未验证 提交 eae7b432 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21672 from taosdata/opt/optBatchWrite

opt batch write
......@@ -122,12 +122,17 @@ char* streamDefaultIterKey_rocksdb(void* iter, int32_t* len);
char* streamDefaultIterVal_rocksdb(void* iter, int32_t* len);
// batch func
int streamStateGetCfIdx(SStreamState* pState, const char* funcName);
void* streamStateCreateBatch();
int32_t streamStateGetBatchSize(void* pBatch);
void streamStateClearBatch(void* pBatch);
void streamStateDestroyBatch(void* pBatch);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl);
int32_t streamStatePutBatchOptimize(SStreamState* pState, int32_t cfIdx, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl, void* tmpBuf);
int32_t streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, void* pBatch);
// int32_t streamDefaultIter_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, const void* start, const void* end, SArray* result);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ const char* compareParKeyName(void* name);
const char* comparePartagKeyName(void* name);
void* streamBackendInit(const char* path) {
uint32_t dbMemLimit = nextPow2(tsMaxStreamBackendCache) << 20;
qDebug("start to init stream backend at %s", path);
SBackendHandle* pHandle = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SBackendHandle));
pHandle->list = tdListNew(sizeof(SCfComparator));
......@@ -90,19 +92,22 @@ void* streamBackendInit(const char* path) {
rocksdb_env_t* env = rocksdb_create_default_env(); // rocksdb_envoptions_create();
rocksdb_cache_t* cache = rocksdb_cache_create_lru(64 << 20);
int32_t nBGThread = tsNumOfSnodeStreamThreads <= 2 ? 1 : tsNumOfSnodeStreamThreads / 2;
rocksdb_env_set_low_priority_background_threads(env, nBGThread);
rocksdb_env_set_high_priority_background_threads(env, nBGThread);
rocksdb_cache_t* cache = rocksdb_cache_create_lru(dbMemLimit / 2);
rocksdb_options_t* opts = rocksdb_options_create();
rocksdb_options_set_env(opts, env);
rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(opts, 1);
rocksdb_options_set_create_missing_column_families(opts, 1);
rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(opts, 48 << 20);
rocksdb_options_set_max_total_wal_size(opts, 128 << 20);
rocksdb_options_set_max_total_wal_size(opts, dbMemLimit);
rocksdb_options_set_recycle_log_file_num(opts, 6);
rocksdb_options_set_max_write_buffer_number(opts, 2);
rocksdb_options_set_max_write_buffer_number(opts, 3);
rocksdb_options_set_info_log_level(opts, 0);
uint32_t dbLimit = nextPow2(tsMaxStreamBackendCache);
rocksdb_options_set_db_write_buffer_size(opts, dbLimit << 20);
rocksdb_options_set_db_write_buffer_size(opts, dbMemLimit);
rocksdb_options_set_write_buffer_size(opts, dbMemLimit / 2);
pHandle->env = env;
pHandle->dbOpt = opts;
......@@ -210,7 +215,6 @@ void streamBackendDelCompare(void* backend, void* arg) {
void streamStateDestroy_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, bool remove) { streamStateCloseBackend(pState, remove); }
static bool streamStateIterSeekAndValid(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, char* buf, size_t len);
int streamGetInit(SStreamState* pState, const char* funcName);
// |key|-----value------|
// |key|ttl|len|userData|
......@@ -557,14 +561,20 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t encodeValueFunc(void* value, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl, char** dest) {
SStreamValue key = {.unixTimestamp = ttl, .len = vlen, .data = (char*)(value)};
char* p = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + key.len);
char* buf = p;
int32_t len = 0;
len += taosEncodeFixedI64((void**)&buf, key.unixTimestamp);
len += taosEncodeFixedI32((void**)&buf, key.len);
len += taosEncodeBinary((void**)&buf, (char*)value, vlen);
*dest = p;
int32_t len = 0;
if (*dest == NULL) {
char* p = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + key.len);
char* buf = p;
len += taosEncodeFixedI64((void**)&buf, key.unixTimestamp);
len += taosEncodeFixedI32((void**)&buf, key.len);
len += taosEncodeBinary((void**)&buf, (char*)value, vlen);
*dest = p;
} else {
char* buf = *dest;
len += taosEncodeFixedI64((void**)&buf, key.unixTimestamp);
len += taosEncodeFixedI32((void**)&buf, key.len);
len += taosEncodeBinary((void**)&buf, (char*)value, vlen);
return len;
......@@ -713,7 +723,7 @@ int32_t streamStateOpenBackendCf(void* backend, char* name, char** cfs, int32_t
rocksdb_options_set_block_based_table_factory((rocksdb_options_t*)cfOpts[i], tableOpt);
params[i].tableOpt = tableOpt;
int idx = streamGetInit(NULL, funcname);
int idx = streamStateGetCfIdx(NULL, funcname);
SCfInit* cfPara = &ginitDict[idx];
rocksdb_comparator_t* compare =
......@@ -744,7 +754,7 @@ int32_t streamStateOpenBackendCf(void* backend, char* name, char** cfs, int32_t
char idstr[128] = {0};
sprintf(idstr, "0x%" PRIx64 "-%d", streamId, taskId);
int idx = streamGetInit(NULL, funcname);
int idx = streamStateGetCfIdx(NULL, funcname);
RocksdbCfInst* inst = NULL;
RocksdbCfInst** pInst = taosHashGet(handle->cfInst, idstr, strlen(idstr) + 1);
......@@ -872,7 +882,7 @@ int streamStateOpenBackend(void* backend, SStreamState* pState) {
taosThreadRwlockInit(&pState->pTdbState->rwLock, NULL);
SCfComparator compare = {.comp = pCompare, .numOfComp = cfLen};
pState->pTdbState->pComparNode = streamBackendAddCompare(handle, &compare);
// rocksdb_writeoptions_disable_WAL(pState->pTdbState->writeOpts, 1);
rocksdb_writeoptions_disable_WAL(pState->pTdbState->writeOpts, 1);
qInfo("succ to open state %p on backend, %p, 0x%" PRIx64 "-%d", pState, handle, pState->streamId, pState->taskId);
return 0;
......@@ -955,7 +965,7 @@ void streamStateDestroyCompar(void* arg) {
int streamGetInit(SStreamState* pState, const char* funcName) {
int streamStateGetCfIdx(SStreamState* pState, const char* funcName) {
int idx = -1;
size_t len = strlen(funcName);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ginitDict) / sizeof(ginitDict[0]); i++) {
......@@ -1002,7 +1012,7 @@ bool streamStateIterSeekAndValid(rocksdb_iterator_t* iter, char* buf, size_t len
rocksdb_iterator_t* streamStateIterCreate(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_snapshot_t** snapshot,
rocksdb_readoptions_t** readOpt) {
int idx = streamGetInit(pState, cfName);
int idx = streamStateGetCfIdx(pState, cfName);
if (snapshot != NULL) {
*snapshot = (rocksdb_snapshot_t*)rocksdb_create_snapshot(pState->pTdbState->rocksdb);
......@@ -1022,7 +1032,7 @@ rocksdb_iterator_t* streamStateIterCreate(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfNa
code = 0; \
char buf[128] = {0}; \
char* err = NULL; \
int i = streamGetInit(pState, funcname); \
int i = streamStateGetCfIdx(pState, funcname); \
if (i < 0) { \
qWarn("streamState failed to get cf name: %s", funcname); \
code = -1; \
......@@ -1053,7 +1063,7 @@ rocksdb_iterator_t* streamStateIterCreate(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfNa
code = 0; \
char buf[128] = {0}; \
char* err = NULL; \
int i = streamGetInit(pState, funcname); \
int i = streamStateGetCfIdx(pState, funcname); \
if (i < 0) { \
qWarn("streamState failed to get cf name: %s", funcname); \
code = -1; \
......@@ -1101,7 +1111,7 @@ rocksdb_iterator_t* streamStateIterCreate(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfNa
code = 0; \
char buf[128] = {0}; \
char* err = NULL; \
int i = streamGetInit(pState, funcname); \
int i = streamStateGetCfIdx(pState, funcname); \
if (i < 0) { \
qWarn("streamState failed to get cf name: %s_%s", pState->pTdbState->idstr, funcname); \
code = -1; \
......@@ -2041,7 +2051,7 @@ void streamStateClearBatch(void* pBatch) { rocksdb_writebatch_clear((rocksdb_
void streamStateDestroyBatch(void* pBatch) { rocksdb_writebatch_destroy((rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch); }
int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl) {
int i = streamGetInit(pState, cfName);
int i = streamStateGetCfIdx(pState, cfName);
if (i < 0) {
qError("streamState failed to put to cf name:%s", cfName);
......@@ -2057,6 +2067,21 @@ int32_t streamStatePutBatch(SStreamState* pState, const char* cfName, rocksdb_wr
return 0;
int32_t streamStatePutBatchOptimize(SStreamState* pState, int32_t cfIdx, rocksdb_writebatch_t* pBatch, void* key,
void* val, int32_t vlen, int64_t ttl, void* tmpBuf) {
char buf[128] = {0};
int32_t klen = ginitDict[cfIdx].enFunc((void*)key, buf);
char* ttlV = tmpBuf;
int32_t ttlVLen = ginitDict[cfIdx].enValueFunc(val, vlen, ttl, &ttlV);
rocksdb_column_family_handle_t* pCf = pState->pTdbState->pHandle[ginitDict[cfIdx].idx];
rocksdb_writebatch_put_cf((rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch, pCf, buf, (size_t)klen, ttlV, (size_t)ttlVLen);
if (tmpBuf == NULL) {
return 0;
int32_t streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(SStreamState* pState, void* pBatch) {
char* err = NULL;
rocksdb_write(pState->pTdbState->rocksdb, pState->pTdbState->writeOpts, (rocksdb_writebatch_t*)pBatch, &err);
......@@ -350,6 +350,11 @@ int32_t flushSnapshot(SStreamFileState* pFileState, SStreamSnapshot* pSnapshot,
const int32_t BATCH_LIMIT = 256;
SListNode* pNode = NULL;
int idx = streamStateGetCfIdx(pFileState->pFileStore, "state");
int32_t len = pFileState->rowSize + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + 1;
char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, len);
void* batch = streamStateCreateBatch();
while ((pNode = tdListNext(&iter)) != NULL && code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
SRowBuffPos* pPos = *(SRowBuffPos**)pNode->data;
......@@ -360,9 +365,13 @@ int32_t flushSnapshot(SStreamFileState* pFileState, SStreamSnapshot* pSnapshot,
SStateKey sKey = {.key = *((SWinKey*)pPos->pKey), .opNum = ((SStreamState*)pFileState->pFileStore)->number};
code = streamStatePutBatch(pFileState->pFileStore, "state", batch, &sKey, pPos->pRowBuff, pFileState->rowSize, 0);
code = streamStatePutBatchOptimize(pFileState->pFileStore, idx, batch, &sKey, pPos->pRowBuff, pFileState->rowSize,
0, buf);
memset(buf, 0, len);
qDebug("===stream===put %" PRId64 " to disc, res %d", sKey.key.ts, code);
if (streamStateGetBatchSize(batch) > 0) {
code = streamStatePutBatch_rocksdb(pFileState->pFileStore, batch);
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