提交 e7a54cfa 编写于 作者: X Xiaoyu Wang

TD-14330 bugfix

上级 58149dc4
......@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@
#define TK_TOPIC 121
#define TK_AS 122
#define TK_NK_BOOL 123
#define TK_NK_VARIABLE 124
#define TK_NK_UNDERLINE 125
#define TK_ROWTS 126
#define TK_TBNAME 127
#define TK_QSTARTTS 128
#define TK_QENDTS 129
#define TK_WSTARTTS 130
#define TK_WENDTS 131
#define TK_WDURATION 132
#define TK_BETWEEN 133
#define TK_IS 134
#define TK_NULL 135
#define TK_NULL 124
#define TK_NK_VARIABLE 125
#define TK_NK_UNDERLINE 126
#define TK_ROWTS 127
#define TK_TBNAME 128
#define TK_QSTARTTS 129
#define TK_QENDTS 130
#define TK_WSTARTTS 131
#define TK_WENDTS 132
#define TK_WDURATION 133
#define TK_BETWEEN 134
#define TK_IS 135
#define TK_NK_LT 136
#define TK_NK_GT 137
#define TK_NK_LE 138
......@@ -349,6 +349,7 @@ literal(A) ::= NK_STRING(B).
literal(A) ::= NK_BOOL(B). { A = createRawExprNode(pCxt, &B, createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, &B)); }
literal(A) ::= TIMESTAMP(B) NK_STRING(C). { A = createRawExprNodeExt(pCxt, &B, &C, createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, &C)); }
literal(A) ::= duration_literal(B). { A = B; }
literal(A) ::= NULL(B). { A = createRawExprNode(pCxt, &B, createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL, NULL)); }
duration_literal(A) ::= NK_VARIABLE(B). { A = createRawExprNode(pCxt, &B, createDurationValueNode(pCxt, &B)); }
......@@ -372,6 +373,7 @@ signed_literal(A) ::= NK_STRING(B).
signed_literal(A) ::= NK_BOOL(B). { A = createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, &B); }
signed_literal(A) ::= TIMESTAMP NK_STRING(B). { A = createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, &B); }
signed_literal(A) ::= duration_literal(B). { A = releaseRawExprNode(pCxt, B); }
signed_literal(A) ::= NULL. { A = createValueNode(pCxt, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL, NULL); }
%type literal_list { SNodeList* }
%destructor literal_list { nodesDestroyList($$); }
......@@ -577,11 +577,13 @@ SNode* createColumnNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, SToken* pTableAlias, SToken* pC
SNode* createValueNode(SAstCreateContext* pCxt, int32_t dataType, const SToken* pLiteral) {
SValueNode* val = (SValueNode*)nodesMakeNode(QUERY_NODE_VALUE);
val->literal = strndup(pLiteral->z, pLiteral->n);
if (TK_NK_ID != pLiteral->type && (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(dataType) || TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP == dataType)) {
trimString(pLiteral->z, pLiteral->n, val->literal, pLiteral->n);
if (NULL != pLiteral) {
val->literal = strndup(pLiteral->z, pLiteral->n);
if (TK_NK_ID != pLiteral->type && (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(dataType) || TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP == dataType)) {
trimString(pLiteral->z, pLiteral->n, val->literal, pLiteral->n);
val->node.resType.type = dataType;
val->node.resType.bytes = IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(dataType) ? strlen(val->literal) : tDataTypes[dataType].bytes;
......@@ -487,7 +487,10 @@ TEST_F(ParserTest, createTable) {
bind("create table "
"if not exists test.t1 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(1, 'abc') "
"if not exists test.t2 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(2, 'abc') "
"if not exists test.t3 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(3, 'abc')"
"if not exists test.t3 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(3, 'abc') "
"if not exists test.t4 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(3, null) "
"if not exists test.t5 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(null, 'abc') "
"if not exists test.t6 using test.st1 (tag1, tag2) tags(null, null)"
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