提交 e1ee02e3 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Ready to merge crash_gen into develop branch

上级 80d25528
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import threading
import random
import logging
import datetime
import textwrap
from typing import List
......@@ -140,13 +141,13 @@ class WorkerThread:
if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ):
return self._dbConn.execute(sql)
return self._tc.getDbState.getDbConn().execute(sql)
return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().execute(sql)
def querySql(self, sql): # not "execute", since we are out side the DB context
if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ):
return self._dbConn.query(sql)
return self._tc.getDbState.getDbConn().query(sql)
return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().query(sql)
class ThreadCoordinator:
def __init__(self, pool, wd: WorkDispatcher, dbState):
......@@ -414,7 +415,18 @@ class DbState():
# self.openDbServerConnection()
self._dbConn = DbConn()
self._dbConn.open() # may throw taos.error.ProgrammingError: disconnected
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
# print("Error type: {}, msg: {}, value: {}".format(type(err), err.msg, err))
if ( err.msg == 'disconnected' ): # cannot open DB connection
print("Cannot establish DB connection, please re-run script without parameter, and follow the instructions.")
print("[=]Unexpected exception")
self._dbConn.resetDb() # drop and recreate DB
self._state = self.STATE_EMPTY # initial state, the result of above
......@@ -773,7 +785,15 @@ class WorkDispatcher():
def main():
# Super cool Python argument library: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TDengine Auto Crash Generator')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below)
1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs
2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg
parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true',
help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
......@@ -785,6 +805,9 @@ def main():
global gConfig
gConfig = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
global logger
logger = logging.getLogger('myApp')
# This is the script for us to try to cause the TDengine server or client to crash
# 1. Build an compile the TDengine source code that comes with this script, in the same directory tree
# 2. Please follow the direction in our README.md, and build TDengine in the build/ directory
# 3. Adjust the configuration file if needed under build/test/cfg/taos.cfg
# 4. Run the TDengine server instance: cd build; ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg
# 5. Make sure you have a working Python3 environment: run /usr/bin/python3 --version, and you should get 3.6 or above
# 6. Make sure you have the proper Python packages: # sudo apt install python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-distutils
# This script assumes the source code directory is intact, and that the binaries has been built in the
# build/ directory, as such, will will load the Python libraries in the directory tree, and also load
# the TDengine client shared library (so) file, in the build/directory, as evidenced in the env
# variables below.
# Running the script is simple, no parameter is needed (for now, but will change in the future).
# Happy Crashing...
# Due to the heavy path name assumptions/usage, let us require that the user be in the current directory
EXEC_DIR=`dirname "$0"`
if [[ $EXEC_DIR != "." ]]
echo "ERROR: Please execute `basename "$0"` in its own directory (for now anyway, pardon the dust)"
exit -1
# First we need to set up a path for Python to find our own TAOS modules, so that "import" can work.
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/../../src/connector/python/linux/python3
# Then let us set up the library path so that our compiled SO file can be loaded by Python
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/../../build/build/lib
# Now we are all let, and let's see if we can find a crash. Note we pass all params
./crash_gen_0519.py $@
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