提交 d2390287 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

make it compile on win

上级 1ad05a06
......@@ -47,23 +47,61 @@ typedef void (*TArray2Cb)(void *);
#define TARRAY2_LAST(a) ((a)->data[(a)->size - 1])
#define TARRAY2_DATA_LEN(a) ((a)->size * sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])))
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2_make_room( //
void *arg, // array
int32_t es, // expected size
int32_t sz // size of element
) {
TARRAY2(void) *a = arg;
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2_make_room(void *arr, int32_t expSize, int32_t eleSize) {
TARRAY2(void) *a = arr;
int32_t capacity = (a->capacity > 0) ? (a->capacity << 1) : 32;
while (capacity < es) {
while (capacity < expSize) {
capacity <<= 1;
void *p = taosMemoryRealloc(a->data, capacity * sz);
void *p = taosMemoryRealloc(a->data, capacity * eleSize);
if (p == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
a->capacity = capacity;
a->data = p;
return 0;
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2InsertBatch(void *arr, int32_t idx, const void *elePtr, int32_t numEle,
int32_t eleSize) {
TARRAY2(uint8_t) *a = arr;
int32_t ret = 0;
if (a->size + numEle > a->capacity) {
ret = tarray2_make_room(a, a->size + numEle, eleSize);
if (ret == 0) {
if (idx < a->size) {
memmove(a->data + (idx + numEle) * eleSize, a->data + idx * eleSize, (a->size - idx) * eleSize);
memcpy(a->data + idx * eleSize, elePtr, numEle * eleSize);
a->size += numEle;
return ret;
static FORCE_INLINE void *tarray2Search(void *arr, const void *elePtr, int32_t eleSize, __compar_fn_t compar,
int32_t flag) {
TARRAY2(void) *a = arr;
return taosbsearch(elePtr, a->data, a->size, eleSize, compar, flag);
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2SearchIdx(void *arr, const void *elePtr, int32_t eleSize, __compar_fn_t compar,
int32_t flag) {
TARRAY2(void) *a = arr;
void *p = taosbsearch(elePtr, a->data, a->size, eleSize, compar, flag);
if (p == NULL) {
return -1;
} else {
return (int32_t)(((uint8_t *)p - (uint8_t *)a->data) / eleSize);
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2SortInsert(void *arr, const void *elePtr, int32_t eleSize, __compar_fn_t compar) {
TARRAY2(void) *a = arr;
int32_t idx = tarray2SearchIdx(arr, elePtr, eleSize, compar, TD_GT);
return tarray2InsertBatch(arr, idx < 0 ? a->size : idx, elePtr, 1, eleSize);
#define TARRAY2_INIT_EX(a, size_, capacity_, data_) \
do { \
(a)->size = (size_); \
......@@ -94,72 +132,20 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tarray2_make_room( //
(a)->capacity = 0; \
} while (0)
#define TARRAY2_INSERT(a, idx, e) \
({ \
int32_t __ret = 0; \
if ((a)->size >= (a)->capacity) { \
__ret = tarray2_make_room((a), (a)->size + 1, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0]))); \
} \
if (!__ret) { \
if ((a)->size > (idx)) { \
memmove((a)->data + (idx) + 1, (a)->data + (idx), sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])) * ((a)->size - (idx))); \
} \
(a)->data[(idx)] = (e); \
(a)->size++; \
} \
__ret; \
#define TARRAY2_INSERT_PTR(a, idx, ep) TARRAY2_INSERT(a, idx, *(ep))
#define TARRAY2_APPEND(a, e) TARRAY2_INSERT(a, (a)->size, e)
#define TARRAY2_APPEND_PTR(a, ep) TARRAY2_APPEND(a, *(ep))
#define TARRAY2_APPEND_BATCH(a, ep, n) \
({ \
int32_t __ret = 0; \
if ((a)->size + (n) > (a)->capacity) { \
__ret = tarray2_make_room((a), (a)->size + (n), sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0]))); \
} \
if (!__ret) { \
memcpy((a)->data + (a)->size, (ep), sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])) * (n)); \
(a)->size += (n); \
} \
__ret; \
#define TARRAY2_INSERT_PTR(a, idx, ep) tarray2InsertBatch(a, idx, ep, 1, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])))
#define TARRAY2_APPEND_PTR(a, ep) tarray2InsertBatch(a, (a)->size, ep, 1, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])))
#define TARRAY2_APPEND_BATCH(a, ep, n) tarray2InsertBatch(a, (a)->size, ep, n, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])))
#define TARRAY2_APPEND(a, e) TARRAY2_APPEND_PTR(a, &(e))
// return (TYPE *)
#define TARRAY2_SEARCH(a, ep, cmp, flag) \
({ \
typeof((a)->data) __ep = (ep); \
typeof((a)->data) __p; \
if ((a)->size > 0) { \
__p = taosbsearch(__ep, (a)->data, (a)->size, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])), (__compar_fn_t)cmp, flag); \
} else { \
__p = NULL; \
} \
__p; \
// return (TYPE)
#define TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(a, ep, cmp, flag) \
({ \
typeof((a)->data) __p = TARRAY2_SEARCH(a, ep, cmp, flag); \
__p ? __p[0] : NULL; \
#define TARRAY2_SEARCH_IDX(a, ep, cmp, flag) \
({ \
typeof((a)->data) __p = TARRAY2_SEARCH(a, ep, cmp, flag); \
__p ? __p - (a)->data : -1; \
#define TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(a, e, cmp) \
({ \
int32_t __idx = TARRAY2_SEARCH_IDX(a, &(e), cmp, TD_GT); \
TARRAY2_INSERT(a, __idx < 0 ? (a)->size : __idx, e); \
#define TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT_P(a, ep, cmp) TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(a, *(ep), cmp)
#define TARRAY2_SEARCH(a, ep, cmp, flag) \
(typeof((a)->data))tarray2Search(a, ep, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])), (__compar_fn_t)cmp, flag)
#define TARRAY2_SEARCH_IDX(a, ep, cmp, flag) \
tarray2SearchIdx(a, ep, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])), (__compar_fn_t)cmp, flag)
#define TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT(a, e, cmp) tarray2SortInsert(a, &(e), sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])), (__compar_fn_t)cmp)
#define TARRAY2_SORT_INSERT_P(a, ep, cmp) tarray2SortInsert(a, ep, sizeof(typeof((a)->data[0])), (__compar_fn_t)cmp)
#define TARRAY2_REMOVE(a, idx, cb) \
do { \
......@@ -331,7 +331,8 @@ static int32_t tsdbCommitFileSetBegin(SCommitter2 *committer) {
TSDB_CHECK_CODE(code, lino, _exit);
STFileSet fset = {.fid = committer->ctx->fid};
committer->ctx->fset = &fset;
committer->ctx->fset = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(committer->fsetArr, &committer->ctx->fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
STFileSet **fsetPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(committer->fsetArr, &committer->ctx->fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
committer->ctx->fset = (fsetPtr == NULL) ? NULL : *fsetPtr;
committer->ctx->tbid->suid = 0;
committer->ctx->tbid->uid = 0;
......@@ -483,7 +483,8 @@ static int32_t edit_fs(STFileSystem *fs, const TFileOpArray *opArray) {
if (!fset || fset->fid != op->fid) {
STFileSet tfset = {.fid = op->fid};
fset = &tfset;
fset = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(fsetArray, &fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
STFileSet **fsetPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(fsetArray, &fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
fset = (fsetPtr == NULL) ? NULL : *fsetPtr;
if (!fset) {
code = tsdbTFileSetInit(op->fid, &fset);
......@@ -657,9 +658,10 @@ int32_t tsdbFSEditAbort(STFileSystem *fs) {
int32_t tsdbFSGetFSet(STFileSystem *fs, int32_t fid, STFileSet **fset) {
STFileSet tfset = {.fid = fid};
STFileSet *pset = &tfset;
fset[0] = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(fs->fSetArr, &pset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
STFileSet tfset = {.fid = fid};
STFileSet *pset = &tfset;
STFileSet **fsetPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(fs->fSetArr, &pset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
fset[0] = (fsetPtr == NULL) ? NULL : fsetPtr[0];
return 0;
......@@ -321,8 +321,9 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetEdit(STsdb *pTsdb, STFileSet *fset, const STFileOp *op) {
SSttLvl *lvl = tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(fset, op->of.stt->level);
STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}}, *tfobjp = &tfobj;
tfobjp = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(lvl->fobjArr, &tfobjp, tsdbTFileObjCmpr, TD_EQ);
STFileObj tfobj = {.f[0] = {.cid = op->of.cid}}, *tfobjp = &tfobj;
STFileObj **fobjPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(lvl->fobjArr, &tfobjp, tsdbTFileObjCmpr, TD_EQ);
tfobjp = (fobjPtr ? *fobjPtr : NULL);
......@@ -504,9 +505,10 @@ int32_t tsdbTFileSetRemove(STFileSet **fset) {
SSttLvl *tsdbTFileSetGetSttLvl(STFileSet *fset, int32_t level) {
SSttLvl sttLvl = {.level = level};
SSttLvl *lvl = &sttLvl;
return TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(fset->lvlArr, &lvl, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn, TD_EQ);
SSttLvl sttLvl = {.level = level};
SSttLvl *lvl = &sttLvl;
SSttLvl **lvlPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(fset->lvlArr, &lvl, tsdbSttLvlCmprFn, TD_EQ);
return lvlPtr ? lvlPtr[0] : NULL;
int32_t tsdbTFileSetCmprFn(const STFileSet **fset1, const STFileSet **fset2) {
......@@ -764,7 +764,8 @@ static int32_t tsdbSnapWriteFileSetBegin(STsdbSnapWriter* writer, int32_t fid) {
STFileSet* fset = &(STFileSet){.fid = fid};
writer->ctx->fid = fid;
writer->ctx->fset = TARRAY2_SEARCH_EX(writer->fsetArr, &fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
STFileSet** fsetPtr = TARRAY2_SEARCH(writer->fsetArr, &fset, tsdbTFileSetCmprFn, TD_EQ);
writer->ctx->fset = (fsetPtr == NULL) ? NULL : *fsetPtr;
int32_t level = tsdbFidLevel(fid, &writer->tsdb->keepCfg, taosGetTimestampSec());
if (tfsAllocDisk(writer->tsdb->pVnode->pTfs, level, &writer->ctx->did)) {
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