**Description**: The value whose rank in a specific column matches the specified percentage. If such a value matching the specified percentage doesn't exist in the column, an interpolation value will be returned.
**Return value type**: DOUBLE
**Return value type**: This function takes 2 minumum and 11 maximum parameters, and it can simultaneously return 10 percentiles at most. If 2 parameters are given, a single percentile is returned and the value type is DOUBLE.
If more than 2 parameters are given, the return value type is a VARCHAR string, the format of which is a JSON ARRAY containing all return values.
**Applicable column types**: Numeric
**Applicable table types**: table only
**More explanations**: _p_ is in range [0,100], when _p_ is 0, the result is same as using function MIN; when _p_ is 100, the result is same as function MAX.
**More explanations**:
- _p_ is in range [0,100], when _p_ is 0, the result is same as using function MIN; when _p_ is 100, the result is same as function MAX.
- When calculating multiple percentiles of a specific column, a single PERCENTILE function with multiple parameters is adviced, as this can largely reduce the query response time.
For example, using SELECT percentile(col, 90, 95, 99) FROM table will perform better than SELECT percentile(col, 90), percentile(col, 95), percentile(col, 99) from table.