@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ The use of each configuration item is:
***port**: This is the `http` service port which enables other application to manage rules by `restful API`.
***database**: rules are stored in a `sqlite` database, this is the path of the database file (if the file does not exist, the alert application creates it automatically).
***tdengine**: connection string of `TDEngine` server, note the database name should be put in the `sql` field of a rule in most cases, thus it should NOT be included in the string.
***tdengine**: connection string of `TDEngine` server (please refer the documentation of GO connector for the detailed format of this string), note the database name should be put in the `sql` field of a rule in most cases, thus it should NOT be included in the string.
***log > level**: log level, could be `production` or `debug`.
***log > path**: log output file path.
***receivers > alertManager**: the alert application pushes alerts to `AlertManager` at this URL.
"create table if not exists stb (ts timestamp, col1 int, col2 int, col3 int) tags(loc nchar(20), id int)")
"insert into tb0 using stb tags('beijing', 1) values(%s, 1, 1, 1)(%s, 2, 2, 2)(%s, 3, 3, 3)(%s, 4, 4, 4)"%(self.ts,self.ts+1000000,self.ts+2000000,self.ts+3000000))
"insert into tb1 using stb tags('beijing', 2) values(%s, 1, 1, 1)(%s, 2, 2, 2)(%s, 3, 3, 3)(%s, 4, 4, 4)"%(self.ts+4000000,self.ts+5000000,self.ts+6000000,self.ts+7000000))
"insert into tb2 using stb tags('shanghai', 1) values(%s, 1, 1, 1)(%s, 2, 2, 2)(%s, 3, 3, 3)(%s, 4, 4, 4)"%(self.ts+8000000,self.ts+9000000,self.ts+10000000,self.ts+11000000))
"insert into tb3 using stb tags('shanghai', 2) values(%s, 1, 1, 1)(%s, 2, 2, 2)(%s, 3, 3, 3)(%s, 4, 4, 4)"%(self.ts+12000000,self.ts+13000000,self.ts+14000000,self.ts+15000000))
"insert into tb4 using stb tags('shanghai', 3) values(%s, null, null, null)(%s, null, null, null)(%s, null, null, null)(%s, null, null, null)"%(self.ts+16000000,self.ts+17000000,self.ts+18000000,self.ts+19000000))
tdSql.query("select first(col1) - avg(col1) from stb where ts > '2018-09-17 08:00:00.000' and ts < '2018-09-17 14:16:41.000' interval(1h)")
tdSql.query("select first(col1) - avg(col1) from stb where ts > '2018-09-17 08:00:00.000' and ts < '2018-09-17 14:16:41.000' interval(1h) fill(null)")
tdSql.query("select max(col1) - min(col1) from stb where ts > '2018-09-17 08:00:00.000' and ts < '2018-09-17 14:16:41.000' and id = 1 group by loc, id")
tdSql.query("select spread(col1) from stb where ts > '2018-09-17 08:00:00.000' and ts < '2018-09-17 14:16:41.000' and id = 1 group by loc, id")