未验证 提交 cbca55bc 编写于 作者: sangshuduo's avatar sangshuduo 提交者: GitHub

docs: add r language to connector (#22286)

* docs: add r language to connector

* docs: add r lang english version in connector

* docs: fix include path and note format

* Update 60-r-lang.mdx

minor changes

Co-authored-by: Ndanielclow <106956386+danielclow@users.noreply.github.com>
上级 b07df46c
toc_max_heading_level: 4
sidebar_label: R
title: R Language Connector
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import Rdemo from "../../07-develop/01-connect/_connect_r.mdx"
By using the RJDBC library in R, you can enable R programs to access TDengine data. Here are the installation process, configuration steps, and an example code in R.
## Installation Process
Before getting started, make sure you have installed the R language environment. Then, follow these steps to install and configure the RJDBC library:
1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK): RJDBC library requires Java environment. Download the appropriate JDK for your operating system from the official Oracle website and follow the installation guide.
2. Install the RJDBC library: Execute the following command in the R console to install the RJDBC library.
install.packages("RJDBC", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')
On Linux systems, installing the RJDBC package may require installing the necessary components for compilation. For example, on Ubuntu, you can execute the command ``apt install -y libbz2-dev libpcre2-dev libicu-dev`` to install the required components.
On Windows systems, you need to set the **JAVA_HOME** environment variable.
3. Download the TDengine JDBC driver: Visit the Maven website and download the TDengine JDBC driver (taos-jdbcdriver-X.X.X-dist.jar) to your local machine.
## Configuration Process
Once you have completed the installation steps, you need to do some configuration to enable the RJDBC library to connect and access the TDengine time-series database.
1. Load the RJDBC library and other necessary libraries in your R script:
2. Set the JDBC driver and JDBC URL:
# Set the JDBC driver path (specify the location on your local machine)
driverPath <- "/path/to/taos-jdbcdriver-X.X.X-dist.jar"
# Set the JDBC URL (specify the FQDN and credentials of your TDengine cluster)
url <- "jdbc:TAOS://localhost:6030/?user=root&password=taosdata"
3. Load the JDBC driver:
# Load the JDBC driver
drv <- JDBC("com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver", driverPath)
4. Create a TDengine database connection:
# Create a database connection
conn <- dbConnect(drv, url)
5. Once the connection is established, you can use the ``conn`` object for various database operations such as querying data and inserting data.
6. Finally, don't forget to close the database connection after you are done:
# Close the database connection
## Example Code Using RJDBC in R
Here's an example code that uses the RJDBC library to connect to a TDengine time-series database and perform a query operation:
Please modify the JDBC driver, JDBC URL, username, password, and SQL query statement according to your specific TDengine time-series database environment and requirements.
By following the steps and using the provided example code, you can use the RJDBC library in the R language to access the TDengine time-series database and perform tasks such as data querying and analysis.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ library("rJava")
args<- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
driver_path = args[1] # path to jdbc-driver for example: "/root/taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.0-dist.jar"
driver_path = args[1] # path to jdbc-driver for example: "/root/taos-jdbcdriver-3.2.4-dist.jar"
driver = JDBC("com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver", driver_path)
conn = dbConnect(driver, "jdbc:TAOS://")
dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT server_version()")
......@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@ if (! "RJDBC" %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]) {
install.packages('RJDBC', repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')
# ANCHOR: demo
driver_path = "/home/debug/build/lib/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.38-dist.jar"
args<- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
driver_path = args[1] # path to jdbc-driver for example: "/root/taos-jdbcdriver-3.2.4-dist.jar"
driver = JDBC("com.taosdata.jdbc.rs.RestfulDriver", driver_path)
conn = dbConnect(driver, "jdbc:TAOS-RS://localhost:6041?user=root&password=taosdata")
dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT server_version()")
\ No newline at end of file
# ANCHOR_END: demo
toc_max_heading_level: 4
sidebar_label: R
title: R Language Connector
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import Rdemo from "../07-develop/01-connect/_connect_r.mdx"
通过 R 语言中的 RJDBC 库可以使 R 语言程序支持访问 TDengine 数据。以下是安装过程、配置过程以及 R 语言示例代码。
## 安装过程
1. 安装Java Development Kit (JDK):RJDBC库需要依赖Java环境。请从Oracle官方网站下载适合您操作系统的JDK,并按照安装指南进行安装。
2. 安装RJDBC库:在R控制台中执行以下命令来安装RJDBC库。
install.packages("RJDBC", repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org')
在 Linux 上安装 RJDBC 包可能需要安装编译需要的组件,以 Ubuntu 为例执行 `apt install -y libbz2-dev libpcre2-dev libicu-dev` 命令安装。
在 Windows 系统上需要设置 JAVA_HOME 环境变量。
3. 下载 TDengine JDBC 驱动程序:访问 maven.org 网站,下载 TDengine JDBC 驱动程序(taos-jdbcdriver-X.X.X-dist.jar)。
4. 将 TDengine JDBC 驱动程序放置在适当的位置:在您的计算机上选择一个合适的位置,将 TDengine JDBC 驱动程序文件(taos-jdbcdriver-X.X.X-dist.jar)保存在此处。
## 配置过程
1. 在 R 脚本中加载 RJDBC 和其他必要的库:
2. 设置 JDBC 驱动程序和 JDBC URL:
# 设置JDBC驱动程序路径(根据您实际保存的位置进行修改)
driverPath <- "/path/to/taos-jdbcdriver-X.X.X-dist.jar"
# 设置JDBC URL(根据您的具体环境进行修改)
url <- "jdbc:TAOS://localhost:6030/?user=root&password=taosdata"
3. 加载 JDBC 驱动程序:
# 加载JDBC驱动程序
drv <- JDBC("com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver", driverPath)
4. 创建 TDengine 数据库连接:
# 创建数据库连接
conn <- dbConnect(drv, url)
5. 连接成功后,您可以使用 conn 对象进行各种数据库操作,如查询数据、插入数据等。
6. 最后,不要忘记在使用完成后关闭数据库连接:
# 关闭数据库连接
## 使用 RJDBC 的 R 语言示例代码
以下是一个使用 RJDBC 库连接 TDengine 时序数据库并执行查询操作的示例代码:
请根据您的实际情况修改JDBC驱动程序、JDBC URL、用户名、密码以及SQL查询语句,以适配您的 TDengine 时序数据库环境和要求。
通过以上步骤和示例代码,您可以在 R 语言环境中使用 RJDBC 库访问 TDengine 时序数据库,进行数据查询和分析等操作。
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