "C:\\TDengine\\taosadapter.exe" start= DEMAND
set "env=HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
for /f "tokens=2*" %%I in ('reg query "%env%" /v Path ^| findstr /i "\<Path\>"') do (
rem // make addition persistent through reboots
reg add "%env%" /f /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%%J;C:\TDengine"
rem // apply change to the current process
for %%a in ("%%J;C:\TDengine") do path %%~a
rem // use setx to set a temporary throwaway value to trigger a WM_SETTINGCHANGE
rem // applies change to new console windows without requiring a reboot
(setx /m foo bar & reg delete "%env%" /f /v foo) >NUL 2>NUL
......@@ -60,6 +60,29 @@ Source: {#MyAppSourceDir}{#MyAppIncludeName}; DestDir: "{app}\include"; Flags: i
Source: {#MyAppSourceDir}{#MyAppExeName}; DestDir: "{app}"; Excludes: {#MyAppExcludeSource} ; Flags: igNoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: {#MyAppSourceDir}{#MyAppTaosdemoExeName}; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: igNoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; \
ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{olddata};C:\TDengine"; \
Check: NeedsAddPath('C:\TDengine')
function NeedsAddPath(Param: string): boolean;
OrigPath: string;
if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment',
'Path', OrigPath)
then begin
Result := True;
{ look for the path with leading and trailing semicolon }
{ Pos() returns 0 if not found }
Result := Pos(';' + Param + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') = 0;
Name: {app}\driver; Type: filesandordirs
Name: {app}\connector; Type: filesandordirs
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