提交 e2b5444c 编写于 作者: A Alex Duan

case : add walRetetion.py case

上级 333bbe73
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The option for wal_retetion_period and wal_retention_size is work well
import taos
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.common import *
from util.sqlset import *
import os
import threading
import json
import time
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from os import path
stopInsert = False
# -------------- util --------------------------
def pathSize(path):
total_size = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for i in filenames:
# use join to concatenate all the components of path
f = os.path.join(dirpath, i)
# use getsize to generate size in bytes and add it to the total size
total_size += os.path.getsize(f)
# print(dirpath)
print(" %s %.02f MB" % (path, total_size/1024/1024))
return total_size
# load json from file
def jsonFromFile(jsonFile):
fp = open(jsonFile)
return json.load(fp)
# ----------------- class ------------------
# wal file object
class WalFile:
def __init__(self, pathFile, fileName):
self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(pathFile)
self.startVer = int(fileName)
self.fsize = os.path.getsize(pathFile)
self.endVer = -1
self.pathFile = pathFile
def needDelete(self, delTsLine):
return True
# VNode object
class VNode :
# init
def __init__(self, dnodeId, path, walPeriod, walSize):
self.path = path
self.dnodeId = dnodeId
self.vgId = 0
self.snapVer = 0
self.walPeriod = walPeriod
self.walSize = walSize
self.walFiles = []
# load
def load(self, path):
# load wal
walPath = os.path.join(path, "wal")
metaFile = ""
with os.scandir(walPath) as items:
for item in items:
if item.is_file():
fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(item.name)
pathFile = os.path.join(walPath, item)
if fileExt == ".log":
self.walFiles.append(WalFile(pathFile, fileName))
elif fileExt == "":
if fileName[:8] == "meta-ver":
metaFile = pathFile
# load config
tdLog.info(f' meta-ver file={metaFile}')
if metaFile != "":
jsonVer = jsonFromFile(metaFile)
metaNode = jsonVer["meta"]
self.snapVer = int(metaNode["snapshotVer"])
# sort with startVer
self.walFiles = sorted(self.walFiles, key=lambda x : x.startVer, reverse=True)
# set endVer
startVer = -1
for walFile in self.walFiles:
if startVer == -1:
startVer = walFile.startVer
walFile.endVer = startVer - 1
startVer = walFile.startVer
# print total
tdLog.info(f" ---- dnode{self.dnodeId} snapVer={self.snapVer} {self.path} --------")
for walFile in self.walFiles:
mt = datetime.fromtimestamp(walFile.mtime)
tdLog.info(f" {walFile.pathFile} {mt} startVer={walFile.startVer} endVer={walFile.endVer}")
# snapVer compare
def canDelete(self, walFile):
if walFile.endVer == -1:
# end file
return False
if self.snapVer > walFile.endVer:
return True
return False
# get log size
def getWalsSize(self):
size = 0
for walFile in self.walFiles:
size += walFile.fsize
return size
# vnode
def check_retention(self):
global stopInsert
# check period
delta = self.walPeriod
if self.walPeriod == 0:
delta += 1 * 60 # delete after 1 minutes
elif self.walPeriod < 3600:
delta += 3 * 60 # 5 minutes
delta += 5 * 60 # 10 minutes
delTsLine = datetime.now() - timedelta(seconds = delta)
delTs = delTsLine.timestamp()
for walFile in self.walFiles:
mt = datetime.fromtimestamp(walFile.mtime)
info = f" {walFile.pathFile} mt={mt} line={delTsLine} start={walFile.startVer} snap={self.snapVer} end= {walFile.endVer}"
if walFile.mtime < delTs and self.canDelete(walFile):
# wait a moment then check file exist
if os.path.exists(walFile.pathFile):
#report error
tdLog.exit(f" wal file expired need delete. \n {walFile.pathFile} \n modify time={mt} \n delTsLine={delTsLine}\n start={walFile.startVer} snap={self.snapVer} end= {walFile.endVer}")
return False
# check size
if self.walSize == 0:
return True
vnodeSize = self.getWalsSize()
if vnodeSize < self.walSize:
tdLog.info(f" wal size valid. {self.path} real = {vnodeSize} set = {self.walSize} ")
return True
# check valid
tdLog.info(f" wal size over set. {self.path} real = {vnodeSize} set = {self.walSize} ")
for walFile in self.walFiles:
if self.canDelete(walFile):
# wait a moment then check file exist
if os.path.exists(walFile.pathFile):
tdLog.exit(f" wal file size over .\
\n wal file = {walFile.pathFile}\
\n snapVer = {self.snapVer}\
\n real = {vnodeSize} bytes\
\n set = {self.walSize} bytes")
return False
return True
# insert by async
def thread_insert(testCase, tbname, rows):
print(f"start thread... {tbname} - {rows} \n")
new_conn = testCase.new_connect()
testCase.insert_data(tbname, rows, new_conn)
print("end thread\n")
# case
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql, replicaVar=1):
self.ts = 1670000000000
self.replicaVar = int(replicaVar)
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
self.setsql = TDSetSql()
self.conn = conn
# init cluster path
projDir = __file__
pos = projDir.find("tests")
if pos != -1:
self.projDir = projDir[:pos]
self.projDir = __file__
self.projDir += "sim/"
# udf path
self.udf_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/udfpy"
self.column_dict = {
'ts': 'timestamp',
'col1': 'tinyint',
'col2': 'smallint',
'col3': 'int',
'col4': 'bigint',
'col5': 'tinyint unsigned',
'col6': 'smallint unsigned',
'col7': 'int unsigned',
'col8': 'bigint unsigned',
'col9': 'float',
'col10': 'double',
'col11': 'bool',
'col12': 'varchar(120)',
'col13': 'nchar(100)',
self.tag_dict = {
't1': 'tinyint',
't2': 'smallint',
't3': 'int',
't4': 'bigint',
't5': 'tinyint unsigned',
't6': 'smallint unsigned',
't7': 'int unsigned',
't8': 'bigint unsigned',
't9': 'float',
't10': 'double',
't11': 'bool',
't12': 'varchar(120)',
't13': 'nchar(100)',
# malloc new connect
def new_connect(self):
return taos.connect(host = self.conn._host,
user = self.conn._user,
password = self.conn._password,
database = self.dbname,
port = self.conn._port,
config = self.conn._config)
def set_stb_sql(self,stbname,column_dict,tag_dict):
column_sql = ''
tag_sql = ''
for k,v in column_dict.items():
column_sql += f"{k} {v}, "
for k,v in tag_dict.items():
tag_sql += f"{k} {v}, "
create_stb_sql = f'create stable {stbname} ({column_sql[:-2]}) tags ({tag_sql[:-2]})'
return create_stb_sql
def create_database(self, dbname, wal_period, wal_size_kb, vgroups):
self.wal_period = wal_period
self.wal_size = wal_size_kb * 1024
self.vgroups = vgroups
self.dbname = dbname
tdSql.execute(f"create database {dbname} wal_retention_period {wal_period} wal_retention_size {wal_size_kb} vgroups {vgroups} replica 3")
tdSql.execute(f'use {dbname}')
# create stable and child tables
def create_table(self, stbname, tbname, count):
self.child_count = count
self.stbname = stbname
self.tbname = tbname
# create stable
create_table_sql = self.set_stb_sql(stbname, self.column_dict, self.tag_dict)
batch_size = 1000
# create child table
for i in range(count):
ti = i % 128
tags = f'{ti},{ti},{i},{i},{ti},{ti},{i},{i},{i}.000{i},{i}.000{i},true,"var{i}","nch{i}"'
sql = f'create table {tbname}{i} using {stbname} tags({tags});'
if i % batch_size == 0:
tdLog.info(f" create child table {i} ...")
tdLog.info(f" create {count} child tables ok.")
# insert to child table d1 data
def insert_data(self, tbname, insertTime):
global stopInsert
start = time.time()
values = ""
child_name = ""
cnt = 0
rows = 10000000000
for j in range(rows):
for i in range(self.child_count):
tj = j % 128
cols = f'{tj},{tj},{j},{j},{tj},{tj},{j},{j},{j}.000{j},{j}.000{j},true,"var{j}","nch{j}涛思数据codepage is utf_32_le"'
sql = f'insert into {tbname}{i} values ({self.ts},{cols});'
self.ts += 1
#tdLog.info(f" child table={i} rows={j} insert data.")
cost = time.time() - start
if j % 100 == 0:
tdSql.execute(f"flush database {self.dbname}")
print(f' cost={cost} j ={j} \n')
if cost > insertTime and j > 1000:
tdLog.info(f" insert finished. cost time ={cost}s rows={j}")
# create tmq
def create_tmq(self):
sql = f"create topic topic1_{self.dbname} as select ts, col1, concat(col12,t12) from {self.stbname};"
sql = f"create topic topic2_{self.dbname} as select * from {self.stbname};"
def check_retention(self):
# flash database
tdSql.execute(f"flush database {self.dbname}")
vnodes = []
# put all vnode to list
for dnode in os.listdir(self.projDir):
vnodeDir = self.projDir + f"{dnode}/data/vnode/"
# enum all vnode
for entry in os.listdir(vnodeDir):
entryPath = path.join(vnodeDir, entry)
if os.path.isdir(entryPath):
if path.exists(path.join(entryPath, "vnode.json")):
vnode = VNode(i, entryPath, self.wal_period, self.wal_size)
# do check
for vnode in vnodes:
# test db1
def test_db(self, dbname, checkTime ,wal_period, wal_size_kb):
global stopInsert
# var
stable = "meters"
tbname = "d"
vgroups = 4
count = 10
rows = 1000000
# do
self.create_database(dbname, wal_period, wal_size_kb, vgroups)
self.create_table(stable, tbname, count)
# create tmq
# insert data
self.insert_data(tbname, checkTime)
#stopInsert = False
#tobj = threading.Thread(target = thread_insert, args=(self, tbname, rows))
# check retention
tdLog.info(f" -------------- do check retention ---------------")
# stop insert and wait exit
tdLog.info(f" {dbname} stop insert ...")
stopInsert = True
tdLog.info(f" {dbname} test_db end.")
# run
def run(self):
# period
#self.test_db("db1", 10, 60, 0)
# size
#self.test_db("db2", 5, 10*24*3600, 2*1024) # 2M size
# period + size
self.test_db("db3", checkTime = 2*60, wal_period = 30, wal_size_kb=10)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
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