[TD-814] invalid read while close http connect

上级 0cfb36b5
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......@@ -141,10 +141,15 @@ HttpContext *httpGetContext(void *ptr) {
void httpReleaseContext(HttpContext *pContext) {
int32_t refCount = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pContext->refCount, 1);
assert(refCount >= 0);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, is releasd, refCount:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, refCount);
httpDebug("context:%p, is releasd, refCount:%d", pContext, refCount);
HttpContext **ppContext = pContext->ppContext;
taosCacheRelease(tsHttpServer.contextCache, (void **)(&ppContext), false);
if (tsHttpServer.contextCache != NULL) {
taosCacheRelease(tsHttpServer.contextCache, (void **)(&ppContext), false);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, won't be destroyed for cache is already released", pContext);
// httpDestroyContext((void **)(&ppContext));
bool httpInitContext(HttpContext *pContext) {
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ bool httpGetHttpMethod(HttpContext* pContext) {
pParser->method.pos[pParser->method.len] = 0;
pParser->pLast = pSeek + 1;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, httpMethod:%s", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pParser->method.pos);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, httpMethod:%s", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pParser->method.pos);
return true;
......@@ -186,23 +186,23 @@ bool httpParseHead(HttpContext* pContext) {
HttpParser* pParser = &pContext->parser;
if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast, "Content-Length: ", 16) == 0) {
pParser->data.len = (int32_t)atoi(pParser->pLast + 16);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Length:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr,
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Length:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr,
} else if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast, "Accept-Encoding: ", 17) == 0) {
if (tsHttpEnableCompress && strstr(pParser->pLast + 17, "gzip") != NULL) {
pContext->acceptEncoding = HTTP_COMPRESS_GZIP;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Accept-Encoding:gzip", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Accept-Encoding:gzip", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else {
pContext->acceptEncoding = HTTP_COMPRESS_IDENTITY;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Accept-Encoding:identity", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Accept-Encoding:identity", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast, "Content-Encoding: ", 18) == 0) {
if (strstr(pParser->pLast + 18, "gzip") != NULL) {
pContext->contentEncoding = HTTP_COMPRESS_GZIP;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Encoding:gzip", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Encoding:gzip", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else {
pContext->contentEncoding = HTTP_COMPRESS_IDENTITY;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Encoding:identity", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, Content-Encoding:identity", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast, "Connection: ", 12) == 0) {
if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast + 12, "Keep-Alive", 10) == 0) {
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ bool httpParseHead(HttpContext* pContext) {
} else {
pContext->httpKeepAlive = HTTP_KEEPALIVE_DISABLE;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, keepAlive:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr,
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, keepAlive:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr,
} else if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast, "Transfer-Encoding: ", 19) == 0) {
if (strncasecmp(pParser->pLast + 19, "chunked", 7) == 0) {
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ bool httpReadChunkedBody(HttpContext* pContext, HttpParser* pParser) {
httpParseChunkedBody(pContext, pParser, false);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, chunked body not finished, continue read", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, chunked body not finished, continue read", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
if (!httpReadDataImp(pContext)) {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, read chunked request error", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ int httpReadUnChunkedBody(HttpContext* pContext, HttpParser* pParser) {
httpSendErrorResp(pContext, HTTP_PARSE_BODY_ERROR);
} else if (dataReadLen < pParser->data.len) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, un-chunked body not finished, read size:%d dataReadLen:%d < pContext->data.len:%d, continue read",
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, un-chunked body not finished, read size:%d dataReadLen:%d < pContext->data.len:%d, continue read",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pContext->parser.bufsize, dataReadLen, pParser->data.len);
} else {
......@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ bool httpParseRequest(HttpContext* pContext) {
return true;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s, numOfFds:%d, read size:%d, raw data:\n%s",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pContext->pThread->label, pContext->pThread->numOfFds,
pContext->parser.bufsize, pContext->parser.buffer);
httpTraceDump("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s, numOfFds:%d, read size:%d, raw data:\n%s", pContext, pContext->fd,
pContext->ipstr, pContext->pThread->label, pContext->pThread->numOfFds, pContext->parser.bufsize,
if (!httpGetHttpMethod(pContext)) {
return false;
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ int httpWriteBuf(struct HttpContext *pContext, const char *buf, int sz) {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, dataSize:%d, writeSize:%d, failed to send response:\n%s",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, sz, writeSz, buf);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, dataSize:%d, writeSize:%d, response:\n%s",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, sz, writeSz, buf);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, dataSize:%d, writeSize:%d, response:\n%s", pContext, pContext->fd,
pContext->ipstr, sz, writeSz, buf);
return writeSz;
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ int httpWriteJsonBufBody(JsonBuf* buf, bool isTheLast) {
uint64_t srcLen = (uint64_t) (buf->lst - buf->buf);
if (buf->pContext->fd <= 0) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write json body error", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write json body error", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
buf->pContext->fd = -1;
......@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ int httpWriteJsonBufBody(JsonBuf* buf, bool isTheLast) {
if (buf->pContext->acceptEncoding == HTTP_COMPRESS_IDENTITY) {
if (buf->lst == buf->buf) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, no data need dump", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, no data need dump", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
return 0; // there is no data to dump.
} else {
int len = sprintf(sLen, "%lx\r\n", srcLen);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write body, chunkSize:%" PRIu64 ", response:\n%s",
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write body, chunkSize:%" PRIu64 ", response:\n%s",
buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr, srcLen, buf->buf);
httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, sLen, len);
remain = httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, buf->buf, (int) srcLen);
......@@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ int httpWriteJsonBufBody(JsonBuf* buf, bool isTheLast) {
if (ret == 0) {
if (compressBufLen > 0) {
int len = sprintf(sLen, "%x\r\n", compressBufLen);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write body, chunkSize:%" PRIu64 ", compressSize:%d, last:%d, response:\n%s",
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, write body, chunkSize:%" PRIu64 ", compressSize:%d, last:%d, response:\n%s",
buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr, srcLen, compressBufLen, isTheLast, buf->buf);
httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, sLen, len);
remain = httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, (const char *) compressBuf, (int) compressBufLen);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last:%d, compress already dumped, response:\n%s",
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last:%d, compress already dumped, response:\n%s",
buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr, isTheLast, buf->buf);
return 0; // there is no data to dump.
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void httpWriteJsonBufHead(JsonBuf* buf) {
void httpWriteJsonBufEnd(JsonBuf* buf) {
if (buf->pContext->fd <= 0) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, json buf fd is 0", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, json buf fd is 0", buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, buf->pContext->ipstr);
buf->pContext->fd = -1;
......@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ void httpCleanUpConnect() {
pServer->pThreads = NULL;
httpDebug("http server:%s is cleaned up", pServer->label);
......@@ -95,11 +95,13 @@ void httpCleanUpSystem() {
httpInfo("http server cleanup");
tsHttpServer.pThreads = NULL;
tsHttpServer.status = HTTP_SERVER_CLOSED;
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void taosCacheReleaseNode(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, SCacheDataNo
int32_t size = pNode->size;
taosHashRemove(pCacheObj->pHashTable, pNode->key, pNode->keySize);
uDebug("key:%s is removed from cache,total:%" PRId64 ",size:%dbytes", pNode->key, pCacheObj->totalSize, size);
uDebug("key:%s, is removed from cache, total:%" PRId64 " size:%d bytes", pNode->key, pCacheObj->totalSize, size);
if (pCacheObj->freeFp) pCacheObj->freeFp(pNode->data);
......@@ -288,14 +288,14 @@ void *taosCachePut(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, const char *key, const void *pData, siz
if (NULL != pNode) {
pCacheObj->totalSize += pNode->size;
uDebug("key:%s %p added into cache, added:%" PRIu64 ", expire:%" PRIu64 ", total:%" PRId64 ", size:%" PRId64 " bytes",
uDebug("key:%s, %p added into cache, added:%" PRIu64 ", expire:%" PRIu64 ", total:%" PRId64 ", size:%" PRId64 " bytes",
key, pNode, pNode->addedTime, pNode->expiredTime, pCacheObj->totalSize, dataSize);
} else {
uError("key:%s failed to added into cache, out of memory", key);
uError("key:%s, failed to added into cache, out of memory", key);
} else { // old data exists, update the node
pNode = taosUpdateCacheImpl(pCacheObj, pOld, key, keyLen, pData, dataSize, duration * 1000L);
uDebug("key:%s %p exist in cache, updated", key, pNode);
uDebug("key:%s, %p exist in cache, updated", key, pNode);
......@@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ void *taosCacheAcquireByName(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, const char *key) {
if (ptNode != NULL) {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.hitCount, 1);
uDebug("key:%s is retrieved from cache, %p refcnt:%d", key, (*ptNode), T_REF_VAL_GET(*ptNode));
uDebug("key:%s, is retrieved from cache, %p refcnt:%d", key, (*ptNode), T_REF_VAL_GET(*ptNode));
} else {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.missCount, 1);
uDebug("key:%s not in cache, retrieved failed", key);
uDebug("key:%s, not in cache, retrieved failed", key);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.totalAccess, 1);
......@@ -350,10 +350,10 @@ void* taosCacheUpdateExpireTimeByName(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, const char *key, uin
if (ptNode != NULL) {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.hitCount, 1);
uDebug("key:%s expireTime is updated in cache, %p refcnt:%d", key, (*ptNode), T_REF_VAL_GET(*ptNode));
uDebug("key:%s, expireTime is updated in cache, %p refcnt:%d", key, (*ptNode), T_REF_VAL_GET(*ptNode));
} else {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.missCount, 1);
uDebug("key:%s not in cache, retrieved failed", key);
uDebug("key:%s, not in cache, retrieved failed", key);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.totalAccess, 1);
......@@ -410,13 +410,13 @@ void taosCacheRelease(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, void **data, bool _remove) {
SCacheDataNode *pNode = (SCacheDataNode *)((char *)(*data) - offset);
if (pNode->signature != (uint64_t)pNode) {
uError("key: %p release invalid cache data", pNode);
uError("%p release invalid cache data", pNode);
*data = NULL;
int32_t ref = T_REF_DEC(pNode);
uDebug("%p data released, refcnt:%d", pNode, ref);
uDebug("key:%s, is released, %p refcnt:%d", pNode->key, pNode, ref);
if (_remove) {
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ void taosAddToTrash(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, SCacheDataNode *pNode) {
pNode->inTrashCan = true;
uDebug("key:%s %p move to trash, numOfElem in trash:%d", pNode->key, pNode, pCacheObj->numOfElemsInTrash);
uDebug("key:%s, %p move to trash, numOfElem in trash:%d", pNode->key, pNode, pCacheObj->numOfElemsInTrash);
void taosRemoveFromTrashCan(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, STrashElem *pElem) {
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ void taosTrashCanEmpty(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, bool force) {
if (force || (T_REF_VAL_GET(pElem->pData) == 0)) {
uDebug("key:%s %p removed from trash. numOfElem in trash:%d", pElem->pData->key, pElem->pData,
uDebug("key:%s, %p removed from trash. numOfElem in trash:%d", pElem->pData->key, pElem->pData,
pCacheObj->numOfElemsInTrash - 1);
STrashElem *p = pElem;
......@@ -570,8 +570,11 @@ void doCleanupDataCache(SCacheObj *pCacheObj) {
while (taosHashIterNext(pIter)) {
SCacheDataNode *pNode = *(SCacheDataNode **)taosHashIterGet(pIter);
// if (pNode->expiredTime <= expiredTime && T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode) <= 0) {
taosCacheReleaseNode(pCacheObj, pNode);
if (T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode) <= 0) {
taosCacheReleaseNode(pCacheObj, pNode);
} else {
uDebug("key:%s, will not remove from cache, refcnt:%d", pNode->key, T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode));
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