#define DM_APOLLO_URL "The apollo string to use when configuring the server, such as: -a 'jsonFile:./tests/cfg.json', cfg.json text can be '{\"fqdn\":\"td1\"}'."
#define DM_CFG_DIR "Configuration directory."
#define DM_DMP_CFG "Dump configuration."
#define DM_SDB_INFO "Dump sdb info."
#define DM_ENV_CMD "The env cmd variable string to use when configuring the server, such as: -e 'TAOS_FQDN=td1'."
#define DM_ENV_FILE "The env variable file path to use when configuring the server, default is './.env', .env text can be 'TAOS_FQDN=td1'."
#define DM_NODE_TYPE "Startup type of the node, default is 0."