提交 e99b33ed 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

more code

上级 bdc9fc47
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int32_t tsdbCloseFS(STFileSystem **fs);
int32_t tsdbFSCreateCopySnapshot(STFileSystem *fs, TFileSetArray **fsetArr);
int32_t tsdbFSDestroyCopySnapshot(TFileSetArray **fsetArr);
// txn
int32_t tsdbFSAllocEid(STFileSystem *fs, int64_t *eid);
int64_t tsdbFSAllocEid(STFileSystem *fs);
int32_t tsdbFSEditBegin(STFileSystem *fs, const TFileOpArray *opArray, EFEditT etype);
int32_t tsdbFSEditCommit(STFileSystem *fs);
int32_t tsdbFSEditAbort(STFileSystem *fs);
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetApplyEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, const STFileSet *fset1, STFileSet *f
// max commit id
int64_t tsdbTFileSetMaxCid(const STFileSet *fset);
// get
SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level);
SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level);
// is empty
bool tsdbTFileSetIsEmpty(const STFileSet *fset);
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ int32_t tsdbIterClose(STsdbIter **iter);
int32_t tsdbIterNext(STsdbIter *iter);
// SIterMerger ===============
int32_t tsdbIterMergerInit(const TTsdbIterArray *iterArray, SIterMerger **merger);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerClear(SIterMerger **merger);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerOpen(const TTsdbIterArray *iterArray, SIterMerger **merger);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerClose(SIterMerger **merger);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerNext(SIterMerger *merger);
SRowInfo *tsdbIterMergerGet(SIterMerger *merger);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerSkipTableData(SIterMerger *merger, const TABLEID *tbid);
......@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ struct SSttFileReaderConfig {
STsdb *tsdb;
int32_t szPage;
STFile file[1];
SSkmInfo *skmTb;
SSkmInfo *skmRow;
uint8_t **bufArr;
......@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
// extern dependencies
typedef struct {
STsdb *tsdb;
STsdb *tsdb;
TFileSetArray *fsetArr;
int32_t minutes;
int8_t precision;
int32_t minRow;
int32_t maxRow;
int8_t cmprAlg;
int8_t sttTrigger;
int32_t sttTrigger;
int32_t szPage;
int64_t compactVersion;
struct {
int64_t cid;
int64_t now;
TSKEY nextKey;
int32_t fid;
......@@ -37,111 +41,115 @@ typedef struct {
TABLEID tbid[1];
} ctx[1];
int64_t eid; // edit id
TFileOpArray fopArray[1];
TTsdbIterArray iterArray[1];
SIterMerger *iterMerger;
// writer
SDataFileWriter *dataWriter;
SSttFileWriter *sttWriter;
SDataFileWriter *dataWriter;
} SCommitter2;
static int32_t tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(SCommitter2 *pCommitter) {
static int32_t tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(SCommitter2 *committer) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
STsdb *pTsdb = pCommitter->tsdb;
SVnode *pVnode = pTsdb->pVnode;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(pVnode);
SSttFileWriterConfig config[1];
SDiskID did[1];
if (tfsAllocDisk(pVnode->pTfs, pCommitter->ctx->expLevel, did) < 0) {
SDiskID did[1];
if (tfsAllocDisk(committer->tsdb->pVnode->pTfs, committer->ctx->expLevel, did) < 0) {
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
config->tsdb = pTsdb;
config->maxRow = pCommitter->maxRow;
config->szPage = pVnode->config.tsdbPageSize;
config->cmprAlg = pCommitter->cmprAlg;
config->skmTb = NULL;
config->skmRow = NULL;
config->aBuf = NULL;
config->file.type = TSDB_FTYPE_STT;
config->file.did = did[0];
config->file.fid = pCommitter->ctx->fid;
config->file.cid = pCommitter->eid;
config->file.size = 0;
config->file.stt->level = 0;
config->file.stt->nseg = 0;
code = tsdbSttFileWriterOpen(config, &pCommitter->sttWriter);
SSttFileWriterConfig config[1] = {{
.tsdb = committer->tsdb,
.maxRow = committer->maxRow,
.szPage = committer->tsdb->pVnode->config.tsdbPageSize,
.cmprAlg = committer->cmprAlg,
.compactVersion = committer->compactVersion,
.file =
.did = did[0],
.fid = committer->ctx->fid,
.cid = committer->ctx->cid,
code = tsdbSttFileWriterOpen(config, &committer->sttWriter);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d %s failed at line %d since %s", vid, __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), lino, code);
} else {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s success", vid, __func__);
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s success", TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), __func__);
return code;
static int32_t tsdbCommitOpenExistSttWriter(SCommitter2 *pCommitter, const STFile *pFile) {
static int32_t tsdbCommitOpenExistSttWriter(SCommitter2 *committer, const STFile *f) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
STsdb *pTsdb = pCommitter->tsdb;
SVnode *pVnode = pTsdb->pVnode;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(pVnode);
SSttFileWriterConfig config = {
.tsdb = pTsdb,
.maxRow = pCommitter->maxRow,
.szPage = pVnode->config.tsdbPageSize,
.cmprAlg = pCommitter->cmprAlg,
.skmTb = NULL,
.skmRow = NULL,
.aBuf = NULL,
.file = *pFile //
code = tsdbSttFileWriterOpen(&config, &pCommitter->sttWriter);
SSttFileWriterConfig config[1] = {{
.tsdb = committer->tsdb,
.maxRow = committer->maxRow,
.szPage = committer->szPage,
.cmprAlg = committer->cmprAlg,
.compactVersion = committer->compactVersion,
.file = f[0],
code = tsdbSttFileWriterOpen(config, &committer->sttWriter);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d %s failed at line %d since %s", vid, __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), lino, code);
} else {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s success", vid, __func__);
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s success", TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), __func__);
return code;
static int32_t tsdbCommitOpenWriter(SCommitter2 *committer) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
// stt writer
if (!committer->ctx->fset) {
return tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
code = tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
const SSttLvl *lvl0 = tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(committer->ctx->fset, 0);
if (lvl0 == NULL) {
return tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
const SSttLvl *lvl0 = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(committer->ctx->fset, 0);
if (lvl0 == NULL || TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl0->fobjArr) == 0) {
code = tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
ASSERT(TARRAY2_SIZE(lvl0->fobjArr) > 0);
STFileObj *fobj = TARRAY2_LAST(lvl0->fobjArr);
if (fobj->f->stt->nseg >= committer->sttTrigger) {
return tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
code = tsdbCommitOpenNewSttWriter(committer);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
} else {
return tsdbCommitOpenExistSttWriter(committer, fobj->f);
code = tsdbCommitOpenExistSttWriter(committer, fobj->f);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
static int32_t tsdbCommitTSRow(SCommitter2 *committer, SRowInfo *row) {
return tsdbSttFileWriteTSData(committer->sttWriter, row);
// data writer
if (0) {
if (code) {
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), lino, code);
return code;
static int32_t tsdbCommitWriteDelData(SCommitter2 *pCommitter, int64_t suid, int64_t uid, int64_t version, int64_t sKey,
static int32_t tsdbCommitWriteDelData(SCommitter2 *committer, int64_t suid, int64_t uid, int64_t version, int64_t sKey,
int64_t eKey) {
int32_t code = 0;
......@@ -174,7 +182,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitTSData(SCommitter2 *committer) {
code = TARRAY2_APPEND(committer->iterArray, iter);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
code = tsdbIterMergerInit(committer->iterArray, &committer->iterMerger);
code = tsdbIterMergerOpen(committer->iterArray, &committer->iterMerger);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// loop iter
......@@ -183,7 +191,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitTSData(SCommitter2 *committer) {
committer->ctx->tbid->suid = row->suid;
committer->ctx->tbid->uid = row->uid;
// Ignore deleted table
// Ignore table of obsolescence
SMetaInfo info[1];
if (metaGetInfo(committer->tsdb->pVnode->pMeta, row->uid, info, NULL) != 0) {
code = tsdbIterMergerSkipTableData(committer->iterMerger, committer->ctx->tbid);
......@@ -195,11 +203,10 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitTSData(SCommitter2 *committer) {
TSKEY ts = TSDBROW_TS(&row->row);
if (ts > committer->ctx->maxKey) {
committer->ctx->nextKey = TMIN(committer->ctx->nextKey, ts);
code = tsdbIterMergerSkipTableData(committer->iterMerger, committer->ctx->tbid);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
} else {
code = tsdbCommitTSRow(committer, row);
code = tsdbSttFileWriteTSData(committer->sttWriter, row);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
code = tsdbIterMergerNext(committer->iterMerger);
......@@ -216,7 +223,7 @@ _exit:
return code;
static int32_t tsdbCommitDelData(SCommitter2 *pCommitter) {
static int32_t tsdbCommitDelData(SCommitter2 *committer) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino;
......@@ -226,23 +233,23 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitDelData(SCommitter2 *pCommitter) {
ASSERTS(0, "TODO: Not implemented yet");
int64_t nDel = 0;
SMemTable *pMem = pCommitter->tsdb->imem;
SMemTable *pMem = committer->tsdb->imem;
if (pMem->nDel == 0) { // no del data
goto _exit;
for (int32_t iTbData = 0; iTbData < taosArrayGetSize(pCommitter->aTbDataP); iTbData++) {
STbData *pTbData = (STbData *)taosArrayGetP(pCommitter->aTbDataP, iTbData);
for (int32_t iTbData = 0; iTbData < taosArrayGetSize(committer->aTbDataP); iTbData++) {
STbData *pTbData = (STbData *)taosArrayGetP(committer->aTbDataP, iTbData);
for (SDelData *pDelData = pTbData->pHead; pDelData; pDelData = pDelData->pNext) {
if (pDelData->eKey < pCommitter->ctx->minKey) continue;
if (pDelData->sKey > pCommitter->ctx->maxKey) {
pCommitter->ctx->nextKey = TMIN(pCommitter->ctx->nextKey, pDelData->sKey);
if (pDelData->eKey < committer->ctx->minKey) continue;
if (pDelData->sKey > committer->ctx->maxKey) {
committer->ctx->nextKey = TMIN(committer->ctx->nextKey, pDelData->sKey);
code = tsdbCommitWriteDelData(pCommitter, pTbData->suid, pTbData->uid, pDelData->version,
code = tsdbCommitWriteDelData(committer, pTbData->suid, pTbData->uid, pDelData->version,
pDelData->sKey /* TODO */, pDelData->eKey /* TODO */);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
......@@ -250,9 +257,9 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitDelData(SCommitter2 *pCommitter) {
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed at line %d since %s", TD_VID(pCommitter->tsdb->pVnode), lino, tstrerror(code));
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed at line %d since %s", TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), lino, tstrerror(code));
} else {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, fid:%d nDel:%" PRId64, TD_VID(pCommitter->tsdb->pVnode), __func__, pCommitter->ctx->fid,
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, fid:%d nDel:%" PRId64, TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), __func__, committer->ctx->fid,
return code;
......@@ -266,17 +273,26 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitFileSetBegin(SCommitter2 *committer) {
int32_t vid = TD_VID(tsdb->pVnode);
committer->ctx->fid = tsdbKeyFid(committer->ctx->nextKey, committer->minutes, committer->precision);
committer->ctx->expLevel = tsdbFidLevel(committer->ctx->fid, &tsdb->keepCfg, committer->ctx->now);
tsdbFidKeyRange(committer->ctx->fid, committer->minutes, committer->precision, &committer->ctx->minKey,
committer->ctx->expLevel = tsdbFidLevel(committer->ctx->fid, &tsdb->keepCfg, committer->ctx->now);
committer->ctx->nextKey = TSKEY_MAX;
STFileSet fset = {.fid = committer->ctx->fid};
committer->ctx->fset = &fset;
committer->ctx->fset = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(committer->fsetArr, &committer->ctx->fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
committer->ctx->tbid->suid = 0;
committer->ctx->tbid->uid = 0;
// TODO: use a thread safe function to get fset
tsdbFSGetFSet(tsdb->pFS, committer->ctx->fid, &committer->ctx->fset);
ASSERT(TARRAY2_SIZE(committer->iterArray) == 0);
ASSERT(committer->iterMerger == NULL);
ASSERT(committer->sttWriter == NULL);
ASSERT(committer->dataWriter == NULL);
code = tsdbCommitOpenWriter(committer);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
// reset nextKey
committer->ctx->nextKey = TSKEY_MAX;
if (code) {
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(vid, lino, code);
......@@ -287,27 +303,27 @@ _exit:
return 0;
static int32_t tsdbCommitFileSetEnd(SCommitter2 *pCommitter) {
static int32_t tsdbCommitFileSetEnd(SCommitter2 *committer) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(pCommitter->tsdb->pVnode);
if (pCommitter->sttWriter == NULL) return 0;
STFileOp op;
code = tsdbSttFileWriterClose(&pCommitter->sttWriter, 0, &op);
STFileOp op[1];
code = tsdbSttFileWriterClose(&committer->sttWriter, 0, op);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (op.optype != TSDB_FOP_NONE) {
code = TARRAY2_APPEND(pCommitter->fopArray, op);
if (op->optype != TSDB_FOP_NONE) {
code = TARRAY2_APPEND_PTR(committer->fopArray, op);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
TARRAY2_CLEAR(committer->iterArray, tsdbIterClose);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed at line %d since %s", vid, lino, tstrerror(code));
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), lino, code);
} else {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, fid:%d", vid, __func__, pCommitter->ctx->fid);
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, fid:%d", TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode), __func__, committer->ctx->fid);
return code;
......@@ -349,20 +365,24 @@ static int32_t tsdbOpenCommitter(STsdb *tsdb, SCommitInfo *info, SCommitter2 *co
memset(committer, 0, sizeof(committer[0]));
committer->tsdb = tsdb;
code = tsdbFSCreateCopySnapshot(tsdb->pFS, &committer->fsetArr);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
committer->minutes = tsdb->keepCfg.days;
committer->precision = tsdb->keepCfg.precision;
committer->minRow = info->info.config.tsdbCfg.minRows;
committer->maxRow = info->info.config.tsdbCfg.maxRows;
committer->cmprAlg = info->info.config.tsdbCfg.compression;
committer->sttTrigger = info->info.config.sttTrigger;
committer->compactVersion = INT64_MAX; // TODO: use a function
tsdbFSAllocEid(tsdb->pFS, &committer->eid);
committer->szPage = info->info.config.tsdbPageSize;
committer->compactVersion = INT64_MAX;
committer->ctx->cid = tsdbFSAllocEid(tsdb->pFS);
committer->ctx->now = taosGetTimestampSec();
committer->ctx->nextKey = tsdb->imem->minKey; // TODO
if (code) {
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(vid, lino, code);
......@@ -372,28 +392,32 @@ _exit:
return code;
static int32_t tsdbCloseCommitter(SCommitter2 *pCommiter, int32_t eno) {
static int32_t tsdbCloseCommitter(SCommitter2 *committer, int32_t eno) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(pCommiter->tsdb->pVnode);
int32_t vid = TD_VID(committer->tsdb->pVnode);
if (eno == 0) {
code = tsdbFSEditBegin(pCommiter->tsdb->pFS, pCommiter->fopArray, TSDB_FEDIT_COMMIT);
code = tsdbFSEditBegin(committer->tsdb->pFS, committer->fopArray, TSDB_FEDIT_COMMIT);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
} else {
ASSERT(pCommiter->sttWriter == NULL);
ASSERT(committer->dataWriter == NULL);
ASSERT(committer->sttWriter == NULL);
ASSERT(committer->iterMerger == NULL);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d %s failed at line %d since %s, eid:%" PRId64, vid, __func__, lino, tstrerror(code),
} else {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, eid:%" PRId64, vid, __func__, pCommiter->eid);
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done, eid:%" PRId64, vid, __func__, committer->ctx->cid);
return code;
......@@ -413,15 +437,15 @@ int32_t tsdbCommitBegin(STsdb *tsdb, SCommitInfo *info) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(tsdb->pVnode);
SMemTable *memt = tsdb->imem;
int64_t nRow = memt->nRow;
int64_t nDel = memt->nDel;
SMemTable *imem = tsdb->imem;
int64_t nRow = imem->nRow;
int64_t nDel = imem->nDel;
if (!nRow && !nDel) {
tsdb->imem = NULL;
tsdbUnrefMemTable(memt, NULL, true);
tsdbUnrefMemTable(imem, NULL, true);
} else {
SCommitter2 committer[1];
......@@ -430,10 +454,7 @@ int32_t tsdbCommitBegin(STsdb *tsdb, SCommitInfo *info) {
while (committer->ctx->nextKey != TSKEY_MAX) {
code = tsdbCommitFileSet(committer);
if (code) {
lino = __LINE__;
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
code = tsdbCloseCommitter(committer, code);
......@@ -449,33 +470,32 @@ _exit:
return code;
int32_t tsdbCommitCommit(STsdb *pTsdb) {
int32_t tsdbCommitCommit(STsdb *tsdb) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t lino = 0;
int32_t vid = TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode);
if (pTsdb->imem == NULL) goto _exit;
if (tsdb->imem == NULL) goto _exit;
SMemTable *pMemTable = pTsdb->imem;
code = tsdbFSEditCommit(pTsdb->pFS);
SMemTable *pMemTable = tsdb->imem;
code = tsdbFSEditCommit(tsdb->pFS);
if (code) {
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
pTsdb->imem = NULL;
tsdb->imem = NULL;
tsdbUnrefMemTable(pMemTable, NULL, true);
// TODO: make this call async
code = tsdbMerge(pTsdb);
code = tsdbMerge(tsdb);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
if (code) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d, %s failed at line %d since %s", vid, __func__, lino, tstrerror(code));
TSDB_ERROR_LOG(TD_VID(tsdb->pVnode), lino, code);
} else {
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d %s done", vid, __func__);
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d %s done", TD_VID(tsdb->pVnode), __func__);
return code;
......@@ -538,9 +538,11 @@ int32_t tsdbCloseFS(STFileSystem **ppFS) {
return 0;
int32_t tsdbFSAllocEid(STFileSystem *pFS, int64_t *eid) {
eid[0] = ++pFS->neid; // TODO: use atomic operation
return 0;
int64_t tsdbFSAllocEid(STFileSystem *fs) {
int64_t cid = ++fs->neid;
return cid;
int32_t tsdbFSEditBegin(STFileSystem *fs, const TFileOpArray *opArray, EFEditT etype) {
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, STFileSet *fset, const STFileOp *op) {
if (code) return code;
if (fobj->f->type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) {
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(fset, fobj->f->stt->level);
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, fobj->f->stt->level);
if (!lvl) {
code = tsdbSttLvlInit(fobj->f->stt->level, &lvl);
if (code) return code;
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, STFileSet *fset, const STFileOp *op) {
} else if (op->optype == TSDB_FOP_REMOVE) {
// delete a file
if (op->of.type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) {
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level);
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level);
STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}};
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, STFileSet *fset, const STFileOp *op) {
} else {
if (op->nf.type == TSDB_FTYPE_STT) {
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level);
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level);
STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}}, *tfobjp = &tfobj;
......@@ -463,9 +463,9 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetRemove(STFileSet **fset) {
return 0;
SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level) {
SSttLvl tlvl = {.level = level};
SSttLvl *lvl = &tlvl;
SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level) {
SSttLvl sttLvl = {.level = level};
SSttLvl *lvl = &sttLvl;
return TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(fset->lvlArr, &lvl, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn, TD_EQ);
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ struct SIterMerger {
SRBTree iterTree[1];
int32_t tsdbIterMergerInit(const TTsdbIterArray *iterArray, SIterMerger **merger) {
int32_t tsdbIterMergerOpen(const TTsdbIterArray *iterArray, SIterMerger **merger) {
STsdbIter *iter;
SRBTreeNode *node;
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ int32_t tsdbIterMergerInit(const TTsdbIterArray *iterArray, SIterMerger **merger
return tsdbIterMergerNext(merger[0]);
int32_t tsdbIterMergerClear(SIterMerger **merger) {
int32_t tsdbIterMergerClose(SIterMerger **merger) {
if (merger[0]) {
merger[0] = NULL;
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbMergerOpen(SMerger *merger) {
merger->szPage = merger->tsdb->pVnode->config.tsdbPageSize;
merger->cmprAlg = merger->tsdb->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.compression;
merger->compactVersion = INT64_MAX;
tsdbFSAllocEid(merger->tsdb->pFS, &merger->cid);
merger->cid = tsdbFSAllocEid(merger->tsdb->pFS);
merger->ctx->opened = true;
return 0;
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbMergeFileSetBeginOpenIter(SMerger *merger) {
code = tsdbIterMergerInit(merger->iterArr, &merger->iterMerger);
code = tsdbIterMergerOpen(merger->iterArr, &merger->iterMerger);
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ _exit:
static int32_t tsdbMergeFileSetEndCloseIter(SMerger *merger) {
TARRAY2_CLEAR(merger->iterArr, tsdbIterClose);
return 0;
......@@ -566,5 +566,5 @@ _exit:
} else if (merger->ctx->opened) {
tsdbDebug("vgId:%d %s done", vid, __func__);
return 0;
return code;
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ struct SSttFileReader {
SSttFileReaderConfig config[1];
TSttSegReaderArray readerArray[1];
STsdbFD *fd;
uint8_t *bufArr[5];
struct SSttSegReader {
......@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ int32_t tsdbSttFileReaderOpen(const char *fname, const SSttFileReaderConfig *con
if (reader[0] == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
reader[0]->config[0] = config[0];
if (!reader[0]->config->bufArr) reader[0]->config->bufArr = reader[0]->bufArr;
// open file
code = tsdbOpenFile(fname, config->szPage, TD_FILE_READ, &reader[0]->fd);
......@@ -118,6 +120,9 @@ _exit:
int32_t tsdbSttFileReaderClose(SSttFileReader **reader) {
if (reader[0]) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(reader[0]->bufArr); ++i) {
TARRAY2_CLEAR_FREE(reader[0]->readerArray, tsdbSttSegReaderClose);
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