提交 ec11679e 编写于 作者: C Cary Xu

Merge branch '3.0' into feature/TD-11274-3.0

......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ ELSE ()
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-recover=all -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow -fno-sanitize=null -fno-sanitize=alignment -g3")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wno-literal-suffix -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-recover=all -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow -fno-sanitize=null -fno-sanitize=alignment -g3")
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-recover=all -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow -fno-sanitize=shift-base -fno-sanitize=alignment -g3")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wno-literal-suffix -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-recover=all -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow -fno-sanitize=shift-base -fno-sanitize=alignment -g3")
MESSAGE(STATUS "Will compile with Address Sanitizer!")
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Werror -Werror=return-type -fPIC -gdwarf-2 -g3")
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "../../../include/client/taos.h" // include TDengine header file
typedef struct {
char server_ip[64];
char db_name[64];
char tbl_name[64];
} param;
int g_thread_exit_flag = 0;
void* insert_rows(void *sarg);
void streamCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, TAOS_ROW row)
// in this simple demo, it just print out the result
char temp[128];
TAOS_FIELD *fields = taos_fetch_fields(res);
int numFields = taos_num_fields(res);
taos_print_row(temp, row, fields, numFields);
printf("\n%s\n", temp);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
TAOS *taos;
char db_name[64];
char tbl_name[64];
char sql[1024] = { 0 };
if (argc != 4) {
printf("usage: %s server-ip dbname tblname\n", argv[0]);
strcpy(db_name, argv[2]);
strcpy(tbl_name, argv[3]);
// create pthread to insert into row per second for stream calc
param *t_param = (param *)malloc(sizeof(param));
if (NULL == t_param)
printf("failed to malloc\n");
memset(t_param, 0, sizeof(param));
strcpy(t_param->server_ip, argv[1]);
strcpy(t_param->db_name, db_name);
strcpy(t_param->tbl_name, tbl_name);
pthread_t pid;
pthread_create(&pid, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))insert_rows, t_param);
sleep(3); // waiting for database is created.
// open connection to database
taos = taos_connect(argv[1], "root", "taosdata", db_name, 0);
if (taos == NULL) {
printf("failed to connet to server:%s\n", argv[1]);
// starting stream calc,
printf("please input stream SQL:[e.g., select count(*) from tblname interval(5s) sliding(2s);]\n");
fgets(sql, sizeof(sql), stdin);
if (sql[0] == 0) {
printf("input NULL stream SQL, so exit!\n");
// param is set to NULL in this demo, it shall be set to the pointer to app context
TAOS_STREAM *pStream = taos_open_stream(taos, sql, streamCallBack, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (NULL == pStream) {
printf("failed to create stream\n");
printf("presss any key to exit\n");
g_thread_exit_flag = 1;
pthread_join(pid, NULL);
return 0;
void* insert_rows(void *sarg)
TAOS *taos;
char command[1024] = { 0 };
param *winfo = (param * )sarg;
if (NULL == winfo){
printf("para is null!\n");
taos = taos_connect(winfo->server_ip, "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
if (taos == NULL) {
printf("failed to connet to server:%s\n", winfo->server_ip);
// drop database
sprintf(command, "drop database %s;", winfo->db_name);
if (taos_query(taos, command) != 0) {
printf("failed to drop database, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(taos));
// create database
sprintf(command, "create database %s;", winfo->db_name);
if (taos_query(taos, command) != 0) {
printf("failed to create database, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(taos));
// use database
sprintf(command, "use %s;", winfo->db_name);
if (taos_query(taos, command) != 0) {
printf("failed to use database, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(taos));
// create table
sprintf(command, "create table %s (ts timestamp, speed int);", winfo->tbl_name);
if (taos_query(taos, command) != 0) {
printf("failed to create table, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(taos));
// insert data
int64_t begin = (int64_t)time(NULL);
int index = 0;
while (1) {
if (g_thread_exit_flag) break;
sprintf(command, "insert into %s values (%ld, %d)", winfo->tbl_name, (begin + index) * 1000, index);
if (taos_query(taos, command)) {
printf("failed to insert row [%s], reason:%s\n", command, taos_errstr(taos));
return 0;
......@@ -219,6 +219,16 @@ typedef struct {
#define SORT_QSORT_T 0x1
typedef struct SSortExecInfo {
int32_t sortMethod;
int32_t sortBuffer;
int32_t loops; // loop count
int32_t writeBytes; // write io bytes
int32_t readBytes; // read io bytes
} SSortExecInfo;
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void colDataTrim(SColumnInfoData* pColumnInfoData);
size_t blockDataGetNumOfCols(const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
size_t blockDataGetNumOfRows(const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
int32_t blockDataMerge(SSDataBlock* pDest, const SSDataBlock* pSrc, SArray* pIndexMap);
int32_t blockDataMerge(SSDataBlock* pDest, const SSDataBlock* pSrc);
int32_t blockDataSplitRows(SSDataBlock* pBlock, bool hasVarCol, int32_t startIndex, int32_t* stopIndex,
int32_t pageSize);
int32_t blockDataToBuf(char* buf, const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
......@@ -61,9 +61,10 @@ int32_t tTSRowBuilderGetRow(STSRowBuilder *pBuilder, const STSRow2 **ppRow);
// STag
int32_t tTagNew(STagVal *pTagVals, int16_t nTag, STag **ppTag);
void tTagFree(STag *pTag);
void tTagGet(STag *pTag, int16_t cid, int8_t type, uint8_t **ppData, int32_t *nData);
int32_t tEncodeTag(SEncoder *pEncoder, STag *pTag);
int32_t tDecodeTag(SDecoder *pDecoder, const STag **ppTag);
int32_t tTagSet(STag *pTag, SSchema *pSchema, int32_t nCols, int iCol, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t nData, STag **ppTag);
void tTagGet(STag *pTag, int16_t cid, int8_t type, uint8_t **ppData, uint32_t *nData);
int32_t tEncodeTag(SEncoder *pEncoder, const STag *pTag);
int32_t tDecodeTag(SDecoder *pDecoder, STag **ppTag);
// STRUCT =================
struct STColumn {
......@@ -660,8 +660,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t tz; // query client timezone
char intervalUnit;
char slidingUnit;
offsetUnit; // TODO Remove it, the offset is the number of precision tickle, and it must be a immutable duration.
char offsetUnit;
int8_t precision;
int64_t interval;
int64_t sliding;
......@@ -950,6 +949,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t numOfCores;
int32_t numOfSupportVnodes;
char dnodeEp[TSDB_EP_LEN];
SMnodeLoad mload;
SClusterCfg clusterCfg;
SArray* pVloads; // array of SVnodeLoad
} SStatusReq;
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct SMnode SMnode;
typedef struct {
int32_t dnodeId;
bool standby;
bool deploy;
int8_t replica;
......@@ -54,15 +55,6 @@ SMnode *mndOpen(const char *path, const SMnodeOpt *pOption);
void mndClose(SMnode *pMnode);
* @brief Close a mnode.
* @param pMnode The mnode object to close.
* @param pOption Options of the mnode.
* @return int32_t 0 for success, -1 for failure.
int32_t mndAlter(SMnode *pMnode, const SMnodeOpt *pOption);
* @brief Start mnode
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void streamDataSubmitRefDec(SStreamDataSubmit* pDataSubmit)
if (ref == 0) {
// taosFreeQitem(pDataSubmit);
......@@ -98,8 +98,18 @@ typedef struct SSyncFSM {
void (*FpRestoreFinishCb)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm);
int32_t (*FpGetSnapshot)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, SSnapshot* pSnapshot);
void* (*FpSnapshotRead)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* snapshot, void* iter, char** ppBuf, int32_t* len);
int32_t (*FpSnapshotApply)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* snapshot, char* pBuf, int32_t len);
// if (*ppIter == NULL)
// *ppIter = new iter;
// else
// *ppIter.next();
// if success, return 0. else return error code
int32_t (*FpSnapshotRead)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* pSnapshot, void** ppIter, char** ppBuf,
int32_t* len);
// apply data into fsm
int32_t (*FpSnapshotApply)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* pSnapshot, char* pBuf, int32_t len);
void (*FpReConfigCb)(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, SSyncCfg newCfg, SReConfigCbMeta cbMeta);
......@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ int32_t* taosGetErrno();
// tsdb
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ void taosPrintLongString(const char *flags, ELogLevel level, int32_t dflag, cons
#define uInfo(...) { if (uDebugFlag & DEBUG_INFO) { taosPrintLog("UTL ", DEBUG_INFO, tsLogEmbedded ? 255 : uDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define uDebug(...) { if (uDebugFlag & DEBUG_DEBUG) { taosPrintLog("UTL ", DEBUG_DEBUG, uDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define uTrace(...) { if (uDebugFlag & DEBUG_TRACE) { taosPrintLog("UTL ", DEBUG_TRACE, uDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define uDebugL(...) { if (uDebugFlag & DEBUG_DEBUG) { taosPrintLongString("UTL ", DEBUG_DEBUG, uDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define pError(...) { taosPrintLog("APP ERROR ", DEBUG_ERROR, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }
#define pPrint(...) { taosPrintLog("APP ", DEBUG_INFO, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ static const SSysDbTableSchema mnodesSchema[] = {
{.name = "id", .bytes = 4, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT},
{.name = "endpoint", .bytes = TSDB_EP_LEN + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR},
{.name = "role", .bytes = 12 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR},
{.name = "role_time", .bytes = 8, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP},
{.name = "create_time", .bytes = 8, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP},
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ int32_t blockDataUpdateTsWindow(SSDataBlock* pDataBlock, int32_t tsColumnIndex)
return -1;
int32_t index = (tsColumnIndex == -1)? 0:tsColumnIndex;
int32_t index = (tsColumnIndex == -1) ? 0 : tsColumnIndex;
SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData = taosArrayGet(pDataBlock->pDataBlock, index);
if (pColInfoData->info.type != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
return 0;
......@@ -361,19 +361,13 @@ int32_t blockDataUpdateTsWindow(SSDataBlock* pDataBlock, int32_t tsColumnIndex)
return 0;
// if pIndexMap = NULL, merger one column by on column
int32_t blockDataMerge(SSDataBlock* pDest, const SSDataBlock* pSrc, SArray* pIndexMap) {
int32_t blockDataMerge(SSDataBlock* pDest, const SSDataBlock* pSrc) {
assert(pSrc != NULL && pDest != NULL);
int32_t capacity = pDest->info.capacity;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pDest->info.numOfCols; ++i) {
int32_t mapIndex = i;
// if (pIndexMap) {
// mapIndex = *(int32_t*)taosArrayGet(pIndexMap, i);
// }
SColumnInfoData* pCol2 = taosArrayGet(pDest->pDataBlock, i);
SColumnInfoData* pCol1 = taosArrayGet(pSrc->pDataBlock, mapIndex);
SColumnInfoData* pCol1 = taosArrayGet(pSrc->pDataBlock, i);
capacity = pDest->info.capacity;
colDataMergeCol(pCol2, pDest->info.rows, &capacity, pCol1, pSrc->info.rows);
......@@ -605,8 +599,8 @@ int32_t blockDataFromBuf(SSDataBlock* pBlock, const char* buf) {
int32_t blockDataFromBuf1(SSDataBlock* pBlock, const char* buf, size_t capacity) {
pBlock->info.rows = *(int32_t*) buf;
pBlock->info.groupId = *(uint64_t*) (buf + sizeof(int32_t));
pBlock->info.rows = *(int32_t*)buf;
pBlock->info.groupId = *(uint64_t*)(buf + sizeof(int32_t));
int32_t numOfCols = pBlock->info.numOfCols;
const char* pStart = buf + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t);
......@@ -675,7 +669,7 @@ size_t blockDataGetSerialMetaSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
return sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + pBlock->info.numOfCols * sizeof(int32_t);
double blockDataGetSerialRowSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
double blockDataGetSerialRowSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
ASSERT(pBlock != NULL);
double rowSize = 0;
......@@ -1238,7 +1232,7 @@ size_t blockDataGetCapacityInRow(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, size_t pageSize) {
// the true value must be less than the value of nRows
int32_t additional = 0;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pBlock->info.numOfCols; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pBlock->info.numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData* pCol = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, i);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->info.type)) {
additional += nRows * sizeof(int32_t);
......@@ -1734,8 +1728,12 @@ SSubmitReq* tdBlockToSubmit(const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchema* pTSchema, boo
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pTSchema->numOfCols; k++) {
const STColumn* pColumn = &pTSchema->columns[k];
SColumnInfoData* pColData = taosArrayGet(pDataBlock->pDataBlock, k);
void* data = colDataGetData(pColData, j);
tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, pColumn->offset, k);
if (colDataIsNull_s(pColData, j)) {
tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NONE, NULL, false, pColumn->offset, k);
} else {
void* data = colDataGetData(pColData, j);
tdAppendColValToRow(&rb, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, TD_VTYPE_NORM, data, true, pColumn->offset, k);
int32_t rowLen = TD_ROW_LEN(rowData);
rowData = POINTER_SHIFT(rowData, rowLen);
......@@ -581,7 +581,52 @@ void tTagFree(STag *pTag) {
if (pTag) taosMemoryFree(pTag);
void tTagGet(STag *pTag, int16_t cid, int8_t type, uint8_t **ppData, int32_t *nData) {
int32_t tTagSet(STag *pTag, SSchema *pSchema, int32_t nCols, int iCol, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t nData, STag **ppTag) {
STagVal *pTagVals;
int16_t nTags = 0;
SSchema *pColumn;
uint8_t *p;
uint32_t n;
pTagVals = (STagVal *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(*pTagVals) * nCols);
if (pTagVals == NULL) {
return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
pColumn = &pSchema[i];
if (i == iCol) {
p = pData;
n = nData;
} else {
tTagGet(pTag, pColumn->colId, pColumn->type, &p, &n);
if (p == NULL) continue;
ASSERT(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pColumn->type) || n == pColumn->bytes);
pTagVals[nTags].cid = pColumn->colId;
pTagVals[nTags].type = pColumn->type;
pTagVals[nTags].nData = n;
pTagVals[nTags].pData = p;
// create new tag
if (tTagNew(pTagVals, nTags, ppTag) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
void tTagGet(STag *pTag, int16_t cid, int8_t type, uint8_t **ppData, uint32_t *nData) {
STagIdx *pTagIdx = bsearch(&((STagIdx){.cid = cid}), pTag->idx, pTag->nTag, sizeof(STagIdx), tTagIdxCmprFn);
if (pTagIdx == NULL) {
*ppData = NULL;
......@@ -597,18 +642,11 @@ void tTagGet(STag *pTag, int16_t cid, int8_t type, uint8_t **ppData, int32_t *nD
int32_t tEncodeTag(SEncoder *pEncoder, STag *pTag) {
// return tEncodeBinary(pEncoder, (uint8_t *)pTag, pTag->len);
return 0;
int32_t tEncodeTag(SEncoder *pEncoder, const STag *pTag) {
return tEncodeBinary(pEncoder, (const uint8_t *)pTag, pTag->len);
int32_t tDecodeTag(SDecoder *pDecoder, const STag **ppTag) {
// uint32_t n;
// return tDecodeBinary(pDecoder, (const uint8_t **)ppTag, &n);
return 0;
int32_t tDecodeTag(SDecoder *pDecoder, STag **ppTag) { return tDecodeBinary(pDecoder, (uint8_t **)ppTag, NULL); }
#if 1 // ===================================================================================================================
static void dataColSetNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle);
......@@ -1087,7 +1125,7 @@ SKVRow tdGetKVRowFromBuilder(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder) {
kvRowSetNCols(row, pBuilder->nCols);
kvRowSetLen(row, tlen);
if(pBuilder->nCols > 0){
if (pBuilder->nCols > 0) {
memcpy(kvRowColIdx(row), pBuilder->pColIdx, sizeof(SColIdx) * pBuilder->nCols);
memcpy(kvRowValues(row), pBuilder->buf, pBuilder->size);
......@@ -891,6 +891,9 @@ int32_t tSerializeSStatusReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SStatusReq *pReq) {
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pload->pointsWritten) < 0) return -1;
// mnode loads
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, pReq->mload.syncState) < 0) return -1;
int32_t tlen = encoder.pos;
......@@ -946,6 +949,8 @@ int32_t tDeserializeSStatusReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SStatusReq *pReq) {
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &pReq->mload.syncState) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ void dmSendStatusReq(SDnodeMgmt *pMgmt) {
req.pVloads = vinfo.pVloads;
SMonMloadInfo minfo = {0};
SMonMloadInfo minfo = {0};
req.mload = minfo.load;
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSStatusReq(NULL, 0, &req);
void *pHead = rpcMallocCont(contLen);
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ typedef struct SMnodeMgmt {
SSingleWorker monitorWorker;
SReplica replicas[TSDB_MAX_REPLICA];
int8_t replica;
int8_t selfIndex;
bool stopped;
int32_t refCount;
TdThreadRwlock lock;
......@@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ int32_t mmReadFile(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, bool *pDeployed);
int32_t mmWriteFile(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SDCreateMnodeReq *pMsg, bool deployed);
// mmInt.c
int32_t mmAlter(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SDAlterMnodeReq *pMsg);
int32_t mmAcquire(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt);
void mmRelease(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt);
......@@ -124,22 +124,6 @@ int32_t mmProcessDropReq(const SMgmtInputOpt *pInput, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
return 0;
int32_t mmProcessAlterReq(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
SDAlterMnodeReq alterReq = {0};
if (tDeserializeSDCreateMnodeReq(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &alterReq) != 0) {
return -1;
if (pMgmt->pData->dnodeId != 0 && alterReq.dnodeId != pMgmt->pData->dnodeId) {
dError("failed to alter mnode since %s, input:%d cur:%d", terrstr(), alterReq.dnodeId, pMgmt->pData->dnodeId);
return -1;
} else {
return mmAlter(pMgmt, &alterReq);
SArray *mmGetMsgHandles() {
int32_t code = -1;
SArray *pArray = taosArrayInit(64, sizeof(SMgmtHandle));
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ static void mmBuildOptionForDeploy(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, const SMgmtInputOpt *pInpu
pOption->standby = false;
pOption->deploy = true;
pOption->msgCb = pMgmt->msgCb;
pOption->dnodeId = pMgmt->pData->dnodeId;
pOption->replica = 1;
pOption->selfIndex = 0;
......@@ -52,9 +54,10 @@ static void mmBuildOptionForDeploy(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, const SMgmtInputOpt *pInpu
static void mmBuildOptionForOpen(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
pOption->msgCb = pMgmt->msgCb;
pOption->deploy = false;
pOption->standby = false;
pOption->msgCb = pMgmt->msgCb;
pOption->dnodeId = pMgmt->pData->dnodeId;
if (pMgmt->replica > 0) {
pOption->standby = true;
......@@ -70,44 +73,6 @@ static void mmBuildOptionForOpen(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
static int32_t mmBuildOptionForAlter(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SMnodeOpt *pOption, SDCreateMnodeReq *pCreate) {
pOption->msgCb = pMgmt->msgCb;
pOption->standby = false;
pOption->deploy = false;
pOption->replica = pCreate->replica;
pOption->selfIndex = -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCreate->replica; ++i) {
SReplica *pReplica = &pOption->replicas[i];
pReplica->id = pCreate->replicas[i].id;
pReplica->port = pCreate->replicas[i].port;
memcpy(pReplica->fqdn, pCreate->replicas[i].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
if (pReplica->id == pMgmt->pData->dnodeId) {
pOption->selfIndex = i;
if (pOption->selfIndex == -1) {
dError("failed to build mnode options since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t mmAlter(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SDAlterMnodeReq *pMsg) {
SMnodeOpt option = {0};
if (mmBuildOptionForAlter(pMgmt, &option, pMsg) != 0) {
return -1;
if (mndAlter(pMgmt->pMnode, &option) != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
static void mmClose(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt) {
if (pMgmt->pMnode != NULL) {
......@@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ static void mmProcessQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
dTrace("msg:%p, get from mnode queue", pMsg);
switch (pMsg->msgType) {
code = mmProcessAlterReq(pMgmt, pMsg);
code = mmProcessGetMonitorInfoReq(pMgmt, pMsg);
......@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ typedef enum {
typedef int32_t (*ProcessCreateNodeFp)(EDndNodeType ntype, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
typedef int32_t (*ProcessDropNodeFp)(EDndNodeType ntype, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
typedef void (*SendMonitorReportFp)();
typedef void (*GetVnodeLoadsFp)();
typedef void (*GetMnodeLoadsFp)();
typedef void (*GetVnodeLoadsFp)(SMonVloadInfo *pInfo);
typedef void (*GetMnodeLoadsFp)(SMonMloadInfo *pInfo);
typedef struct {
int32_t dnodeId;
......@@ -67,30 +67,33 @@ typedef enum {
typedef enum {
......@@ -196,9 +199,8 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t id;
int64_t createdTime;
int64_t updateTime;
ESyncState role;
int32_t roleTerm;
int64_t roleTime;
ESyncState state;
int64_t stateStartTime;
SDnodeObj* pDnode;
} SMnodeObj;
......@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ typedef struct {
SWal *pWal;
sem_t syncSem;
int64_t sync;
ESyncState state;
bool standby;
bool restored;
int32_t errCode;
......@@ -90,9 +89,10 @@ typedef struct {
} SGrantInfo;
typedef struct SMnode {
int32_t selfId;
int32_t selfDnodeId;
int64_t clusterId;
TdThread thread;
bool deploy;
bool stopped;
int8_t replica;
int8_t selfIndex;
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ SMnodeObj *mndAcquireMnode(SMnode *pMnode, int32_t mnodeId);
void mndReleaseMnode(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeObj *pObj);
bool mndIsMnode(SMnode *pMnode, int32_t dnodeId);
void mndGetMnodeEpSet(SMnode *pMnode, SEpSet *pEpSet);
void mndUpdateMnodeRole(SMnode *pMnode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "mndAcct.h"
#include "mndShow.h"
#include "mndTrans.h"
......@@ -31,14 +32,16 @@ static int32_t mndProcessAlterAcctReq(SRpcMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessDropAcctReq(SRpcMsg *pReq);
int32_t mndInitAcct(SMnode *pMnode) {
SSdbTable table = {.sdbType = SDB_ACCT,
.keyType = SDB_KEY_BINARY,
.deployFp = mndCreateDefaultAcct,
.encodeFp = (SdbEncodeFp)mndAcctActionEncode,
.decodeFp = (SdbDecodeFp)mndAcctActionDecode,
.insertFp = (SdbInsertFp)mndAcctActionInsert,
.updateFp = (SdbUpdateFp)mndAcctActionUpdate,
.deleteFp = (SdbDeleteFp)mndAcctActionDelete};
SSdbTable table = {
.sdbType = SDB_ACCT,
.keyType = SDB_KEY_BINARY,
.deployFp = mndCreateDefaultAcct,
.encodeFp = (SdbEncodeFp)mndAcctActionEncode,
.decodeFp = (SdbDecodeFp)mndAcctActionDecode,
.insertFp = (SdbInsertFp)mndAcctActionInsert,
.updateFp = (SdbUpdateFp)mndAcctActionUpdate,
.deleteFp = (SdbDeleteFp)mndAcctActionDelete,
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CREATE_ACCT, mndProcessCreateAcctReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_ALTER_ACCT, mndProcessAlterAcctReq);
......@@ -56,25 +59,52 @@ static int32_t mndCreateDefaultAcct(SMnode *pMnode) {
acctObj.updateTime = acctObj.createdTime;
acctObj.acctId = 1;
acctObj.status = 0;
acctObj.cfg = (SAcctCfg){.maxUsers = INT32_MAX,
.maxDbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxStbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxTbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxTimeSeries = INT32_MAX,
.maxStreams = INT32_MAX,
.maxFuncs = INT32_MAX,
.maxConsumers = INT32_MAX,
.maxConns = INT32_MAX,
.maxTopics = INT32_MAX,
.maxStorage = INT64_MAX,
.accessState = TSDB_VN_ALL_ACCCESS};
acctObj.cfg = (SAcctCfg){
.maxUsers = INT32_MAX,
.maxDbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxStbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxTbs = INT32_MAX,
.maxTimeSeries = INT32_MAX,
.maxStreams = INT32_MAX,
.maxFuncs = INT32_MAX,
.maxConsumers = INT32_MAX,
.maxConns = INT32_MAX,
.maxTopics = INT32_MAX,
.maxStorage = INT64_MAX,
.accessState = TSDB_VN_ALL_ACCCESS,
SSdbRaw *pRaw = mndAcctActionEncode(&acctObj);
if (pRaw == NULL) return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
mDebug("acct:%s, will be created while deploy sdb, raw:%p", acctObj.acct, pRaw);
#if 0
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pRaw);
STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, TRN_TYPE_CREATE_ACCT, NULL);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
mError("acct:%s, failed to create since %s", acctObj.acct, terrstr());
return -1;
mDebug("trans:%d, used to create acct:%s", pTrans->id, acctObj.acct);
if (mndTransAppendCommitlog(pTrans, pRaw) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to commit redo log since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
static SSdbRaw *mndAcctActionEncode(SAcctObj *pAcct) {
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "mndCluster.h"
#include "mndShow.h"
#include "mndTrans.h"
......@@ -177,7 +178,32 @@ static int32_t mndCreateDefaultCluster(SMnode *pMnode) {
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
mDebug("cluster:%" PRId64 ", will be created while deploy sdb, raw:%p", clusterObj.id, pRaw);
#if 0
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pRaw);
STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, TRN_TYPE_CREATE_CLUSTER, NULL);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
mError("cluster:%" PRId64 ", failed to create since %s", clusterObj.id, terrstr());
return -1;
mDebug("trans:%d, used to create cluster:%" PRId64, pTrans->id, clusterObj.id);
if (mndTransAppendCommitlog(pTrans, pRaw) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to commit redo log since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
static int32_t mndRetrieveClusters(SRpcMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pBlock, int32_t rows) {
......@@ -58,14 +58,16 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveDnodes(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pB
static void mndCancelGetNextDnode(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter);
int32_t mndInitDnode(SMnode *pMnode) {
SSdbTable table = {.sdbType = SDB_DNODE,
.keyType = SDB_KEY_INT32,
.deployFp = (SdbDeployFp)mndCreateDefaultDnode,
.encodeFp = (SdbEncodeFp)mndDnodeActionEncode,
.decodeFp = (SdbDecodeFp)mndDnodeActionDecode,
.insertFp = (SdbInsertFp)mndDnodeActionInsert,
.updateFp = (SdbUpdateFp)mndDnodeActionUpdate,
.deleteFp = (SdbDeleteFp)mndDnodeActionDelete};
SSdbTable table = {
.sdbType = SDB_DNODE,
.keyType = SDB_KEY_INT32,
.deployFp = (SdbDeployFp)mndCreateDefaultDnode,
.encodeFp = (SdbEncodeFp)mndDnodeActionEncode,
.decodeFp = (SdbDecodeFp)mndDnodeActionDecode,
.insertFp = (SdbInsertFp)mndDnodeActionInsert,
.updateFp = (SdbUpdateFp)mndDnodeActionUpdate,
.deleteFp = (SdbDeleteFp)mndDnodeActionDelete,
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CREATE_DNODE, mndProcessCreateDnodeReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_DROP_DNODE, mndProcessDropDnodeReq);
......@@ -90,13 +92,40 @@ static int32_t mndCreateDefaultDnode(SMnode *pMnode) {
dnodeObj.updateTime = dnodeObj.createdTime;
dnodeObj.port = pMnode->replicas[0].port;
memcpy(&dnodeObj.fqdn, pMnode->replicas[0].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
snprintf(dnodeObj.ep, TSDB_EP_LEN, "%s:%u", dnodeObj.fqdn, dnodeObj.port);
SSdbRaw *pRaw = mndDnodeActionEncode(&dnodeObj);
if (pRaw == NULL) return -1;
if (sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY) != 0) return -1;
mDebug("dnode:%d, will be created while deploy sdb, raw:%p", dnodeObj.id, pRaw);
#if 0
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pRaw);
STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, TRN_TYPE_CREATE_DNODE, NULL);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
mError("dnode:%s, failed to create since %s", dnodeObj.ep, terrstr());
return -1;
mDebug("trans:%d, used to create dnode:%s", pTrans->id, dnodeObj.ep);
if (mndTransAppendCommitlog(pTrans, pRaw) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to append commit log since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
static SSdbRaw *mndDnodeActionEncode(SDnodeObj *pDnode) {
......@@ -350,6 +379,15 @@ static int32_t mndProcessStatusReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
mndReleaseVgroup(pMnode, pVgroup);
SMnodeObj *pObj = mndAcquireMnode(pMnode, pDnode->id);
if (pObj != NULL) {
if (pObj->state != statusReq.mload.syncState) {
pObj->state = statusReq.mload.syncState;
pObj->stateStartTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
mndReleaseMnode(pMnode, pObj);
int64_t curMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
bool online = mndIsDnodeOnline(pMnode, pDnode, curMs);
bool dnodeChanged = (statusReq.dnodeVer != sdbGetTableVer(pMnode->pSdb, SDB_DNODE));
......@@ -701,7 +739,7 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveDnodes(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pB
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pDnode->id, false);
char buf[tListLen(pDnode->ep) + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE] = {0};
STR_WITH_MAXSIZE_TO_VARSTR(buf, pDnode->ep, pShow->pMeta->pSchemas[cols].bytes);
STR_WITH_MAXSIZE_TO_VARSTR(buf, pDnode->ep, pShow->pMeta->pSchemas[cols].bytes);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, buf, false);
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ static int32_t mndMnodeActionInsert(SSdb *pSdb, SMnodeObj *pObj);
static int32_t mndMnodeActionDelete(SSdb *pSdb, SMnodeObj *pObj);
static int32_t mndMnodeActionUpdate(SSdb *pSdb, SMnodeObj *pOld, SMnodeObj *pNew);
static int32_t mndProcessCreateMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessAlterMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessDropMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessCreateMnodeRsp(SRpcMsg *pRsp);
static int32_t mndProcessAlterMnodeRsp(SRpcMsg *pRsp);
......@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ int32_t mndInitMnode(SMnode *pMnode) {
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CREATE_MNODE, mndProcessCreateMnodeReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_DND_ALTER_MNODE, mndProcessAlterMnodeReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_DROP_MNODE, mndProcessDropMnodeReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE_RSP, mndProcessCreateMnodeRsp);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_DND_ALTER_MNODE_RSP, mndProcessAlterMnodeRsp);
......@@ -77,28 +79,6 @@ void mndReleaseMnode(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeObj *pObj) {
sdbRelease(pMnode->pSdb, pObj);
void mndUpdateMnodeRole(SMnode *pMnode) {
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
void *pIter = NULL;
while (1) {
SMnodeObj *pObj = NULL;
pIter = sdbFetch(pSdb, SDB_MNODE, pIter, (void **)&pObj);
if (pIter == NULL) break;
ESyncState lastRole = pObj->role;
if (pObj->id == 1) {
} else {
if (pObj->role != lastRole) {
pObj->roleTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
sdbRelease(pSdb, pObj);
static int32_t mndCreateDefaultMnode(SMnode *pMnode) {
SMnodeObj mnodeObj = {0};
mnodeObj.id = 1;
......@@ -110,7 +90,33 @@ static int32_t mndCreateDefaultMnode(SMnode *pMnode) {
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
mDebug("mnode:%d, will be created while deploy sdb, raw:%p", mnodeObj.id, pRaw);
#if 0
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pRaw);
STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, TRN_TYPE_CREATE_DNODE, NULL);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
mError("mnode:%d, failed to create since %s", mnodeObj.id, terrstr());
return -1;
mDebug("trans:%d, used to create mnode:%d", pTrans->id, mnodeObj.id);
if (mndTransAppendCommitlog(pTrans, pRaw) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to append commit log since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
static SSdbRaw *mndMnodeActionEncode(SMnodeObj *pObj) {
......@@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ static int32_t mndMnodeActionInsert(SSdb *pSdb, SMnodeObj *pObj) {
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -227,7 +233,7 @@ void mndGetMnodeEpSet(SMnode *pMnode, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
if (pObj->pDnode == NULL) {
mError("mnode:%d, no corresponding dnode exists", pObj->id);
} else {
if (pObj->role == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
if (pObj->state == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
pEpSet->inUse = pEpSet->numOfEps;
addEpIntoEpSet(pEpSet, pObj->pDnode->fqdn, pObj->pDnode->port);
......@@ -555,7 +561,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessDropMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
goto _OVER;
if (pMnode->selfId == dropReq.dnodeId) {
if (pMnode->selfDnodeId == dropReq.dnodeId) {
goto _OVER;
......@@ -626,16 +632,18 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveMnodes(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pB
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, b1, false);
const char *roles = syncStr(pObj->role);
char *b2 = taosMemoryCalloc(1, 12 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
const char *roles = NULL;
if (pObj->id == pMnode->selfDnodeId) {
roles = syncStr(TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER);
} else {
roles = syncStr(pObj->state);
char *b2 = taosMemoryCalloc(1, 12 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
STR_WITH_MAXSIZE_TO_VARSTR(b2, roles, pShow->pMeta->pSchemas[cols].bytes);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)b2, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pObj->roleTime, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataAppend(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pObj->createdTime, false);
......@@ -652,3 +660,52 @@ static void mndCancelGetNextMnode(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter) {
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
sdbCancelFetch(pSdb, pIter);
static int32_t mndProcessAlterMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->info.node;
SDAlterMnodeReq alterReq = {0};
if (tDeserializeSDCreateMnodeReq(pReq->pCont, pReq->contLen, &alterReq) != 0) {
return -1;
if (alterReq.dnodeId != pMnode->selfDnodeId) {
mError("failed to alter mnode since %s, input:%d cur:%d", terrstr(), alterReq.dnodeId, pMnode->selfDnodeId);
return -1;
SSyncCfg cfg = {.replicaNum = alterReq.replica, .myIndex = -1};
for (int32_t i = 0; i < alterReq.replica; ++i) {
SNodeInfo *pNode = &cfg.nodeInfo[i];
tstrncpy(pNode->nodeFqdn, alterReq.replicas[i].fqdn, sizeof(pNode->nodeFqdn));
pNode->nodePort = alterReq.replicas[i].port;
if (alterReq.replicas[i].id == pMnode->selfDnodeId) cfg.myIndex = i;
if (cfg.myIndex == -1) {
mError("failed to alter mnode since myindex is -1");
return -1;
} else {
mInfo("start to alter mnode sync, replica:%d myindex:%d", cfg.replicaNum, cfg.myIndex);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < alterReq.replica; ++i) {
SNodeInfo *pNode = &cfg.nodeInfo[i];
mInfo("index:%d, fqdn:%s port:%d", i, pNode->nodeFqdn, pNode->nodePort);
SSyncMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->syncMgmt;
pMgmt->standby = 0;
int32_t code = syncReconfig(pMgmt->sync, &cfg);
if (code != 0) {
mError("failed to alter mnode sync since %s", terrstr());
return code;
} else {
pMgmt->errCode = 0;
mInfo("alter mnode sync result:%s", tstrerror(pMgmt->errCode));
terrno = pMgmt->errCode;
return pMgmt->errCode;
......@@ -49,29 +49,38 @@ int32_t mndSyncGetSnapshot(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, SSnapshot *pSnapshot) {
void mndRestoreFinish(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm) {
SMnode *pMnode = pFsm->data;
pMnode->syncMgmt.restored = true;
if (!pMnode->deploy) {
pMnode->syncMgmt.restored = true;
void *mndSnapshotRead(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SSnapshot *snapshot, void *iter, char **ppBuf, int32_t *len) {
SMnode *pMnode = pFsm->data;
SSdbIter *pIter = iter;
if (iter == NULL) {
pIter = sdbIterInit(pMnode->pSdb);
int32_t mndSnapshotRead(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* pSnapshot, void** ppIter, char** ppBuf, int32_t* len) {
SMnode *pMnode = pFsm->data;
SSdbIter *pIter;
if (iter == NULL) {
pIter = sdbIterInit(pMnode->sdb)
} else {
pIter = iter;
return sdbIterRead(pMnode->pSdb, pIter, ppBuf, len);
return 0;
int32_t mndSnapshotApply(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* snapshot, char* pBuf, int32_t len) {
int32_t mndSnapshotApply(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, const SSnapshot* pSnapshot, char* pBuf, int32_t len) {
SMnode *pMnode = pFsm->data;
sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, (SSdbRaw*)pBuf);
return 0;
void mndReConfig(struct SSyncFSM* pFsm, SSyncCfg newCfg, SReConfigCbMeta cbMeta) {
void mndReConfig(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, SSyncCfg newCfg, SReConfigCbMeta cbMeta) {
mInfo("mndReConfig cbMeta.code:%d, cbMeta.currentTerm:%" PRId64 ", cbMeta.term:%" PRId64 ", cbMeta.index:%" PRId64,
cbMeta.code, cbMeta.currentTerm, cbMeta.term, cbMeta.index);
SMnode *pMnode = pFsm->data;
pMnode->syncMgmt.errCode = cbMeta.code;
SSyncFSM *mndSyncMakeFsm(SMnode *pMnode) {
......@@ -194,22 +203,6 @@ void mndSyncStop(SMnode *pMnode) {}
bool mndIsMaster(SMnode *pMnode) {
SSyncMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->syncMgmt;
pMgmt->state = syncGetMyRole(pMgmt->sync);
return (pMgmt->state == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) && (pMnode->syncMgmt.restored);
ESyncState state = syncGetMyRole(pMgmt->sync);
return (state == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) && (pMnode->syncMgmt.restored);
int32_t mndAlter(SMnode *pMnode, const SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
SSyncCfg cfg = {.replicaNum = pOption->replica, .myIndex = pOption->selfIndex};
mInfo("start to alter mnode sync, replica:%d myindex:%d standby:%d", cfg.replicaNum, cfg.myIndex, pOption->standby);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pOption->replica; ++i) {
SNodeInfo *pNode = &cfg.nodeInfo[i];
tstrncpy(pNode->nodeFqdn, pOption->replicas[i].fqdn, sizeof(pNode->nodeFqdn));
pNode->nodePort = pOption->replicas[i].port;
mInfo("index:%d, fqdn:%s port:%d", i, pNode->nodeFqdn, pNode->nodePort);
SSyncMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->syncMgmt;
pMgmt->standby = pOption->standby;
return syncReconfig(pMgmt->sync, &cfg);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ STrans *mndTransCreate(SMnode *pMnode, ETrnPolicy policy, ETrnType type, const S
pTrans->policy = policy;
pTrans->type = type;
pTrans->createdTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
pTrans->rpcInfo = pReq->info;
if (pReq != NULL) pTrans->rpcInfo = pReq->info;
pTrans->redoLogs = taosArrayInit(TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
pTrans->undoLogs = taosArrayInit(TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
pTrans->commitLogs = taosArrayInit(TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
......@@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ static bool mndTransPerformRedoLogStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
static bool mndTransPerformRedoActionStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
if (!mndIsMaster(pMnode)) return false;
if (!pMnode->deploy && !mndIsMaster(pMnode)) return false;
bool continueExec = true;
int32_t code = mndTransExecuteRedoActions(pMnode, pTrans);
......@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ static bool mndTransPerformUndoLogStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
static bool mndTransPerformUndoActionStage(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
if (!mndIsMaster(pMnode)) return false;
if (!pMnode->deploy && !mndIsMaster(pMnode)) return false;
bool continueExec = true;
int32_t code = mndTransExecuteUndoActions(pMnode, pTrans);
......@@ -78,7 +78,33 @@ static int32_t mndCreateDefaultUser(SMnode *pMnode, char *acct, char *user, char
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
mDebug("user:%s, will be created while deploy sdb, raw:%p", userObj.user, pRaw);
#if 0
return sdbWrite(pMnode->pSdb, pRaw);
STrans *pTrans = mndTransCreate(pMnode, TRN_POLICY_RETRY, TRN_TYPE_CREATE_USER, NULL);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to create since %s", userObj.user, terrstr());
return -1;
mDebug("trans:%d, used to create user:%s", pTrans->id, userObj.user);
if (mndTransAppendCommitlog(pTrans, pRaw) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to commit redo log since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
sdbSetRawStatus(pRaw, SDB_STATUS_READY);
if (mndTransPrepare(pMnode, pTrans) != 0) {
mError("trans:%d, failed to prepare since %s", pTrans->id, terrstr());
return -1;
return 0;
static int32_t mndCreateDefaultUsers(SMnode *pMnode) {
......@@ -153,8 +153,14 @@ static int32_t mndInitSdb(SMnode *pMnode) {
return 0;
static int32_t mndDeploySdb(SMnode *pMnode) { return sdbDeploy(pMnode->pSdb); }
static int32_t mndReadSdb(SMnode *pMnode) { return sdbReadFile(pMnode->pSdb); }
static int32_t mndOpenSdb(SMnode *pMnode) {
if (!pMnode->deploy) {
return sdbReadFile(pMnode->pSdb);
} else {
// return sdbDeploy(pMnode->pSdb);;
return 0;
static void mndCleanupSdb(SMnode *pMnode) {
if (pMnode->pSdb) {
......@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ static int32_t mndAllocStep(SMnode *pMnode, char *name, MndInitFp initFp, MndCle
return 0;
static int32_t mndInitSteps(SMnode *pMnode, bool deploy) {
static int32_t mndInitSteps(SMnode *pMnode) {
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-sdb", mndInitSdb, mndCleanupSdb) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-trans", mndInitTrans, mndCleanupTrans) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-cluster", mndInitCluster, mndCleanupCluster) != 0) return -1;
......@@ -201,11 +207,7 @@ static int32_t mndInitSteps(SMnode *pMnode, bool deploy) {
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-perfs", mndInitPerfs, mndCleanupPerfs) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-db", mndInitDb, mndCleanupDb) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-func", mndInitFunc, mndCleanupFunc) != 0) return -1;
if (deploy) {
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-sdb-deploy", mndDeploySdb, NULL) != 0) return -1;
} else {
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-sdb-read", mndReadSdb, NULL) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-sdb", mndOpenSdb, NULL) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-profile", mndInitProfile, mndCleanupProfile) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-show", mndInitShow, mndCleanupShow) != 0) return -1;
if (mndAllocStep(pMnode, "mnode-query", mndInitQuery, mndCleanupQuery) != 0) return -1;
......@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ static void mndSetOptions(SMnode *pMnode, const SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
pMnode->selfIndex = pOption->selfIndex;
memcpy(&pMnode->replicas, pOption->replicas, sizeof(SReplica) * TSDB_MAX_REPLICA);
pMnode->msgCb = pOption->msgCb;
pMnode->selfId = pOption->replicas[pOption->selfIndex].id;
pMnode->selfDnodeId = pOption->dnodeId;
pMnode->syncMgmt.standby = pOption->standby;
......@@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ SMnode *mndOpen(const char *path, const SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
(void)taosParseTime(timestr, &pMnode->checkTime, (int32_t)strlen(timestr), TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, 0);
mndSetOptions(pMnode, pOption);
pMnode->deploy = pOption->deploy;
pMnode->pSteps = taosArrayInit(24, sizeof(SMnodeStep));
if (pMnode->pSteps == NULL) {
......@@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ SMnode *mndOpen(const char *path, const SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
return NULL;
code = mndInitSteps(pMnode, pOption->deploy);
code = mndInitSteps(pMnode);
if (code != 0) {
code = terrno;
mError("failed to open mnode since %s", terrstr());
......@@ -315,7 +318,6 @@ SMnode *mndOpen(const char *path, const SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
return NULL;
mDebug("mnode open successfully ");
return pMnode;
......@@ -332,6 +334,10 @@ void mndClose(SMnode *pMnode) {
int32_t mndStart(SMnode *pMnode) {
if (pMnode->deploy) {
if (sdbDeploy(pMnode->pSdb) != 0) return -1;
pMnode->syncMgmt.restored = true;
return mndInitTimer(pMnode);
......@@ -408,8 +414,7 @@ int32_t mndProcessMsg(SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
mTrace("msg:%p, will be processed, type:%s app:%p", pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), ahandle);
if (IsReq(pMsg)) {
if (!mndIsMaster(pMnode) && pMsg->msgType != TDMT_MND_TRANS_TIMER && pMsg->msgType != TDMT_MND_MQ_TIMER &&
pMsg->msgType != TDMT_MND_TELEM_TIMER) {
if (!mndIsMaster(pMnode)) {
mDebug("msg:%p, failed to process since %s, app:%p", pMsg, terrstr(), ahandle);
return -1;
......@@ -513,15 +518,17 @@ int32_t mndGetMonitorInfo(SMnode *pMnode, SMonClusterInfo *pClusterInfo, SMonVgr
SMonMnodeDesc desc = {0};
desc.mnode_id = pObj->id;
tstrncpy(desc.mnode_ep, pObj->pDnode->ep, sizeof(desc.mnode_ep));
tstrncpy(desc.role, syncStr(pObj->role), sizeof(desc.role));
taosArrayPush(pClusterInfo->mnodes, &desc);
sdbRelease(pSdb, pObj);
if (pObj->role == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
if (pObj->id == pMnode->selfDnodeId) {
pClusterInfo->first_ep_dnode_id = pObj->id;
tstrncpy(pClusterInfo->first_ep, pObj->pDnode->ep, sizeof(pClusterInfo->first_ep));
pClusterInfo->master_uptime = (ms - pObj->roleTime) / (86400000.0f);
pClusterInfo->master_uptime = (ms - pObj->stateStartTime) / (86400000.0f);
tstrncpy(desc.role, syncStr(TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER), sizeof(desc.role));
} else {
tstrncpy(desc.role, syncStr(pObj->state), sizeof(desc.role));
taosArrayPush(pClusterInfo->mnodes, &desc);
sdbRelease(pSdb, pObj);
// vgroup info
......@@ -574,6 +581,6 @@ int32_t mndGetMonitorInfo(SMnode *pMnode, SMonClusterInfo *pClusterInfo, SMonVgr
int32_t mndGetLoad(SMnode *pMnode, SMnodeLoad *pLoad) {
pLoad->syncState = pMnode->syncMgmt.state;
pLoad->syncState = syncGetMyRole(pMnode->syncMgmt.sync);
return 0;
......@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ aux_source_directory(src MNODE_SRC)
add_library(sdb STATIC ${MNODE_SRC})
PUBLIC "${TD_SOURCE_DIR}/include/dnode/mnode/sdb"
sdb os common util wal
......@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
extern "C" {
// clang-format off
#define mFatal(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPrintLog("MND FATAL ", DEBUG_FATAL, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define mError(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_ERROR) { taosPrintLog("MND ERROR ", DEBUG_ERROR, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define mWarn(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_WARN) { taosPrintLog("MND WARN ", DEBUG_WARN, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define mInfo(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_INFO) { taosPrintLog("MND ", DEBUG_INFO, 255, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define mDebug(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_DEBUG) { taosPrintLog("MND ", DEBUG_DEBUG, mDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
#define mTrace(...) { if (mDebugFlag & DEBUG_TRACE) { taosPrintLog("MND ", DEBUG_TRACE, mDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }}
// clang-format on
#define SDB_GET_VAL(pData, dataPos, val, pos, func, type) \
{ \
if (func(pRaw, dataPos, val) != 0) { \
......@@ -65,7 +74,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define SDB_SET_INT64(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos) SDB_SET_VAL(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos, sdbSetRawInt64, int64_t)
#define SDB_SET_INT32(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos) SDB_SET_VAL(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos, sdbSetRawInt32, int32_t)
#define SDB_SET_INT16(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos) SDB_SET_VAL(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos, sdbSetRawInt16, int16_t)
#define SDB_SET_INT8(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos) SDB_SET_VAL(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos, sdbSetRawInt8, int8_t)
#define SDB_SET_INT8(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos) SDB_SET_VAL(pRaw, dataPos, val, pos, sdbSetRawInt8, int8_t)
#define SDB_SET_BINARY(pRaw, dataPos, val, valLen, pos) \
{ \
......@@ -89,8 +98,16 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct SMnode SMnode;
typedef struct SSdb SSdb;
typedef struct SSdbRaw SSdbRaw;
typedef struct SSdbRow SSdbRow;
typedef int32_t (*SdbInsertFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj);
typedef int32_t (*SdbUpdateFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pSrcObj, void *pDstObj);
typedef int32_t (*SdbDeleteFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj, bool callFunc);
typedef int32_t (*SdbDeployFp)(SMnode *pMnode);
typedef SSdbRow *(*SdbDecodeFp)(SSdbRaw *pRaw);
typedef SSdbRaw *(*SdbEncodeFp)(void *pObj);
typedef bool (*sdbTraverseFp)(SMnode *pMnode, void *pObj, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3);
typedef enum {
......@@ -130,14 +147,47 @@ typedef enum {
SDB_MAX = 20
} ESdbType;
typedef struct SSdb SSdb;
typedef int32_t (*SdbInsertFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj);
typedef int32_t (*SdbUpdateFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pSrcObj, void *pDstObj);
typedef int32_t (*SdbDeleteFp)(SSdb *pSdb, void *pObj, bool callFunc);
typedef int32_t (*SdbDeployFp)(SMnode *pMnode);
typedef SSdbRow *(*SdbDecodeFp)(SSdbRaw *pRaw);
typedef SSdbRaw *(*SdbEncodeFp)(void *pObj);
typedef bool (*sdbTraverseFp)(SMnode *pMnode, void *pObj, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3);
typedef struct SSdbRaw {
int8_t type;
int8_t status;
int8_t sver;
int8_t reserved;
int32_t dataLen;
char pData[];
} SSdbRaw;
typedef struct SSdbRow {
ESdbType type;
ESdbStatus status;
int32_t refCount;
char pObj[];
} SSdbRow;
typedef struct SSdb {
SMnode *pMnode;
char *currDir;
char *syncDir;
char *tmpDir;
int64_t lastCommitVer;
int64_t curVer;
int64_t curTerm;
int64_t tableVer[SDB_MAX];
int64_t maxId[SDB_MAX];
EKeyType keyTypes[SDB_MAX];
SHashObj *hashObjs[SDB_MAX];
TdThreadRwlock locks[SDB_MAX];
SdbInsertFp insertFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbUpdateFp updateFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDeleteFp deleteFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDeployFp deployFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbEncodeFp encodeFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDecodeFp decodeFps[SDB_MAX];
} SSdb;
typedef struct SSdbIter {
TdFilePtr file;
int64_t readlen;
} SSdbIter;
typedef struct {
ESdbType sdbType;
......@@ -328,36 +378,14 @@ int32_t sdbGetRawTotalSize(SSdbRaw *pRaw);
SSdbRow *sdbAllocRow(int32_t objSize);
void *sdbGetRowObj(SSdbRow *pRow);
typedef struct SSdb {
SMnode *pMnode;
char *currDir;
char *syncDir;
char *tmpDir;
int64_t lastCommitVer;
int64_t curVer;
int64_t curTerm;
int64_t tableVer[SDB_MAX];
int64_t maxId[SDB_MAX];
EKeyType keyTypes[SDB_MAX];
SHashObj *hashObjs[SDB_MAX];
TdThreadRwlock locks[SDB_MAX];
SdbInsertFp insertFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbUpdateFp updateFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDeleteFp deleteFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDeployFp deployFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbEncodeFp encodeFps[SDB_MAX];
SdbDecodeFp decodeFps[SDB_MAX];
} SSdb;
typedef struct SSdbIter {
TdFilePtr file;
int64_t readlen;
} SSdbIter;
void sdbFreeRow(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow, bool callFunc);
SSdbIter *sdbIterInit(SSdb *pSdb);
SSdbIter *sdbIterRead(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbIter *iter, char **ppBuf, int32_t *len);
const char *sdbTableName(ESdbType type);
void sdbPrintOper(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow, const char *oper);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
static int32_t sdbCreateDir(SSdb *pSdb);
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
#include "tchecksum.h"
#include "wal.h"
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
static void sdbCheckRow(SSdb *pSdb, SSdbRow *pRow);
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
SSdbRaw *sdbAllocRaw(ESdbType type, int8_t sver, int32_t dataLen) {
SSdbRaw *pRaw = taosMemoryCalloc(1, dataLen + sizeof(SSdbRaw));
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
SSdbRow *sdbAllocRow(int32_t objSize) {
SSdbRow *pRow = taosMemoryCalloc(1, objSize + sizeof(SSdbRow));
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ target_sources(
# meta
......@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ target_sources(
# sma
......@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ target_sources(
# "src/tsdb/tsdbSma.c"
# tq
......@@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ extern "C" {
// vnode
typedef struct SVnode SVnode;
typedef struct STsdbCfg STsdbCfg; // todo: remove
typedef struct SVnodeCfg SVnodeCfg;
typedef struct SVnode SVnode;
typedef struct STsdbCfg STsdbCfg; // todo: remove
typedef struct SVnodeCfg SVnodeCfg;
typedef struct SVSnapshotReader SVSnapshotReader;
extern const SVnodeCfg vnodeCfgDefault;
......@@ -59,13 +60,14 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg);
int32_t vnodeProcessFetchMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SQueueInfo *pInfo);
int32_t vnodeGetLoad(SVnode *pVnode, SVnodeLoad *pLoad);
int32_t vnodeValidateTableHash(SVnode *pVnode, char *tableFName);
int32_t vnodeStart(SVnode *pVnode);
void vnodeStop(SVnode *pVnode);
int64_t vnodeGetSyncHandle(SVnode *pVnode);
void vnodeGetSnapshot(SVnode *pVnode, SSnapshot *pSnapshot);
void vnodeGetInfo(SVnode *pVnode, const char **dbname, int32_t *vgId);
int32_t vnodeSnapshotReaderOpen(SVnode *pVnode, SVSnapshotReader **ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever);
int32_t vnodeSnapshotReaderClose(SVSnapshotReader *pReader);
int32_t vnodeSnapshotRead(SVSnapshotReader *pReader, const void **ppData, uint32_t *nData);
// meta
typedef struct SMeta SMeta; // todo: remove
......@@ -47,15 +47,17 @@
extern "C" {
typedef struct SVnodeInfo SVnodeInfo;
typedef struct SMeta SMeta;
typedef struct SSma SSma;
typedef struct STsdb STsdb;
typedef struct STQ STQ;
typedef struct SVState SVState;
typedef struct SVBufPool SVBufPool;
typedef struct SQWorker SQHandle;
typedef struct STsdbKeepCfg STsdbKeepCfg;
typedef struct SVnodeInfo SVnodeInfo;
typedef struct SMeta SMeta;
typedef struct SSma SSma;
typedef struct STsdb STsdb;
typedef struct STQ STQ;
typedef struct SVState SVState;
typedef struct SVBufPool SVBufPool;
typedef struct SQWorker SQHandle;
typedef struct STsdbKeepCfg STsdbKeepCfg;
typedef struct SMetaSnapshotReader SMetaSnapshotReader;
typedef struct STsdbSnapshotReader STsdbSnapshotReader;
#define VNODE_META_DIR "meta"
#define VNODE_TSDB_DIR "tsdb"
......@@ -67,8 +69,10 @@ typedef struct STsdbKeepCfg STsdbKeepCfg;
#define VNODE_RSMA2_DIR "rsma2"
// vnd.h
void* vnodeBufPoolMalloc(SVBufPool* pPool, int size);
void vnodeBufPoolFree(SVBufPool* pPool, void* p);
void* vnodeBufPoolMalloc(SVBufPool* pPool, int size);
void vnodeBufPoolFree(SVBufPool* pPool, void* p);
int32_t vnodeRealloc(void** pp, int32_t size);
void vnodeFree(void* p);
// meta
typedef struct SMCtbCursor SMCtbCursor;
......@@ -95,6 +99,9 @@ STSma* metaGetSmaInfoByIndex(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t indexUid);
STSmaWrapper* metaGetSmaInfoByTable(SMeta* pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, bool deepCopy);
SArray* metaGetSmaIdsByTable(SMeta* pMeta, tb_uid_t uid);
SArray* metaGetSmaTbUids(SMeta* pMeta);
int32_t metaSnapshotReaderOpen(SMeta* pMeta, SMetaSnapshotReader** ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever);
int32_t metaSnapshotReaderClose(SMetaSnapshotReader* pReader);
int32_t metaSnapshotRead(SMetaSnapshotReader* pReader, void** ppData, uint32_t* nData);
int32_t metaCreateTSma(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t version, SSmaCfg* pCfg);
int32_t metaDropTSma(SMeta* pMeta, int64_t indexUid);
......@@ -112,6 +119,9 @@ tsdbReaderT* tsdbQueryTables(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STableG
tsdbReaderT tsdbQueryCacheLastT(STsdb* tsdb, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STableGroupInfo* groupList, uint64_t qId,
void* pMemRef);
int32_t tsdbGetTableGroupFromIdListT(STsdb* tsdb, SArray* pTableIdList, STableGroupInfo* pGroupInfo);
int32_t tsdbSnapshotReaderOpen(STsdb* pTsdb, STsdbSnapshotReader** ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever);
int32_t tsdbSnapshotReaderClose(STsdbSnapshotReader* pReader);
int32_t tsdbSnapshotRead(STsdbSnapshotReader* pReader, void** ppData, uint32_t* nData);
// tq
STQ* tqOpen(const char* path, SVnode* pVnode, SWal* pWal);
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "meta.h"
struct SMetaSnapshotReader {
SMeta* pMeta;
TBC* pTbc;
int64_t sver;
int64_t ever;
int32_t metaSnapshotReaderOpen(SMeta* pMeta, SMetaSnapshotReader** ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t c = 0;
SMetaSnapshotReader* pMetaReader = NULL;
pMetaReader = (SMetaSnapshotReader*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*pMetaReader));
if (pMetaReader == NULL) {
goto _err;
pMetaReader->pMeta = pMeta;
pMetaReader->sver = sver;
pMetaReader->ever = ever;
code = tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pTbDb, &pMetaReader->pTbc, NULL);
if (code) {
goto _err;
code = tdbTbcMoveTo(pMetaReader->pTbc, &(STbDbKey){.version = sver, .uid = INT64_MIN}, sizeof(STbDbKey), &c);
if (code) {
goto _err;
*ppReader = pMetaReader;
return code;
*ppReader = NULL;
return code;
int32_t metaSnapshotReaderClose(SMetaSnapshotReader* pReader) {
if (pReader) {
return 0;
int32_t metaSnapshotRead(SMetaSnapshotReader* pReader, void** ppData, uint32_t* nDatap) {
const void* pKey = NULL;
const void* pData = NULL;
int32_t nKey = 0;
int32_t nData = 0;
int32_t code = 0;
for (;;) {
code = tdbTbcGet(pReader->pTbc, &pKey, &nKey, &pData, &nData);
if (code || ((STbDbKey*)pData)->version > pReader->ever) {
if (((STbDbKey*)pData)->version < pReader->sver) {
// copy the data
if (vnodeRealloc(ppData, nData) < 0) {
return code;
memcpy(*ppData, pData, nData);
*nDatap = nData;
return code;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ static int metaUpdateTtlIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME);
static int metaSaveToSkmDb(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME);
static int metaUpdateCtbIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME);
static int metaUpdateTagIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pCtbEntry);
static int metaDropTableByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int *type);
int metaCreateSTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVCreateStbReq *pReq) {
SMetaEntry me = {0};
......@@ -71,64 +72,71 @@ _err:
int metaDropSTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t verison, SVDropStbReq *pReq) {
TBC *pNameIdxc = NULL;
TBC *pUidIdxc = NULL;
TBC *pCtbIdxc = NULL;
SCtbIdxKey *pCtbIdxKey;
const void *pKey = NULL;
int nKey;
const void *pData = NULL;
int nData;
int c, ret;
// prepare uid idx cursor
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pUidIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pUidIdxc, &pReq->suid, sizeof(tb_uid_t), &c);
if (ret < 0 || c != 0) {
goto _err;
// prepare name idx cursor
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pNameIdx, &pNameIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pNameIdxc, pReq->name, strlen(pReq->name) + 1, &c);
if (ret < 0 || c != 0) {
void *pKey = NULL;
int nKey = 0;
void *pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
int c = 0;
int rc = 0;
// check if super table exists
rc = tdbTbGet(pMeta->pNameIdx, pReq->name, strlen(pReq->name) + 1, &pData, &nData);
if (rc < 0 || *(tb_uid_t *)pData != pReq->suid) {
return -1;
// drop all child tables
TBC *pCtbIdxc = NULL;
SArray *pArray = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(tb_uid_t));
// loop to drop each child table
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pCtbIdx, &pCtbIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pCtbIdxc, &(SCtbIdxKey){.suid = pReq->suid, .uid = INT64_MIN}, sizeof(SCtbIdxKey), &c);
if (ret < 0 || (c < 0 && tdbTbcMoveToNext(pCtbIdxc) < 0)) {
rc = tdbTbcMoveTo(pCtbIdxc, &(SCtbIdxKey){.suid = pReq->suid, .uid = INT64_MIN}, sizeof(SCtbIdxKey), &c);
if (rc < 0) {
goto _exit;
goto _drop_super_table;
for (;;) {
tdbTbcGet(pCtbIdxc, &pKey, &nKey, NULL, NULL);
pCtbIdxKey = (SCtbIdxKey *)pKey;
rc = tdbTbcNext(pCtbIdxc, &pKey, &nKey, NULL, NULL);
if (rc < 0) break;
if (pCtbIdxKey->suid > pReq->suid) break;
if (((SCtbIdxKey *)pKey)->suid < pReq->suid) {
} else if (((SCtbIdxKey *)pKey)->suid > pReq->suid) {
// drop the child table (TODO)
taosArrayPush(pArray, &(((SCtbIdxKey *)pKey)->uid));
if (tdbTbcMoveToNext(pCtbIdxc) < 0) break;
for (int32_t iChild = 0; iChild < taosArrayGetSize(pArray); iChild++) {
tb_uid_t uid = *(tb_uid_t *)taosArrayGet(pArray, iChild);
metaDropTableByUid(pMeta, uid, NULL);
// drop super table
tdbTbGet(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pReq->suid, sizeof(tb_uid_t), &pData, &nData);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pTbDb, &(STbDbKey){.version = *(int64_t *)pData, .uid = pReq->suid}, sizeof(STbDbKey),
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pNameIdx, pReq->name, strlen(pReq->name) + 1, &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pReq->suid, sizeof(tb_uid_t), &pMeta->txn);
metaDebug("vgId:%d super table %s uid:%" PRId64 " is dropped", TD_VID(pMeta->pVnode), pReq->name, pReq->suid);
return 0;
metaError("vgId:%d failed to drop super table %s uid:%" PRId64 " since %s", TD_VID(pMeta->pVnode), pReq->name,
pReq->suid, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
int metaAlterSTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVCreateStbReq *pReq) {
......@@ -256,122 +264,63 @@ _err:
int metaDropTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVDropTbReq *pReq, SArray *tbUids) {
TBC *pTbDbc = NULL;
TBC *pUidIdxc = NULL;
TBC *pNameIdxc = NULL;
const void *pData;
int nData;
tb_uid_t uid;
int64_t tver;
SMetaEntry me = {0};
SDecoder coder = {0};
int8_t type;
int64_t ctime;
tb_uid_t suid;
int c = 0, ret;
// search & delete the name idx
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pNameIdx, &pNameIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pNameIdxc, pReq->name, strlen(pReq->name) + 1, &c);
if (ret < 0 || !tdbTbcIsValid(pNameIdxc) || c) {
void *pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
int rc = 0;
tb_uid_t uid;
int type;
rc = tdbTbGet(pMeta->pNameIdx, pReq->name, strlen(pReq->name) + 1, &pData, &nData);
if (rc < 0) {
return -1;
ret = tdbTbcGet(pNameIdxc, NULL, NULL, &pData, &nData);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
uid = *(tb_uid_t *)pData;
// search & delete uid idx
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pUidIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pUidIdxc, &uid, sizeof(uid), &c);
if (ret < 0 || c != 0) {
return -1;
ret = tdbTbcGet(pUidIdxc, NULL, NULL, &pData, &nData);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
tver = *(int64_t *)pData;
// search and get meta entry
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pTbDb, &pTbDbc, &pMeta->txn);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pTbDbc, &(STbDbKey){.uid = uid, .version = tver}, sizeof(STbDbKey), &c);
if (ret < 0 || c != 0) {
return -1;
metaDropTableByUid(pMeta, uid, &type);
ret = tdbTbcGet(pTbDbc, NULL, NULL, &pData, &nData);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
if (type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE && tbUids) {
taosArrayPush(tbUids, &uid);
// decode entry
void *pDataCopy = taosMemoryMalloc(nData); // remove the copy (todo)
memcpy(pDataCopy, pData, nData);
tDecoderInit(&coder, pDataCopy, nData);
ret = metaDecodeEntry(&coder, &me);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
type = me.type;
if (type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
ctime = me.ctbEntry.ctime;
suid = me.ctbEntry.suid;
taosArrayPush(tbUids, &me.uid);
} else if (type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
ctime = me.ntbEntry.ctime;
suid = 0;
} else {
static int metaDropTableByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int *type) {
void *pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
int rc = 0;
int64_t version;
SMetaEntry e = {0};
SDecoder dc = {0};
rc = tdbTbGet(pMeta->pUidIdx, &uid, sizeof(uid), &pData, &nData);
version = *(int64_t *)pData;
if (type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
// remove the pCtbIdx
TBC *pCtbIdxc = NULL;
tdbTbcOpen(pMeta->pCtbIdx, &pCtbIdxc, &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbGet(pMeta->pTbDb, &(STbDbKey){.version = version, .uid = uid}, sizeof(STbDbKey), &pData, &nData);
ret = tdbTbcMoveTo(pCtbIdxc, &(SCtbIdxKey){.suid = suid, .uid = uid}, sizeof(SCtbIdxKey), &c);
if (ret < 0 || c != 0) {
return -1;
tDecoderInit(&dc, pData, nData);
metaDecodeEntry(&dc, &e);
if (type) *type = e.type;
// remove tags from pTagIdx (todo)
} else if (type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
// remove from pSkmDb
} else {
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pTbDb, &(STbDbKey){.version = version, .uid = uid}, sizeof(STbDbKey), &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pNameIdx, e.name, strlen(e.name) + 1, &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pUidIdx, &uid, sizeof(uid), &pMeta->txn);
if (e.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pCtbIdx, &(SCtbIdxKey){.suid = e.ctbEntry.suid, .uid = uid}, sizeof(SCtbIdxKey), &pMeta->txn);
} else if (e.type == TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE) {
// drop schema.db (todo)
// drop ttl.idx (todo)
} else if (e.type == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
// drop schema.db (todo)
// remove from ttl (todo)
if (ctime > 0) {
return 0;
......@@ -608,14 +557,14 @@ static int metaUpdateTableTagVal(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVAlterTbReq *pA
// TODO : need to update tag index
ctbEntry.version = version;
if(pTagSchema->nCols == 1 && pTagSchema->pSchema[0].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON){
if (pTagSchema->nCols == 1 && pTagSchema->pSchema[0].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags = taosMemoryMalloc(pAlterTbReq->nTagVal);
if(ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags == NULL){
if (ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags == NULL) {
goto _err;
memcpy((void*)ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags, pAlterTbReq->pTagVal, pAlterTbReq->nTagVal);
memcpy((void *)ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags, pAlterTbReq->pTagVal, pAlterTbReq->nTagVal);
} else {
SKVRowBuilder kvrb = {0};
const SKVRow pOldTag = (const SKVRow)ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags;
SKVRow pNewTag = NULL;
......@@ -649,7 +598,7 @@ static int metaUpdateTableTagVal(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVAlterTbReq *pA
if (ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags) taosMemoryFree((void*)ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags);
if (ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags) taosMemoryFree((void *)ctbEntry.ctbEntry.pTags);
if (ctbEntry.pBuf) taosMemoryFree(ctbEntry.pBuf);
if (stbEntry.pBuf) tdbFree(stbEntry.pBuf);
......@@ -51,6 +51,47 @@ int tqExecKeyCompare(const void* pKey1, int32_t kLen1, const void* pKey2, int32_
return strcmp(pKey1, pKey2);
int32_t tqStoreExec(STQ* pTq, const char* key, const STqExec* pExec) {
int32_t code;
int32_t vlen;
tEncodeSize(tEncodeSTqExec, pExec, vlen, code);
ASSERT(code == 0);
void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, vlen);
if (buf == NULL) {
SEncoder encoder;
tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, vlen);
if (tEncodeSTqExec(&encoder, pExec) < 0) {
TXN txn;
if (tdbTxnOpen(&txn, 0, tdbDefaultMalloc, tdbDefaultFree, NULL, TDB_TXN_WRITE | TDB_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED) < 0) {
if (tdbBegin(pTq->pMetaStore, &txn) < 0) {
if (tdbTbUpsert(pTq->pExecStore, key, (int)strlen(key), buf, vlen, &txn) < 0) {
if (tdbCommit(pTq->pMetaStore, &txn) < 0) {
return 0;
STQ* tqOpen(const char* path, SVnode* pVnode, SWal* pWal) {
STQ* pTq = taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(STQ));
if (pTq == NULL) {
......@@ -96,8 +137,31 @@ STQ* tqOpen(const char* path, SVnode* pVnode, SWal* pWal) {
int vLen;
SDecoder decoder;
while (tdbTbcNext(pCur, &pKey, &kLen, &pVal, &vLen) == 0) {
// create, put into execsj
STqExec exec;
tDecoderInit(&decoder, (uint8_t*)pVal, vLen);
tDecodeSTqExec(&decoder, &exec);
exec.pWalReader = walOpenReadHandle(pTq->pVnode->pWal);
if (exec.subType == TOPIC_SUB_TYPE__TABLE) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
exec.pExecReader[i] = tqInitSubmitMsgScanner(pTq->pVnode->pMeta);
SReadHandle handle = {
.reader = exec.pExecReader[i],
.meta = pTq->pVnode->pMeta,
.pMsgCb = &pTq->pVnode->msgCb,
exec.task[i] = qCreateStreamExecTaskInfo(exec.qmsg, &handle);
} else {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
exec.pExecReader[i] = tqInitSubmitMsgScanner(pTq->pVnode->pMeta);
exec.pDropTbUid = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_NO_LOCK);
taosHashPut(pTq->execs, pKey, kLen, &exec, sizeof(STqExec));
if (tdbTxnClose(&txn) < 0) {
......@@ -604,7 +668,9 @@ int32_t tqProcessVgDeleteReq(STQ* pTq, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) {
tdbTbDelete(pTq->pExecStore, pReq->subKey, (int)strlen(pReq->subKey), &txn);
if (tdbTbDelete(pTq->pExecStore, pReq->subKey, (int)strlen(pReq->subKey), &txn) < 0) {
if (tdbCommit(pTq->pMetaStore, &txn) < 0) {
......@@ -659,60 +725,21 @@ int32_t tqProcessVgChangeReq(STQ* pTq, char* msg, int32_t msgLen) {
taosHashPut(pTq->execs, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey), pExec, sizeof(STqExec));
int32_t code;
int32_t vlen;
tEncodeSize(tEncodeSTqExec, pExec, vlen, code);
ASSERT(code == 0);
void* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, vlen);
if (buf == NULL) {
SEncoder encoder;
tEncoderInit(&encoder, buf, vlen);
if (tEncodeSTqExec(&encoder, pExec) < 0) {
if (tqStoreExec(pTq, req.subKey, pExec) < 0) {
TXN txn;
if (tdbTxnOpen(&txn, 0, tdbDefaultMalloc, tdbDefaultFree, NULL, TDB_TXN_WRITE | TDB_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED) < 0) {
if (tdbBegin(pTq->pMetaStore, &txn) < 0) {
if (tdbTbUpsert(pTq->pExecStore, req.subKey, (int)strlen(req.subKey), buf, vlen, &txn) < 0) {
if (tdbCommit(pTq->pMetaStore, &txn) < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
/*if (req.newConsumerId != -1) {*/
ASSERT(pExec->consumerId == req.oldConsumerId);
/*ASSERT(pExec->consumerId == req.oldConsumerId);*/
// TODO handle qmsg and exec modification
atomic_store_32(&pExec->epoch, -1);
atomic_store_64(&pExec->consumerId, req.newConsumerId);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pExec->epoch, 1);
if (tqStoreExec(pTq, req.subKey, pExec) < 0) {
return 0;
/*} else {*/
/*taosHashRemove(pTq->tqMetaNew, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey));*/
/*return 0;*/
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tsdb.h"
struct STsdbSnapshotReader {
STsdb* pTsdb;
int32_t tsdbSnapshotReaderOpen(STsdb* pTsdb, STsdbSnapshotReader** ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever) {
return 0;
int32_t tsdbSnapshotReaderClose(STsdbSnapshotReader* pReader) {
return 0;
int32_t tsdbSnapshotRead(STsdbSnapshotReader* pReader, void** ppData, uint32_t* nData) {
return 0;
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "vnodeInt.h"
struct SVSnapshotReader {
SVnode *pVnode;
int64_t sver;
int64_t ever;
int8_t isMetaEnd;
int8_t isTsdbEnd;
SMetaSnapshotReader *pMetaReader;
STsdbSnapshotReader *pTsdbReader;
void *pData;
int32_t nData;
int32_t vnodeSnapshotReaderOpen(SVnode *pVnode, SVSnapshotReader **ppReader, int64_t sver, int64_t ever) {
SVSnapshotReader *pReader = NULL;
pReader = (SVSnapshotReader *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(*pReader));
if (pReader == NULL) {
goto _err;
pReader->pVnode = pVnode;
pReader->sver = sver;
pReader->ever = ever;
pReader->isMetaEnd = 0;
pReader->isTsdbEnd = 0;
if (metaSnapshotReaderOpen(pVnode->pMeta, &pReader->pMetaReader, sver, ever) < 0) {
goto _err;
if (tsdbSnapshotReaderOpen(pVnode->pTsdb, &pReader->pTsdbReader, sver, ever) < 0) {
goto _err;
*ppReader = pReader;
return 0;
*ppReader = NULL;
return -1;
int32_t vnodeSnapshotReaderClose(SVSnapshotReader *pReader) {
if (pReader) {
return 0;
int32_t vnodeSnapshotRead(SVSnapshotReader *pReader, const void **ppData, uint32_t *nData) {
int32_t code = 0;
if (!pReader->isMetaEnd) {
code = metaSnapshotRead(pReader->pMetaReader, &pReader->pData, &pReader->nData);
if (code) {
if (code == TSDB_CODE_VND_READ_END) {
pReader->isMetaEnd = 1;
} else {
return code;
} else {
*ppData = pReader->pData;
*nData = pReader->nData;
return code;
if (!pReader->isTsdbEnd) {
code = tsdbSnapshotRead(pReader->pTsdbReader, &pReader->pData, &pReader->nData);
if (code) {
if (code == TSDB_CODE_VND_READ_END) {
pReader->isTsdbEnd = 1;
} else {
return code;
} else {
*ppData = pReader->pData;
*nData = pReader->nData;
return code;
return code;
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "vnd.h"
int32_t vnodeRealloc(void** pp, int32_t size) {
uint8_t* p = NULL;
int32_t csize = 0;
if (*pp) {
p = (uint8_t*)(*pp) - sizeof(int32_t);
csize = *(int32_t*)p;
if (csize >= size) {
return 0;
p = (uint8_t*)taosMemoryRealloc(p, size);
if (p == NULL) {
*(int32_t*)p = size;
*pp = p + sizeof(int32_t);
return 0;
void vnodeFree(void* p) {
if (p) {
taosMemoryFree(((uint8_t*)p) - sizeof(int32_t));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "commandInt.h"
#include "plannodes.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "tcommon.h"
int32_t qExplainGenerateResNode(SPhysiNode *pNode, SExplainGroup *group, SExplainResNode **pRes);
int32_t qExplainAppendGroupResRows(void *pCtx, int32_t groupId, int32_t level);
......@@ -637,13 +638,48 @@ int32_t qExplainResNodeToRowsImpl(SExplainResNode *pResNode, SExplainCtx *ctx, i
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainBufAppendExecInfo(pResNode->pExecInfo, tbuf, &tlen));
SDataBlockDescNode* pDescNode = pSortNode->node.pOutputDataBlockDesc;
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(EXPLAIN_COLUMNS_FORMAT, nodesGetOutputNumFromSlotList(pDescNode->pSlots));
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(EXPLAIN_WIDTH_FORMAT, pSortNode->node.pOutputDataBlockDesc->totalRowSize);
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainResAppendRow(ctx, tbuf, tlen, level));
if (EXPLAIN_MODE_ANALYZE == ctx->mode) {
// sort key
EXPLAIN_ROW_NEW(level, "Sort Key: ");
if (pResNode->pExecInfo) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < LIST_LENGTH(pSortNode->pSortKeys); ++i) {
SOrderByExprNode *ptn = nodesListGetNode(pSortNode->pSortKeys, i);
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND("%s ", nodesGetNameFromColumnNode(ptn->pExpr));
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainResAppendRow(ctx, tbuf, tlen, level));
// sort method
EXPLAIN_ROW_NEW(level, "Sort Method: ");
int32_t nodeNum = taosArrayGetSize(pResNode->pExecInfo);
SExplainExecInfo *execInfo = taosArrayGet(pResNode->pExecInfo, 0);
SSortExecInfo * pExecInfo = (SSortExecInfo *)execInfo->verboseInfo;
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND("%s", pExecInfo->sortMethod == SORT_QSORT_T ? "quicksort" : "merge sort");
if (pExecInfo->sortBuffer > 1024 * 1024) {
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(" Buffers:%.2f Mb", pExecInfo->sortBuffer / (1024 * 1024.0));
} else if (pExecInfo->sortBuffer > 1024) {
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(" Buffers:%.2f Kb", pExecInfo->sortBuffer / (1024.0));
} else {
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(" Buffers:%d b", pExecInfo->sortBuffer);
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(" loops:%d", pExecInfo->loops);
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainResAppendRow(ctx, tbuf, tlen, level));
if (verbose) {
......@@ -792,13 +828,8 @@ int32_t qExplainResNodeToRowsImpl(SExplainResNode *pResNode, SExplainCtx *ctx, i
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainBufAppendExecInfo(pResNode->pExecInfo, tbuf, &tlen));
EXPLAIN_ROW_APPEND(EXPLAIN_WIDTH_FORMAT, pPartNode->node.pOutputDataBlockDesc->totalRowSize);
// if (pPartNode->pGroupKeys) {
// }
QRY_ERR_RET(qExplainResAppendRow(ctx, tbuf, tlen, level));
......@@ -622,18 +622,14 @@ typedef struct SSortedMergeOperatorInfo {
typedef struct SSortOperatorInfo {
SOptrBasicInfo binfo;
uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort
uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort
SArray* pSortInfo;
SSortHandle* pSortHandle;
SArray* pColMatchInfo; // for index map from table scan output
int32_t bufPageSize;
// TODO extact struct
int64_t startTs; // sort start time
uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included.
uint64_t totalSize; // total load bytes from remote
uint64_t totalRows; // total number of rows
uint64_t totalElapsed; // total elapsed time
int64_t startTs; // sort start time
uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included.
} SSortOperatorInfo;
typedef struct STagFilterOperatorInfo {
......@@ -137,6 +137,14 @@ void* tsortGetValue(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colId);
SSDataBlock* tsortGetSortedDataBlock(const SSortHandle* pSortHandle);
* return the sort execution information.
* @param pHandle
* @return
SSortExecInfo tsortGetSortExecInfo(SSortHandle* pHandle);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -1747,8 +1747,7 @@ void setFunctionResultOutput(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo, SAggSupporter* pSup, int32_t
SResultRow* pRow = doSetResultOutBufByKey(pSup->pResultBuf, pResultRowInfo, (char*)&tid, sizeof(tid), true, groupId,
pTaskInfo, false, pSup);
ASSERT(pDataBlock->info.numOfCols == numOfExprs);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pDataBlock->info.numOfCols; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfExprs; ++i) {
struct SResultRowEntryInfo* pEntry = getResultCell(pRow, i, rowCellInfoOffset);
......@@ -1756,7 +1755,7 @@ void setFunctionResultOutput(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo, SAggSupporter* pSup, int32_t
pCtx[i].scanFlag = stage;
initCtxOutputBuffer(pCtx, pDataBlock->info.numOfCols);
initCtxOutputBuffer(pCtx, numOfExprs);
void updateOutputBuf(SOptrBasicInfo* pBInfo, int32_t* bufCapacity, int32_t numOfInputRows) {
......@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* getDataFromCatch(SStreamBlockScanInfo* pInfo) {
SSDataBlock* pDB = createOneDataBlock(pInfo->pRes, false);
blockDataFromBuf(pDB, buf);
SSDataBlock* pSub = blockDataExtractBlock(pDB, pos->rowId, 1);
blockDataMerge(pInfo->pRes, pSub, NULL);
blockDataMerge(pInfo->pRes, pSub);
......@@ -1046,8 +1046,9 @@ static void destroySysScanOperator(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
const char* name = tNameGetTableName(&pInfo->name);
if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_USER_TABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0) {
if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_USER_TABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0 || pInfo->pCur != NULL) {
pInfo->pCur = NULL;
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#include "executorimpl.h"
static SSDataBlock* doSort(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t doOpenSortOperator(SOperatorInfo* pOperator);
static int32_t getExplainExecInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOptr, void** pOptrExplain, uint32_t* len);
static void destroyOrderOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput);
SOperatorInfo* createSortOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, SArray* pSortInfo, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols,
......@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ SOperatorInfo* createSortOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SSDataBlock* pR
pOperator->pTaskInfo = pTaskInfo;
pOperator->fpSet =
createOperatorFpSet(operatorDummyOpenFn, doSort, NULL, NULL, destroyOrderOperatorInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
createOperatorFpSet(doOpenSortOperator, doSort, NULL, NULL, destroyOrderOperatorInfo, NULL, NULL, getExplainExecInfo);
int32_t code = appendDownstream(pOperator, &downstream, 1);
return pOperator;
......@@ -121,20 +124,17 @@ void applyScalarFunction(SSDataBlock* pBlock, void* param) {
SSDataBlock* doSort(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
return NULL;
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
int32_t doOpenSortOperator(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
SSortOperatorInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
if (pOperator->status == OP_RES_TO_RETURN) {
return getSortedBlockData(pInfo->pSortHandle, pInfo->binfo.pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity, pInfo->pColMatchInfo);
if (OPTR_IS_OPENED(pOperator)) {
// pInfo->binfo.pRes is not equalled to the input datablock.
// int32_t numOfBufPage = pInfo->sortBufSize / pInfo->bufPageSize;
pInfo->startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
// pInfo->binfo.pRes is not equalled to the input datablock.
pInfo->pSortHandle = tsortCreateSortHandle(pInfo->pSortInfo, pInfo->pColMatchInfo, SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT,
-1, -1, NULL, pTaskInfo->id.str);
......@@ -146,12 +146,39 @@ SSDataBlock* doSort(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
int32_t code = tsortOpen(pInfo->pSortHandle);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
longjmp(pTaskInfo->env, terrno);
pOperator->cost.openCost = (taosGetTimestampUs() - pInfo->startTs)/1000.0;
pOperator->status = OP_RES_TO_RETURN;
return getSortedBlockData(pInfo->pSortHandle, pInfo->binfo.pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity, pInfo->pColMatchInfo);
SSDataBlock* doSort(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
return NULL;
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
SSortOperatorInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
int32_t code = pOperator->fpSet._openFn(pOperator);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
longjmp(pTaskInfo->env, code);
SSDataBlock* pBlock = getSortedBlockData(pInfo->pSortHandle, pInfo->binfo.pRes, pOperator->resultInfo.capacity, pInfo->pColMatchInfo);
if (pBlock != NULL) {
pOperator->resultInfo.totalRows += pBlock->info.rows;
} else {
return pBlock;
void destroyOrderOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
......@@ -161,3 +188,15 @@ void destroyOrderOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
int32_t getExplainExecInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOptr, void** pOptrExplain, uint32_t* len) {
ASSERT(pOptr != NULL);
SSortExecInfo* pInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SSortExecInfo));
SSortOperatorInfo *pOperatorInfo = (SSortOperatorInfo*)pOptr->info;
*pInfo = tsortGetSortExecInfo(pOperatorInfo->pSortHandle);
*pOptrExplain = pInfo;
*len = sizeof(SSortExecInfo);
......@@ -31,20 +31,16 @@ struct STupleHandle {
struct SSortHandle {
int32_t type;
int32_t pageSize;
int32_t numOfPages;
SDiskbasedBuf *pBuf;
SArray *pSortInfo;
SArray *pIndexMap;
SArray *pOrderedSource;
_sort_fetch_block_fn_t fetchfp;
_sort_merge_compar_fn_t comparFn;
SMultiwayMergeTreeInfo *pMergeTree;
int64_t startTs;
int32_t loops;
uint64_t sortElapsed;
int64_t startTs;
uint64_t totalElapsed;
int32_t sourceId;
......@@ -53,13 +49,15 @@ struct SSortHandle {
int32_t numOfCompletedSources;
bool opened;
const char *idStr;
bool inMemSort;
bool needAdjust;
STupleHandle tupleHandle;
void *param;
void (*beforeFp)(SSDataBlock* pBlock, void* param);
_sort_fetch_block_fn_t fetchfp;
_sort_merge_compar_fn_t comparFn;
SMultiwayMergeTreeInfo *pMergeTree;
static int32_t msortComparFn(const void *pLeft, const void *pRight, void *param);
......@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ SSortHandle* tsortCreateSortHandle(SArray* pSortInfo, SArray* pIndexMap, int32_t
pSortHandle->pageSize = pageSize;
pSortHandle->numOfPages = numOfPages;
pSortHandle->pSortInfo = pSortInfo;
pSortHandle->pIndexMap = pIndexMap;
pSortHandle->loops = 0;
if (pBlock != NULL) {
pSortHandle->pDataBlock = createOneDataBlock(pBlock, false);
......@@ -415,6 +413,9 @@ static int32_t doInternalMergeSort(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
int32_t numOfRows = blockDataGetCapacityInRow(pHandle->pDataBlock, pHandle->pageSize);
blockDataEnsureCapacity(pHandle->pDataBlock, numOfRows);
// the initial pass + sortPass + final mergePass
pHandle->loops = sortPass + 2;
size_t numOfSorted = taosArrayGetSize(pHandle->pOrderedSource);
for(int32_t t = 0; t < sortPass; ++t) {
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
......@@ -502,12 +503,13 @@ static int32_t doInternalMergeSort(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
return 0;
static int32_t createInitialSortedMultiSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
static int32_t createInitialSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
size_t sortBufSize = pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize;
if (pHandle->type == SORT_SINGLESOURCE_SORT) {
SSortSource* source = taosArrayGetP(pHandle->pOrderedSource, 0);
while (1) {
SSDataBlock* pBlock = pHandle->fetchfp(source->param);
if (pBlock == NULL) {
......@@ -524,6 +526,7 @@ static int32_t createInitialSortedMultiSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
} else {
pHandle->pageSize = 4096;
// todo!!
pHandle->numOfPages = 1024;
sortBufSize = pHandle->numOfPages * pHandle->pageSize;
......@@ -535,7 +538,7 @@ static int32_t createInitialSortedMultiSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
// todo relocate the columns
int32_t code = blockDataMerge(pHandle->pDataBlock, pBlock, pHandle->pIndexMap);
int32_t code = blockDataMerge(pHandle->pDataBlock, pBlock);
if (code != 0) {
return code;
......@@ -569,6 +572,7 @@ static int32_t createInitialSortedMultiSources(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
pHandle->cmpParam.numOfSources = 1;
pHandle->inMemSort = true;
pHandle->loops = 1;
pHandle->tupleHandle.rowIndex = -1;
pHandle->tupleHandle.pBlock = pHandle->pDataBlock;
return 0;
......@@ -592,7 +596,7 @@ int32_t tsortOpen(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
pHandle->opened = true;
int32_t code = createInitialSortedMultiSources(pHandle);
int32_t code = createInitialSources(pHandle);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return code;
......@@ -692,3 +696,20 @@ void* tsortGetValue(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colIndex) {
SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pVHandle->pBlock->pDataBlock, colIndex);
return colDataGetData(pColInfo, pVHandle->rowIndex);
SSortExecInfo tsortGetSortExecInfo(SSortHandle* pHandle) {
SSortExecInfo info = {0};
info.sortBuffer = pHandle->pageSize * pHandle->numOfPages;
info.sortMethod = pHandle->inMemSort? SORT_QSORT_T:SORT_SPILLED_MERGE_SORT_T;
info.loops = pHandle->loops;
if (pHandle->pBuf != NULL) {
SDiskbasedBufStatis st = getDBufStatis(pHandle->pBuf);
info.writeBytes = st.flushBytes;
info.readBytes = st.loadBytes;
return info;
......@@ -530,7 +530,8 @@ void monSendReport() {
char *pCont = tjsonToString(pMonitor->pJson);
if (pCont != NULL) {
// uDebugL("report cont:%s\n", pCont);
if (pCont != NULL) {
EHttpCompFlag flag = tsMonitor.cfg.comp ? HTTP_GZIP : HTTP_FLAT;
if (taosSendHttpReport(tsMonitor.cfg.server, tsMonitor.cfg.port, pCont, strlen(pCont), flag) != 0) {
uError("failed to send monitor msg");
......@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ static int32_t createSName(SName* pName, SToken* pTableName, int32_t acctId, con
const char* msg1 = "name too long";
const char* msg2 = "invalid database name";
const char* msg3 = "db is not specified";
const char* msg4 = "invalid table name";
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
char* p = strnchr(pTableName->z, TS_PATH_DELIMITER[0], pTableName->n, true);
......@@ -207,6 +208,10 @@ static int32_t createSName(SName* pName, SToken* pTableName, int32_t acctId, con
int32_t tbLen = pTableName->n - dbLen - 1;
if (tbLen <= 0) {
return buildInvalidOperationMsg(pMsgBuf, msg4);
char tbname[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN] = {0};
strncpy(tbname, p + 1, tbLen);
/*tbLen = */ strdequote(tbname);
......@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ static int32_t streamTaskExecImpl(SStreamTask* pTask, void* data, SArray* pRes)
if (output == NULL) break;
taosArrayPush(pRes, output);
// TODO: do we need free memory?
SSDataBlock* outputCopy = createOneDataBlock(output, true);
taosArrayPush(pRes, outputCopy);
// destroy
......@@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ static int32_t streamTaskExecImpl(SStreamTask* pTask, void* data, SArray* pRes)
} else {
taosArrayDestroyEx(((SStreamDataBlock*)data)->blocks, (FDelete)tDeleteSSDataBlock);
return 0;
......@@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ int32_t streamExec(SStreamTask* pTask, SMsgCb* pMsgCb) {
streamTaskExecImpl(pTask, data, pRes);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pRes) != 0) {
SStreamDataBlock* resQ = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(SStreamDataBlock), DEF_QITEM);
......@@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ int32_t streamExec(SStreamTask* pTask, SMsgCb* pMsgCb) {
streamTaskExecImpl(pTask, data, pRes);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pRes) != 0) {
SStreamDataBlock* resQ = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(SStreamDataBlock), DEF_QITEM);
......@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ int32_t streamExec(SStreamTask* pTask, SMsgCb* pMsgCb) {
streamTaskExecImpl(pTask, data, pRes);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pRes) != 0) {
SStreamDataBlock* resQ = taosAllocateQitem(sizeof(SStreamDataBlock), DEF_QITEM);
......@@ -357,6 +357,16 @@ int32_t syncNodeOnAppendEntriesCb(SSyncNode* ths, SyncAppendEntries* pMsg) {
} else {
// maybe newSyncCfg.myIndex is updated in syncNodeUpdateConfig
if (ths->pFsm->FpReConfigCb != NULL) {
SReConfigCbMeta cbMeta = {0};
cbMeta.code = 0;
cbMeta.currentTerm = ths->pRaftStore->currentTerm;
cbMeta.index = pEntry->index;
cbMeta.term = pEntry->term;
ths->pFsm->FpReConfigCb(ths->pFsm, newSyncCfg, cbMeta);
// restore finish
......@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ void syncMaybeAdvanceCommitIndex(SSyncNode* pSyncNode) {
} else {
// maybe newSyncCfg.myIndex is updated in syncNodeUpdateConfig
if (pSyncNode->pFsm->FpReConfigCb != NULL) {
SReConfigCbMeta cbMeta = {0};
cbMeta.code = 0;
cbMeta.currentTerm = pSyncNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm;
cbMeta.index = pEntry->index;
cbMeta.term = pEntry->term;
pSyncNode->pFsm->FpReConfigCb(pSyncNode->pFsm, newSyncCfg, cbMeta);
// restore finish
......@@ -349,7 +349,9 @@ int32_t syncPropose(int64_t rid, const SRpcMsg* pMsg, bool isWeak) {
// open/close --------------
SSyncNode* syncNodeOpen(const SSyncInfo* pSyncInfo) {
SSyncNode* syncNodeOpen(const SSyncInfo* pOldSyncInfo) {
SSyncInfo* pSyncInfo = (SSyncInfo*)pOldSyncInfo;
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSyncNode));
assert(pSyncNode != NULL);
memset(pSyncNode, 0, sizeof(SSyncNode));
......@@ -361,11 +363,25 @@ SSyncNode* syncNodeOpen(const SSyncInfo* pSyncInfo) {
sError("failed to create dir:%s since %s", pSyncInfo->path, terrstr());
return NULL;
snprintf(pSyncNode->configPath, sizeof(pSyncNode->configPath), "%s/raft_config.json", pSyncInfo->path);
if (!taosCheckExistFile(pSyncNode->configPath)) {
// create raft config file
snprintf(pSyncNode->configPath, sizeof(pSyncNode->configPath), "%s/raft_config.json", pSyncInfo->path);
ret = syncCfgCreateFile((SSyncCfg*)&(pSyncInfo->syncCfg), pSyncNode->configPath);
assert(ret == 0);
} else {
// update syncCfg by raft_config.json
pSyncNode->pRaftCfg = raftCfgOpen(pSyncNode->configPath);
assert(pSyncNode->pRaftCfg != NULL);
pSyncInfo->syncCfg = pSyncNode->pRaftCfg->cfg;
char* seralized = raftCfg2Str(pSyncNode->pRaftCfg);
sInfo("syncNodeOpen update config :%s", seralized);
// init by SSyncInfo
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void test4() {
int main() {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// taosInitLog("tmp/syncTest.log", 100);
tsAsyncLog = 0;
......@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ int main() {
if (argc == 2) {
bool bTaosDirExist = taosDirExist(argv[1]);
printf("%s bTaosDirExist:%d \n", argv[1], bTaosDirExist);
bool bTaosCheckExistFile = taosCheckExistFile(argv[1]);
printf("%s bTaosCheckExistFile:%d \n", argv[1], bTaosCheckExistFile);
// taosCloseLog();
return 0;
......@@ -913,12 +913,12 @@ uint32_t taosGetIpv4FromFqdn(const char *fqdn) {
} else {
if (ret == EAI_SYSTEM) {
printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, errno:%d, since:%s", fqdn, errno, strerror(errno));
// printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, errno:%d, since:%s", fqdn, errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, ret:%d, since:%s", fqdn, ret, gai_strerror(ret));
// printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, ret:%d, since:%s", fqdn, ret, gai_strerror(ret));
printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, ret:%d, since:%s", fqdn, ret, gai_strerror(ret));
// printf("failed to get the ip address, fqdn:%s, ret:%d, since:%s", fqdn, ret, gai_strerror(ret));
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
......@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ TAOS_DEFINE_ERROR(TSDB_CODE_VND_TABLE_NOT_EXIST, "Table does not exists
// tsdb
......@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ SHashNode *doCreateHashNode(const void *key, size_t keyLen, const void *pData, s
pNewNode->removed = 0;
pNewNode->next = NULL;
memcpy(GET_HASH_NODE_DATA(pNewNode), pData, dsize);
if (pData) memcpy(GET_HASH_NODE_DATA(pNewNode), pData, dsize);
memcpy(GET_HASH_NODE_KEY(pNewNode), key, keyLen);
return pNewNode;
......@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ static void *taosHashReleaseNode(SHashObj *pHashObj, void *p, int *slot) {
ASSERT(prevNode->next != prevNode);
} else {
pe->next = pOld->next;
SHashNode* x = pe->next;
SHashNode *x = pe->next;
if (x != NULL) {
ASSERT(x->next != x);
......@@ -549,11 +549,16 @@ void destroyDiskbasedBuf(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf) {
// print the statistics information
SDiskbasedBufStatis* ps = &pBuf->statis;
"Get/Release pages:%d/%d, flushToDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages), loadFromDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages), avgPageSize:%.2f "
ps->getPages, ps->releasePages, ps->flushBytes / 1024.0f, ps->flushPages, ps->loadBytes / 1024.0f,
ps->loadPages, ps->loadBytes / (1024.0 * ps->loadPages));
if (ps->loadPages == 0) {
"Get/Release pages:%d/%d, flushToDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages), loadFromDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages)",
ps->getPages, ps->releasePages, ps->flushBytes / 1024.0f, ps->flushPages, ps->loadBytes / 1024.0f, ps->loadPages);
} else {
"Get/Release pages:%d/%d, flushToDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages), loadFromDisk:%.2f Kb (%d Pages), avgPageSize:%.2f Kb",
ps->getPages, ps->releasePages, ps->flushBytes / 1024.0f, ps->flushPages, ps->loadBytes / 1024.0f,
ps->loadPages, ps->loadBytes / (1024.0 * ps->loadPages));
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to execute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def insertnow(self):
# timestamp list:
# 0 -> "1970-01-01 08:00:00" | -28800000 -> "1970-01-01 00:00:00" | -946800000000 -> "1940-01-01 00:00:00"
# -631180800000 -> "1950-01-01 00:00:00"
tsp1 = 0
tsp2 = -28800000
tsp3 = -946800000000
tsp4 = "1969-01-01 00:00:00.000"
tdSql.execute("insert into tcq1 values (now-11d, 5)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp1}, 4)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp2}, 3)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ('{tsp4}', 2)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp3}, 1)")
def waitedQuery(self, sql, expectRows, timeout):
tdLog.info(f"sql: {sql}, try to retrieve {expectRows} rows in {timeout} seconds")
for i in range(timeout):
self.queryResult = tdSql.cursor.fetchall()
self.queryRows = len(self.queryResult)
self.queryCols = len(tdSql.cursor.description)
# tdLog.info("sql: %s, try to retrieve %d rows,get %d rows" % (sql, expectRows, self.queryRows))
if self.queryRows >= expectRows:
return (self.queryRows, i)
except Exception as e:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
tdLog.notice(f"{caller.filename}({caller.lineno}) failed: sql:{sql}, {repr(e)}")
raise Exception(repr(e))
return (self.queryRows, timeout)
def cq(self):
"create table cq1 as select avg(c1) from tcq1 where ts > -946800000000 interval(10d) sliding(1d)"
self.waitedQuery("select * from cq1", 1, 120)
def querycq(self):
tdSql.query("select * from cq1")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 1.0)
tdSql.checkData(10, 1, 2.0)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists dbcq")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists dbcq keep 36500")
tdSql.execute("use dbcq")
tdSql.execute("create table stbcq (ts timestamp, c1 int ) TAGS(t1 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table tcq1 using stbcq tags(1)")
# after wal and sync, check again
tdSql.query("show dnodes")
index = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("create table cars(ts timestamp, s int) tags(id int)")
tdSql.execute("create table car0 using cars tags(0)")
tdSql.execute("create table car1 using cars tags(1)")
tdSql.execute("create table car2 using cars tags(2)")
tdSql.execute("create table car3 using cars tags(3)")
tdSql.execute("create table car4 using cars tags(4)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:00.103', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car1 values('2019-01-01 00:00:00.234', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:01.012', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:02.003', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car2 values('2019-01-01 00:00:02.328', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:03.139', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:04.348', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values('2019-01-01 00:00:05.783', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car1 values('2019-01-01 00:00:01.893', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car1 values('2019-01-01 00:00:02.712', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car1 values('2019-01-01 00:00:03.982', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car3 values('2019-01-01 00:00:01.389', 1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into car4 values('2019-01-01 00:00:01.829', 1)")
tdSql.error("create table strm as select count(*) from cars")
tdSql.execute("create table strm as select count(*) from cars interval(4s)")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm", 2, 100)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 11)
tdSql.checkData(1, 1, 2)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def createFuncStream(self, expr, suffix, value):
tbname = "strm_" + suffix
tdLog.info("create stream table %s" % tbname)
tdSql.query("select %s from stb interval(1d)" % expr)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, value)
tdSql.execute("create table %s as select %s from stb interval(1d)" % (tbname, expr))
def checkStreamData(self, suffix, value):
sql = "select * from strm_" + suffix
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, value)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
tdLog.info("===== preparing data =====")
"create table stb(ts timestamp, tbcol int, tbcol2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
self.createFuncStream("count(*)", "c1", 200)
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol)", "c2", 200)
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol2)", "c3", 200)
self.createFuncStream("avg(tbcol)", "av", 9.5)
self.createFuncStream("sum(tbcol)", "su", 1900)
self.createFuncStream("min(tbcol)", "mi", 0)
self.createFuncStream("max(tbcol)", "ma", 19)
self.createFuncStream("first(tbcol)", "fi", 0)
self.createFuncStream("last(tbcol)", "la", 19)
#tdSql.query("select stddev(tbcol) from stb interval(1d)")
#tdSql.query("select leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("select top(tbcol, 1) from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("select bottom(tbcol, 1) from stb interval(1d)")
#tdSql.query("select percentile(tbcol, 1) from stb interval(1d)")
#tdSql.query("select diff(tbcol) from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol) from stb where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 200)
#tdSql.execute("create table strm_wh as select count(tbcol) from stb where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol)", "as", 200)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol) from stb interval(1d) group by tgcol")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 20)
tdSql.query("select count(tbcol) from stb where ts < now + 4m interval(1d) group by tgcol")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 20)
self.checkStreamData("c1", 200)
self.checkStreamData("c2", 200)
self.checkStreamData("c3", 200)
self.checkStreamData("av", 9.5)
self.checkStreamData("su", 1900)
self.checkStreamData("mi", 0)
self.checkStreamData("ma", 19)
self.checkStreamData("fi", 0)
self.checkStreamData("la", 19)
#self.checkStreamData("wh", 200)
self.checkStreamData("as", 200)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
totalNum = tbNum * rowNum
tdLog.info("===== preparing data =====")
"create table stb(ts timestamp, tbcol int, tbcol2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
tdLog.info("===== step 1 =====")
tdSql.query("select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 2 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c3 as select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from stb interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 3 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c32 as select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from stb interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 4 =====")
tdSql.query("select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 5 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c31 as select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from stb interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 6 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from stb interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1900)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.execute("create table strm_avg as select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from stb interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 7 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), count(tbcol) from stb where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1900)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 7, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 8 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), count(tbcol) from stb where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1900)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 7, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 9 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_c3", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 10 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_c31", 1, 30)
for i in range(1, 10):
tdSql.checkData(0, i, totalNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 11 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_avg", 1, 20)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1900)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
rowNum = 200
tdLog.info("=============== step1")
tdSql.execute("create table mt(ts timestamp, tbcol int, tbcol2 float) TAGS(tgcol int)")
for i in range(5):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using mt tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into tb%d values(now + %ds, %d, %d)" % (i, j, j, j))
tdLog.info("=============== step2")
tdSql.query("select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from mt interval(10s)")
tdSql.execute("create table st as select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from mt interval(10s)")
tdLog.info("=============== step3")
start = time.time()
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from st", 1, 180)
delay = int(time.time() - start) + 80
v = tdSql.getData(0, 3)
if v >= 51:
tdLog.exit("value is %d, which is larger than 51" % v)
tdLog.info("=============== step4")
for i in range(5, 10):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using mt tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
tdSql.execute("insert into tb%d values(now + %ds, %d, %d)" % (i, j, j, j))
tdLog.info("=============== step5")
maxValue = 0
for i in range(delay):
tdSql.query("select * from st order by ts desc")
v = tdSql.getData(0, 3)
if v > maxValue:
maxValue = v
if v > 51:
if maxValue <= 51:
tdLog.exit("value is %d, which is smaller than 51" % maxValue)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def bug2222(self):
tdSql.execute("create table superreal(ts timestamp, addr binary(5), val float) tags (deviceNo binary(20))")
tdSql.execute("create table real_001 using superreal tags('001')")
tdSql.execute("create table tj_001 as select sum(val) from real_001 interval(1m)")
t = datetime.datetime.now()
for i in range(60):
ts = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
t += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
sql = "insert into real_001 values('%s:0%d', '1', %d)" % (ts, 0, i)
for j in range(4):
sql += ",('%s:0%d', '%d', %d)" % (ts, j + 1, j + 1, i)
time.sleep(60 + random.random() * 60 - 30)
def tbase300(self):
tdLog.debug("begin tbase300")
tdSql.execute("create table mt(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 int) tags(t1 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table tb1 using mt tags(1)");
tdSql.execute("create table tb2 using mt tags(2)");
tdSql.execute("create table strm as select count(*), avg(c1), sum(c2), max(c1), min(c2),first(c1), last(c2) from mt interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
#tdSql.execute("create table strm as select count(*), avg(c1), sum(c2), max(c1), min(c2), first(c1) from mt interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb2 values(now, 1, 1)");
tdSql.execute("insert into tb1 values(now, 1, 1)");
tdSql.query("select * from mt")
tdSql.query("select * from strm")
tdSql.execute("drop table tb1")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm", 1, 100)
if tdSql.queryRows < 1 or tdSql.queryRows > 2:
tdLog.exit("rows should be 1 or 2")
tdSql.execute("drop table tb2")
tdSql.execute("drop table mt")
tdSql.execute("drop table strm")
def tbase304(self):
tdLog.debug("begin tbase304")
# we cannot reset query cache in server side, as a workaround,
# set super table name to mt304, need to change back to mt later
tdSql.execute("create table mt304 (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table tb1 using mt304 tags(1, 1)")
tdSql.execute("create table tb2 using mt304 tags(1, -1)")
tdSql.execute("create table strm as select count(*), avg(c1) from mt304 where t2 >= 0 interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb1 values (now,1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb2 values (now,2)")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm", 1, 100)
if tdSql.queryRows < 1 or tdSql.queryRows > 2:
tdLog.exit("rows should be 1 or 2")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1.000000000)
tdSql.execute("alter table mt304 drop tag t2")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb2 values (now,2)")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb1 values (now,1)")
tdSql.query("select * from strm")
tdSql.execute("alter table mt304 add tag t2 int")
tdSql.query("select * from strm")
def wildcardFilterOnTags(self):
tdLog.debug("begin wildcardFilterOnTag")
tdSql.execute("create table stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 binary(10)) tags(t1 binary(10))")
tdSql.execute("create table tb1 using stb tags('a1')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb2 using stb tags('b2')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb3 using stb tags('a3')")
tdSql.execute("create table strm as select count(*), avg(c1), first(c2) from stb where t1 like 'a%' interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
tdSql.query("describe strm")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb1 values (now, 0, 'tb1')")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb2 values (now, 2, 'tb2')")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb3 values (now, 0, 'tb3')")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm", 4, 60)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 0.000000000)
if tdSql.getData(0, 3) == 'tb2':
tdLog.exit("unexpected value of data03")
if tdSql.getData(1, 3) == 'tb2':
tdLog.exit("unexpected value of data13")
if tdSql.getData(2, 3) == 'tb2':
tdLog.exit("unexpected value of data23")
if tdSql.getData(3, 3) == 'tb2':
tdLog.exit("unexpected value of data33")
tdLog.info("add table tb4 to see if stream still works correctly")
# The vnode client needs to refresh metadata cache to allow strm calculate tb4's data.
# But the current refreshing frequency is every 10 min
# commented out the case below to save running time
tdSql.execute("create table tb4 using stb tags('a4')")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb4 values(now, 4, 'tb4')")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm order by ts desc", 6, 60)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 4)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, "tb4")
tdLog.info("change tag values to see if stream still works correctly")
tdSql.execute("alter table tb4 set tag t1='b4'")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb1 values (now, 1, 'tb1_a1')")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb4 values (now, -4, 'tb4_b4')")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm order by ts desc", 8, 100)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, "tb1_a1")
def datatypes(self):
tdLog.debug("begin data types")
tdSql.execute("create table stb3 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 binary(15), c6 nchar(15), c7 bool) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(15))")
tdSql.execute("create table tb0 using stb3 tags(0, 'tb0')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb1 using stb3 tags(1, 'tb1')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb2 using stb3 tags(2, 'tb2')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb3 using stb3 tags(3, 'tb3')")
tdSql.execute("create table tb4 using stb3 tags(4, 'tb4')")
tdSql.execute("create table strm0 as select count(ts), count(c1), max(c2), min(c4), first(c5), last(c6) from stb3 where ts < now + 30s interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
#tdSql.execute("create table strm0 as select count(ts), count(c1), max(c2), min(c4), first(c5) from stb where ts < now + 30s interval(4s) sliding(2s)")
tdSql.execute("insert into tb0 values (now, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'binary0', '涛思0', true) tb1 values (now, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'binary1', '涛思1', false) tb2 values (now, 2, 2, 2, 2, 'binary2', '涛思2', true) tb3 values (now, 3, 3, 3, 3, 'binary3', '涛思3', false) tb4 values (now, 4, 4, 4, 4, 'binary4', '涛思4', true) ")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm0 order by ts desc", 2, 120)
tdSql.execute("insert into tb0 values (now, 10, 10, 10, 10, 'binary0', '涛思0', true) tb1 values (now, 11, 11, 11, 11, 'binary1', '涛思1', false) tb2 values (now, 12, 12, 12, 12, 'binary2', '涛思2', true) tb3 values (now, 13, 13, 13, 13, 'binary3', '涛思3', false) tb4 values (now, 14, 14, 14, 14, 'binary4', '涛思4', true) ")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm0 order by ts desc", 4, 120)
def run(self):
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to execute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def insertnow(self):
# timestamp list:
# 0 -> "1970-01-01 08:00:00" | -28800000 -> "1970-01-01 00:00:00" | -946800000000 -> "1940-01-01 00:00:00"
# -631180800000 -> "1950-01-01 00:00:00"
tsp1 = 0
tsp2 = -28800000
tsp3 = -946800000000
tsp4 = "1969-01-01 00:00:00.000"
tdSql.execute("insert into tcq1 values (now-11d, 5)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp1}, 4)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp2}, 3)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ('{tsp4}', 2)")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into tcq1 values ({tsp3}, 1)")
def waitedQuery(self, sql, expectRows, timeout):
tdLog.info(f"sql: {sql}, try to retrieve {expectRows} rows in {timeout} seconds")
for i in range(timeout):
self.queryResult = tdSql.cursor.fetchall()
self.queryRows = len(self.queryResult)
self.queryCols = len(tdSql.cursor.description)
# tdLog.info("sql: %s, try to retrieve %d rows,get %d rows" % (sql, expectRows, self.queryRows))
if self.queryRows >= expectRows:
return (self.queryRows, i)
except Exception as e:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
tdLog.notice(f"{caller.filename}({caller.lineno}) failed: sql:{sql}, {repr(e)}")
raise Exception(repr(e))
return (self.queryRows, timeout)
def showstream(self):
"create table cq1 as select avg(c1) from tcq1 interval(10d) sliding(1d)"
sql = "show streams"
timeout = 30
exception = "ValueError('year -292275055 is out of range')"
for i in range(timeout):
self.queryResult = tdSql.cursor.fetchall()
self.queryRows = len(self.queryResult)
self.queryCols = len(tdSql.cursor.description)
# tdLog.info("sql: %s, try to retrieve %d rows,get %d rows" % (sql, expectRows, self.queryRows))
if self.queryRows >= 1:
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, None)
return (self.queryRows, i)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.exit(f"sql: {sql} except raise {exception}, actually raise {repr(e)} ")
# else:
# tdLog.exit(f"sql: {sql} except raise {exception}, actually not")
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists dbcq")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists dbcq keep 36500")
tdSql.execute("use dbcq")
tdSql.execute("create table stbcq (ts timestamp, c1 int ) TAGS(t1 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table tcq1 using stbcq tags(1)")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
tdLog.info("===== step1 =====")
"create table stb0(ts timestamp, col1 int, col2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb0 tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
tdLog.info("===== step2 =====")
"select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
tdSql.query("show tables")
"create table s0 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step3 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step4 =====")
tdSql.execute("drop table s0")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdLog.info("===== step5 =====")
tdSql.error("select * from s0")
tdLog.info("===== step6 =====")
"create table s0 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step7 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step8 =====")
"select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
"create table s1 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 2)
tdLog.info("===== step9 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s1", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step10 =====")
tdSql.execute("drop table s1")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step11 =====")
tdSql.error("select * from s1")
tdLog.info("===== step12 =====")
"create table s1 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 2)
tdLog.info("===== step13 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s1", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
except Exception as e:
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
totalNum = tbNum * rowNum
tdLog.info("===== step1 =====")
"create table stb0(ts timestamp, col1 int, col2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb0 tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
tdLog.info("===== step2 =====")
tdSql.query("select count(col1) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.query("show tables")
"create table s0 as select count(col1) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step3 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step4 =====")
tdSql.execute("drop table s0")
tdSql.query("show tables")
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step5 =====")
tdSql.error("select * from s0")
tdLog.info("===== step6 =====")
"create table s0 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step7 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
except Exception as e:
tdSql.query("show streams")
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 's0')
tdLog.info("===== step8 =====")
"select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, totalNum)
except Exception as e:
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
"create table s1 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 2)
tdLog.info("===== step9 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s1", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, totalNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, totalNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step10 =====")
tdSql.execute("drop table s1")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step11 =====")
tdSql.error("select * from s1")
tdLog.info("===== step12 =====")
"create table s1 as select count(col1) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 2)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step13 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s1", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, totalNum)
#tdSql.checkData(0, 2, None)
#tdSql.checkData(0, 3, None)
except Exception as e:
tdSql.query("show streams")
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 's1')
tdSql.checkData(1, 2, 's0')
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
ts = 1500000000000
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
tdLog.info("===== step1 =====")
"create table stb0(ts timestamp, col1 binary(20), col2 nchar(20)) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb0 tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (%d, 'binary%d', 'nchar%d')" %
(i, ts + 60000 * j, j, j))
tdSql.execute("insert into tb0 values(%d, null, null)" % (ts + 10000000))
tdLog.info("===== step2 =====")
"select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum + 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.query("show tables")
"create table s0 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step3 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum + 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step4 =====")
tdSql.execute("drop table s0")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdLog.info("===== step5 =====")
tdSql.error("select * from s0")
tdLog.info("===== step6 =====")
"create table s0 as select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from tb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
tdLog.info("===== step7 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from s0", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum + 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
except Exception as e:
tdLog.info("===== step8 =====")
"select count(*), count(col1), count(col2) from stb0 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum * tbNum + 1)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum * tbNum)
tdSql.query("show tables")
tdSql.checkRows(tbNum + 1)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# migrated from 'stream_on_sys.sim'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
updatecfgDict = {'monitor': 1}
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("use log")
tdSql.execute("create table cpustrm as select count(*), avg(cpu_taosd), max(cpu_taosd), min(cpu_taosd), avg(cpu_system), max(cpu_cores), min(cpu_cores), last(cpu_cores) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
tdSql.execute("create table memstrm as select count(*), avg(mem_taosd), max(mem_taosd), min(mem_taosd), avg(mem_system), first(mem_total), last(mem_total) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
tdSql.execute("create table diskstrm as select count(*), avg(disk_used), last(disk_used), avg(disk_total), first(disk_total) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
tdSql.execute("create table bandstrm as select count(*), avg(band_speed), last(band_speed) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
tdSql.execute("create table reqstrm as select count(*), avg(req_http), last(req_http), avg(req_select), last(req_select), avg(req_insert), last(req_insert) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
tdSql.execute("create table iostrm as select count(*), avg(io_read), last(io_read), avg(io_write), last(io_write) from log.dn1 interval(4s)")
sqls = [
"select * from cpustrm",
"select * from memstrm",
"select * from diskstrm",
"select * from bandstrm",
"select * from reqstrm",
"select * from iostrm",
for sql in sqls:
(rows, _) = tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, 240)
if rows < 1:
tdLog.exit("failed: sql:%s, expect at least one row" % sql)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def createFuncStream(self, expr, suffix, value):
tbname = "strm_" + suffix
tdLog.info("create stream table %s" % tbname)
tdSql.query("select %s from tb1 interval(1d)" % expr)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, value)
tdSql.execute("create table %s as select %s from tb1 interval(1d)" % (tbname, expr))
def checkStreamData(self, suffix, value):
sql = "select * from strm_" + suffix
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, value)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
tdLog.info("===== step1 =====")
"create table stb(ts timestamp, tbcol int, tbcol2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
self.createFuncStream("count(*)", "c1", rowNum)
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol)", "c2", rowNum)
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol2)", "c3", rowNum)
self.createFuncStream("avg(tbcol)", "av", 9.5)
self.createFuncStream("sum(tbcol)", "su", 190)
self.createFuncStream("min(tbcol)", "mi", 0)
self.createFuncStream("max(tbcol)", "ma", 19)
self.createFuncStream("first(tbcol)", "fi", 0)
self.createFuncStream("last(tbcol)", "la", 19)
self.createFuncStream("stddev(tbcol)", "st", 5.766281297335398)
self.createFuncStream("percentile(tbcol, 1)", "pe", 0.19)
self.createFuncStream("count(tbcol)", "as", rowNum)
self.checkStreamData("c1", rowNum)
self.checkStreamData("c2", rowNum)
self.checkStreamData("c3", rowNum)
self.checkStreamData("av", 9.5)
self.checkStreamData("su", 190)
self.checkStreamData("mi", 0)
self.checkStreamData("ma", 19)
self.checkStreamData("fi", 0)
self.checkStreamData("la", 19)
self.checkStreamData("st", 5.766281297335398)
self.checkStreamData("pe", 0.19)
self.checkStreamData("as", rowNum)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
tdLog.info("===== preparing data =====")
"create table stb(ts timestamp, tbcol int, tbcol2 float) tags(tgcol int)")
for i in range(tbNum):
tdSql.execute("create table tb%d using stb tags(%d)" % (i, i))
for j in range(rowNum):
"insert into tb%d values (now - %dm, %d, %d)" %
(i, 1440 - j, j, j))
tdLog.info("===== step 1 =====")
tdSql.query("select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 2 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c3 as select count(*), count(tbcol), count(tbcol2) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 3 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c32 as select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 4 =====")
tdSql.query("select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 5 =====")
tdSql.execute("create table strm_c31 as select count(*), count(tbcol) as c1, count(tbcol2) as c2, count(tbcol) as c3, count(tbcol) as c4, count(tbcol) as c5, count(tbcol) as c6, count(tbcol) as c7, count(tbcol) as c8, count(tbcol) as c9, count(tbcol) as c10, count(tbcol) as c11, count(tbcol) as c12, count(tbcol) as c13, count(tbcol) as c14, count(tbcol) as c15, count(tbcol) as c16, count(tbcol) as c17, count(tbcol) as c18, count(tbcol) as c19, count(tbcol) as c20, count(tbcol) as c21, count(tbcol) as c22, count(tbcol) as c23, count(tbcol) as c24, count(tbcol) as c25, count(tbcol) as c26, count(tbcol) as c27, count(tbcol) as c28, count(tbcol) as c29, count(tbcol) as c30 from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 6 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 190)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.execute("create table strm_avg as select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 7 =====")
tdSql.query("select stddev(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1), percentile(tbcol, 1) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5.766281297335398)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0.19)
tdSql.execute("create table strm_ot as select stddev(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1), percentile(tbcol, 1) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 8 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), stddev(tbcol), percentile(tbcol, 1), count(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 190)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 7, 5.766281297335398)
tdSql.checkData(0, 8, 0.19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 9, rowNum)
tdSql.execute("create table strm_to as select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), stddev(tbcol), percentile(tbcol, 1), count(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) from tb1 interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 9 =====")
tdSql.query("select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), stddev(tbcol), percentile(tbcol, 1), count(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) from tb1 where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
tdSql.checkData(0, 9, rowNum)
tdSql.execute("create table strm_wh as select avg(tbcol), sum(tbcol), min(tbcol), max(tbcol), first(tbcol), last(tbcol), stddev(tbcol), percentile(tbcol, 1), count(tbcol), leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) from tb1 where ts < now + 4m interval(1d)")
tdLog.info("===== step 10 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_c3", 1, 120)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, rowNum)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, rowNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 11 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_c31", 1, 30)
for i in range(1, 10):
tdSql.checkData(0, i, rowNum)
tdLog.info("===== step 12 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_avg", 1, 20)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 190)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdLog.info("===== step 13 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_ot", 1, 20)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5.766281297335398)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0.19)
tdLog.info("===== step 14 =====")
tdSql.waitedQuery("select * from strm_to", 1, 20)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 9.5)
tdSql.checkData(0, 2, 190)
tdSql.checkData(0, 3, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 4, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 0)
tdSql.checkData(0, 6, 19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 7, 5.766281297335398)
tdSql.checkData(0, 8, 0.19)
tdSql.checkData(0, 9, rowNum)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute('drop database if exists slmfvojuxt;')
tdSql.execute('create database if not exists slmfvojuxt vgroups 1;')
tdSql.execute('use slmfvojuxt;')
tdSql.execute('create table if not exists downsampling_stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 double, c3 varchar(100), c4 bool) tags (t1 int, t2 double, t3 varchar(100), t4 bool);')
tdSql.execute('create table ownsampling_ct1 using downsampling_stb tags(10, 10.1, "beijing", True);')
tdSql.execute('create table if not exists scalar_stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 double, c3 binary(20)) tags (t1 int);')
tdSql.execute('create table scalar_ct1 using scalar_stb tags(10);')
tdSql.execute('create stream downsampling_stream into output_downsampling_stb as select _wstartts AS start, min(c1), max(c2), sum(c1) from downsampling_stb interval(10m);')
tdSql.execute('create stream scalar_stream into output_scalar_stb as select ts, abs(c1) a1 , abs(c2) a2 from scalar_stb;')
tdSql.execute('insert into scalar_ct1 values (1653471881952, 100, 100.1, "beijing");')
tdSql.execute('insert into scalar_ct1 values (1653471881952+1s, -50, -50.1, "tianjin");')
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
# ---- mnode
#./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic2.sim
#./test.sh -f tsim/mnode/basic2.sim
# ---- show
./test.sh -f tsim/show/basic.sim
......@@ -67,8 +67,9 @@
# ---- stream
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/basic0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/basic1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/basic2.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session0.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session1.sim
# ---- transaction
./test.sh -f tsim/trans/lossdata1.sim
......@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@
./test.sh -f tsim/stable/values.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stable/vnode3.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stable/column_add.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stable/column_drop.sim
#./test.sh -f tsim/stable/column_drop.sim
#./test.sh -f tsim/stable/column_modify.sim
# --- for multi process mode
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ sql connect
print =============== show dnodes
sql show dnodes;
print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -15,12 +16,9 @@ if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
# check 'vnodes' feild ?
#if $data02 != 0 then
# return -1
sql show mnodes;
print $data[0][0] $data[0][1] $data[0][2] $data[0][3] $data[0][4] $data[0][5] $data[0][6]
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -6,15 +6,6 @@ system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start
sql connect
print =============== show dnodes
sql show dnodes;
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
sql show mnodes;
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -30,55 +21,92 @@ endi
print =============== create dnodes
sql create dnode $hostname port 7200
sql create dnode $hostname port 7300
sleep 2000
sql show dnodes;
if $rows != 2 then
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
if $data00 != 1 then
sql show mnodes;
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data10 != 2 then
if $data00 != 1 then
return -1
print $data02
if $data02 != 0 then
if $data02 != LEADER then
return -1
if $data12 != 0 then
print =============== create mnode 2
sql create mnode on dnode 2
sql show mnodes
print $data(1)[0] $data(1)[1] $data(1)[2]
print $data(2)[0] $data(2)[1] $data(2)[2]
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $data04 != ready then
if $data(1)[0] != 1 then
return -1
if $data14 != ready then
if $data(1)[2] != LEADER then
return -1
sql show mnodes;
if $rows != 1 then
if $data(2)[0] != 2 then
return -1
if $data00 != 1 then
if $data(2)[2] == LEADER then
return -1
if $data02 != LEADER then
print =============== create user
sql create user user1 PASS 'user1'
sql show users
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
print =============== create mnode 2
sql create mnode on dnode 2
#sql create database db
#sql show databases
#if $rows != 3 then
# return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop
sleep 100
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start
sql connect
sql show mnodes
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
if $data(1)[0] != 1 then
return -1
if $data(1)[2] != LEADER then
return -1
sql show users
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
#sql show databases
#if $rows != 3 then
# return -1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data[0][0] != 2 then
if $data[0][0] != 7 then
return -1
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data[0][0] != 4 then
if $data[0][0] != 9 then
return -1
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ endi
sql_error create database d2 vgroups 2;
print =============== kill transaction
sql kill transaction 4;
sql kill transaction 9;
sleep 2000
sql show transactions
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "dmMgmt.h"
#include "mndInt.h"
#include "sdbInt.h"
#include "sdb.h"
#include "tconfig.h"
#include "tjson.h"
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