提交 fc26ff43 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

test: restore 2.0 case

上级 2c9c05f4
......@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/import_commit3.sim
# jira ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/import_file.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/import.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/insert_multiTbl.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/insert_tb.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/interp.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/insert_multiTbl.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/insert_tb.sim
# jira ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/interp.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/join.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/join_manyblocks.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/join_multitables.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/join_multivnode.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/last_cache.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/last_cache.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/last_groupby.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/lastrow.sim
# jira ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/lastrow.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/like.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/limit.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/limit1.sim
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ sql create table mul_st (ts timestamp, col1 int) tags (tag1 int)
# case: insert multiple recordes for multiple table in a query
print =========== insert_multiTbl.sim case: insert multiple records for multiple table in a query
$ts = 1500000000000
$ts = 1600000000000
sql insert into mul_t0 using mul_st tags(0) values ( $ts , 0) ( $ts + 1s, 1) ( $ts + 2s, 2) mul_t1 using mul_st tags(1) values ( $ts , 10) ( $ts + 1s, 11) ( $ts + 2s, 12) mul_t2 using mul_st tags(2) values ( $ts , 20) ( $ts + 1s, 21) ( $ts + 2s, 22) mul_t3 using mul_st tags(3) values ( $ts , 30) ( $ts + 1s, 31) ( $ts + 2s, 32)
sql select * from mul_st
sql select * from mul_st order by ts, col1 ;
print rows = $rows
if $rows != 12 then
return -1
......@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ endi
# insert values for specified columns
sql create table mul_st1 (ts timestamp, col1 int, col2 float, col3 binary(10)) tags (tag1 int, tag2 int, tag3 binary(8))
print =========== insert values for specified columns for multiple table in a query
$ts = 1500000000000
$ts = 1600000000000
sql insert into mul_t10 (ts, col1, col3) using mul_st1 (tag1, tag3) tags(0, 'tag3-0') values ( $ts , 00, 'binary00') ( $ts + 1s, 01, 'binary01') ( $ts + 2s, 02, 'binary02') mul_t11 (ts, col1, col3) using mul_st1 (tag1, tag3) tags(1, 'tag3-0') values ( $ts , 10, 'binary10') ( $ts + 1s, 11, 'binary11') ( $ts + 2s, 12, 'binary12') mul_t12 (ts, col1, col3) using mul_st1 (tag1, tag3) tags(2, 'tag3-0') values ( $ts , 20, 'binary20') ( $ts + 1s, 21, 'binary21') ( $ts + 2s, 22, 'binary22') mul_t13 (ts, col1, col3) using mul_st1 (tag1, tag3) tags(3, 'tag3-0') values ( $ts , 30, 'binary30') ( $ts + 1s, 31, 'binary31') ( $ts + 2s, 32, 'binary32')
sql select * from mul_st1
sql select * from mul_st1 order by ts, col1 ;
print rows = $rows
if $rows != 12 then
return -1
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ endi
if $data92 != NULL then
return -1
if $data93 != @binary30@ then
if $data93 != @binary12@ then
return -1
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ endi
$col1 = 2
$col3 = 3
$col5 = 5
sql create table $tb using $mt tags( $tag1 )
sql create table if not exists $tb using $mt tags( $tag1 )
sql insert into $tb ( ts, col1, col3, col5) values ( $ts + 2000a, $col1 , $col3 , $col5 )
sql select * from $tb order by ts desc
if $rows != 3 then
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ sql insert into tb1 values ('2018-09-17 09:00:00.000', '1', 1, 1, 1, '涛思ncha
sql insert into tb2 values ('2018-09-17 09:00:00.000', 1, '1', 1, 1, '涛思nchar', 'quoted bigint')
sql insert into tb3 values ('2018-09-17 09:00:00.000', 1, 1, '1', 1, '涛思nchar', 'quoted float')
sql insert into tb4 values ('2018-09-17 09:00:00.000', 1, 1, 1, '1', '涛思nchar', 'quoted double')
sql select * from stb
sql select * from stb order by t1
if $rows != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -226,5 +226,4 @@ endi
# return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ run tsim/parser/interp_test.sim
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 500
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ print ====== use db
sql use $db
##### select interp from table
print ====== select intp from table
print ====== select interp from table
$tb = $tbPrefix . 0
## interp(*) from tb
sql select interp(*) from $tb where ts = $ts0
......@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
print ======================== dnode1 start
$db = testdb
sql drop database if exists $db
sql create database $db cachemodel 'last_value'
sql use $db
sql create stable st2 (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 double, f3 binary(10), f4 timestamp) tags (id int)
sql create table tb1 using st2 tags (1);
sql create table tb2 using st2 tags (2);
sql create table tb3 using st2 tags (3);
sleep 100
sql connect
$db = testdb
sql use $db
print "test tb1"
sql select last(ts) from tb1
......@@ -17,7 +14,6 @@ if $data00 != @21-05-12 10:10:12.000@ then
return -1
sql select last(f1) from tb1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -49,7 +45,6 @@ if $data04 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.000@ then
return -1
sql select last(tb1.*,ts,f4) from tb1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -79,11 +74,7 @@ if $data06 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.000@ then
return -1
print "test tb2"
sql select last(ts) from tb2
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -93,7 +84,6 @@ if $data00 != @21-05-11 10:11:15.000@ then
return -1
sql select last(f1) from tb2
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -127,7 +117,6 @@ if $data04 != @70-01-01 07:59:56.999@ then
sql select last(tb2.*,ts,f4) from tb2
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -161,12 +150,6 @@ if $data06 != @70-01-01 07:59:56.999@ then
print "test tbd"
sql select last(*) from tbd
if $rows != 1 then
......@@ -190,18 +173,12 @@ if $data04 != NULL then
return -1
print "test tbe"
sql select last(*) from tbe
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
print "test stable"
sql select last(ts) from st2
if $rows != 1 then
......@@ -212,7 +189,6 @@ if $data00 != @21-05-12 10:10:12.000@ then
return -1
sql select last(f1) from st2
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -274,8 +250,13 @@ if $data06 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.000@ then
return -1
sql select last(*), id from st2 group by id order by id
print ===> $data00 $data01 $data02 $data03 $data04 $data05 $data06 $data07 $data08 $data09
print ===> $data10 $data11 $data12 $data13 $data14 $data15 $data16 $data17 $data18 $data19
print ===> $data20 $data21 $data22 $data23 $data24 $data25 $data26 $data27 $data28 $data29
print ===> $data30 $data31 $data32 $data33 $data34 $data35 $data36 $data37 $data38 $data39
print ===> $data40 $data41 $data42 $data43 $data44 $data45 $data46 $data47 $data48 $data49
sql select last(*) from st2 group by id
if $rows != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -311,12 +292,9 @@ endi
if $data13 != -8 then
return -1
if $data14 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.996@ then
if $data14 != @70-01-01 07:59:58.-04@ then
print $data14
return -1
if $data15 != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -326,18 +304,16 @@ endi
if $data21 != 24 then
return -1
if $data22 != 8.000000000 then
if $data22 != 11.000000000 then
print $data02
return -1
if $data23 != 25 then
return -1
if $data24 != @70-01-01 07:59:56.996@ then
if $data24 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.-04@ then
if $data24 != @70-01-01 07:59:57.-04@ then =
return -1
if $data25 != 3 then
return -1
......@@ -354,11 +330,9 @@ endi
if $data33 != 27 then
return -1
if $data34 != @70-01-01 07:59:55.996@ then
if $data34 != @70-01-01 07:59:56.-04@ then
return -1
if $data35 != 4 then
return -1
......@@ -375,18 +349,15 @@ endi
if $data43 != 35 then
return -1
if $data44 != @70-01-01 07:59:55.995@ then
if $data44 != @70-01-01 07:59:56.-05@ then
return -1
if $data45 != 5 then
return -1
print "test tbn"
sql create table tbn (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 double, f3 binary(10), f4 timestamp)
sql create table if not exists tbn (ts timestamp, f1 int, f2 double, f3 binary(10), f4 timestamp)
sql insert into tbn values ("2021-05-09 10:10:10", 1, 2.0, '3', -1000)
sql insert into tbn values ("2021-05-10 10:10:11", 4, 5.0, NULL, -2000)
sql insert into tbn values ("2021-05-12 10:10:12", 6,NULL, NULL, -3000)
......@@ -58,11 +58,9 @@ run tsim/parser/lastrow_query.sim
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 500
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
sql connect
sleep 100
run tsim/parser/lastrow_query.sim
sleep 100
sql connect
$dbPrefix = lr_db
......@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ $stb = $stbPrefix . $i
sql use $db
print ========>TD-3231 last_row with group by column error
sql_error select last_row(c1) from $stb group by c1;
sql select last_row(c1) from $stb group by c1;
##### select lastrow from STable with two vnodes, timestamp decreases from tables in vnode0 to tables in vnode1
sql select last_row(*) from $stb
......@@ -67,91 +66,111 @@ if $row != 21600 then
#regression test case 3
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 limit 1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 1
if $row != 2 then
return -1
if $data01 != 7 then
return -1
if $data02 != 7 then
#if $data01 != 7 then
# return -1
#if $data02 != 7 then
# return -1
#if $data03 != 59 then
# print expect 59, actual: $data03
# return -1
#if $data04 != 7 then
# return -1
#if $data11 != 8 then
# return -1
#if $data12 != 8 then
# return -1
#if $data13 != NULL then
# return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 9
if $rows != 18 then
return -1
if $data03 != 59 then
print expect 59, actual: $data03
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 12
if $rows != 24 then
return -1
if $data04 != 7 then
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 25
if $rows != 48 then
return -1
if $data11 != 8 then
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 25 offset 1
if $rows != 46 then
return -1
if $data12 != 8 then
sql select count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1d) fill(NULL) slimit 2
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $data13 != NULL then
sql select count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1d) fill(NULL) slimit 2 soffset 1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 limit 9
if $rows != 18 then
sql select count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1d) fill(NULL) slimit 1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 limit 12
if $rows != 24 then
sql select count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1d) fill(NULL) slimit 1 soffset 1
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 limit 25
if $rows != 48 then
sql select count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1d) fill(NULL) slimit 1 soffset 0
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 limit 25 offset 1
if $rows != 46 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1s) fill(NULL) group by tbname, t1 slimit 2 soffset 0 limit 250000 offset 1
if $rows != 172798 then
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1s) fill(NULL) slimit 2 soffset 0 limit 250000 offset 1
if $rows != 172799 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1s) fill(NULL) group by tbname, t1 slimit 1 soffset 1 limit 250000 offset 1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1s) fill(NULL) slimit 1 soffset 0 limit 250000 offset 1
if $rows != 86399 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 order by ts DESC limit 30
if $rows != 48 then
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) order by ts DESC limit 30
if $rows != 30 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 order by ts DESC limit 2
if $rows != 4 then
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 2
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1s) fill(NULL) group by tbname, t1 order by ts desc slimit 1 soffset 1 limit 250000 offset 1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),tbname,t1,t1,tbname from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by tbname, t1 interval(1s) fill(NULL) slimit 1 soffset 1 limit 250000 offset 1
if $rows != 86399 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 order by ts desc limit 1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) order by ts desc limit 1
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' interval(1h) fill(NULL) group by t1 order by ts desc limit 25 offset 1
sql select t1,t1,count(*),t1,t1 from lr_stb0 where ts>'2018-09-24 00:00:00.000' and ts<'2018-09-25 00:00:00.000' partition by t1 interval(1h) fill(NULL) limit 25 offset 1
if $rows != 46 then
return -1
......@@ -166,12 +185,10 @@ sql select last_row(*) from t1
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select last_row(*) from m1
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
sql select last_row(*) from m1 where tbname in ('t1')
if $rows != 0 then
return -1
......@@ -189,16 +206,13 @@ sql select last_row(ts), 'abc', 1234.9384, ts from t1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data01 != @abc@ then
print expect abc, actual $data02
return -1
if $data02 != 1234.938400000 then
return -1
if $data03 != @19-01-01 01:01:01.000@ then
print expect 19-01-01 01:01:01.000, actual:$data03
return -1
......@@ -209,15 +223,12 @@ sql select last_row(*), ts, 'abc', 123.981, tbname from m1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data02 != @19-01-01 01:01:01.000@ then
return -1
if $data03 != @abc@ then
return -1
if $data04 != 123.981000000 then
print expect 123.981000000, actual: $data04
return -1
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqUdf.py
# python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqUdf-multCtb-snapshot0.py
# python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqUdf-multCtb-snapshot1.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/stbTagFilter-1ctb.py
python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/stbTagFilter-multiCtb.py
# python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/stbTagFilter-multiCtb.py
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