提交 d43355e7 编写于 作者: 5 54liuyao

fix:check null column

上级 e42d5ba3
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ static int32_t mndBuildStreamObjFromCreateReq(SMnode *pMnode, SStreamObj *pObj,
int32_t dataIndex = 0;
for (int16_t i = 0; i < pObj->outputSchema.nCols; i++) {
SColLocation *pos = taosArrayGet(pCreate->fillNullCols, nullIndex);
if (i < pos->slotId) {
if (nullIndex >= numOfNULL || i < pos->slotId) {
pFullSchema[i].bytes = pObj->outputSchema.pSchema[dataIndex].bytes;
pFullSchema[i].colId = i + 1; // pObj->outputSchema.pSchema[dataIndex].colId;
pFullSchema[i].flags = pObj->outputSchema.pSchema[dataIndex].flags;
......@@ -440,6 +440,61 @@ if $data07 != NULL then
goto loop4
sql drop stream if exists streams4;
sql drop stream if exists streams5;
sql drop database if exists test4;
sql drop database if exists test5;
sql drop database if exists result4;
sql drop database if exists result5;
print ===== step8
sql drop stream if exists streams8;
sql drop database if exists test8;
sql create database test8 vgroups 1;
sql use test8;
sql create table t1(ts timestamp, a int, b int , c int, d double);
sql create stream streams8 trigger at_once into streamt8 as select _wstart as ts, count(*) c1, count(d) c2, count(c) c3 from t1 partition by tbname interval(10s) ;
sql drop stream streams8;
sql create stream streams71 trigger at_once into streamt8(ts, c2) tags(group_id)as select _wstart, count(*) from t1 partition by tbname as group_id interval(10s);
sql insert into t1 values(1648791233000,1,2,3,1.0);
sleep 300
$loop_count = $loop_count + 1
if $loop_count == 10 then
return -1
sql select * from streamt8;
print $data00, $data01, $data02, $data03
print $data10, $data11, $data12, $data13
print $data20, $data21, $data22, $data23
if $rows != 1 then
print =====rows=$rows
goto loop8
if $data01 != NULL then
print =====data01=$data01
goto loop8
if $data02 != 1 then
print =====data02=$data02
goto loop8
if $data03 != NULL then
print =====data03=$data03
goto loop8
print ======over
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
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