提交 f569355d 编写于 作者: 5 54liuyao

fix(stream):memory leak

上级 13bee74a
......@@ -706,6 +706,9 @@ void* destroyStreamFillSupporter(SStreamFillSupporter* pFillSup) {
pFillSup->pAllColInfo = destroyFillColumnInfo(pFillSup->pAllColInfo, pFillSup->numOfFillCols, pFillSup->numOfAllCols);
pFillSup->pResMap = NULL;
streamStateReleaseBuf(NULL, NULL, pFillSup->cur.pRowVal);
pFillSup->cur.pRowVal = NULL;
return NULL;
......@@ -722,6 +725,7 @@ void* destroyStreamFillInfo(SStreamFillInfo* pFillInfo) {
pFillInfo->pLinearInfo = destroyStreamFillLinearInfo(pFillInfo->pLinearInfo);
return NULL;
......@@ -732,6 +736,8 @@ void destroyStreamFillOperatorInfo(void* param) {
pInfo->pFillSup = destroyStreamFillSupporter(pInfo->pFillSup);
pInfo->pRes = blockDataDestroy(pInfo->pRes);
pInfo->pSrcBlock = blockDataDestroy(pInfo->pSrcBlock);
pInfo->pPrevSrcBlock = blockDataDestroy(pInfo->pPrevSrcBlock);
pInfo->pDelRes = blockDataDestroy(pInfo->pDelRes);
pInfo->pColMatchColInfo = taosArrayDestroy(pInfo->pColMatchColInfo);
......@@ -743,6 +749,7 @@ static void resetFillWindow(SResultRowData* pRowData) {
void resetPrevAndNextWindow(SStreamFillSupporter* pFillSup, SStreamState* pState) {
streamStateReleaseBuf(NULL, NULL, pFillSup->cur.pRowVal);
......@@ -753,12 +760,12 @@ void getCurWindowFromDiscBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, TSKEY ts, uint64_t groupI
resetPrevAndNextWindow(pFillSup, pState);
SWinKey key = {.ts = ts, .groupId = groupId};
void* curVal = NULL;
// void* curVal = NULL;
int32_t curVLen = 0;
int32_t code = streamStateFillGet(pState, &key, (void**)&curVal, &curVLen);
int32_t code = streamStateFillGet(pState, &key, (void**)&pFillSup->cur.pRowVal, &curVLen);
pFillSup->cur.key = key.ts;
pFillSup->cur.pRowVal = curVal;
// pFillSup->cur.pRowVal = curVal;
void getWindowFromDiscBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, TSKEY ts, uint64_t groupId, SStreamFillSupporter* pFillSup) {
......@@ -777,11 +784,9 @@ void getWindowFromDiscBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, TSKEY ts, uint64_t groupId,
SWinKey preKey = {.groupId = groupId};
void* preVal = NULL;
int32_t preVLen = 0;
if (pCur) {
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &preKey, (const void**)&preVal, &preVLen);
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &preKey, (const void**)&preVal, &preVLen);
if (pCur && code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pFillSup->prev.key = preKey.ts;
pFillSup->prev.pRowVal = preVal;
......@@ -790,35 +795,36 @@ void getWindowFromDiscBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, TSKEY ts, uint64_t groupId,
code = streamStateCurNext(pState, pCur);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pCur = NULL;
} else {
pCur = streamStateFillSeekKeyNext(pState, &key);
if (pCur) {
SWinKey nextKey = {.groupId = groupId};
void* nextVal = NULL;
int32_t nextVLen = 0;
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &nextKey, (const void**)&nextVal, &nextVLen);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pFillSup->next.key = nextKey.ts;
pFillSup->next.pRowVal = nextVal;
if (pFillSup->type == TSDB_FILL_PREV || pFillSup->type == TSDB_FILL_NEXT) {
code = streamStateCurNext(pState, pCur);
SWinKey nextKey = {.groupId = groupId};
void* nextVal = NULL;
int32_t nextVLen = 0;
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &nextKey, (const void**)&nextVal, &nextVLen);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pFillSup->next.key = nextKey.ts;
pFillSup->next.pRowVal = nextVal;
if (pFillSup->type == TSDB_FILL_PREV || pFillSup->type == TSDB_FILL_NEXT) {
code = streamStateCurNext(pState, pCur);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
SWinKey nextNextKey = {.groupId = groupId};
void* nextNextVal = NULL;
int32_t nextNextVLen = 0;
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &nextNextKey, (const void**)&nextNextVal, &nextNextVLen);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
SWinKey nextNextKey = {.groupId = groupId};
void* nextNextVal = NULL;
int32_t nextNextVLen = 0;
code = streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(pCur, &nextNextKey, (const void**)&nextNextVal, &nextNextVLen);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pFillSup->nextNext.key = nextNextKey.ts;
pFillSup->nextNext.pRowVal = nextNextVal;
pFillSup->nextNext.key = nextNextKey.ts;
pFillSup->nextNext.pRowVal = nextNextVal;
static bool hasPrevWindow(SStreamFillSupporter* pFillSup) { return pFillSup->prev.key != INT64_MIN; }
......@@ -1388,6 +1394,7 @@ static void doDeleteFillResult(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
doDeleteFillResultImpl(pOperator, ts, endTs, groupId);
pFillInfo->current = pFillInfo->end + 1;
......@@ -1538,9 +1545,12 @@ static int32_t initResultBuf(SStreamFillSupporter* pFillSup) {
pFillSup->next.key = INT64_MIN;
pFillSup->nextNext.key = INT64_MIN;
pFillSup->prev.key = INT64_MIN;
pFillSup->cur.key = INT64_MIN;
pFillSup->next.pRowVal = NULL;
pFillSup->nextNext.pRowVal = NULL;
pFillSup->prev.pRowVal = NULL;
pFillSup->cur.pRowVal = NULL;
......@@ -879,7 +879,12 @@ static void removeResults(SArray* pWins, SHashObj* pUpdatedMap) {
int32_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pWins);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
SWinKey* pW = taosArrayGet(pWins, i);
taosHashRemove(pUpdatedMap, pW, sizeof(SWinKey));
void* tmp = taosHashGet(pUpdatedMap, pW, sizeof(SWinKey));
if (tmp) {
void* value = *(void**)tmp;
taosHashRemove(pUpdatedMap, pW, sizeof(SWinKey));
......@@ -1410,7 +1415,12 @@ static void doDeleteWindows(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SInterval* pInterval, int3
taosArrayPush(pUpWins, &winRes);
if (pUpdatedMap) {
taosHashRemove(pUpdatedMap, &winRes, sizeof(SWinKey));
void* tmp = taosHashGet(pUpdatedMap, &winRes, sizeof(SWinKey));
if (tmp) {
void* value = *(void**)tmp;
taosHashRemove(pUpdatedMap, &winRes, sizeof(SWinKey));
getNextTimeWindow(pInterval, pInterval->precision, TSDB_ORDER_ASC, &win);
} while (win.ekey <= endTsCols[i]);
......@@ -2872,12 +2882,13 @@ static void rebuildIntervalWindow(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SExprSupp* pSup, SAr
pChildSup->rowEntryInfoOffset, &pChInfo->aggSup);
updateTimeWindowInfo(&pInfo->twAggSup.timeWindowData, &parentWin, true);
compactFunctions(pSup->pCtx, pChildSup->pCtx, numOfOutput, pTaskInfo, &pInfo->twAggSup.timeWindowData);
releaseOutputBuf(pChInfo->pState, pWinRes, pChResult);
if (num > 0 && pUpdatedMap) {
saveWinResultInfo(pCurResult->win.skey, pWinRes->groupId, pUpdatedMap);
saveOutputBuf(pInfo->pState, pWinRes, pCurResult, pInfo->aggSup.resultRowSize);
releaseOutputBuf(pInfo->pState, pWinRes, pCurResult);
releaseOutputBuf(pInfo->pState, pWinRes, pCurResult);
......@@ -2891,9 +2902,7 @@ bool isDeletedWindow(STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, SAggSupporter* pSup) {
bool isDeletedStreamWindow(STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, SStreamState* pState, STimeWindowAggSupp* pTwSup) {
if (pWin->ekey < pTwSup->maxTs - pTwSup->deleteMark) {
SWinKey key = {.ts = pWin->skey, .groupId = groupId};
void* pVal = NULL;
int32_t size = 0;
if (streamStateGet(pState, &key, &pVal, &size) == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (streamStateGet(pState, &key, NULL, 0) == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
return true;
......@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ int32_t streamStateClear(SStreamState* pState) {
SStreamStateCur* pCur = streamStateSeekKeyNext(pState, &key);
SWinKey delKey = {0};
int32_t code = streamStateGetKVByCur(pCur, &delKey, NULL, 0);
if (code == 0) {
streamStateDel(pState, &delKey);
} else {
......@@ -225,6 +226,9 @@ int32_t streamStateAddIfNotExist(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void*
int32_t streamStateReleaseBuf(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void* pVal) {
// todo refactor
if (!pVal) {
return 0;
return 0;
......@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ SStreamStateCur* streamStateGetCur(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key) {
int32_t c;
SStateKey sKey = {.key = *key, .opNum = pState->number};
tdbTbcMoveTo(pCur->pCur, key, sizeof(SWinKey), &c);
tdbTbcMoveTo(pCur->pCur, &sKey, sizeof(SStateKey), &c);
if (c != 0) {
return NULL;
......@@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ SStreamStateCur* streamStateFillGetCur(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key)
int32_t c;
tdbTbcMoveTo(pCur->pCur, key, sizeof(SWinKey), &c);
if (c != 0) {
return NULL;
return pCur;
......@@ -266,6 +270,7 @@ SStreamStateCur* streamStateGetAndCheckCur(SStreamState* pState, SWinKey* key) {
if (code == 0) {
return pCur;
return NULL;
......@@ -300,6 +305,9 @@ int32_t streamStateFillGetKVByCur(SStreamStateCur* pCur, SWinKey* pKey, const vo
int32_t streamStateGetGroupKVByCur(SStreamStateCur* pCur, SWinKey* pKey, const void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen) {
if (!pCur) {
return -1;
uint64_t groupId = pKey->groupId;
int32_t code = streamStateFillGetKVByCur(pCur, pKey, pVal, pVLen);
if (code == 0) {
......@@ -360,7 +368,7 @@ SStreamStateCur* streamStateSeekKeyNext(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key
SStreamStateCur* streamStateFillSeekKeyNext(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key) {
SStreamStateCur* pCur = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SStreamStateCur));
if (pCur == NULL) {
if (!pCur) {
return NULL;
if (tdbTbcOpen(pState->pFillStateDb, &pCur->pCur, NULL) < 0) {
......@@ -411,6 +419,9 @@ SStreamStateCur* streamStateFillSeekKeyPrev(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey*
int32_t streamStateCurNext(SStreamState* pState, SStreamStateCur* pCur) {
if (!pCur) {
return -1;
return tdbTbcMoveToNext(pCur->pCur);
......@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode2 -i 2
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sleep 50
sql connect
sql create dnode $hostname2 port 7200
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start -v
print ===== step1
$x = 0
......@@ -232,4 +235,41 @@ endi
print loop3 over
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode1
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode2
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==return 1
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ looptest:
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sleep 200
sql connect
......@@ -353,6 +355,22 @@ endi
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode1
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==return 1
sql drop stream if exists streams0;
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ looptest:
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sleep 200
sql connect
......@@ -671,6 +673,22 @@ endi
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode1
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==return 1
sql drop stream if exists streams0;
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ looptest:
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sleep 200
sql connect
......@@ -1011,6 +1013,21 @@ endi
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode1
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==return 1
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ looptest:
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sleep 200
sql connect
......@@ -463,6 +464,20 @@ endi
#==system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
#==print =============== check
#==system_content sh/checkValgrind.sh -n dnode1
#==print cmd return result ----> [ $system_content ]
#==if $system_content > 0 then
#== return -1
#==if $system_content == $null then
#== return -1
#==return 1
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