未验证 提交 ea6aa64e 编写于 作者: G Ganlin Zhao 提交者: GitHub

Merge branch '2.4' into fix/TD-12614-2.4

......@@ -170,6 +170,16 @@ void tscAddIntoStreamList(SSqlStream *pStream) {
STscObj * pObj = pStream->pSql->pTscObj;
//check if newly added stream node is present
//in the streamList to prevent loop in the list
SSqlStream *iter = pObj->streamList;
while (iter) {
if (pStream == iter) {
iter = iter->next;
pStream->next = pObj->streamList;
if (pObj->streamList) pObj->streamList->prev = pStream;
......@@ -2864,6 +2864,13 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t col
char val[8] = {0};
int64_t tickPerSec = 0;
char *exprToken = tcalloc(pParamElem[1].pNode->exprToken.n + 1, sizeof(char));
memcpy(exprToken, pParamElem[1].pNode->exprToken.z, pParamElem[1].pNode->exprToken.n);
if (pParamElem[1].pNode->exprToken.type == TK_NOW || strstr(exprToken, "now")) {
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg2);
if ((TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL == pParamElem[1].pNode->value.nType) || tVariantDump(&pParamElem[1].pNode->value, (char*) &tickPerSec, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, true) < 0) {
......@@ -2878,7 +2885,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t col
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg10);
} else if (tickPerSec <= 0) {
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg16);
tscExprAddParams(&pExpr->base, (char*) &tickPerSec, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, LONG_BYTES);
if (functionId == TSDB_FUNC_DERIVATIVE) {
......@@ -4918,14 +4925,14 @@ static int32_t validateNullExpr(tSqlExpr* pExpr, STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pSchema[index].type) || pSchema[index].type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
char *v = strndup(pRight->exprToken.z, pRight->exprToken.n);
int32_t len = strRmquote(v, pRight->exprToken.n);
if (len > 0) {
uint32_t type = 0;
tGetToken(v, &type);
if (type == TK_NULL) {
if (type == TK_NULL) {
return invalidOperationMsg(msgBuf, msg);
......@@ -1479,6 +1479,18 @@ void handleDownstreamOperator(SSqlObj** pSqlObjList, int32_t numOfUpstream, SQue
// set input data order to param[1]
if(pex->base.functionId == TSDB_FUNC_FIRST || pex->base.functionId == TSDB_FUNC_FIRST_DST ||
pex->base.functionId == TSDB_FUNC_LAST || pex->base.functionId == TSDB_FUNC_LAST_DST) {
// set input order
SQueryInfo* pInputQI = pSqlObjList[0]->cmd.pQueryInfo;
if(pInputQI) {
pex->base.numOfParams = 3;
pex->base.param[2].nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
pex->base.param[2].i64 = pInputQI->order.order;
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" create QInfo 0x%"PRIx64" to execute the main query while all nest queries are ready", pSql->self, pSql->self);
......@@ -4303,6 +4315,11 @@ void executeQuery(SSqlObj* pSql, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo) {
// create sub query to handle the sub query.
SQueryInfo* pq = tscGetQueryInfo(&psub->cmd);
STableMetaInfo* pSubMeta = tscGetMetaInfo(pq, 0);
executeQuery(psub, pq);
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static void *shellCheckThreadFp(void *arg) {
char *tbname = tbNames[t];
if (tbname == NULL) break;
snprintf(sql, SHELL_SQL_LEN, "select last_row(_c0) from %s;", tbname);
snprintf(sql, SHELL_SQL_LEN, "select count(*) from %s;", tbname);
TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(pThread->taos, sql);
int32_t code = taos_errno(pSql);
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void mnodeCheckUnCreatedVgroup(SDnodeObj *pDnode, SVnodeLoad *pVloads, int32_
int32_t mnodeCreateVgroup(struct SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
void mnodeDropVgroup(SVgObj *pVgroup, void *ahandle);
void mnodeAlterVgroup(SVgObj *pVgroup, void *ahandle);
int32_t mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(struct SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SVgObj **pVgroup, int32_t *sid);
int32_t mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(struct SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SVgObj **pVgroup, int32_t *sid, int32_t vgId);
int32_t mnodeAddTableIntoVgroup(SVgObj *pVgroup, SCTableObj *pTable, bool needCheck);
void mnodeRemoveTableFromVgroup(SVgObj *pVgroup, SCTableObj *pTable);
......@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@
// informal
#define META_SYNC_TABLE_NAME "_taos_meta_sync_table_name_taos_"
static int32_t tsMetaSyncOption = 0;
// informal
int64_t tsCTableRid = -1;
static void * tsChildTableSdb;
int64_t tsSTableRid = -1;
......@@ -1726,6 +1732,9 @@ int32_t mnodeRetrieveShowSuperTables(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows,
mDebug("stable: %s, uid: %" PRIu64, prefix, pTable->uid);
......@@ -2227,9 +2236,19 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessCreateChildTableMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
if (pMsg->pTable == NULL) {
SVgObj *pVgroup = NULL;
int32_t tid = 0;
code = mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(pMsg, &pVgroup, &tid);
int32_t vgId = 0;
if (tsMetaSyncOption) {
char *pTbName = strchr(pCreate->tableName, '.');
if (pTbName && (pTbName = strchr(pTbName + 1, '.'))) {
if (0 == strncmp(META_SYNC_TABLE_NAME, ++pTbName, META_SYNC_TABLE_NAME_LEN)) {
vgId = atoi(pTbName + META_SYNC_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
code = mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(pMsg, &pVgroup, &tid, vgId);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
mDebug("msg:%p, app:%p table:%s, failed to get available vgroup, reason:%s", pMsg, pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
mError("msg:%p, app:%p table:%s, failed to get available vgroup, reason:%s", pMsg, pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
pCreate->tableName, tstrerror(code));
return code;
......@@ -428,10 +428,47 @@ static int32_t mnodeAllocVgroupIdPool(SVgObj *pInputVgroup) {
int32_t mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SVgObj **ppVgroup, int32_t *pSid) {
int32_t mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SVgObj **ppVgroup, int32_t *pSid, int32_t vgId) {
SDbObj *pDb = pMsg->pDb;
if (vgId > 0) {
for (int32_t v = 0; v < pDb->numOfVgroups; ++v) {
SVgObj *pVgroup = pDb->vgList[v];
if (pVgroup == NULL) {
mError("db:%s, vgroup: %d is null", pDb->name, v);
if (pVgroup->vgId != (uint32_t)vgId) { // find the target vgId
int32_t sid = taosAllocateId(pVgroup->idPool);
if (sid <= 0) {
int curMaxId = taosIdPoolMaxSize(pVgroup->idPool);
if ((taosUpdateIdPool(pVgroup->idPool, curMaxId + 1) < 0) || ((sid = taosAllocateId(pVgroup->idPool)) <= 0)) {
mError("msg:%p, app:%p db:%s, no enough sid in vgId:%d", pMsg, pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle, pDb->name,
mDebug("vgId:%d, alloc tid:%d", pVgroup->vgId, sid);
*pSid = sid;
*ppVgroup = pVgroup;
pDb->vgListIndex = v;
mError("db:%s, vgroup: %d not exist", pDb->name, vgId);
for (int32_t v = 0; v < pDb->numOfVgroups; ++v) {
int vgIndex = (v + pDb->vgListIndex) % pDb->numOfVgroups;
SVgObj *pVgroup = pDb->vgList[vgIndex];
......@@ -458,14 +458,18 @@ static void monBuildMonitorSql(char *sql, int32_t cmd) {
", expire_time int, timeseries_used int, timeseries_total int)",
} else if (cmd == MON_CMD_CREATE_MT_RESTFUL) {
int usedLen = 0, len = 0;
int pos = snprintf(sql, SQL_LENGTH,
"create table if not exists %s.restful_info(ts timestamp", tsMonitorDbName);
usedLen += pos;
for (int i = 0; i < tListLen(monHttpStatusTable); ++i) {
pos += snprintf(sql + pos, SQL_LENGTH, ", `%s(%d)` int",
len = snprintf(sql + pos, SQL_LENGTH - usedLen, ", %s_%d int",
usedLen += len;
pos += len;
snprintf(sql + pos, SQL_LENGTH,
snprintf(sql + pos, SQL_LENGTH - usedLen,
") tags (dnode_id int, dnode_ep binary(%d))",
} else if (cmd == MON_CMD_CREATE_TB_RESTFUL) {
Subproject commit 273b5219f8bcc604e43beebc6f1f95abed85170a
Subproject commit 47fb0b3e627ddadf1ca983c1d75b9a4e44cd98fd
......@@ -1620,33 +1620,65 @@ static bool first_last_function_setup(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SResultRowCellInfo*
// todo opt for null block
static void first_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
SResultRowCellInfo* pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
int32_t notNullElems = 0;
// handle the null value
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCtx->size; ++i) {
char *data = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
if (pCtx->hasNull && isNull(data, pCtx->inputType)) {
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, data, pCtx->inputBytes);
if (pCtx->ptsList != NULL) {
TSKEY k = GET_TS_DATA(pCtx, i);
int32_t step = 1;
int32_t i = 0;
bool inputAsc = true;
// input data come from sub query, input data order equal to sub query order
if(pCtx->numOfParams == 3) {
if(pCtx->param[2].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT && pCtx->param[2].i64 == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
step = -1;
i = pCtx->size - 1;
inputAsc = false;
} else if (pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
return ;
if(pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC && inputAsc) {
for (int32_t m = 0; m < pCtx->size; ++m, i+=step) {
char *data = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
if (pCtx->hasNull && isNull(data, pCtx->inputType)) {
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, data, pCtx->inputBytes);
if (pCtx->ptsList != NULL) {
TSKEY k = GET_TS_DATA(pCtx, i);
SResultRowCellInfo *pInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
pInfo->hasResult = DATA_SET_FLAG;
pInfo->complete = true;
} else { // desc order
for (int32_t m = 0; m < pCtx->size; ++m, i+=step) {
char *data = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
if (pCtx->hasNull && isNull(data, pCtx->inputType) && (!pCtx->requireNull)) {
SResultRowCellInfo *pInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
pInfo->hasResult = DATA_SET_FLAG;
pInfo->complete = true;
TSKEY ts = pCtx->ptsList ? GET_TS_DATA(pCtx, i) : 0;
char* buf = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
if (pResInfo->hasResult != DATA_SET_FLAG || (*(TSKEY*)buf) > ts) {
pResInfo->hasResult = DATA_SET_FLAG;
memcpy(pCtx->pOutput, data, pCtx->inputBytes);
*(TSKEY*)buf = ts;
SET_VAL(pCtx, notNullElems, 1);
......@@ -1730,16 +1762,23 @@ static void first_dist_func_merge(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
* least one data in this block that is not null.(TODO opt for this case)
static void last_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
SResultRowCellInfo* pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
int32_t notNullElems = 0;
int32_t step = -1;
int32_t i = pCtx->size - 1;
// input data come from sub query, input data order equal to sub query order
if(pCtx->numOfParams == 3) {
if(pCtx->param[2].nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT && pCtx->param[2].i64 == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
step = 1;
i = 0;
} else if (pCtx->order != pCtx->param[0].i64) {
SResultRowCellInfo* pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
int32_t notNullElems = 0;
if (pCtx->order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
for (int32_t i = pCtx->size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int32_t m = pCtx->size - 1; m >= 0; --m, i += step) {
char *data = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
if (pCtx->hasNull && isNull(data, pCtx->inputType) && (!pCtx->requireNull)) {
......@@ -1756,7 +1795,7 @@ static void last_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
} else { // ascending order
for (int32_t i = pCtx->size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (int32_t m = pCtx->size - 1; m >= 0; --m, i += step) {
char *data = GET_INPUT_DATA(pCtx, i);
if (pCtx->hasNull && isNull(data, pCtx->inputType) && (!pCtx->requireNull)) {
......@@ -5612,6 +5612,18 @@ static int32_t getTableScanOrder(STableScanInfo* pTableScanInfo) {
return pTableScanInfo->order;
// check all SQLFunctionCtx is completed
static bool allCtxCompleted(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SQLFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
// only one false, return false
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pOperator->numOfOutput; i++) {
if(pCtx[i].resultInfo == NULL)
return false;
return false;
return true;
// this is a blocking operator
static SSDataBlock* doAggregate(void* param, bool* newgroup) {
SOperatorInfo* pOperator = (SOperatorInfo*) param;
......@@ -5650,6 +5662,9 @@ static SSDataBlock* doAggregate(void* param, bool* newgroup) {
// the pDataBlock are always the same one, no need to call this again
setInputDataBlock(pOperator, pInfo->pCtx, pBlock, order);
doAggregateImpl(pOperator, pQueryAttr->window.skey, pInfo->pCtx, pBlock);
// if all pCtx is completed, then query should be over
if(allCtxCompleted(pOperator, pInfo->pCtx))
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ static void doFillOneRowResult(SFillInfo* pFillInfo, void** data, char** srcData
setNullValueForRow(pFillInfo, data, pFillInfo->numOfCols, index);
} else if (pFillInfo->type == TSDB_FILL_LINEAR) {
// TODO : linear interpolation supports NULL value
if (prev != NULL && !outOfBound) {
for (int32_t i = 1; i < pFillInfo->numOfCols; ++i) {
SFillColInfo* pCol = &pFillInfo->pFillCol[i];
......@@ -121,6 +120,10 @@ static void doFillOneRowResult(SFillInfo* pFillInfo, void** data, char** srcData
bool exceedMax = false, exceedMin = false;
point1 = (SPoint){.key = *(TSKEY*)(prev), .val = prev + pCol->col.offset};
point2 = (SPoint){.key = ts, .val = srcData[i] + pFillInfo->index * bytes};
if (isNull(point2.val, type)) {
setNull(val1, pCol->col.type, bytes);
point = (SPoint){.key = pFillInfo->currentKey, .val = val1};
taosGetLinearInterpolationVal(&point, type, &point1, &point2, type, &exceedMax, &exceedMin);
# Copyright (c) 2021 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
class TDTestCase:
def caseDescription(self):
case1<shenglian zhou>: [TS-2016]fix select * from (select * from empty_stable)
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
self._conn = conn
def run(self):
print("running {}".format(__file__))
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists td12229")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists td12229")
tdSql.execute('use td12229')
tdSql.execute('create stable st(ts timestamp , value int ) tags (ind int)')
tdSql.execute('insert into tb1 using st tags(1) values(now ,1)')
tdSql.execute('insert into tb1 using st tags(1) values(now+1s ,2)')
tdSql.execute('insert into tb1 using st tags(1) values(now+2s ,3)')
tdSql.execute('create stable ste(ts timestamp , value int ) tags (ind int)')
tdSql.query('select * from st')
tdSql.query('select * from (select * from ste)')
tdSql.query('select * from st union all select * from ste')
tdSql.query('select * from ste union all select * from st')
tdSql.query('select elapsed(ts) from ste group by tbname union all select elapsed(ts) from st group by tbname;')
tdSql.query('select elapsed(ts) from st group by tbname union all select elapsed(ts) from ste group by tbname;')
tdSql.execute('drop database td12229')
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ts_hidden_column.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/union-order.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/session_two_stage.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/timeline_agg_func_groupby.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/ts_2016.py
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f stream/stream1.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/stream2.py
#python3 ./test.py -f stream/parser.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/history.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/sys.py
#python3 ./test.py -f stream/sys.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/table_1.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/table_n.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/showStreamExecTimeisNull.py
......@@ -195,4 +195,4 @@ python3 ./test.py -f functions/function_percentile2.py
python3 ./test.py -f functions/variable_httpDbNameMandatory.py
######## system-test
#python3 ./test.py -f ../system-test/2-query/9-others/TD-11389.py # this case will run when this bug fix TD-11389
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/taosdemoTestInsertAllType.py
python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/taosdemoTestInsertShell.py
python3 test.py -f query/distinctOneColTb.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryBase.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/distinctOneColTb.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/filter.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/filterCombo.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryNormal.py
......@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 1s, 1) from tb2")
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 10s, 0) from tb2")
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 999ms, 0) from tb2")
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, now, 0) from tb2") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, now+3d-8h+6m, 0) from tb2") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 3d-8h+now+6m, 0) from tb2") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 10s, 1) from stb")
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 10s, 1) from stb group by col")
......@@ -150,6 +153,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 10y, 0) from stb group by tbname") #TD-10399, DB error: syntax error near '10y, 0) from stb group by tbname;'
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, -106752d, 0) from stb group by tbname") #TD-10398 overflow tips
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 106751991168d, 0) from stb group by tbname") #TD-10398 overflow tips
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, now, 1) from stb") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, now+3d-8h+6m, 1) from stb") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
tdSql.error("select derivative(col, 3d-8h+now+6m, 1) from stb") #TD-11983 now not allowed in second param
def run(self):
......@@ -345,7 +345,9 @@ class ElapsedCase:
tdSql.error("select elapsed(*) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, '1s') from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, i) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
#tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, now) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, now) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, now-7d+2h-3m+2s) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, 7d+2h+now+3m+2s) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, ts) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts + 1) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
tdSql.error("select elapsed(ts, 1b) from t1 where ts > '2021-11-22 00:00:00' and ts < '2021-11-23 00:00:00'")
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# query base function test case
import sys
from numpy.lib.function_base import insert
import taos
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import numpy as np
# constant define
WAITS = 5 # wait seconds
class TDTestCase:
# --------------- main frame -------------------
def caseDescription(self):
Query moudle base api or keyword test case:
case1: api first() last()
case2: none
# init
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.ts = 1500000000000
# run case
def run(self):
# insert data
self.insert_data("t1", self.ts, 1*10000, 30000, 0);
self.insert_data("t2", self.ts, 2*10000, 30000, 100000);
self.insert_data("t3", self.ts, 3*10000, 30000, 200000);
# test base case
tdLog.debug(" QUERYBASE first() api ............ [OK]")
# test advance case
tdLog.debug(" QUERYBASE last() api ............ [OK]")
# stop
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
# --------------- case -------------------
# create table
def create_tables(self):
# super table
tdSql.execute("create table st(ts timestamp, i1 int) tags(area int)");
# child table
tdSql.execute("create table t1 using st tags(1)");
tdSql.execute("create table t2 using st tags(2)");
tdSql.execute("create table t3 using st tags(3)");
# insert data1
def insert_data(self, tbname, ts_start, count, batch_num, base):
pre_insert = "insert into %s values"%tbname
sql = pre_insert
tdLog.debug("doing insert table %s rows=%d ..."%(tbname, count))
for i in range(count):
sql += " (%d,%d)"%(ts_start + i*1000, base + i)
if i >0 and i%batch_num == 0:
sql = pre_insert
# end sql
if sql != pre_insert:
tdLog.debug("INSERT TABLE DATA ............ [OK]")
# first case base
def case_first(self):
# last base function
# base t1 table
sql = "select first(*) from t1 where ts>='2017-07-14 12:40:00' order by ts asc;"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
sql = "select first(*) from t1 where ts>='2017-07-14 12:40:00' order by ts desc;" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
# super table st
sql = "select first(*) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' and tbname in('t1') order by ts;"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 3600)
sql = "select first(*) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' and tbname in('t1') order by ts desc;" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 3600)
# sub query
sql = "select first(*) from ( select sum(i1) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<'2017-07-14 12:40:00' interval(10m) order by ts asc );"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 187019100)
sql = "select first(*) from ( select sum(i1) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<'2017-07-14 12:40:00' interval(10m) order by ts desc );" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 187019100)
# last case
def case_last(self):
# last base test
# base t1 table
sql = "select last(*) from t1 where ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' order by ts asc;"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
sql = "select last(*) from t1 where ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' order by ts desc;" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
# super table st
sql = "select last(*) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' and tbname in('t1') order by ts;"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
sql = "select last(*) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<='2017-07-14 12:40:00' and tbname in('t1') order by ts desc;" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 7200)
# sub query
sql = "select last(*) from ( select sum(i1) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<'2017-07-14 12:40:00' interval(10m) order by ts asc );"
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 192419100)
sql = "select last(*) from ( select sum(i1) from st where ts>='2017-07-14 11:40:00' and ts<'2017-07-14 12:40:00' interval(10m) order by ts desc );" # desc
tdSql.waitedQuery(sql, 1, WAITS)
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 192419100)
# add case with filename
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
table_name = tdCom.getLongName(8, "letters_mixed")
while table_name.islower():
table_name = tdCom.getLongName(8, "letters_mixed")
table_name_sub = f'{table_name}_sub'
tb_name_lower = table_name_sub.lower()
tb_name_upper = table_name_sub.upper()
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