提交 e1b1ae57 编写于 作者: S slzhou

fix: select tbname from system tables

上级 4a0b44d6
......@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ typedef struct SSysTableScanInfo {
SSDataBlock* pRes;
int64_t numOfBlocks; // extract basic running information.
SLoadRemoteDataInfo loadInfo;
int32_t tbnameSlotId;
} SSysTableScanInfo;
typedef struct {
......@@ -346,6 +348,11 @@ static int32_t optSysTabFilteImpl(void* arg, SNode* cond, SArray* result);
static int32_t optSysCheckOper(SNode* pOpear);
static int32_t optSysMergeRslt(SArray* mRslt, SArray* rslt);
static SSDataBlock* sysTableScanFromMNode(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo, const char* name,
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo);
void extractTbnameSlotId(SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo, const SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode);
static SSDataBlock* sysTableScanHandleFillTbName(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, const SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo,
const char* name, SSDataBlock* pBlock);
__optSysFilter optSysGetFilterFunc(int32_t ctype, bool* reverse) {
if (ctype == OP_TYPE_LOWER_EQUAL || ctype == OP_TYPE_LOWER_THAN) {
*reverse = true;
......@@ -1309,84 +1316,112 @@ static SSDataBlock* doSysTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
getDBNameFromCondition(pInfo->pCondition, dbName);
sprintf(pInfo->req.db, "%d.%s", pInfo->accountId, dbName);
SSDataBlock* pBlock = NULL;
if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0) {
return sysTableScanUserTables(pOperator);
pBlock = sysTableScanUserTables(pOperator);
} else if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TAGS, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0) {
return sysTableScanUserTags(pOperator);
pBlock = sysTableScanUserTags(pOperator);
} else if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_STABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0 && pInfo->showRewrite &&
IS_SYS_DBNAME(dbName)) {
return sysTableScanUserSTables(pOperator);
pBlock = sysTableScanUserSTables(pOperator);
} else { // load the meta from mnode of the given epset
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
return NULL;
while (1) {
int64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
tstrncpy(pInfo->req.tb, tNameGetTableName(&pInfo->name), tListLen(pInfo->req.tb));
tstrncpy(pInfo->req.user, pInfo->pUser, tListLen(pInfo->req.user));
pBlock = sysTableScanFromMNode(pOperator, pInfo, name, pTaskInfo);
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSRetrieveTableReq(NULL, 0, &pInfo->req);
char* buf1 = taosMemoryCalloc(1, contLen);
tSerializeSRetrieveTableReq(buf1, contLen, &pInfo->req);
return sysTableScanHandleFillTbName(pOperator, pInfo, name, pBlock);
// send the fetch remote task result reques
SMsgSendInfo* pMsgSendInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
if (NULL == pMsgSendInfo) {
qError("%s prepare message %d failed", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), (int32_t)sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
pTaskInfo->code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return NULL;
static SSDataBlock* sysTableScanHandleFillTbName(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, const SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo,
const char* name, SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
if (pBlock != NULL) {
if (pInfo->tbnameSlotId != -1) {
SColumnInfoData* pColumnInfoData = (SColumnInfoData*)taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, pInfo->tbnameSlotId);
memcpy(varDataVal(varTbName), name, strlen(name));
varDataSetLen(varTbName, strlen(name));
for (int i = 0; i < pBlock->info.rows; ++i) {
colDataAppend(pColumnInfoData, i, varTbName, NULL);
doFilterResult(pBlock, pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo);
if (pBlock && pBlock->info.rows != 0) {
return pBlock;
} else {
return NULL;
int32_t msgType = (strcasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_DNODE_VARIABLES) == 0) ? TDMT_DND_SYSTABLE_RETRIEVE
static SSDataBlock* sysTableScanFromMNode(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo, const char* name,
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
return NULL;
pMsgSendInfo->param = pOperator;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.pData = buf1;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = contLen;
pMsgSendInfo->msgType = msgType;
pMsgSendInfo->fp = loadSysTableCallback;
pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pTaskInfo->id.queryId;
while (1) {
int64_t startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
tstrncpy(pInfo->req.tb, tNameGetTableName(&pInfo->name), tListLen(pInfo->req.tb));
tstrncpy(pInfo->req.user, pInfo->pUser, tListLen(pInfo->req.user));
int64_t transporterId = 0;
int32_t code =
asyncSendMsgToServer(pInfo->readHandle.pMsgCb->clientRpc, &pInfo->epSet, &transporterId, pMsgSendInfo);
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSRetrieveTableReq(NULL, 0, &pInfo->req);
char* buf1 = taosMemoryCalloc(1, contLen);
tSerializeSRetrieveTableReq(buf1, contLen, &pInfo->req);
if (pTaskInfo->code) {
qDebug("%s load meta data from mnode failed, totalRows:%" PRIu64 ", code:%s", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo),
pInfo->loadInfo.totalRows, tstrerror(pTaskInfo->code));
return NULL;
// send the fetch remote task result reques
SMsgSendInfo* pMsgSendInfo = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
if (NULL == pMsgSendInfo) {
qError("%s prepare message %d failed", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), (int32_t)sizeof(SMsgSendInfo));
pTaskInfo->code = TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return NULL;
SRetrieveMetaTableRsp* pRsp = pInfo->pRsp;
pInfo->req.showId = pRsp->handle;
int32_t msgType = (strcasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_DNODE_VARIABLES) == 0) ? TDMT_DND_SYSTABLE_RETRIEVE
if (pRsp->numOfRows == 0 || pRsp->completed) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
qDebug("%s load meta data from mnode completed, rowsOfSource:%d, totalRows:%" PRIu64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo),
pRsp->numOfRows, pInfo->loadInfo.totalRows);
pMsgSendInfo->param = pOperator;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.pData = buf1;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = contLen;
pMsgSendInfo->msgType = msgType;
pMsgSendInfo->fp = loadSysTableCallback;
pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pTaskInfo->id.queryId;
if (pRsp->numOfRows == 0) {
return NULL;
int64_t transporterId = 0;
int32_t code =
asyncSendMsgToServer(pInfo->readHandle.pMsgCb->clientRpc, &pInfo->epSet, &transporterId, pMsgSendInfo);
char* pStart = pRsp->data;
extractDataBlockFromFetchRsp(pInfo->pRes, pRsp->data, pInfo->matchInfo.pList, &pStart);
updateLoadRemoteInfo(&pInfo->loadInfo, pRsp->numOfRows, pRsp->compLen, startTs, pOperator);
if (pTaskInfo->code) {
qDebug("%s load meta data from mnode failed, totalRows:%" PRIu64 ", code:%s", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo),
pInfo->loadInfo.totalRows, tstrerror(pTaskInfo->code));
return NULL;
// todo log the filter info
doFilterResult(pInfo->pRes, pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo);
if (pInfo->pRes->info.rows > 0) {
return pInfo->pRes;
} else if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
SRetrieveMetaTableRsp* pRsp = pInfo->pRsp;
pInfo->req.showId = pRsp->handle;
if (pRsp->numOfRows == 0 || pRsp->completed) {
pOperator->status = OP_EXEC_DONE;
qDebug("%s load meta data from mnode completed, rowsOfSource:%d, totalRows:%" PRIu64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo),
pRsp->numOfRows, pInfo->loadInfo.totalRows);
if (pRsp->numOfRows == 0) {
return NULL;
char* pStart = pRsp->data;
extractDataBlockFromFetchRsp(pInfo->pRes, pRsp->data, pInfo->matchInfo.pList, &pStart);
updateLoadRemoteInfo(&pInfo->loadInfo, pRsp->numOfRows, pRsp->compLen, startTs, pOperator);
// todo log the filter info
doFilterResult(pInfo->pRes, pOperator->exprSupp.pFilterInfo);
if (pInfo->pRes->info.rows > 0) {
return pInfo->pRes;
} else if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
return NULL;
......@@ -1407,6 +1442,8 @@ SOperatorInfo* createSysTableScanOperatorInfo(void* readHandle, SSystemTableScan
goto _error;
extractTbnameSlotId(pInfo, pScanNode);
pInfo->accountId = pScanPhyNode->accountId;
pInfo->pUser = taosMemoryStrDup((void*)pUser);
pInfo->sysInfo = pScanPhyNode->sysInfo;
......@@ -1449,6 +1486,26 @@ SOperatorInfo* createSysTableScanOperatorInfo(void* readHandle, SSystemTableScan
return NULL;
void extractTbnameSlotId(SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo, const SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode) {
pInfo->tbnameSlotId = -1;
if (pScanNode->pScanPseudoCols != NULL) {
SNode* pNode = NULL;
FOREACH(pNode, pScanNode->pScanPseudoCols) {
STargetNode* pTargetNode = NULL;
if (nodeType(pNode) == QUERY_NODE_TARGET) {
pTargetNode = (STargetNode*)pNode;
SNode* expr = pTargetNode->pExpr;
if (nodeType(expr) == QUERY_NODE_FUNCTION) {
SFunctionNode* pFuncNode = (SFunctionNode*)expr;
if (pFuncNode->funcType == FUNCTION_TYPE_TBNAME) {
pInfo->tbnameSlotId = pTargetNode->slotId;
void destroySysScanOperator(void* param) {
SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo = (SSysTableScanInfo*)param;
......@@ -2380,6 +2380,9 @@ static bool tagScanOptShouldBeOptimized(SLogicNode* pNode) {
if (pScan->hasNormalCols) {
return false;
if (pScan->tableType == TSDB_SYSTEM_TABLE) {
return false;
if (NULL == pNode->pParent || QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_AGG != nodeType(pNode->pParent) ||
1 != LIST_LENGTH(pNode->pParent->pChildren)) {
return false;
......@@ -333,13 +333,23 @@ static bool stbSplHasPartTbname(SNodeList* pPartKeys) {
return false;
static bool stbSplIsPartTableAgg(SAggLogicNode* pAgg) {
if (NULL != pAgg->pGroupKeys) {
return stbSplHasPartTbname(pAgg->pGroupKeys);
static bool stbSplNotSystemScan(SLogicNode* pNode) {
if (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_SCAN == nodeType(pNode)) {
return SCAN_TYPE_SYSTEM_TABLE != ((SScanLogicNode*)pNode)->scanType;
} else if (QUERY_NODE_LOGIC_PLAN_PARTITION == nodeType(pNode)) {
return stbSplNotSystemScan((SLogicNode*)nodesListGetNode(pNode->pChildren, 0));
} else {
return true;
static bool stbSplIsPartTableAgg(SAggLogicNode* pAgg) {
if (1 != LIST_LENGTH(pAgg->node.pChildren)) {
return false;
if (NULL != pAgg->pGroupKeys) {
return stbSplHasPartTbname(pAgg->pGroupKeys) && stbSplNotSystemScan((SLogicNode*)nodesListGetNode(pAgg->node.pChildren, 0));
return stbSplHasPartTbname(stbSplGetPartKeys((SLogicNode*)nodesListGetNode(pAgg->node.pChildren, 0)));
......@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@
#include "tglobal.h"
static void dumpQueryPlan(SQueryPlan* pPlan) {
if (!tsQueryPlannerTrace) {
char* pStr = NULL;
nodesNodeToString((SNode*)pPlan, false, &pStr, NULL);
planDebugL("QID:0x%" PRIx64 " Query Plan: %s", pPlan->queryId, pStr);
printf("QueryPlan\n%s\n\n", pStr);
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