提交 d1ac98fa 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/3.0' into feature/check

......@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ typedef struct SRpcConnInfo {
typedef struct SRpcMsg {
tmsg_t msgType;
void *pCont;
void * pCont;
int contLen;
int32_t code;
void *handle; // rpc handle returned to app
void *ahandle; // app handle set by client
void * handle; // rpc handle returned to app
void * ahandle; // app handle set by client
int64_t refId; // refid, used by server
int noResp; // has response or not(default 0, 0: resp, 1: no resp);
int persistHandle; // persist handle or not
......@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ typedef struct {
uint16_t clientPort;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
int32_t rspLen;
void *pRsp;
void *pNode;
void * pRsp;
void * pNode;
} SNodeMsg;
typedef void (*RpcCfp)(void *parent, SRpcMsg *, SEpSet *);
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ typedef int (*RpcRfp)(void *parent, SRpcMsg *, SEpSet *);
typedef struct SRpcInit {
uint16_t localPort; // local port
char *label; // for debug purpose
char * label; // for debug purpose
int numOfThreads; // number of threads to handle connections
int sessions; // number of sessions allowed
......@@ -97,23 +98,23 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
int32_t msgType;
void *val;
void * val;
int32_t (*clone)(void *src, void **dst);
void (*freeFunc)(const void *arg);
} SRpcBrokenlinkVal;
typedef struct {
SHashObj *args;
SHashObj * args;
SRpcBrokenlinkVal brokenVal;
} SRpcCtx;
int32_t rpcInit();
void rpcCleanup();
void *rpcOpen(const SRpcInit *pRpc);
void * rpcOpen(const SRpcInit *pRpc);
void rpcClose(void *);
void *rpcMallocCont(int contLen);
void * rpcMallocCont(int contLen);
void rpcFreeCont(void *pCont);
void *rpcReallocCont(void *ptr, int contLen);
void * rpcReallocCont(void *ptr, int contLen);
// Because taosd supports multi-process mode
// These functions should not be used on the server side
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ int32_t taosProcRun(SProcObj *pProc);
void taosProcStop(SProcObj *pProc);
int32_t taosProcPutToChildQ(SProcObj *pProc, const void *pHead, int16_t headLen, const void *pBody, int32_t bodyLen,
void *handle, EProcFuncType ftype);
void taosProcRemoveHandle(SProcObj *pProc, void *handle);
void *handle, int64_t handleRef, EProcFuncType ftype);
int64_t taosProcRemoveHandle(SProcObj *pProc, void *handle);
void taosProcCloseHandles(SProcObj *pProc, void (*HandleFp)(void *handle));
void taosProcPutToParentQ(SProcObj *pProc, const void *pHead, int16_t headLen, const void *pBody, int32_t bodyLen,
EProcFuncType ftype);
......@@ -225,18 +225,20 @@ static int32_t taosLoadCfg(SConfig *pCfg, const char *inputCfgDir, const char *e
char cfgFile[PATH_MAX + 100] = {0};
taosExpandDir(inputCfgDir, cfgDir, PATH_MAX);
snprintf(cfgFile, sizeof(cfgFile), "%s" TD_DIRSEP "taos.cfg", cfgDir);
if (taosIsDir(cfgDir)) {
snprintf(cfgFile, sizeof(cfgFile), "%s" TD_DIRSEP "taos.cfg", cfgDir);
} else {
tstrncpy(cfgFile, cfgDir, sizeof(cfgDir));
if (cfgLoad(pCfg, CFG_STYPE_APOLLO_URL, apolloUrl) != 0) {
uError("failed to load from apollo url:%s since %s", apolloUrl, terrstr());
return -1;
if (cfgLoad(pCfg, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE, cfgDir) != 0) {
if (cfgLoad(pCfg, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE, cfgFile) != 0) {
uInfo("cfg file:%s not read since %s", cfgFile, terrstr());
return 0;
if (cfgLoad(pCfg, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE, cfgFile) != 0) {
uError("failed to load from cfg file:%s since %s", cfgFile, terrstr());
return -1;
if (cfgLoad(pCfg, CFG_STYPE_ENV_FILE, envFile) != 0) {
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
if (dmInitLog() != 0) {
printf("failed to start since init log error\n");
dError("failed to start since init log error");
return -1;
......@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ static inline int32_t dmBuildMsg(SNodeMsg *pMsg, SRpcMsg *pRpc) {
pMsg->clientIp = connInfo.clientIp;
pMsg->clientPort = connInfo.clientPort;
memcpy(&pMsg->rpcMsg, pRpc, sizeof(SRpcMsg));
if ((pRpc->msgType & 1u)) {
assert(pRpc->refId != 0);
// assert(pRpc->handle != NULL && pRpc->refId != 0 && pMsg->rpcMsg.refId != 0);
return 0;
......@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ static void dmProcessRpcMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SRpcMsg *pRpc, SEpSet *pEpSe
dTrace("msg:%p, is created and put into child queue, type:%s handle:%p user:%s", pMsg, TMSG_INFO(msgType),
pRpc->handle, pMsg->user);
code = taosProcPutToChildQ(pWrapper->procObj, pMsg, sizeof(SNodeMsg), pRpc->pCont, pRpc->contLen, pRpc->handle,
pRpc->refId, PROC_FUNC_REQ);
} else {
dTrace("msg:%p, should not processed in child process, handle:%p user:%s", pMsg, pRpc->handle, pMsg->user);
......@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ _OVER:
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = code};
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = code, .refId = pRpc->refId};
dTrace("msg:%p, is freed", pMsg);
......@@ -140,7 +144,8 @@ static void dmProcessMsg(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
if (pDnode->status != DND_STAT_RUNNING) {
dError("msg:%s ignored since dnode not running, handle:%p app:%p", TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->handle, pMsg->ahandle);
if (isReq) {
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle};
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {
.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle, .refId = pMsg->refId};
......@@ -149,7 +154,8 @@ static void dmProcessMsg(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
if (isReq && pMsg->pCont == NULL) {
dError("req:%s not processed since its empty, handle:%p app:%p", TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->handle, pMsg->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG_LEN, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle};
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {
.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_INVALID_MSG_LEN, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle, .refId = pMsg->refId};
......@@ -157,7 +163,8 @@ static void dmProcessMsg(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
if (pWrapper == NULL) {
dError("msg:%s not processed since no handle, handle:%p app:%p", TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->handle, pMsg->ahandle);
if (isReq) {
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle};
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {
.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED, .ahandle = pMsg->ahandle, .refId = pMsg->refId};
......@@ -176,6 +183,9 @@ static void dmProcessMsg(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
dTrace("msg:%s will be processed by %s, app:%p", TMSG_INFO(msgType), pWrapper->name, pMsg->ahandle);
if (isReq) {
assert(pMsg->refId != 0);
dmProcessRpcMsg(pWrapper, pMsg, pEpSet);
......@@ -323,7 +333,7 @@ static void dmConsumeChildQueue(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg, int16_t
if (code != 0) {
dError("msg:%p, failed to process since code:0x%04x:%s", pMsg, code & 0XFFFF, tstrerror(code));
if (pRpc->msgType & 1U) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = terrno};
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = terrno, .refId = pRpc->refId};
dmSendRsp(pWrapper, &rsp);
......@@ -352,7 +362,7 @@ static void dmConsumeParentQueue(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SRpcMsg *pMsg, int16_t
dmSendRpcReq(pWrapper->pDnode, (SEpSet *)((char *)pMsg + sizeof(SRpcMsg)), pMsg);
taosProcRemoveHandle(pWrapper->procObj, pMsg->handle);
pMsg->refId = taosProcRemoveHandle(pWrapper->procObj, pMsg->handle);
dmSendRpcRsp(pWrapper->pDnode, pMsg);
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void dmStopMonitorThread(SDnode *pDnode) {
static void dmProcessMgmtQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SDnode *pDnode = pInfo->ahandle;
SDnode * pDnode = pInfo->ahandle;
SRpcMsg *pRpc = &pMsg->rpcMsg;
int32_t code = -1;
dTrace("msg:%p, will be processed in dnode-mgmt queue", pMsg);
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ static void dmProcessMgmtQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
if (pRpc->msgType & 1u) {
if (code != 0) code = terrno;
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = code};
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pRpc->handle, .ahandle = pRpc->ahandle, .code = code, .refId = pRpc->refId};
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void dmProcessServerStatusReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SServerStatusRsp statusRsp = {0};
dmGetServerStatus(pDnode, &statusRsp);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .ahandle = pReq->ahandle};
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .ahandle = pReq->ahandle, .refId = pReq->refId};
int32_t rspLen = tSerializeSServerStatusRsp(NULL, 0, &statusRsp);
if (rspLen < 0) {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int32_t bmProcessCreateReq(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
if (createReq.dnodeId != pDnode->data.dnodeId) {
if (pDnode->data.dnodeId != 0 && createReq.dnodeId != pDnode->data.dnodeId) {
dError("failed to create bnode since %s, input:%d cur:%d", terrstr(), createReq.dnodeId, pDnode->data.dnodeId);
return -1;
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
#include "bmInt.h"
static void bmSendErrorRsp(SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rpcRsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle, .ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle, .code = code};
SRpcMsg rpcRsp = {
.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle, .ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle, .code = code, .refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId};
dTrace("msg:%p, is freed", pMsg);
......@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ static void bmSendErrorRsps(STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs, int32_t code) {
static inline void bmSendRsp(SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle,
.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId,
.code = code,
.pCont = pMsg->pRsp,
.contLen = pMsg->rspLen};
......@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ static void bmProcessWriteQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
int32_t bmProcessWriteMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SBnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SBnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SMultiWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->writeWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, put into worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
......@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ int32_t bmProcessWriteMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t bmProcessMonitorMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SBnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SBnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSingleWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->monitorWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, put into worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
......@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ int32_t mmProcessAlterReq(SMnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
if (alterReq.dnodeId != pDnode->data.dnodeId) {
if (pDnode->data.dnodeId != 0 && alterReq.dnodeId != pDnode->data.dnodeId) {
dError("failed to alter mnode since %s, dnodeId:%d input:%d", terrstr(), pDnode->data.dnodeId, alterReq.dnodeId);
dError("failed to alter mnode since %s, input:%d cur:%d", terrstr(), alterReq.dnodeId, pDnode->data.dnodeId);
return -1;
} else {
return mmAlter(pMgmt, &alterReq);
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
static inline void mmSendRsp(SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle,
.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId,
.code = code,
.pCont = pMsg->pRsp,
.contLen = pMsg->rspLen};
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
static inline void qmSendRsp(SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle,
.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId,
.code = code,
.pCont = pMsg->pRsp,
.contLen = pMsg->rspLen};
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
static inline void smSendRsp(SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle,
.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId,
.code = code,
.pCont = pMsg->pRsp,
.contLen = pMsg->rspLen};
......@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t smGetSWTypeFromMsg(SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t smProcessMgmtMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SSnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SMultiWorker *pWorker = taosArrayGetP(pMgmt->uniqueWorkers, 0);
if (pWorker == NULL) {
......@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ int32_t smProcessMgmtMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t smProcessMonitorMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SSnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSingleWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->monitorWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, put into worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
......@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ int32_t smProcessMonitorMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t smProcessUniqueMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SSnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
int32_t index = smGetSWIdFromMsg(&pMsg->rpcMsg);
SMultiWorker *pWorker = taosArrayGetP(pMgmt->uniqueWorkers, index);
if (pWorker == NULL) {
......@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ int32_t smProcessUniqueMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t smProcessSharedMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SSnodeMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSnodeMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSingleWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->sharedWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, put into worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
static inline void vmSendRsp(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
SRpcMsg rsp = {.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle,
.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle,
.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId,
.code = code,
.pCont = pMsg->pRsp,
.contLen = pMsg->rspLen};
......@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ static void vmProcessWriteQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
rsp.code = 0;
rsp.handle = pRpc->handle;
rsp.ahandle = pRpc->ahandle;
rsp.refId = pRpc->refId;
int32_t code = vnodeProcessWriteReq(pVnode->pImpl, pRpc, version++, &rsp);
......@@ -134,13 +136,14 @@ static void vmProcessWriteQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
// sync integration response
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pArray); i++) {
SNodeMsg *pMsg;
SRpcMsg *pRpc;
SRpcMsg * pRpc;
pMsg = *(SNodeMsg **)taosArrayGet(pArray, i);
pRpc = &pMsg->rpcMsg;
rsp.ahandle = pRpc->ahandle;
rsp.handle = pRpc->handle;
rsp.refId = pRpc->refId;
rsp.pCont = NULL;
rsp.contLen = 0;
......@@ -172,11 +175,9 @@ static void vmProcessWriteQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
static void vmProcessApplyQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs) {
SVnodeObj *pVnode = pInfo->ahandle;
SNodeMsg *pMsg = NULL;
SNodeMsg * pMsg = NULL;
SRpcMsg rsp;
// static int64_t version = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfMsgs; ++i) {
#if 1
// sync integration
......@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ static void vmProcessApplyQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
if (pMsg->rpcMsg.handle != NULL && pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle != NULL) {
rsp.ahandle = pMsg->rpcMsg.ahandle;
rsp.handle = pMsg->rpcMsg.handle;
rsp.refId = pMsg->rpcMsg.refId;
......@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ static void vmProcessApplyQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
static void vmProcessSyncQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs) {
SVnodeObj *pVnode = pInfo->ahandle;
SNodeMsg *pMsg = NULL;
SNodeMsg * pMsg = NULL;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfMsgs; ++i) {
taosGetQitem(qall, (void **)&pMsg);
......@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ static void vmProcessSyncQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOf
static void vmProcessMergeQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs) {
SVnodeObj *pVnode = pInfo->ahandle;
SNodeMsg *pMsg = NULL;
SNodeMsg * pMsg = NULL;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfMsgs; ++i) {
taosGetQitem(qall, (void **)&pMsg);
......@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ static void vmProcessMergeQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numO
static int32_t vmPutNodeMsgToQueue(SVnodesMgmt *pMgmt, SNodeMsg *pMsg, EQueueType qtype) {
SRpcMsg *pRpc = &pMsg->rpcMsg;
SRpcMsg * pRpc = &pMsg->rpcMsg;
SMsgHead *pHead = pRpc->pCont;
pHead->contLen = ntohl(pHead->contLen);
pHead->vgId = ntohl(pHead->vgId);
......@@ -315,7 +317,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessMergeMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t vmProcessMgmtMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SVnodesMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SVnodesMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSingleWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->mgmtWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, will be written to vnode-mgmt queue, worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
taosWriteQitem(pWorker->queue, pMsg);
......@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessMgmtMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t vmProcessMonitorMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
SVnodesMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SVnodesMgmt * pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SSingleWorker *pWorker = &pMgmt->monitorWorker;
dTrace("msg:%p, put into worker:%s", pMsg, pWorker->name);
......@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessMonitorMsg(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SNodeMsg *pMsg) {
static int32_t vmPutRpcMsgToQueue(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SRpcMsg *pRpc, EQueueType qtype) {
SVnodesMgmt *pMgmt = pWrapper->pMgmt;
SMsgHead *pHead = pRpc->pCont;
SMsgHead * pHead = pRpc->pCont;
SVnodeObj *pVnode = vmAcquireVnode(pMgmt, pHead->vgId);
if (pVnode == NULL) return -1;
......@@ -346,6 +348,7 @@ static int32_t vmPutRpcMsgToQueue(SMgmtWrapper *pWrapper, SRpcMsg *pRpc, EQueueT
} else {
dTrace("msg:%p, is created, type:%s", pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pRpc->msgType));
pMsg->rpcMsg = *pRpc;
// if (pMsg->rpcMsg.handle != NULL) assert(pMsg->rpcMsg.refId != 0);
switch (qtype) {
dTrace("msg:%p, will be put into vnode-query queue", pMsg);
......@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t failedTimes;
void* rpcHandle;
void* rpcAHandle;
int64_t rpcRefId;
void* rpcRsp;
int32_t rpcRspLen;
SArray* redoLogs;
......@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ TRANS_ENCODE_OVER:
static SSdbRow *mndTransActionDecode(SSdbRaw *pRaw) {
SSdbRow *pRow = NULL;
STrans *pTrans = NULL;
char *pData = NULL;
SSdbRow * pRow = NULL;
STrans * pTrans = NULL;
char * pData = NULL;
int32_t dataLen = 0;
int8_t sver = 0;
int32_t redoLogNum = 0;
......@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ static int32_t mndTransActionUpdate(SSdb *pSdb, STrans *pOld, STrans *pNew) {
static STrans *mndAcquireTrans(SMnode *pMnode, int32_t transId) {
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
SSdb * pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
STrans *pTrans = sdbAcquire(pSdb, SDB_TRANS, &transId);
if (pTrans == NULL) {
......@@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ STrans *mndTransCreate(SMnode *pMnode, ETrnPolicy policy, ETrnType type, const S
pTrans->createdTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
pTrans->rpcHandle = pReq->handle;
pTrans->rpcAHandle = pReq->ahandle;
pTrans->rpcRefId = pReq->refId;
pTrans->redoLogs = taosArrayInit(MND_TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
pTrans->undoLogs = taosArrayInit(MND_TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
pTrans->commitLogs = taosArrayInit(MND_TRANS_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(void *));
......@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ static int32_t mndCheckTransCanBeStartedInParallel(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pNewT
if (mndIsBasicTrans(pNewTrans)) return 0;
STrans *pTrans = NULL;
void *pIter = NULL;
void * pIter = NULL;
int32_t code = 0;
while (1) {
......@@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ int32_t mndTransPrepare(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
pNew->rpcHandle = pTrans->rpcHandle;
pNew->rpcAHandle = pTrans->rpcAHandle;
pNew->rpcRefId = pTrans->rpcRefId;
pNew->rpcRsp = pTrans->rpcRsp;
pNew->rpcRspLen = pTrans->rpcRspLen;
pTrans->rpcRsp = NULL;
......@@ -767,6 +769,7 @@ static void mndTransSendRpcRsp(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pTrans->rpcHandle,
.code = pTrans->code,
.ahandle = pTrans->rpcAHandle,
.refId = pTrans->rpcRefId,
.pCont = rpcCont,
.contLen = pTrans->rpcRspLen};
......@@ -827,7 +830,7 @@ HANDLE_ACTION_RSP_OVER:
static int32_t mndTransExecuteLogs(SMnode *pMnode, SArray *pArray) {
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
SSdb * pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
int32_t arraySize = taosArrayGetSize(pArray);
if (arraySize == 0) return 0;
......@@ -1202,11 +1205,11 @@ static int32_t mndKillTrans(SMnode *pMnode, STrans *pTrans) {
static int32_t mndProcessKillTransReq(SNodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pNode;
SMnode * pMnode = pReq->pNode;
SKillTransReq killReq = {0};
int32_t code = -1;
SUserObj *pUser = NULL;
STrans *pTrans = NULL;
SUserObj * pUser = NULL;
STrans * pTrans = NULL;
if (tDeserializeSKillTransReq(pReq->rpcMsg.pCont, pReq->rpcMsg.contLen, &killReq) != 0) {
......@@ -1246,7 +1249,7 @@ KILL_OVER:
void mndTransPullup(SMnode *pMnode) {
STrans *pTrans = NULL;
void *pIter = NULL;
void * pIter = NULL;
while (1) {
pIter = sdbFetch(pMnode->pSdb, SDB_TRANS, pIter, (void **)&pTrans);
......@@ -1261,11 +1264,11 @@ void mndTransPullup(SMnode *pMnode) {
static int32_t mndRetrieveTrans(SNodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *pBlock, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pNode;
SSdb *pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
SSdb * pSdb = pMnode->pSdb;
int32_t numOfRows = 0;
STrans *pTrans = NULL;
int32_t cols = 0;
char *pWrite;
char * pWrite;
while (numOfRows < rows) {
pShow->pIter = sdbFetch(pSdb, SDB_TRANS, pShow->pIter, (void **)&pTrans);
......@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ int vnodeQueryOpen(SVnode *pVnode) {
void vnodeQueryClose(SVnode *pVnode) { qWorkerDestroy((void **)&pVnode->pQuery); }
int vnodeGetTableMeta(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
STbCfg *pTbCfg = NULL;
STbCfg *pStbCfg = NULL;
STbCfg * pTbCfg = NULL;
STbCfg * pStbCfg = NULL;
tb_uid_t uid;
int32_t nCols;
int32_t nTagCols;
SSchemaWrapper *pSW = NULL;
STableMetaRsp *pTbMetaMsg = NULL;
STableMetaRsp * pTbMetaMsg = NULL;
STableMetaRsp metaRsp = {0};
SSchema *pTagSchema;
SSchema * pTagSchema;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
int msgLen = 0;
int32_t code = 0;
char tableFName[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN];
int32_t rspLen = 0;
void *pRsp = NULL;
void * pRsp = NULL;
STableInfoReq infoReq = {0};
if (tDeserializeSTableInfoReq(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &infoReq) != 0) {
......@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ _exit:
rpcMsg.handle = pMsg->handle;
rpcMsg.ahandle = pMsg->ahandle;
rpcMsg.refId = pMsg->refId;
rpcMsg.pCont = pRsp;
rpcMsg.contLen = rspLen;
rpcMsg.code = code;
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ void vnodeSyncCommitCb(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SFsmCbMeta cb
pFsm, cbMeta.index, cbMeta.isWeak, cbMeta.code, cbMeta.state, syncUtilState2String(cbMeta.state), beginIndex);
syncRpcMsgLog2(logBuf, (SRpcMsg *)pMsg);
SVnode *pVnode = (SVnode *)(pFsm->data);
SVnode * pVnode = (SVnode *)(pFsm->data);
SyncApplyMsg *pSyncApplyMsg = syncApplyMsgBuild2(pMsg, pVnode->config.vgId, &cbMeta);
SRpcMsg applyMsg;
syncApplyMsg2RpcMsg(pSyncApplyMsg, &applyMsg);
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ void vnodeSyncCommitCb(struct SSyncFSM *pFsm, const SRpcMsg *pMsg, SFsmCbMeta cb
if (ret == 1 && cbMeta.state == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
applyMsg.handle = saveRpcMsg.handle;
applyMsg.ahandle = saveRpcMsg.ahandle;
applyMsg.refId = saveRpcMsg.refId;
} else {
applyMsg.handle = NULL;
applyMsg.ahandle = NULL;
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ extern "C" {
#include "ttimer.h"
enum {
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ enum {
enum {
......@@ -73,25 +72,26 @@ typedef struct SQWDebug {
} SQWDebug;
typedef struct SQWConnInfo {
void *handle;
void *ahandle;
void * handle;
void * ahandle;
int64_t refId;
} SQWConnInfo;
typedef struct SQWMsg {
void *node;
int32_t code;
char *msg;
int32_t msgLen;
SQWConnInfo connInfo;
void * node;
int32_t code;
char * msg;
int32_t msgLen;
SQWConnInfo connInfo;
} SQWMsg;
typedef struct SQWHbInfo {
SSchedulerHbRsp rsp;
SQWConnInfo connInfo;
SSchedulerHbRsp rsp;
SQWConnInfo connInfo;
} SQWHbInfo;
typedef struct SQWPhaseInput {
int32_t code;
int32_t code;
} SQWPhaseInput;
typedef struct SQWPhaseOutput {
......@@ -100,41 +100,40 @@ typedef struct SQWPhaseOutput {
} SQWPhaseOutput;
typedef struct SQWTaskStatus {
int64_t refId; // job's refId
int32_t code;
int8_t status;
typedef struct SQWTaskStatus {
int64_t refId; // job's refId
int32_t code;
int8_t status;
} SQWTaskStatus;
typedef struct SQWTaskCtx {
SRWLatch lock;
int8_t phase;
int8_t taskType;
int8_t explain;
bool queryFetched;
bool queryEnd;
bool queryContinue;
bool queryInQueue;
int32_t rspCode;
SQWConnInfo ctrlConnInfo;
SQWConnInfo dataConnInfo;
int8_t events[QW_EVENT_MAX];
qTaskInfo_t taskHandle;
DataSinkHandle sinkHandle;
SRWLatch lock;
int8_t phase;
int8_t taskType;
int8_t explain;
bool queryFetched;
bool queryEnd;
bool queryContinue;
bool queryInQueue;
int32_t rspCode;
SQWConnInfo ctrlConnInfo;
SQWConnInfo dataConnInfo;
int8_t events[QW_EVENT_MAX];
void *taskHandle;
void *sinkHandle;
} SQWTaskCtx;
typedef struct SQWSchStatus {
int32_t lastAccessTs; // timestamp in second
int32_t lastAccessTs; // timestamp in second
SRWLatch hbConnLock;
SQWConnInfo hbConnInfo;
SQueryNodeEpId hbEpId;
SQueryNodeEpId hbEpId;
SRWLatch tasksLock;
SHashObj *tasksHash; // key:queryId+taskId, value: SQWTaskStatus
SHashObj * tasksHash; // key:queryId+taskId, value: SQWTaskStatus
} SQWSchStatus;
// Qnode/Vnode level task management
......@@ -142,100 +141,146 @@ typedef struct SQWorkerMgmt {
SQWorkerCfg cfg;
int8_t nodeType;
int32_t nodeId;
void *timer;
void * timer;
tmr_h hbTimer;
SRWLatch schLock;
// SRWLatch ctxLock;
SHashObj *schHash; // key: schedulerId, value: SQWSchStatus
SHashObj *ctxHash; // key: queryId+taskId, value: SQWTaskCtx
SMsgCb msgCb;
SHashObj *schHash; // key: schedulerId, value: SQWSchStatus
SHashObj *ctxHash; // key: queryId+taskId, value: SQWTaskCtx
SMsgCb msgCb;
} SQWorkerMgmt;
#define QW_FPARAMS_DEF SQWorkerMgmt *mgmt, uint64_t sId, uint64_t qId, uint64_t tId, int64_t rId
#define QW_IDS() sId, qId, tId, rId
#define QW_FPARAMS() mgmt, QW_IDS()
#define QW_IDS() sId, qId, tId, rId
#define QW_FPARAMS() mgmt, QW_IDS()
#define QW_GET_EVENT_VALUE(ctx, event) atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->events[event])
#define QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, event) (atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->events[event]) == QW_EVENT_RECEIVED)
#define QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, event) (atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->events[event]) == QW_EVENT_PROCESSED)
#define QW_SET_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, event) atomic_store_8(&(ctx)->events[event], QW_EVENT_RECEIVED)
#define QW_IS_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, event) (atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->events[event]) == QW_EVENT_RECEIVED)
#define QW_IS_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, event) (atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->events[event]) == QW_EVENT_PROCESSED)
#define QW_SET_EVENT_RECEIVED(ctx, event) atomic_store_8(&(ctx)->events[event], QW_EVENT_RECEIVED)
#define QW_SET_EVENT_PROCESSED(ctx, event) atomic_store_8(&(ctx)->events[event], QW_EVENT_PROCESSED)
#define QW_GET_PHASE(ctx) atomic_load_8(&(ctx)->phase)
#define QW_SET_RSP_CODE(ctx, code) atomic_store_32(&(ctx)->rspCode, code)
#define QW_SET_RSP_CODE(ctx, code) atomic_store_32(&(ctx)->rspCode, code)
#define QW_UPDATE_RSP_CODE(ctx, code) atomic_val_compare_exchange_32(&(ctx)->rspCode, 0, code)
#define QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId) do { *(uint64_t *)(id) = (qId); *(uint64_t *)((char *)(id) + sizeof(qId)) = (tId); } while (0)
#define QW_GET_QTID(id, qId, tId) do { (qId) = *(uint64_t *)(id); (tId) = *(uint64_t *)((char *)(id) + sizeof(qId)); } while (0)
#define QW_ERR_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; return _code; } } while (0)
#define QW_RET(c) do { int32_t _code = c; if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = _code; } return _code; } while (0)
#define QW_ERR_JRET(c) do { code = c; if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { terrno = code; goto _return; } } while (0)
#define QW_TASK_READY(status) \
#define QW_SET_QTID(id, qId, tId) \
do { \
*(uint64_t *)(id) = (qId); \
*(uint64_t *)((char *)(id) + sizeof(qId)) = (tId); \
} while (0)
#define QW_GET_QTID(id, qId, tId) \
do { \
(qId) = *(uint64_t *)(id); \
(tId) = *(uint64_t *)((char *)(id) + sizeof(qId)); \
} while (0)
#define QW_ERR_RET(c) \
do { \
int32_t _code = c; \
if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { \
terrno = _code; \
return _code; \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_RET(c) \
do { \
int32_t _code = c; \
if (_code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { \
terrno = _code; \
} \
return _code; \
} while (0)
#define QW_ERR_JRET(c) \
do { \
code = c; \
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { \
terrno = code; \
goto _return; \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p " param, mgmt, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p " param, mgmt, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_DUMP(param, ...) do { if (gQWDebug.dumpEnable) { qDebug("QW:%p " param, mgmt, __VA_ARGS__); } } while (0)
#define QW_SCH_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p SID:%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p SID:%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOGL(param, ...) qDebugL("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG_E(param) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG_E(param) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG_E(param) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p SID:0x%"PRIx64",QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QW:%p SID:0x%"PRIx64",QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p SID:0x%"PRIx64",QID:0x%"PRIx64",TID:0x%"PRIx64" " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_LOCK_DEBUG(...) do { if (gQWDebug.lockEnable) { qDebug(__VA_ARGS__); } } while (0)
#define QW_DUMP(param, ...) \
do { \
if (gQWDebug.dumpEnable) { \
qDebug("QW:%p " param, mgmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_SCH_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p SID:%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p SID:%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOGL(param, ...) \
qDebugL("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG_E(param) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG_E(param) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG_E(param) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) \
qError("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) \
qWarn("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) \
qDebug("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_LOCK_DEBUG(...) \
do { \
if (gQWDebug.lockEnable) { \
qDebug(__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
#define TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY 0x40000000
#define QW_LOCK(type, _lock) do { \
if (QW_READ == (type)) { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosRLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \
} else { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosWLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_UNLOCK(type, _lock) do { \
if (QW_READ == (type)) { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosRUnLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
} else { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosWUnLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_LOCK(type, _lock) \
do { \
if (QW_READ == (type)) { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosRLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \
} else { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosWLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WLOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \
} \
} while (0)
#define QW_UNLOCK(type, _lock) \
do { \
if (QW_READ == (type)) { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) > 0); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosRUnLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW RULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
} else { \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) == TD_RWLATCH_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d B", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
taosWUnLockLatch(_lock); \
QW_LOCK_DEBUG("QW WULOCK%p:%d, %s:%d E", (_lock), atomic_load_32(_lock), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
assert(atomic_load_32((_lock)) >= 0); \
} \
} while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ int32_t schBuildTaskRalation(SSchJob *pJob, SHashObj *planToTask) {
for (int32_t n = 0; n < childNum; ++n) {
SSubplan *child = (SSubplan *)nodesListGetNode(pPlan->pChildren, n);
SSubplan * child = (SSubplan *)nodesListGetNode(pPlan->pChildren, n);
SSchTask **childTask = taosHashGet(planToTask, &child, POINTER_BYTES);
if (NULL == childTask || NULL == *childTask) {
SCH_TASK_ELOG("subplan children relationship error, level:%d, taskIdx:%d, childIdx:%d", i, m, n);
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ int32_t schBuildTaskRalation(SSchJob *pJob, SHashObj *planToTask) {
for (int32_t n = 0; n < parentNum; ++n) {
SSubplan *parent = (SSubplan *)nodesListGetNode(pPlan->pParents, n);
SSubplan * parent = (SSubplan *)nodesListGetNode(pPlan->pParents, n);
SSchTask **parentTask = taosHashGet(planToTask, &parent, POINTER_BYTES);
if (NULL == parentTask || NULL == *parentTask) {
SCH_TASK_ELOG("subplan parent relationship error, level:%d, taskIdx:%d, childIdx:%d", i, m, n);
......@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ int32_t schValidateAndBuildJob(SQueryPlan *pDag, SSchJob *pJob) {
SSchLevel level = {0};
SNodeListNode *plans = NULL;
int32_t taskNum = 0;
SSchLevel *pLevel = NULL;
SSchLevel * pLevel = NULL;
......@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ int32_t schUpdateTaskExecNodeHandle(SSchTask *pTask, void *handle, int32_t rspCo
int32_t schHandleCallback(void *param, const SDataBuf *pMsg, int32_t msgType, int32_t rspCode) {
int32_t code = 0;
SSchTaskCallbackParam *pParam = (SSchTaskCallbackParam *)param;
SSchTask *pTask = NULL;
SSchTask * pTask = NULL;
SSchJob *pJob = schAcquireJob(pParam->refId);
if (NULL == pJob) {
......@@ -1617,8 +1617,8 @@ _return:
int32_t schMakeHbRpcCtx(SSchJob *pJob, SSchTask *pTask, SRpcCtx *pCtx) {
int32_t code = 0;
SSchHbCallbackParam *param = NULL;
SMsgSendInfo *pMsgSendInfo = NULL;
SQueryNodeAddr *addr = taosArrayGet(pTask->candidateAddrs, pTask->candidateIdx);
SMsgSendInfo * pMsgSendInfo = NULL;
SQueryNodeAddr * addr = taosArrayGet(pTask->candidateAddrs, pTask->candidateIdx);
SQueryNodeEpId epId = {0};
epId.nodeId = addr->nodeId;
......@@ -1759,10 +1759,10 @@ int32_t schCloneHbRpcCtx(SRpcCtx *pSrc, SRpcCtx *pDst) {
SRpcCtxVal dst = {0};
void *pIter = taosHashIterate(pSrc->args, NULL);
void * pIter = taosHashIterate(pSrc->args, NULL);
while (pIter) {
SRpcCtxVal *pVal = (SRpcCtxVal *)pIter;
int32_t *msgType = taosHashGetKey(pIter, NULL);
int32_t * msgType = taosHashGetKey(pIter, NULL);
dst = *pVal;
dst.val = NULL;
......@@ -1916,7 +1916,7 @@ _return:
int32_t schBuildAndSendMsg(SSchJob *pJob, SSchTask *pTask, SQueryNodeAddr *addr, int32_t msgType) {
uint32_t msgSize = 0;
void *msg = NULL;
void * msg = NULL;
int32_t code = 0;
bool isCandidateAddr = false;
bool persistHandle = false;
......@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ int32_t schedulerGetTasksStatus(int64_t job, SArray *pSub) {
SSchLevel *pLevel = taosArrayGet(pJob->levels, i);
for (int32_t m = 0; m < pLevel->taskNum; ++m) {
SSchTask *pTask = taosArrayGet(pLevel->subTasks, m);
SSchTask * pTask = taosArrayGet(pLevel->subTasks, m);
SQuerySubDesc subDesc = {.tid = pTask->taskId, .status = pTask->status};
taosArrayPush(pSub, &subDesc);
......@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ void schedulerFreeTaskList(SArray *taskList) {
void schedulerDestroy(void) {
if (schMgmt.jobRef) {
SSchJob *pJob = taosIterateRef(schMgmt.jobRef, 0);
int64_t refId = 0;
int64_t refId = 0;
while (pJob) {
refId = pJob->refId;
......@@ -2751,12 +2751,12 @@ void schedulerDestroy(void) {
if (schMgmt.hbConnections) {
void *pIter = taosHashIterate(schMgmt.hbConnections, NULL);
void *pIter = taosHashIterate(schMgmt.hbConnections, NULL);
while (pIter != NULL) {
SSchHbTrans *hb = pIter;
pIter = taosHashIterate(schMgmt.hbConnections, pIter);
schMgmt.hbConnections = NULL;
......@@ -447,4 +447,4 @@ static void syncIOTickPing(void *param, void *tmrId) {
taosTmrReset(syncIOTickPing, io->pingTimerMS, io, io->timerMgr, &io->pingTimer);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -327,6 +327,10 @@ void transQueueClear(STransQueue* queue);
void transQueueDestroy(STransQueue* queue);
* init global func
void transThreadOnce();
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include "transComm.h"
// static TdThreadOnce transModuleInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
int transAuthenticateMsg(void* pMsg, int msgLen, void* pAuth, void* pKey) {
T_MD5_CTX context;
int ret = -1;
......@@ -361,5 +363,10 @@ void transQueueDestroy(STransQueue* queue) {
// int32_t transGetExHandle() {
// static
// void transThreadOnce() {
// taosThreadOnce(&transModuleInit, );
......@@ -139,12 +139,6 @@ static int32_t cfgCheckAndSetDir(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *inputDir) {
return -1;
if (taosRealPath(fullDir, NULL, PATH_MAX) != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uError("failed to get realpath of dir:%s since %s", inputDir, terrstr());
return -1;
pItem->str = strdup(fullDir);
if (pItem->str == NULL) {
......@@ -172,9 +166,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetBool(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType sty
static int32_t cfgSetInt32(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
int32_t ival = (int32_t)atoi(value);
if (ival < pItem->imin || ival > pItem->imax) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%d out of range[%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 "], use last src:%s value:%d",
pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), ival, pItem->imin, pItem->imax,
cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->i32);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%d out of range[%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 "]", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), ival, pItem->imin, pItem->imax);
return -1;
......@@ -187,10 +180,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetInt32(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType st
static int32_t cfgSetInt64(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
int64_t ival = (int64_t)atoi(value);
if (ival < pItem->imin || ival > pItem->imax) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%" PRId64 " out of range[%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64
"], use last src:%s value:%" PRId64,
pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), ival, pItem->imin, pItem->imax,
cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->i64);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%" PRId64 " out of range[%" PRId64 ", %" PRId64 "]", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), ival, pItem->imin, pItem->imax);
return -1;
......@@ -203,9 +194,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetInt64(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType st
static int32_t cfgSetFloat(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
float fval = (float)atof(value);
if (fval < pItem->fmin || fval > pItem->fmax) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%f out of range[%f, %f], use last src:%s value:%f", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), fval, pItem->fmin, pItem->fmax, cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype),
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%f out of range[%f, %f]", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), fval, pItem->fmin, pItem->fmax);
return -1;
......@@ -219,8 +209,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetString(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType s
char *tmp = strdup(value);
if (tmp == NULL) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s, use last src:%s value:%s", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr(), cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->str);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -232,9 +222,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetString(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType s
static int32_t cfgSetDir(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
if (cfgCheckAndSetDir(pItem, value) != 0) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s, use last src:%s value:%s", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr(), cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->str);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -245,8 +234,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetDir(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType styp
static int32_t cfgSetLocale(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
if (cfgCheckAndSetLocale(pItem, value) != 0) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s, use last src:%s value:%s", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr(), cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->str);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -257,8 +246,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetLocale(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType s
static int32_t cfgSetCharset(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
if (cfgCheckAndSetCharset(pItem, value) != 0) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s, use last src:%s value:%s", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr(), cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->str);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -269,8 +258,8 @@ static int32_t cfgSetCharset(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType
static int32_t cfgSetTimezone(SConfigItem *pItem, const char *value, ECfgSrcType stype) {
if (cfgCheckAndSetTimezone(pItem, value) != 0) {
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s, use last src:%s value:%s", pItem->name,
cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype), cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr(), cfgStypeStr(pItem->stype), pItem->str);
uError("cfg:%s, type:%s src:%s value:%s failed to dup since %s", pItem->name, cfgDtypeStr(pItem->dtype),
cfgStypeStr(stype), value, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -608,15 +597,19 @@ int32_t cfgLoadFromCfgFile(SConfig *pConfig, const char *filepath) {
char *line = NULL, *name, *value, *value2, *value3;
int32_t olen, vlen, vlen2, vlen3;
ssize_t _bytes = 0;
if (taosIsDir(filepath)) {
return -1;
int32_t code = 0;
TdFilePtr pFile = taosOpenFile(filepath, TD_FILE_READ | TD_FILE_STREAM);
if (pFile == NULL) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
return -1;
// success when the file does not exist
if (errno == ENOENT) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
uInfo("failed to load from cfg file %s since %s, use default parameters", filepath, terrstr());
return 0;
} else {
uError("failed to load from cfg file %s since %s", filepath, terrstr());
return -1;
while (!taosEOFFile(pFile)) {
......@@ -645,17 +638,24 @@ int32_t cfgLoadFromCfgFile(SConfig *pConfig, const char *filepath) {
if (vlen3 != 0) value3[vlen3] = 0;
cfgSetItem(pConfig, name, value, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE);
code = cfgSetItem(pConfig, name, value, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE);
if (code != 0 && terrno != TSDB_CODE_CFG_NOT_FOUND) break;
if (value2 != NULL && value3 != NULL && value2[0] != 0 && value3[0] != 0 && strcasecmp(name, "dataDir") == 0) {
cfgSetTfsItem(pConfig, name, value, value2, value3, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE);
code = cfgSetTfsItem(pConfig, name, value, value2, value3, CFG_STYPE_CFG_FILE);
if (code != 0 && terrno != TSDB_CODE_CFG_NOT_FOUND) break;
if (line != NULL) taosMemoryFreeClear(line);
uInfo("load from cfg file %s success", filepath);
return 0;
if (code == 0 || (code != 0 && terrno == TSDB_CODE_CFG_NOT_FOUND)) {
uInfo("load from cfg file %s success", filepath);
return 0;
} else {
uError("failed to load from cfg file %s since %s", filepath, terrstr());
return -1;
int32_t cfgLoadFromApollUrl(SConfig *pConfig, const char *url) {
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