提交 ca39dfcf 编写于 作者: X Xiaoyu Wang

feat: show vgroup display num of cache tables

上级 62377619
......@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ extern char *tsSvrCrashReportUri;
// query buffer management
extern int32_t tsQueryBufferSize; // maximum allowed usage buffer size in MB for each data node during query processing
extern int64_t tsQueryBufferSizeBytes; // maximum allowed usage buffer size in byte for each data node
extern int64_t tsQueryBufferSizeBytes; // maximum allowed usage buffer size in byte for each data node
extern int32_t tsCacheLazyLoadThreshold; // cost threshold for last/last_row loading cache as much as possible
// query client
extern int32_t tsQueryPolicy;
......@@ -145,10 +146,10 @@ extern char tsUdfdResFuncs[];
extern char tsUdfdLdLibPath[];
// schemaless
extern char tsSmlChildTableName[];
extern char tsSmlTagName[];
//extern bool tsSmlDataFormat;
//extern int32_t tsSmlBatchSize;
extern char tsSmlChildTableName[];
extern char tsSmlTagName[];
// extern bool tsSmlDataFormat;
// extern int32_t tsSmlBatchSize;
// wal
extern int64_t tsWalFsyncDataSizeLimit;
......@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ typedef struct {
int64_t numOfInsertSuccessReqs;
int64_t numOfBatchInsertReqs;
int64_t numOfBatchInsertSuccessReqs;
int32_t numOfCacheTables;
int32_t numOfCachedTables;
} SVnodeLoad;
typedef struct {
......@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ static const SSysDbTableSchema vgroupsSchema[] = {
{.name = "v4_dnode", .bytes = 2, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT, .sysInfo = true},
{.name = "v4_status", .bytes = 9 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, .sysInfo = true},
{.name = "cacheload", .bytes = 4, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, .sysInfo = true},
{.name = "cacheTables", .bytes = 4, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, .sysInfo = true},
{.name = "tsma", .bytes = 1, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT, .sysInfo = true},
// {.name = "compact_start_time", .bytes = 8, .type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, .sysInfo = false},
......@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ char tsTagFilterCache = 0;
// positive value (in MB)
int32_t tsQueryBufferSize = -1;
int64_t tsQueryBufferSizeBytes = -1;
int32_t tsCacheLazyLoadThreshold = 500;
int32_t tsDiskCfgNum = 0;
SDiskCfg tsDiskCfg[TFS_MAX_DISKS] = {0};
......@@ -497,6 +498,8 @@ static int32_t taosAddServerCfg(SConfig *pCfg) {
if (cfgAddBool(pCfg, "disableStream", tsDisableStream, 0) != 0) return -1;
if (cfgAddInt32(pCfg, "cacheLazyLoadThreshold", tsCacheLazyLoadThreshold, 0, 100000, 0) != 0) return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -824,6 +827,8 @@ static int32_t taosSetServerCfg(SConfig *pCfg) {
tsQueryBufferSizeBytes = tsQueryBufferSize * 1048576UL;
tsCacheLazyLoadThreshold = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "cacheLazyLoadThreshold")->i32;
tsDisableStream = cfgGetItem(pCfg, "disableStream")->bval;
......@@ -1070,7 +1070,8 @@ int32_t tSerializeSStatusReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SStatusReq *pReq) {
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pload->totalStorage) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pload->compStorage) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pload->pointsWritten) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, pload->numOfCachedTables) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, reserved) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -1148,7 +1149,8 @@ int32_t tDeserializeSStatusReq(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SStatusReq *pReq) {
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &vload.totalStorage) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &vload.compStorage) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &vload.pointsWritten) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &vload.numOfCachedTables) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, (int32_t*)&reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &reserved) < 0) return -1;
if (taosArrayPush(pReq->pVloads, &vload) == NULL) {
......@@ -359,6 +359,7 @@ typedef struct {
int8_t replica;
SVnodeGid vnodeGid[TSDB_MAX_REPLICA];
void* pTsma;
int32_t numOfCachedTables;
} SVgObj;
typedef struct {
......@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ static int32_t mndProcessStatusReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
if (pVgroup != NULL) {
if (pVload->syncState == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
pVgroup->cacheUsage = pVload->cacheUsage;
pVgroup->numOfCachedTables = pVload->numOfCachedTables;
pVgroup->numOfTables = pVload->numOfTables;
pVgroup->numOfTimeSeries = pVload->numOfTimeSeries;
pVgroup->totalStorage = pVload->totalStorage;
......@@ -440,7 +441,8 @@ static int32_t mndProcessStatusReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
if (roleChanged) {
SDbObj *pDb = mndAcquireDb(pMnode, pVgroup->dbName);
if (pDb != NULL && pDb->stateTs != curMs) {
mInfo("db:%s, stateTs changed by status msg, old stateTs:%" PRId64 " new stateTs:%" PRId64, pDb->name, pDb->stateTs, curMs);
mInfo("db:%s, stateTs changed by status msg, old stateTs:%" PRId64 " new stateTs:%" PRId64, pDb->name,
pDb->stateTs, curMs);
pDb->stateTs = curMs;
mndReleaseDb(pMnode, pDb);
......@@ -803,6 +803,9 @@ static int32_t mndRetrieveVgroups(SRpcMsg *pReq, SShowObj *pShow, SSDataBlock *p
int32_t cacheUsage = (int32_t)pVgroup->cacheUsage;
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&cacheUsage, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pVgroup->numOfCachedTables, false);
pColInfo = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, cols++);
colDataSetVal(pColInfo, numOfRows, (const char *)&pVgroup->isTsma, false);
......@@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ typedef struct SMergeTree {
bool destroyLoadInfo;
SSttBlockLoadInfo *pLoadInfo;
const char *idStr;
bool ignoreEarlierTs;
} SMergeTree;
typedef struct {
......@@ -751,6 +752,7 @@ int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFRead
bool destroyLoadInfo, const char *idStr, bool strictTimeRange);
void tMergeTreeAddIter(SMergeTree *pMTree, SLDataIter *pIter);
bool tMergeTreeNext(SMergeTree *pMTree);
bool tMergeTreeIgnoreEarlierTs(SMergeTree *pMTree);
TSDBROW tMergeTreeGetRow(SMergeTree *pMTree);
void tMergeTreeClose(SMergeTree *pMTree);
......@@ -637,6 +637,11 @@ static int32_t getNextRowFromFSLast(void *iter, TSDBROW **ppRow, bool *pIgnoreEa
state->pMergeTree = &state->mergeTree;
bool hasVal = tMergeTreeNext(&state->mergeTree);
if (!hasVal) {
if (tMergeTreeIgnoreEarlierTs(&state->mergeTree)) {
*pIgnoreEarlierTs = true;
*ppRow = NULL;
return code;
goto _next_fileset;
......@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ int32_t tsdbRetrieveCacheRows(void* pReader, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, const int32
// retrieve the only one last row of all tables in the uid list.
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pr->numOfTables; ++i) {
STableKeyInfo* pKeyInfo = &pr->pTableList[i];
......@@ -407,8 +408,10 @@ int32_t tsdbRetrieveCacheRows(void* pReader, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, const int32
if (hasNotNullRow) {
pr->lastTs = minTs;
tsdbInfo("%p have cache read %d tables", pr, i + 1);
double cost = (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
if (cost > tsCacheLazyLoadThreshold) {
pr->lastTs = minTs;
......@@ -418,8 +421,6 @@ int32_t tsdbRetrieveCacheRows(void* pReader, SSDataBlock* pResBlock, const int32
if (hasRes) {
saveOneRow(pLastCols, pResBlock, pr, slotIds, pRes, pr->idstr);
tsdbInfo("have cached %d tables", taosLRUCacheGetElems(lruCache));
for (int32_t i = pr->tableIndex; i < pr->numOfTables; ++i) {
STableKeyInfo* pKeyInfo = &pr->pTableList[i];
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ struct SLDataIter {
STimeWindow timeWindow;
SVersionRange verRange;
SSttBlockLoadInfo *pBlockLoadInfo;
bool ignoreEarlierTs;
SSttBlockLoadInfo *tCreateLastBlockLoadInfo(STSchema *pSchema, int16_t *colList, int32_t numOfCols,
......@@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ int32_t tLDataIterOpen(struct SLDataIter **pIter, SDataFReader *pReader, int32_t
if (backward && ((strictTimeRange && (*pIter)->pSttBlk->maxKey <= (*pIter)->timeWindow.skey) ||
(!strictTimeRange && (*pIter)->pSttBlk->maxKey < (*pIter)->timeWindow.skey))) {
(*pIter)->pSttBlk = NULL;
(*pIter)->ignoreEarlierTs = true;
......@@ -581,6 +583,7 @@ int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFRead
pMTree->pLoadInfo = pBlockLoadInfo;
pMTree->destroyLoadInfo = destroyLoadInfo;
pMTree->ignoreEarlierTs = false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pFReader->pSet->nSttF; ++i) { // open all last file
struct SLDataIter *pIter = NULL;
......@@ -595,6 +598,9 @@ int32_t tMergeTreeOpen(SMergeTree *pMTree, int8_t backward, SDataFReader *pFRead
taosArrayPush(pMTree->pIterList, &pIter);
tMergeTreeAddIter(pMTree, pIter);
} else {
if (!pMTree->ignoreEarlierTs) {
pMTree->ignoreEarlierTs = pIter->ignoreEarlierTs;
......@@ -608,6 +614,8 @@ _end:
void tMergeTreeAddIter(SMergeTree *pMTree, SLDataIter *pIter) { tRBTreePut(&pMTree->rbt, (SRBTreeNode *)pIter); }
bool tMergeTreeIgnoreEarlierTs(SMergeTree *pMTree) { return pMTree->ignoreEarlierTs; }
bool tMergeTreeNext(SMergeTree *pMTree) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if (pMTree->pIter) {
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ int32_t vnodeGetLoad(SVnode *pVnode, SVnodeLoad *pLoad) {
pLoad->syncRestore = state.restored;
pLoad->syncCanRead = state.canRead;
pLoad->cacheUsage = tsdbCacheGetUsage(pVnode);
pLoad->numOfCacheTables = tsdbCacheGetElems(pVnode);
pLoad->numOfCachedTables = tsdbCacheGetElems(pVnode);
pLoad->numOfTables = metaGetTbNum(pVnode->pMeta);
pLoad->numOfTimeSeries = metaGetTimeSeriesNum(pVnode->pMeta);
pLoad->totalStorage = (int64_t)3 * 1073741824;
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