提交 eb3ab4fc 编写于 作者: dengyihao's avatar dengyihao

factor code

上级 6cf1adf1
......@@ -110,14 +110,6 @@ int32_t streamStateGetParName_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, int64_t groupId, voi
void streamStateDestroy_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, bool remove);
void* streamStateCreateBatch();
int32_t streamStateGetBatchSize(void* pBatch);
void streamStateClearBatch(void* pBatch);
void streamStateDestroyBatch(void* pBatch);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, void* pBatch);
// default cf
int32_t streamDefaultPut_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, const void* key, void* pVal, int32_t pVLen);
int32_t streamDefaultGet_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, const void* key, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
......@@ -136,7 +128,7 @@ int32_t streamStateGetBatchSize(void* pBatch);
void streamStateClearBatch(void* pBatch);
void streamStateDestroyBatch(void* pBatch);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen);
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, void* pBatch);
// int32_t streamDefaultIter_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, const void* start, const void* end, SArray* result);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ int32_t streamStateGetBatchSize(void* pBatch) {
void streamStateClearBatch(void* pBatch) { rocksdb_writebatch_clear((rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch); }
void streamStateDestroyBatch(void* pBatch) { rocksdb_writebatch_destroy((rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch); }
int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen) {
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl) {
int i = streamGetInit(cfName);
if (i < 0) {
......@@ -1990,7 +1990,7 @@ int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_wr
int32_t klen = ginitDict[i].enFunc((void*)key, buf);
char* ttlV = NULL;
int32_t ttlVLen = ginitDict[i].enValueFunc(val, vlen, 0, &ttlV);
int32_t ttlVLen = ginitDict[i].enValueFunc(val, vlen, ttl, &ttlV);
rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* pCf = pState->pTdbState->pHandle[ginitDict[i].idx];
rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf((rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch, pCf, buf, (size_t)klen, ttlV, (size_t)ttlVLen);
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ SStreamState* streamStateOpen(char* path, SStreamTask* pTask, bool specPath, int
pState->taskId = pTask->id.taskId;
pState->streamId = pTask->id.streamId;
qWarn("open stream state1");
// qWarn("open stream state1");
taosAcquireRef(pTask->pMeta->streamBackendId, pTask->pMeta->streamBackendRid);
int code = streamStateOpenBackend(pTask->pMeta->streamBackend, pState);
if (code == -1) {
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ SStreamState* streamStateOpen(char* path, SStreamTask* pTask, bool specPath, int
pState = NULL;
qWarn("open stream state2, %s", statePath);
// qWarn("open stream state2, %s", statePath);
pState->pTdbState->pOwner = pTask;
pState->pFileState = NULL;
_hash_fn_t hashFn = taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT);
......@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ void streamStateClose(SStreamState* pState, bool remove) {
// streamStateCloseBackend(pState);
streamStateDestroy(pState, remove);
taosReleaseRef(pTask->pMeta->streamBackendId, pTask->pMeta->streamBackendRid);
tdbCommit(pState->pTdbState->db, pState->pTdbState->txn);
tdbPostCommit(pState->pTdbState->db, pState->pTdbState->txn);
......@@ -236,7 +237,6 @@ void streamStateClose(SStreamState* pState, bool remove) {
taosReleaseRef(pTask->pMeta->streamBackendId, pTask->pMeta->streamBackendRid);
int32_t streamStateBegin(SStreamState* pState) {
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ int32_t streamStateSaveInfo(SStreamState* pState, void* pKey, int32_t keyLen, vo
int32_t code = 0;
void* batch = streamStateCreateBatch();
code = streamStatePutBatch(pState, "default", batch, pKey, pVal, vLen);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pState, "default", batch, pKey, pVal, vLen, 0);
if (code != 0) {
return code;
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ int32_t flushSnapshot(SStreamFileState* pFileState, SStreamSnapshot* pSnapshot,
SStateKey sKey = {.key = *((SWinKey*)pPos->pKey), .opNum = ((SStreamState*)pFileState->pFileStore)->number};
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "state", batch, &sKey, pPos->pRowBuff, pFileState->rowSize);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "state", batch, &sKey, pPos->pRowBuff, pFileState->rowSize, 0);
qDebug("===stream===put %" PRId64 " to disc, res %d", sKey.key.ts, code);
if (streamStateGetBatchSize(batch) > 0) {
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ int32_t flushSnapshot(SStreamFileState* pFileState, SStreamSnapshot* pSnapshot,
int32_t len = 0;
sprintf(keyBuf, "%s:%" PRId64 "", taskKey, ((SStreamState*)pFileState->pFileStore)->checkPointId);
streamFileStateEncode(&pFileState->flushMark, &valBuf, &len);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "default", batch, keyBuf, valBuf, len);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "default", batch, keyBuf, valBuf, len, 0);
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ int32_t flushSnapshot(SStreamFileState* pFileState, SStreamSnapshot* pSnapshot,
int32_t len = 0;
memcpy(keyBuf, taskKey, strlen(taskKey));
len = sprintf(valBuf, "%" PRId64 "", ((SStreamState*)pFileState->pFileStore)->checkPointId);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "default", batch, keyBuf, valBuf, len);
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "default", batch, keyBuf, valBuf, len, 0);
streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(pFileState->pFileStore, batch);
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