未验证 提交 f85310af 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #18432 from taosdata/fix/TD-20318

test: add asan case
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/stable/values.sim
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/stable/vnode3.sim
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/stable/metrics_idx.sim
,,,script,./test.sh -f tsim/sma/drop_sma.sim
,,n,script,./test.sh -f tsim/sma/drop_sma.sim
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/sma/sma_leak.sim
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/sma/tsmaCreateInsertQuery.sim
,,y,script,./test.sh -f tsim/sma/rsmaCreateInsertQuery.sim
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
,,n,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/boundary.py
,,n,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/insertWithMoreVgroup.py
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/table_comment.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/time_range_wise.py
,,n,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/time_range_wise.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/block_wise.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/create_retentions.py
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 1-insert/mutil_stage.py
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/elapsed.py
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/csum.py
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/function_diff.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/queryQnode.py
,,n,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/queryQnode.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 6-cluster/5dnode1mnode.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 6-cluster/5dnode2mnode.py -N 5
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 6-cluster/5dnode3mnodeStop.py -N 5 -M 3
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
,,,system-test,python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_insertdatas_querys.py -N 4 -M 1
,,,system-test,python3 test.py -f 6-cluster/vnode/4dnode1mnode_basic_replica3_vgroups.py -N 4 -M 1
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/create_wrong_topic.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/dropDbR3ConflictTransaction.py -N 3
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/dropDbR3ConflictTransaction.py -N 3
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/basic5.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/subscribeDb.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/subscribeDb0.py
......@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/dataFromTsdbNWal-multiCtb.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmq_taosx.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/stbTagFilter-multiCtb.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 99-TDcase/TD-19201.py
,,y,system-test,./pytest.sh python3 ./test.py -f 99-TDcase/TD-19201.py
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmqSubscribeStb-r3.py -N 5
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmq3mnodeSwitch.py -N 6 -M 3
,,,system-test,python3 ./test.py -f 7-tmq/tmq3mnodeSwitch.py -N 6 -M 3 -n 3
......@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ python_error=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/*.info | grep -w "stack" | wc -l`
# TD-20569
# /root/TDengine/source/libs/function/src/builtinsimpl.c:856:29: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9223372036854775806 + 9223372036854775805 cannot be represented in type 'long int'
# /root/TDengine/source/libs/scalar/src/sclvector.c:1075:66: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9223372034707292160 + 1668838476672 cannot be represented in type 'long int'
# /root/TDengine/source/common/src/tdataformat.c:1876:7: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 8252423483843671206 + 2406154664059062870 cannot be represented in type 'long int'
runtime_error=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/*.asan | grep "runtime error" | grep -v "trees.c:873" | grep -v "sclfunc.c.*outside the range of representable values of type"| grep -v "builtinsimpl.c.*signed integer overflow"| grep -v "sclvector.c.*signed integer overflow" | wc -l`
runtime_error=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/*.asan | grep "runtime error" | grep -v "trees.c:873" | grep -v "sclfunc.c.*outside the range of representable values of type"| grep -v "signed integer overflow" | wc -l`
echo -e "\033[44;32;1m"asan error_num: $error_num"\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[44;32;1m"asan memory_leak: $memory_leak"\033[0m"
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