未验证 提交 caad930c 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8463 from taosdata/feature/raft-interface

Feature/raft interface
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include "taosdef.h"
#include "wal.h"
typedef int64_t SyncNodeId;
typedef int32_t SyncGroupId;
......@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ typedef struct {
} SSyncBuffer;
typedef struct {
SyncNodeId nodeId;
uint16_t nodePort; // node sync Port
char nodeFqdn[TSDB_FQDN_LEN]; // node FQDN
} SNodeInfo;
......@@ -83,11 +83,38 @@ typedef struct SSyncFSM {
} SSyncFSM;
typedef struct SSyncLogStore {
void* pData;
// write log with given index
int32_t (*logWrite)(struct SSyncLogStore* logStore, SyncIndex index, SSyncBuffer* pBuf);
// mark log with given index has been commtted
int32_t (*logCommit)(struct SSyncLogStore* logStore, SyncIndex index);
// prune log before given index
int32_t (*logPrune)(struct SSyncLogStore* logStore, SyncIndex index);
// rollback log after given index
int32_t (*logRollback)(struct SSyncLogStore* logStore, SyncIndex index);
} SSyncLogStore;
typedef struct SSyncServerState {
SNodeInfo voteFor;
SyncNodeId voteFor;
SSyncTerm term;
} SSyncServerState;
typedef struct SSyncClusterConfig {
// Log index number of current cluster config.
SyncIndex index;
// Log index number of previous cluster config.
SyncIndex prevIndex;
// current cluster
const SSyncCluster* cluster;
} SSyncClusterConfig;
typedef struct SStateManager {
void* pData;
......@@ -95,35 +122,38 @@ typedef struct SStateManager {
const SSyncServerState* (*readServerState)(struct SStateManager* stateMng);
void (*saveCluster)(struct SStateManager* stateMng, const SSyncCluster* cluster);
void (*saveCluster)(struct SStateManager* stateMng, const SSyncClusterConfig* cluster);
const SSyncCluster* (*readCluster)(struct SStateManager* stateMng);
const SSyncClusterConfig* (*readCluster)(struct SStateManager* stateMng);
} SStateManager;
typedef struct {
SyncGroupId vgId;
twalh walHandle;
SyncIndex snapshotIndex;
SSyncCluster syncCfg;
SSyncFSM fsm;
SSyncLogStore logStore;
SStateManager stateManager;
} SSyncInfo;
struct SSyncNode;
typedef struct SSyncNode SSyncNode;
int32_t syncInit();
void syncCleanUp();
SyncNodeId syncStart(const SSyncInfo*);
SSyncNode syncStart(const SSyncInfo*);
void syncStop(SyncNodeId);
int32_t syncPropose(SyncNodeId nodeId, SSyncBuffer buffer, void* pData, bool isWeak);
int32_t syncPropose(SSyncNode syncNode, SSyncBuffer buffer, void* pData, bool isWeak);
int32_t syncAddNode(SyncNodeId nodeId, const SNodeInfo *pNode);
int32_t syncAddNode(SSyncNode syncNode, const SNodeInfo *pNode);
int32_t syncRemoveNode(SyncNodeId nodeId, const SNodeInfo *pNode);
int32_t syncRemoveNode(SSyncNode syncNode, const SNodeInfo *pNode);
extern int32_t syncDebugFlag;
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