提交 d10df1e3 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

minor changes

上级 11a07e7d
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ typedef struct {
char app[TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN];
char db[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN];
int64_t startTime;
} SConnectMsg;
} SConnectReq;
typedef struct SEpSet {
int8_t inUse;
......@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t numOfStreams;
char app[TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN];
char pData[];
} SHeartBeatMsg;
} SHeartBeatReq;
typedef struct {
int32_t connId;
......@@ -911,19 +911,14 @@ typedef struct {
SEpSet epSet;
} SHeartBeatRsp;
typedef struct {
int32_t connId;
int32_t streamId;
} SKillStreamMsg;
typedef struct {
int32_t connId;
int32_t queryId;
} SKillQueryMsg;
} SKillQueryReq;
typedef struct {
int32_t connId;
} SKillConnMsg;
} SKillConnReq;
typedef struct {
char user[TSDB_USER_LEN];
......@@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ static SMsgSendInfo* buildConnectMsg(SRequestObj *pRequest) {
pMsgSendInfo->msgType = TDMT_MND_CONNECT;
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
pMsgSendInfo->msgInfo.len = sizeof(SConnectReq);
pMsgSendInfo->requestObjRefId = pRequest->self;
pMsgSendInfo->requestId = pRequest->requestId;
pMsgSendInfo->fp = handleRequestRspFp[TMSG_INDEX(pMsgSendInfo->msgType)];
pMsgSendInfo->param = pRequest;
SConnectMsg *pConnect = calloc(1, sizeof(SConnectMsg));
SConnectReq *pConnect = calloc(1, sizeof(SConnectReq));
if (pConnect == NULL) {
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ add_subdirectory(db)
# add_subdirectory(func)
# add_subdirectory(sync)
# add_subdirectory(telem)
......@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ static SConnObj *mndAcquireConn(SMnode *pMnode, int32_t connId);
static void mndReleaseConn(SMnode *pMnode, SConnObj *pConn);
static void *mndGetNextConn(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter, SConnObj **pConn);
static void mndCancelGetNextConn(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter);
static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessConnectMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndProcessKillConnectionMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg);
static int32_t mndGetConnsMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveConns(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static int32_t mndGetQueryMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveQueries(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndProcessKillConnReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq);
static int32_t mndGetConnsMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveConns(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static int32_t mndGetQueryMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta);
static int32_t mndRetrieveQueries(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows);
static void mndCancelGetNextQuery(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter);
int32_t mndInitProfile(SMnode *pMnode) {
......@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ int32_t mndInitProfile(SMnode *pMnode) {
return -1;
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_HEARTBEAT, mndProcessHeartBeatMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CONNECT, mndProcessConnectMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_KILL_QUERY, mndProcessKillQueryMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_KILL_CONN, mndProcessKillConnectionMsg);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_HEARTBEAT, mndProcessHeartBeatReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_CONNECT, mndProcessConnectReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_KILL_QUERY, mndProcessKillQueryReq);
mndSetMsgHandle(pMnode, TDMT_MND_KILL_CONN, mndProcessKillConnReq);
mndAddShowMetaHandle(pMnode, TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_CONNS, mndGetConnsMeta);
mndAddShowRetrieveHandle(pMnode, TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_CONNS, mndRetrieveConns);
......@@ -178,35 +178,35 @@ static void mndCancelGetNextConn(SMnode *pMnode, void *pIter) {
taosHashCancelIterate(pMgmt->cache->pHashTable, pIter);
static int32_t mndProcessConnectMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
SConnectMsg *pReq = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
pReq->pid = htonl(pReq->pid);
pReq->startTime = htobe64(pReq->startTime);
static int32_t mndProcessConnectReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SConnectReq *pConnReq = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
pConnReq->pid = htonl(pConnReq->pid);
pConnReq->startTime = htobe64(pConnReq->startTime);
SRpcConnInfo info = {0};
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pMsg->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login while get connection info since %s", pMsg->user, terrstr());
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pReq->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login while get connection info since %s", pReq->user, terrstr());
return -1;
char ip[30];
taosIp2String(info.clientIp, ip);
if (pReq->db[0]) {
snprintf(pMsg->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d%s%s", pMsg->acctId, TS_PATH_DELIMITER, pReq->db);
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDb(pMnode, pMsg->db);
if (pConnReq->db[0]) {
snprintf(pReq->db, TSDB_DB_FNAME_LEN, "%d%s%s", pReq->acctId, TS_PATH_DELIMITER, pConnReq->db);
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDb(pMnode, pReq->db);
if (pDb == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while use db:%s since %s", pMsg->user, ip, pReq->db, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while use db:%s since %s", pReq->user, ip, pConnReq->db, terrstr());
return -1;
mndReleaseDb(pMnode, pDb);
SConnObj *pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, pReq->pid, pReq->app, pReq->startTime);
SConnObj *pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, pConnReq->pid, pConnReq->app, pConnReq->startTime);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create connection since %s", pMsg->user, ip, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create connection since %s", pReq->user, ip, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
if (pRsp == NULL) {
mndReleaseConn(pMnode, pConn);
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create rsp since %s", pMsg->user, ip, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, failed to login from %s while create rsp since %s", pReq->user, ip, terrstr());
return -1;
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pMsg->user);
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser != NULL) {
pRsp->acctId = htonl(pUser->acctId);
pRsp->superUser = pUser->superUser;
......@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@ static int32_t mndProcessConnectMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mndGetMnodeEpSet(pMnode, &pRsp->epSet);
mndReleaseConn(pMnode, pConn);
pMsg->contLen = sizeof(SConnectRsp);
pMsg->pCont = pRsp;
pReq->contLen = sizeof(SConnectRsp);
pReq->pCont = pRsp;
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", info.user, ip, pConn->id, pReq->app);
mDebug("user:%s, login from %s, conn:%d, app:%s", info.user, ip, pConn->id, pConnReq->app);
return 0;
static int32_t mndSaveQueryStreamList(SConnObj *pConn, SHeartBeatMsg *pMsg) {
static int32_t mndSaveQueryStreamList(SConnObj *pConn, SHeartBeatReq *pReq) {
pConn->numOfQueries = 0;
int32_t numOfQueries = htonl(pMsg->numOfQueries);
int32_t numOfQueries = htonl(pReq->numOfQueries);
if (numOfQueries > 0) {
if (pConn->pQueries == NULL) {
......@@ -250,38 +250,38 @@ static int32_t mndSaveQueryStreamList(SConnObj *pConn, SHeartBeatMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t saveSize = pConn->numOfQueries * sizeof(SQueryDesc);
if (saveSize > 0 && pConn->pQueries != NULL) {
memcpy(pConn->pQueries, pMsg->pData, saveSize);
memcpy(pConn->pQueries, pReq->pData, saveSize);
static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
SHeartBeatMsg *pReq = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
pReq->connId = htonl(pReq->connId);
pReq->pid = htonl(pReq->pid);
SHeartBeatReq *pHeartbeat = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
pHeartbeat->connId = htonl(pHeartbeat->connId);
pHeartbeat->pid = htonl(pHeartbeat->pid);
SRpcConnInfo info = {0};
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pMsg->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
mError("user:%s, connId:%d failed to process hb since %s", pMsg->user, pReq->connId, terrstr());
if (rpcGetConnInfo(pReq->rpcMsg.handle, &info) != 0) {
mError("user:%s, connId:%d failed to process hb since %s", pReq->user, pHeartbeat->connId, terrstr());
return -1;
SConnObj *pConn = mndAcquireConn(pMnode, pReq->connId);
SConnObj *pConn = mndAcquireConn(pMnode, pHeartbeat->connId);
if (pConn == NULL) {
pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, pReq->pid, pReq->app, 0);
pConn = mndCreateConn(pMnode, &info, pHeartbeat->pid, pHeartbeat->app, 0);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("user:%s, conn:%d is freed and failed to create new conn since %s", pMsg->user, pReq->connId, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, conn:%d is freed and failed to create new since %s", pReq->user, pHeartbeat->connId, terrstr());
return -1;
} else {
mDebug("user:%s, conn:%d is freed and create a new conn:%d", pMsg->user, pReq->connId, pConn->id);
mDebug("user:%s, conn:%d is freed and create a new conn:%d", pReq->user, pHeartbeat->connId, pConn->id);
} else if (pConn->killed) {
mError("user:%s, conn:%d is already killed", pMsg->user, pConn->id);
mError("user:%s, conn:%d is already killed", pReq->user, pConn->id);
return -1;
} else {
......@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
if (pRsp == NULL) {
mndReleaseConn(pMnode, pConn);
mError("user:%s, conn:%d failed to process hb while create rsp since %s", pMsg->user, pReq->connId, terrstr());
mError("user:%s, conn:%d failed to process hb while since %s", pReq->user, pHeartbeat->connId, terrstr());
return -1;
mndSaveQueryStreamList(pConn, pReq);
mndSaveQueryStreamList(pConn, pHeartbeat);
if (pConn->killed != 0) {
pRsp->killConnection = 1;
......@@ -324,16 +324,16 @@ static int32_t mndProcessHeartBeatMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mndGetMnodeEpSet(pMnode, &pRsp->epSet);
mndReleaseConn(pMnode, pConn);
pMsg->contLen = sizeof(SConnectRsp);
pMsg->pCont = pRsp;
pReq->contLen = sizeof(SConnectRsp);
pReq->pCont = pRsp;
return 0;
static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pMsg->user);
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
if (!pUser->superUser) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
SKillQueryMsg *pKill = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
SKillQueryReq *pKill = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
int32_t connId = htonl(pKill->connId);
int32_t queryId = htonl(pKill->queryId);
mInfo("kill query msg is received, queryId:%d", pKill->queryId);
......@@ -353,18 +353,18 @@ static int32_t mndProcessKillQueryMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
} else {
mInfo("connId:%d, queryId:%d is killed by user:%s", connId, queryId, pMsg->user);
mInfo("connId:%d, queryId:%d is killed by user:%s", connId, queryId, pReq->user);
pConn->queryId = queryId;
taosCacheRelease(pMgmt->cache, (void **)&pConn, false);
return 0;
static int32_t mndProcessKillConnectionMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndProcessKillConnReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pMsg->user);
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
if (!pUser->superUser) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessKillConnectionMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
SKillConnMsg *pKill = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont;
SKillConnReq *pKill = pReq->rpcMsg.pCont;
int32_t connId = htonl(pKill->connId);
SConnObj *pConn = taosCacheAcquireByKey(pMgmt->cache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t));
......@@ -382,18 +382,18 @@ static int32_t mndProcessKillConnectionMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
} else {
mInfo("connId:%d, is killed by user:%s", connId, pMsg->user);
mInfo("connId:%d, is killed by user:%s", connId, pReq->user);
pConn->killed = 1;
taosCacheRelease(pMgmt->cache, (void **)&pConn, false);
static int32_t mndGetConnsMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndGetConnsMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pMsg->user);
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
if (!pUser->superUser) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
......@@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ static int32_t mndGetConnsMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *
return 0;
static int32_t mndRetrieveConns(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndRetrieveConns(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
int32_t numOfRows = 0;
SConnObj *pConn = NULL;
int32_t cols = 0;
......@@ -518,11 +518,11 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveConns(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, in
return numOfRows;
static int32_t mndGetQueryMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndGetQueryMeta(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *pMeta) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
SProfileMgmt *pMgmt = &pMnode->profileMgmt;
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pMsg->user);
SUserObj *pUser = mndAcquireUser(pMnode, pReq->user);
if (pUser == NULL) return 0;
if (!pUser->superUser) {
mndReleaseUser(pMnode, pUser);
......@@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ static int32_t mndGetQueryMeta(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, STableMetaMsg *
return 0;
static int32_t mndRetrieveQueries(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pMsg->pMnode;
static int32_t mndRetrieveQueries(SMnodeMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows) {
SMnode *pMnode = pReq->pMnode;
int32_t numOfRows = 0;
SConnObj *pConn = NULL;
int32_t cols = 0;
......@@ -124,20 +124,20 @@ static int32_t mndProcessShowReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
mError("failed to process show msg since %s", terrstr());
mError("failed to process show-meta req since %s", terrstr());
return -1;
ShowMetaFp metaFp = pMgmt->metaFps[type];
if (metaFp == NULL) {
mError("failed to process show-meta msg:%s since %s", mndShowStr(type), terrstr());
mError("failed to process show-meta req:%s since %s", mndShowStr(type), terrstr());
return -1;
SShowObj *pShow = mndCreateShowObj(pMnode, pShowReq);
if (pShow == NULL) {
mError("failed to process show-meta msg:%s since %s", mndShowStr(type), terrstr());
mError("failed to process show-meta req:%s since %s", mndShowStr(type), terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessShowReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
if (pRsp == NULL) {
mndReleaseShowObj(pShow, true);
mError("show:0x%" PRIx64 ", failed to process show-meta msg:%s since malloc rsp error", pShow->id,
mError("show:0x%" PRIx64 ", failed to process show-meta req:%s since malloc rsp error", pShow->id,
return -1;
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessRetrieveReq(SMnodeMsg *pReq) {
SShowObj *pShow = mndAcquireShowObj(pMnode, showId);
if (pShow == NULL) {
mError("failed to process show-retrieve msg:%p since %s", pShow, terrstr());
mError("failed to process show-retrieve req:%p since %s", pShow, terrstr());
return -1;
......@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ add_subdirectory(qnode)
aux_source_directory(. PROFILE_SRC)
add_executable(dnode_test_profile ${PROFILE_SRC})
add_executable(mnode_test_profile ${PROFILE_SRC})
NAME dnode_test_profile
COMMAND dnode_test_profile
NAME mnode_test_profile
COMMAND mnode_test_profile
* @file profile.cpp
* @author slguan (slguan@taosdata.com)
* @brief DNODE module profile-msg tests
* @version 0.1
* @date 2021-12-15
* @brief MNODE module profile tests
* @version 1.0
* @date 2022-01-06
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022
#include "sut.h"
class DndTestProfile : public ::testing::Test {
class MndTestProfile : public ::testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestSuite() { test.Init("/tmp/dnode_test_profile", 9080); }
static void SetUpTestSuite() { test.Init("/tmp/mnode_test_profile", 9022); }
static void TearDownTestSuite() { test.Cleanup(); }
static Testbase test;
......@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ class DndTestProfile : public ::testing::Test {
void TearDown() override {}
Testbase DndTestProfile::test;
int32_t DndTestProfile::connId;
Testbase MndTestProfile::test;
int32_t MndTestProfile::connId;
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 01_ConnectMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 01_ConnectMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectMsg* pReq = (SConnectMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
......@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 01_ConnectMsg) {
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9080);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9022);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
connId = pRsp->connId;
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 02_ConnectMsg_InvalidDB) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 02_ConnectMsg_InvalidDB) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectMsg* pReq = (SConnectMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "invalid_db");
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 02_ConnectMsg_InvalidDB) {
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->contLen, 0);
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 03_ConnectMsg_Show) {
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 03_ConnectMsg_Show) {
test.SendShowMetaReq(TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_CONNS, "");
CHECK_META("show connections", 7);
......@@ -88,22 +88,22 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 03_ConnectMsg_Show) {
EXPECT_EQ(test.GetShowRows(), 1);
CheckBinary("root", TSDB_USER_LEN);
CheckBinary("dnode_test_profile", TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
CheckBinary("mnode_test_profile", TSDB_APP_NAME_LEN);
IgnoreBinary(TSDB_IPv4ADDR_LEN + 6);
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 04_HeartBeatMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatMsg);
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 04_HeartBeatMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatReq);
SHeartBeatMsg* pReq = (SHeartBeatMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SHeartBeatReq* pReq = (SHeartBeatReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(connId);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
pReq->numOfQueries = htonl(0);
pReq->numOfStreams = htonl(0);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_HEARTBEAT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr);
......@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 04_HeartBeatMsg) {
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9080);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9022);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillConnMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillConnReq);
SKillConnMsg* pReq = (SKillConnMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SKillConnReq* pReq = (SKillConnReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(connId);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_KILL_CONN, pReq, contLen);
......@@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatReq);
SHeartBeatMsg* pReq = (SHeartBeatMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SHeartBeatReq* pReq = (SHeartBeatReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(connId);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
pReq->numOfQueries = htonl(0);
pReq->numOfStreams = htonl(0);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_HEARTBEAT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
......@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectMsg* pReq = (SConnectMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_CONNECT, pReq, contLen);
......@@ -185,17 +185,17 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 05_KillConnMsg) {
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9080);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9022);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
connId = pRsp->connId;
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 06_KillConnMsg_InvalidConn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillConnMsg);
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 06_KillConnMsg_InvalidConn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillConnReq);
SKillConnMsg* pReq = (SKillConnMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SKillConnReq* pReq = (SKillConnReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(2345);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_KILL_CONN, pReq, contLen);
......@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 06_KillConnMsg_InvalidConn) {
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 07_KillQueryMsg) {
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 07_KillQueryMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillQueryMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillQueryReq);
SKillQueryMsg* pReq = (SKillQueryMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SKillQueryReq* pReq = (SKillQueryReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(connId);
pReq->queryId = htonl(1234);
......@@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 07_KillQueryMsg) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SHeartBeatReq);
SHeartBeatMsg* pReq = (SHeartBeatMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SHeartBeatReq* pReq = (SHeartBeatReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(connId);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
pReq->numOfQueries = htonl(0);
pReq->numOfStreams = htonl(0);
strcpy(pReq->app, "dnode_test_profile");
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_profile");
SRpcMsg* pMsg = test.SendReq(TDMT_MND_HEARTBEAT, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pMsg, nullptr);
......@@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 07_KillQueryMsg) {
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.inUse, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.numOfEps, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9080);
EXPECT_EQ(pRsp->epSet.port[0], 9022);
EXPECT_STREQ(pRsp->epSet.fqdn[0], "localhost");
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 08_KillQueryMsg_InvalidConn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillQueryMsg);
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 08_KillQueryMsg_InvalidConn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SKillQueryReq);
SKillQueryMsg* pReq = (SKillQueryMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SKillQueryReq* pReq = (SKillQueryReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->connId = htonl(2345);
pReq->queryId = htonl(1234);
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 08_KillQueryMsg_InvalidConn) {
TEST_F(DndTestProfile, 09_KillQueryMsg) {
TEST_F(MndTestProfile, 09_KillQueryMsg) {
test.SendShowMetaReq(TSDB_MGMT_TABLE_QUERIES, "");
CHECK_META("show queries", 14);
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
class MndTestShow : public ::testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestSuite() { test.Init("/tmp/mnode_test_show", 9020); }
static void SetUpTestSuite() { test.Init("/tmp/mnode_test_show", 9021); }
static void TearDownTestSuite() { test.Cleanup(); }
static Testbase test;
......@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ TEST_F(MndTestShow, 02_ShowMsg_InvalidMsgStart) {
TEST_F(MndTestShow, 03_ShowMsg_Conn) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
SConnectMsg* pReq = (SConnectMsg*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
SConnectReq* pReq = (SConnectReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->pid = htonl(1234);
strcpy(pReq->app, "mnode_test_show");
strcpy(pReq->db, "");
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void tscKillStream(STscObj *pObj, uint32_t killId) {
int tscBuildQueryStreamDesc(void *pMsg, STscObj *pObj) {
SHeartBeatMsg *pHeartbeat = pMsg;
SHeartBeatReq *pHeartbeat = pMsg;
int allocedQueriesNum = pHeartbeat->numOfQueries;
int allocedStreamsNum = pHeartbeat->numOfStreams;
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ int tscBuildQueryStreamDesc(void *pMsg, STscObj *pObj) {
int32_t msgLen = pHeartbeat->numOfQueries * sizeof(SQueryDesc) + pHeartbeat->numOfStreams * sizeof(SStreamDesc) +
pHeartbeat->connId = htonl(pObj->connId);
pHeartbeat->numOfQueries = htonl(pHeartbeat->numOfQueries);
pHeartbeat->numOfStreams = htonl(pHeartbeat->numOfStreams);
......@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ int32_t tscBuildShowMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
int32_t tscBuildKillMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
pCmd->payloadLen = sizeof(SKillQueryMsg);
pCmd->payloadLen = sizeof(SKillQueryReq);
switch (pCmd->command) {
......@@ -1862,14 +1862,14 @@ int tscBuildConnectMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
STscObj *pObj = pSql->pTscObj;
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
pCmd->msgType = TDMT_MND_CONNECT;
pCmd->payloadLen = sizeof(SConnectMsg);
pCmd->payloadLen = sizeof(SConnectReq);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != tscAllocPayload(pCmd, pCmd->payloadLen)) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to malloc for query msg", pSql->self);
SConnectMsg *pConnect = (SConnectMsg*)pCmd->payload;
SConnectReq *pConnect = (SConnectReq*)pCmd->payload;
// TODO refactor full_name
char *db; // ugly code to move the space
......@@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ int tscBuildHeartBeatMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
int size = numOfQueries * sizeof(SQueryDesc) + numOfStreams * sizeof(SStreamDesc) + sizeof(SHeartBeatMsg) + 100;
int size = numOfQueries * sizeof(SQueryDesc) + numOfStreams * sizeof(SStreamDesc) + sizeof(SHeartBeatReq) + 100;
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != tscAllocPayload(pCmd, size)) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to create heartbeat msg", pSql->self);
......@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ int tscBuildHeartBeatMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
// TODO the expired hb and client can not be identified by server till now.
SHeartBeatMsg *pHeartbeat = (SHeartBeatMsg *)pCmd->payload;
SHeartBeatReq *pHeartbeat = (SHeartBeatReq *)pCmd->payload;
tstrncpy(pHeartbeat->clientVer, version, tListLen(pHeartbeat->clientVer));
pHeartbeat->numOfQueries = numOfQueries;
......@@ -44,13 +44,20 @@ print $data10 $data11 $data12
print =============== create child table
sql create table c1 using st tags(1)
sql create table c2 using st tags(2)
sql create table c2 using st tags(2)
sql show tables
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
sql create table c3 using st tags(3) c4 using st tags(4) c5 using st tags(5) c6 using st tags(6) c7 using st tags(7)
sql show tables
if $rows != 7 then
return -1
print $data00 $data01 $data02
print $data10 $data11 $data22
print $data20 $data11 $data22
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