提交 f68e5132 编写于 作者: wafwerar's avatar wafwerar

test: add case to win32 full test

上级 0f99cc08
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\telemetry.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\taosdMonitor.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\udfTest.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\udf_create.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\udf_restart_taosd.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\udf_restart_taosd.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\cachelast.py
python3 .\test.py -f 0-others\user_control.py
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ python3 .\test.py -f 1-insert\alter_table.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\between.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\distinct.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\varchar.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\ltrim.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\ltrim.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\rtrim.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\length.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\char_length.py
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\join2.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\cast.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\union.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\union1.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\concat.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\concat.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\concat2.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\concat_ws.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\concat_ws2.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\check_tsdb.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\spread.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\check_tsdb.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\spread.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\hyperloglog.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\timezone.py
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\tan.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\arcsin.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\arccos.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\arctan.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\query_cols_tags_and_or.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\query_cols_tags_and_or.py
@REM # python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\nestedQuery.py
@REM # TD-15983 subquery output duplicate name column.
@REM # Please Xiangyang Guo modify the following script
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\elapsed.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\mavg.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\diff.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\sample.py
@REM python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\function_diff.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\function_diff.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\unique.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\stateduration.py
python3 .\test.py -f 2-query\function_stateduration.py
......@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ echo Windows Taosd Test
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (simpletest.bat) do (
for /f "tokens=1* delims= " %%a in ("%%i") do if not "%%a" == "@REM" (
set /a a+=1
set timeNow=!time!
echo !a! Processing %%i
call :GetTimeSeconds !time!
call :GetTimeSeconds !timeNow!
set time1=!_timeTemp!
echo Start at !time!
echo Start at !timeNow!
call %%i ARG1 > result_!a!.txt 2>error_!a!.txt
if errorlevel 1 ( call :colorEcho 0c "failed" &echo. && echo result: && cat result_!a!.txt && echo error: && cat error_!a!.txt && exit 8 ) else ( call :colorEcho 0a "Success" &echo. )
......@@ -45,10 +46,11 @@ for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (simpletest.bat) do (
call :GetTimeSeconds %time%
set timeNow=%time%
call :GetTimeSeconds %timeNow%
set time2=%_timeTemp%
set /a interTime=%time2% - %time1%
echo End at %time% , cast %interTime%s
echo End at %timeNow% , cast %interTime%s
echo off
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
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