提交 f3b58913 编写于 作者: S slguan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/mpeer

......@@ -4674,8 +4674,8 @@ int32_t parseLimitClause(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t clauseIndex, SQuerySQL*
// No tables included. No results generated. Query results are empty.
if (pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta == NULL) {
tscTrace("%p no table in metricmeta, no output result", pSql);
if (pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList->numOfVgroups == 0) {
tscTrace("%p no table in super table, no output result", pSql);
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ typedef struct STableGroupList { // qualified table object list in group
typedef struct STsdbQueryCond {
STimeWindow twindow;
int32_t order; // desc/asc order to iterate the data block
int32_t numOfCols;
SColumnInfoData *colList;
} STsdbQueryCond;
......@@ -189,8 +190,7 @@ typedef void *TsdbPosT;
* @param pTableList table sid list
* @return
TsdbQueryHandleT *tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupInfo,
SArray *pColumnInfo);
TsdbQueryHandleT *tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, STsdbQueryCond *pCond, STableGroupInfo *groupInfo);
* move to next block
......@@ -241,20 +241,6 @@ SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, SArray *pIdList);
int32_t tsdbResetQuery(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, STimeWindow *window, TsdbPosT position, int16_t order);
* return the access position of current query handle
* @param pQueryHandle
* @return
int32_t tsdbDataBlockSeek(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle, TsdbPosT pos);
* todo remove this function later
* @param pQueryHandle
* @return
TsdbPosT tsdbDataBlockTell(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle);
* todo remove this function later
* @param pQueryHandle
......@@ -292,7 +278,7 @@ SArray *tsdbGetTableList(TsdbQueryHandleT *pQueryHandle);
* @param pTagCond. tag query condition
int32_t tsdbQueryTags(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, int64_t uid, const char *pTagCond, size_t len, STableGroupInfo *pGroupList,
int32_t tsdbQueryByTagsCond(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, int64_t uid, const char *pTagCond, size_t len, STableGroupInfo *pGroupList,
SColIndex *pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols);
int32_t tsdbGetOneTableGroup(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, int64_t uid, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo);
......@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ extern "C" {
struct tExprNode;
struct SSchema;
struct tSkipList;
struct tSkipListNode;
enum {
......@@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ typedef struct SQInfo {
int32_t pointsInterpo;
int32_t code; // error code to returned to client
sem_t dataReady;
STableGroupInfo groupInfo; // table id list
void* tsdb;
STableGroupInfo groupInfo; // table id list
SQueryRuntimeEnv runtimeEnv;
int32_t subgroupIdx;
int32_t groupIndex;
int32_t offset; /* offset in group result set of subgroup */
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static void tsdbInitCompBlockLoadInfo(SLoadCompBlockInfo* pCompBlockLoadInfo) {
pCompBlockLoadInfo->fileListIndex = -1;
TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STableGroupInfo* groupList, SArray* pColumnInfo) {
TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STableGroupInfo* groupList) {
// todo 1. filter not exist table
// todo 2. add the reference count for each table that is involved in query
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
pQueryHandle->cur.fid = -1;
size_t sizeOfGroup = taosArrayGetSize(groupList->pGroupList);
assert(sizeOfGroup >= 1);
assert(sizeOfGroup >= 1 && pCond != NULL && pCond->numOfCols > 0);
pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo = taosArrayInit(groupList->numOfTables, sizeof(STableCheckInfo));
......@@ -182,16 +182,15 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
pQueryHandle->activeIndex = 0;
// allocate buffer in order to load data blocks from file
int32_t numOfCols = taosArrayGetSize(pColumnInfo);
int32_t numOfCols = pCond->numOfCols;
size_t bufferCapacity = 4096;
pQueryHandle->pColumns = taosArrayInit(numOfCols, sizeof(SColumnInfoData));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData* pCol = taosArrayGet(pColumnInfo, i);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCond->numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData pDest = {{0}, 0};
pDest.pData = calloc(1, EXTRA_BYTES + bufferCapacity * pCol->info.bytes);
pDest.info = pCol->info;
pDest.info = pCond->colList[i].info;
pDest.pData = calloc(1, EXTRA_BYTES + bufferCapacity * pCond->colList[i].info.bytes);
taosArrayPush(pQueryHandle->pColumns, &pDest);
......@@ -430,9 +429,6 @@ static bool doLoadFileDataBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, SCompBlock* pBlo
// TSKEY* d = (TSKEY*)pCheckInfo->pDataCols->cols[PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX].pData;
// assert(d[0] == pBlock->keyFirst && d[pBlock->numOfPoints - 1] == pBlock->keyLast);
return blockLoaded;
......@@ -587,7 +583,7 @@ static void filterDataInDataBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, STableCheckInf
// int32_t start = MIN(cur->pos, endPos);
int32_t start = MIN(cur->pos, endPos);
// move the data block in the front to data block if needed
int32_t numOfCols = QH_GET_NUM_OF_COLS(pQueryHandle);
......@@ -600,9 +596,9 @@ static void filterDataInDataBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, STableCheckInf
if (pCol->info.colId == colId) {
// SDataCol* pDataCol = &pCols->cols[i];
pCol->pData = pQueryHandle->rhelper.pDataCols[0]->cols[i].pData;
// memmove(pCol->pData, pDataCol->pData + pCol->info.bytes * start,
// pQueryHandle->realNumOfRows * pCol->info.bytes);
// pCol->pData = pQueryHandle->rhelper.pDataCols[0]->cols[i].pData + pCol->info.bytes * start;
memmove(pCol->pData, pQueryHandle->rhelper.pDataCols[0]->cols[i].pData + pCol->info.bytes * start,
pQueryHandle->realNumOfRows * pCol->info.bytes);
......@@ -941,7 +937,6 @@ bool tsdbNextDataBlock(TsdbQueryHandleT* pqHandle) {
return getDataBlocksInFiles(pQueryHandle);
static int tsdbReadRowsFromCache(SSkipListIterator* pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int maxRowsToRead, TSKEY* skey, TSKEY* ekey,
......@@ -1053,7 +1048,7 @@ SDataBlockInfo tsdbRetrieveDataBlockInfo(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle) {
if (pTable->mem != NULL) {
// create mem table iterator if it is not created yet
assert(pCheckInfo->iter != NULL);
rows = tsdbReadRowsFromCache(pCheckInfo->iter, pHandle->window.ekey, 2, &skey, &ekey, pHandle);
rows = tsdbReadRowsFromCache(pCheckInfo->iter, pHandle->window.ekey, 4000, &skey, &ekey, pHandle);
// update the last key value
pCheckInfo->lastKey = ekey + step;
......@@ -1117,10 +1112,6 @@ int32_t tsdbResetQuery(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, STimeWindow* window, Tsdb
return 0;
int32_t tsdbDataBlockSeek(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, TsdbPosT pos) { return 0; }
TsdbPosT tsdbDataBlockTell(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle) { return NULL; }
SArray* tsdbRetrieveDataRow(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle, SArray* pIdList, SQueryRowCond* pCond) { return NULL; }
TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryFromTagConds(STsdbQueryCond* pCond, int16_t stableId, const char* pTagFilterStr) {
......@@ -1266,12 +1257,14 @@ int32_t tableGroupComparFn(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param) {
SColIndex* pColIndex = &pTableGroupSupp->pCols[i];
int32_t colIndex = pColIndex->colIndex;
assert(colIndex >= 0 && colIndex < schemaNCols(pTableGroupSupp->pTagSchema));
char * f1 = NULL;
char * f2 = NULL;
int32_t type = 0;
int32_t bytes = 0;
if (colIndex == -1) { // table name, todo fix me
if (colIndex == -1) { // todo fix me, table name
// f1 = s1->tags;
// f2 = s2->tags;
......@@ -1438,7 +1431,7 @@ static int32_t doQueryTableList(STable* pSTable, SArray* pRes, tExprNode* pExpr)
int32_t tsdbQueryTags(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, int64_t uid, const char* pTagCond, size_t len, STableGroupInfo* pGroupInfo,
int32_t tsdbQueryByTagsCond(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, int64_t uid, const char* pTagCond, size_t len, STableGroupInfo* pGroupInfo,
SColIndex* pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols) {
STable* pSTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), uid);
......@@ -1520,11 +1513,11 @@ void tsdbCleanupQueryHandle(TsdbQueryHandleT queryHandle) {
// size_t cols = taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pColumns);
// for (int32_t i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
// SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pQueryHandle->pColumns, i);
// // tfree(pColInfo->pData);
// }
size_t cols = taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pColumns);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pQueryHandle->pColumns, i);
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